#!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to # the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it # and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want # To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See # COPYING for more details. # Made by Jogge, modified by celeron55 # 2011-05-29: j0gge: initial release # 2011-05-30: celeron55: simultaneous support for sectors/sectors2, removed # 2011-06-02: j0gge: command line parameters, coordinates, players, ... # 2011-06-04: celeron55: added #!/usr/bin/python2 and converted \r\n to \n # to make it easily executable on Linux # 2011-07-30: WF: Support for content types extension, refactoring # 2011-07-30: erlehmann: PEP 8 compliance. # Requires Python Imaging Library: http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/ # Some speed-up: ...lol, actually it slows it down. #import psyco ; psyco.full() #from psyco.classes import * import zlib import os import string import time import getopt import sys import array import cStringIO import traceback from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageColor TRANSLATION_TABLE = { 1: 0x800, # CONTENT_GRASS 4: 0x801, # CONTENT_TREE 5: 0x802, # CONTENT_LEAVES 6: 0x803, # CONTENT_GRASS_FOOTSTEPS 7: 0x804, # CONTENT_MESE 8: 0x805, # CONTENT_MUD 10: 0x806, # CONTENT_CLOUD 11: 0x807, # CONTENT_COALSTONE 12: 0x808, # CONTENT_WOOD 13: 0x809, # CONTENT_SAND 18: 0x80a, # CONTENT_COBBLE 19: 0x80b, # CONTENT_STEEL 20: 0x80c, # CONTENT_GLASS 22: 0x80d, # CONTENT_MOSSYCOBBLE 23: 0x80e, # CONTENT_GRAVEL 24: 0x80f, # CONTENT_SANDSTONE 25: 0x810, # CONTENT_CACTUS 26: 0x811, # CONTENT_BRICK 27: 0x812, # CONTENT_CLAY 28: 0x813, # CONTENT_PAPYRUS 29: 0x814} # CONTENT_BOOKSHELF def hex_to_int(h): i = int(h, 16) if(i > 2047): i -= 4096 return i def hex4_to_int(h): i = int(h, 16) if(i > 32767): i -= 65536 return i def int_to_hex3(i): if(i < 0): return "%03X" % (i + 4096) else: return "%03X" % i def int_to_hex4(i): if(i < 0): return "%04X" % (i + 65536) else: return "%04X" % i def getBlockAsInteger(p): return p[2]*16777216 + p[1]*4096 + p[0] def unsignedToSigned(i, max_positive): if i < max_positive: return i else: return i - 2*max_positive def getIntegerAsBlock(i): x = unsignedToSigned(i % 4096, 2048) i = int((i - x) / 4096) y = unsignedToSigned(i % 4096, 2048) i = int((i - y) / 4096) z = unsignedToSigned(i % 4096, 2048) return x,y,z def limit(i, l, h): if(i > h): i = h if(i < l): i = l return i def readU8(f): return ord(f.read(1)) def readU16(f): return ord(f.read(1))*256 + ord(f.read(1)) def readU32(f): return ord(f.read(1))*256*256*256 + ord(f.read(1))*256*256 + ord(f.read(1))*256 + ord(f.read(1)) def readS32(f): return unsignedToSigned(ord(f.read(1))*256*256*256 + ord(f.read(1))*256*256 + ord(f.read(1))*256 + ord(f.read(1)), 2**31) usagetext = """minetestmapper.py [options] -i/--input -o/--output --bgcolor --scalecolor --playercolor --origincolor --drawscale --drawplayers --draworigin --drawunderground Color format: '#000000'""" def usage(): print(usagetext) try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hi:o:", ["help", "input=", "output=", "bgcolor=", "scalecolor=", "origincolor=", "playercolor=", "draworigin", "drawplayers", "drawscale", "drawunderground"]) except getopt.GetoptError as err: # print help information and exit: print(str(err)) # will print something like "option -a not recognized" usage() sys.exit(2) path = None output = "map.png" border = 0 scalecolor = "black" bgcolor = "white" origincolor = "red" playercolor = "red" drawscale = False drawplayers = False draworigin = False drawunderground = False sector_xmin = -1500 / 16 sector_xmax = 1500 / 16 sector_zmin = -1500 / 16 sector_zmax = 1500 / 16 for o, a in opts: if o in ("-h", "--help"): usage() sys.exit() elif o in ("-i", "--input"): path = a elif o in ("-o", "--output"): output = a elif o == "--bgcolor": bgcolor = ImageColor.getrgb(a) elif o == "--scalecolor": scalecolor = ImageColor.getrgb(a) elif o == "--playercolor": playercolor = ImageColor.getrgb(a) elif o == "--origincolor": origincolor = ImageColor.getrgb(a) elif o == "--drawscale": drawscale = True border = 40 elif o == "--drawplayers": drawplayers = True elif o == "--draworigin": draworigin = True elif o == "--drawunderground": drawunderground = True else: assert False, "unhandled option" if