## Extended Ban Mod API ### ban_player `xban.ban_player(player_or_ip, source, expires, reason)` Ban a player and all of his/her alternative names and IPs. #### Arguments: * `player_or_ip` - Player to search for and ban. See note 1 below. * `source` - Source of the ban. See note 2 below. * `expires` - Time at which the ban expires. If nil, ban is permanent. * `reason` - Reason for ban. ### unban_player `xban.unban_player(player_or_ip, source, reason)` Unban a player and all of his/her alternative names and IPs. A reason may be given for this unbanning, so other moderators can follow your thoughts. #### Arguments: * `player_or_ip` - Player to search for and unban. * `source` - Source of the ban. See note 2 below. * `reason` - Reason for unbanning. ### add_record: `xban.add_record(player, record)` Adds a record to the player's criminal record. #### Arguments: * `player` - Name of a player * `record` - a xban record (see below) ### Player record format: local record = { source = "admin", time = os.time(), expires = nil, reason = "bad behaviour", type = "ban", } * `source` - who issued the record * `time` - time at which the record was issued * `expires` - time at which the record expires, `nil` for never * `reason` - reason for record * `type` - type of record. ### Notes * 1: If player is currently online, all his accounts are kicked. * 2: Mods using the xban API are advised to use the `"modname:source"` format for `source` (for example: `"anticheat:main"`).