/* Minetest Copyright (C) 2010-2014 celeron55, Perttu Ahola This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #ifndef _CLIENTIFACE_H_ #define _CLIENTIFACE_H_ #include "irr_v3d.h" // for irrlicht datatypes #include "constants.h" #include "serialization.h" // for SER_FMT_VER_INVALID #include "threading/mutex.h" #include "network/networkpacket.h" #include "util/cpp11_container.h" #include #include #include class MapBlock; class ServerEnvironment; class EmergeManager; /* * State Transitions Start (peer connect) | v /-----------------\ | | | Created | | | \-----------------/ | depending of the incoming packet +--------------------------------------- v v +-----------------------------+ +-----------------------------+ |IN: | |IN: | | TOSERVER_INIT_LEGACY |----- | TOSERVER_INIT | invalid playername, +-----------------------------+ | +-----------------------------+ password (for _LEGACY), | | | or denied by mod | Auth ok -------------------+--------------------------------- v v | +-----------------------------+ +-----------------------------+ | |OUT: | |OUT: | | | TOCLIENT_INIT_LEGACY | | TOCLIENT_HELLO | | +-----------------------------+ +-----------------------------+ | | | | | | | v v | /-----------------\ /-----------------\ | | | | | | | AwaitingInit2 |<--------- | HelloSent | | | | | | | | \-----------------/ | \-----------------/ | | | | | +-----------------------------+ | *-----------------------------* Auth fails | |IN: | | |Authentication, depending on |-----------------+ | TOSERVER_INIT2 | | | packet sent by client | | +-----------------------------+ | *-----------------------------* | | | | | | | | Authentication | v | | successful | /-----------------\ | v | | | | +-----------------------------+ | | InitDone | | |OUT: | | | | | | TOCLIENT_AUTH_ACCEPT | | \-----------------/ | +-----------------------------+ | | | | | +-----------------------------+ --------------------- | |OUT: | | | TOCLIENT_MOVEMENT | | | TOCLIENT_ITEMDEF | | | TOCLIENT_NODEDEF | | | TOCLIENT_ANNOUNCE_MEDIA | | | TOCLIENT_DETACHED_INVENTORY | | | TOCLIENT_TIME_OF_DAY | | +-----------------------------+ | | | | | | ----------------------------- | v | | | /-----------------\ v | | | +-----------------------------+ | | DefinitionsSent | |IN: | | | | | TOSERVER_REQUEST_MEDIA | | \-----------------/ | TOSERVER_RECEIVED_MEDIA | | | +-----------------------------+ | | ^ | | | ----------------------------- | v | +-----------------------------+ --------------------------------+ |IN: | | | | TOSERVER_CLIENT_READY | v | +-----------------------------+ +-------------------------------+ | | |OUT: | | v | TOCLIENT_ACCESS_DENIED_LEGAGY | | +-----------------------------+ +-------------------------------+ | |OUT: | | | | TOCLIENT_MOVE_PLAYER | v | | TOCLIENT_PRIVILEGES | /-----------------\ | | TOCLIENT_INVENTORY_FORMSPEC | | | | | UpdateCrafting | | Denied | | | TOCLIENT_INVENTORY | | | | | TOCLIENT_HP (opt) | \-----------------/ | | TOCLIENT_BREATH | | | TOCLIENT_DEATHSCREEN | | +-----------------------------+ | | | v | /-----------------\ async mod action (ban, kick) | | |--------------------------------------------------------------- ---->| Active | | | |---------------------------------------------- | \-----------------/ timeout v | | | +-----------------------------+ | | | |OUT: | | | | | TOCLIENT_DISCONNECT | | | | +-----------------------------+ | | | | | | v v | | +-----------------------------+ /-----------------\ | | |IN: | | | | | | TOSERVER_DISCONNECT |------------------->| Disconnecting | | | +-----------------------------+ | | | | \-----------------/ | | any auth packet which was | | allowed in TOCLIENT_AUTH_ACCEPT | v | *-----------------------------* Auth +-------------------------------+ | |Authentication, depending on | succeeds |OUT: | | | packet sent by client |---------->| TOCLIENT_ACCEPT_SUDO_MODE | | *-----------------------------* +-------------------------------+ | | | | | Auth fails /-----------------\ | v | | | +-------------------------------+ | SudoMode | | |OUT: | | | | | TOCLIENT_DENY_SUDO_MODE | \-----------------/ | +-------------------------------+ | | | v | | +-----------------------------+ | | sets password accordingly |IN: | -------------------+-------------------------------| TOSERVER_FIRST_SRP | +-----------------------------+ */ namespace con { class Connection; } // Also make sure to update the ClientInterface::statenames // array when modifying these enums enum ClientState { CS_Invalid, CS_Disconnecting, CS_Denied, CS_Created, CS_AwaitingInit2, CS_HelloSent, CS_InitDone, CS_DefinitionsSent, CS_Active, CS_SudoMode }; enum ClientStateEvent { CSE_Hello, CSE_AuthAccept, CSE_InitLegacy, CSE_GotInit2, CSE_SetDenied, CSE_SetDefinitionsSent, CSE_SetClientReady, CSE_SudoSuccess, CSE_SudoLeave, CSE_Disconnect }; /* Used for queueing and sorting block transfers in containers Lower priority number means higher priority. */ struct PrioritySortedBlockTransfer { PrioritySortedBlockTransfer(float a_priority, v3s16 a_pos, u16 a_peer_id) { priority = a_priority; pos = a_pos; peer_id = a_peer_id; } bool operator < (const PrioritySortedBlockTransfer &other) const { return priority < other.priority; } float priority; v3s16 pos; u16 peer_id; }; class RemoteClient { public: // peer_id=0 means this client has no associated peer // NOTE: If client is made allowed to exist while peer doesn't, // this has to be set to 0 when there is no peer. // Also, the client must be moved to some other container. u16 peer_id; // The serialization version to use with the client u8 serialization_version; // u16 net_proto_version; /* Authentication information */ std::string enc_pwd; bool create_player_on_auth_success; AuthMechanism chosen_mech; void * auth_data; u32 allowed_auth_mechs; u32 allowed_sudo_mechs; bool isSudoMechAllowed(AuthMechanism mech) { return allowed_sudo_mechs & mech; } bool isMechAllowed(AuthMechanism mech) { return allowed_auth_mechs & mech; } RemoteClient(): peer_id(PEER_ID_INEXISTENT), serialization_version(SER_FMT_VER_INVALID), net_proto_version(0), create_player_on_auth_success(false), chosen_me lua_pop(L, 1); lua_pushstring(L, getScriptApiBase(L)->getOrigin().c_str()); } return 1; } // set_last_run_mod(modname) int ModApiClient::l_set_last_run_mod(lua_State *L) { if (!lua_isstring(L, 1)) return 0; const char *mod = lua_tostring(L, 1); getScriptApiBase(L)->setOriginDirect(mod); lua_pushboolean(L, true); return 1; } // display_chat_message(message) int ModApiClient::l_display_chat_message(lua_State *L) { if (!lua_isstring(L, 1)) return 0; std::string message = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); getClient(L)->pushToChatQueue(utf8_to_wide(message)); lua_pushboolean(L, true); return 1; } // show_formspec(formspec) int ModApiClient::l_show_formspec(lua_State *L) { if ( !lua_isstring(L, 1) || !lua_isstring(L, 2) ) return 0; ClientEvent event; event.type = CE_SHOW_LOCAL_FORMSPEC; event.show_formspec.formname = new std::string(luaL_checkstring(L, 1)); event.show_formspec.formspec = new std::string(luaL_checkstring(L, 2)); getClient(L)->pushToEventQueue(event); lua_pushboolean(L, true); return 1; } // send_respawn() int ModApiClient::l_send_respawn(lua_State *L) { getClient(L)->sendRespawn(); return 0; } // gettext(text) int ModApiClient::l_gettext(lua_State *L) { std::string text = strgettext(std