path is None: print("Please select world path (eg. -i ../worlds/yourworld) (or use --help)") sys.exit(1) if path[-1:] != "/" and path[-1:] != "\\": path = path + "/" # Load color information for the blocks. colors = {} try: f = file("colors.txt") except IOError: f = file(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "colors.txt")) for line in f: values = string.split(line) if len(values) < 4: continue identifier = values[0] is_hex = True for c in identifier: if c not in "0123456789abcdefABCDEF": is_hex = False break if is_hex: colors[int(values[0], 16)] = ( int(values[1]), int(values[2]), int(values[3])) else: colors[values[0]] = ( int(values[1]), int(values[2]), int(values[3])) f.close() #print("colors: "+repr(colors)) #sys.exit(1) xlist = [] zlist = [] # List all sectors to memory and calculate the width and heigth of the # resulting picture. conn = None cur = None if os.path.exists(path + "map.sqlite"): import sqlite3 conn = sqlite3.connect(path + "map.sqlite") cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT `pos` FROM `blocks`") while True: r = cur.fetchone() if not r: break x, y, z = getIntegerAsBlock(r[0]) if x < sector_xmin or x > sector_xmax: continue if z < sector_zmin or z > sector_zmax: continue xlist.append(x) zlist.append(z) if os.path.exists(path + "sectors2"): for filename in os.listdir(path + "sectors2"): for filename2 in os.listdir(path + "sectors2/" + filename): x = hex_to_int(filename) z = hex_to_int(filename2) if x < sector_xmin or x > sector_xmax: continue if z < sector_zmin or z > sector_zmax: continue xlist.append(x) zlist.append(z) if os.path.exists(path + "sectors"): for filename in os.listdir(path + "sectors"): x = hex4_to_int(filename[:4]) z = hex4_to_int(filename[-4:]) if x < sector_xmin or x > sector_xmax: continue if z < sector_zmin or z > sector_zma #include "cpp_api/s_internal.h" #include "common/c_converter.h" void ScriptApiMainMenu::setMainMenuErrorMessage(std::string errormessage) { SCRIPTAPI_PRECHECKHEADER lua_getglobal(L, "gamedata"); int gamedata_idx = lua_gettop(L); lua_pushstring(L, "errormessage"); lua_pushstring(L, errormessage.c_str()); lua_settable(L, gamedata_idx); lua_pop(L, 1); } void ScriptApiMainMenu::handleMainMenuEvent(std::string text) { SCRIPTAPI_PRECHECKHEADER // Get handler function lua_getglobal(L, "core"); lua_getfield(L, -1, "event_handler"); lua_remove(L, -2); // Remove core if (lua_isnil(L, -1)) { lua_pop(L, 1); // Pop event_handler return; } luaL_checktype(L, -1, LUA_TFUNCTION); // Call it lua_pushstring(L, text.c_str()); if (lua_pcall(L, 1, 0, m_errorhandler)) scriptError(); } void ScriptApiMainMenu::handleMainMenuButtons(std::map<std::string, std::string> fields) { SCRIPTAPI_PRECHECKHEADER // Get handler function lua_getglobal(L, "core"); lua_getfield(L, -1, "button_handler"); lua_remove(L, -2); // Remove core if (lua_isnil(L, -1)) { lua_pop(L, 1); // Pop button handler return; } luaL_checktype(L, -1, LUA_TFUNCTION); // Convert fields to a Lua table lua_newtable(L); std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it; for (it = fields.begin(); it != fields.end(); it++){ const std::string &name = it->first; const std::string &value = it->second; lua_pushstring(L, name.c_str()); lua_pushlstring(L, value.c_str(), value.size()); lua_settable(L, -3); } // Call it if (lua_pcall(L, 1, 0, m_errorhandler)) scriptError(); } if version == 23: readU8(f) # Unused node timer version (always 0) if version == 24: ver = readU8(f) if ver == 1: num = readU16(f) for i in range(0,num): readU16(f) readS32(f) readS32(f) static_object_version = readU8(f) static_object_count = readU16(f) for i in range(0, static_object_count): # u8 type (object type-id) object_type = readU8(f) # s32 pos_x_nodes * 10000 pos_x_nodes = readS32(f)/10000 # s32 pos_y_nodes * 10000 pos_y_nodes = readS32(f)/10000 # s32 pos_z_nodes * 10000 pos_z_nodes = readS32(f)/10000 # u16 data_size data_size = readU16(f) # u8[data_size] data data = f.read(data_size) timestamp = readU32(f) #print("* timestamp="+str(timestamp)) id_to_name = {} if version >= 22: name_id_mapping_version = readU8(f) num_name_id_mappings = readU16(f) #print("* num_name_id_mappings: "+str(num_name_id_mappings)) for i in range(0, num_name_id_mappings): node_id = readU16(f) name_len = readU16(f) name = f.read(name_len) #print(str(node_id)+" = "+name) id_to_name[node_id] = name # Node timers if version >= 25: timer_size = readU8(f) num = readU16(f) for i in range(0,num): readU16(f) readS32(f) readS32(f) read_mapdata(mapdata, version, pixellist, water, day_night_differs, id_to_name) # After finding all the pixels in the sector, we can move on to # the next sector without having to continue the Y axis. if(len(pixellist) == 0): break except Exception as e: print("Error at ("+str(xpos)+","+str(ypos)+","+str(zpos)+"): "+str(e)) sys.stdout.write("Block data: ") for c in r[0]: sys.stdout.write("%2.2x "%ord(c)) sys.stdout.write(os.linesep) sys.stdout.write("Data after node metadata: ") for c in data_after_node_metadata: sys.stdout.write("%2.2x "%ord(c)) sys.stdout.write(os.linesep) traceback.print_exc() print("Drawing image") # Drawing the picture starttime = time.time() n = 0 for (x, z) in stuff.iterkeys(): if n % 500000 == 0: nowtime = time.time() dtime = nowtime - starttime try: n_per_second = 1.0 * n / dtime except ZeroDivisionError: n_per_second = 0 if n_per_second != 0: listlen = len(stuff) seconds_per_n = 1.0 / n_per_second time_guess = seconds_per_n * listlen remaining_s = time_guess - dtime remaining_minutes = int(remaining_s / 60) remaining_s -= remaining_minutes * 60 print("Drawing pixel " + str(n) + " of " + str(listlen) + " (" + str(round(100.0 * n / listlen, 1)) + "%)" + " (ETA: " + str(remaining_minutes) + "m " + str(int(remaining_s)) + "s)") n += 1 (r, g, b) = colors[stuff[(x, z)][1]] dnd = stuff[(x, z)][3] # day/night differs? if not dnd and not drawunderground: if stuff[(x, z)][2] > 0: # water (r, g, b) = colors[CONTENT_WATER] else: continue # Comparing heights of a couple of adjacent blocks and changing # brightness accordingly. try: c = stuff[(x, z)][1] c1 = stuff[(x - 1, z)][1] c2 = stuff[(x, z + 1)][1] dnd1 = stuff[(x - 1, z)][3] dnd2 = stuff[(x, z + 1)][3] if not dnd: d = -69 elif not content_is_water(c1) and not content_is_water(c2) and \ not content_is_water(c): y = stuff[(x, z)][0] y1 = stuff[(x - 1, z)][0] if dnd1 else y y2 = stuff[(x, z + 1)][0] if dnd2 else y d = ((y - y1) + (y - y2)) * 12 else: d = 0 if(d > 36): d = 36 r = limit(r + d, 0, 255) g = limit(g + d, 0, 255) b = limit(b + d, 0, 255) except: pass # Water if(stuff[(x, z)][2] > 0): r = int(r * .15 + colors[2][0] * .85) g = int(g * .15 + colors[2][1] * .85) b = int(b * .15 + colors[2][2] * .85) impix[x - minx * 16 + border, h - 1 - (z - minz * 16) + border] = (r, g, b) if draworigin: draw.ellipse((minx * -16 - 5 + border, h - minz * -16 - 6 + border, minx * -16 + 5 + border, h - minz * -16 + 4 + border), outline=origincolor) font = ImageFont.load_default() if drawscale: draw.text((24, 0), "X", font=font, fill=scalecolor) draw.text((2, 24), "Z", font=font, fill=scalecolor) for n in range(int(minx / -4) * -4, maxx, 4): draw.text((minx * -16 + n * 16 + 2 + border, 0), str(n * 16), font=font, fill=scalecolor) draw.line((minx * -16 + n * 16 + border, 0, minx * -16 + n * 16 + border, border - 1), fill=scalecolor) for n in range(int(maxz / 4) * 4, minz, -4): draw.text((2, h - 1 - (n * 16 - minz * 16) + border), str(n * 16), font=font, fill=scalecolor) draw.line((0, h - 1 - (n * 16 - minz * 16) + border, border - 1, h - 1 - (n * 16 - minz * 16) + border), fill=scalecolor) if drawplayers: try: for filename in os.listdir(path + "players"): f = file(path + "players/" + filename) lines = f.readlines() name = "" position = [] for line in lines: p = string.split(line) if p[0] == "name": name = p[2] print(filename + ": name = " + name) if p[0] == "position": position = string.split(p[2][1:-1], ",") print(filename + ": position = " + p[2]) if len(name) > 0 and len(position) == 3: x = (int(float(position[0]) / 10 - minx * 16)) z = int(h - (float(position[2]) / 10 - minz * 16)) draw.ellipse((x - 2 + border, z - 2 + border, x + 2 + border, z + 2 + border), outline=playercolor) draw.text((x + 2 + border, z + 2 + border), name, font=font, fill=playercolor) f.close() except OSError: pass print("Saving") im.save(output) if unknown_node_names: sys.stdout.write("Unknown node names:") for name in unknown_node_names: sys.stdout.write(" "+name) sys.stdout.write(os.linesep) if unknown_node_ids: sys.stdout.write("Unknown node ids:") for node_id in unknown_node_ids: sys.stdout.write(" "+str(hex(node_id))) sys.stdout.write(os.linesep)