--pseudoload.lua --responsible for keeping up a database of all rail nodes existant in the world, regardless of whether the mapchunk is loaded. advtrains.trackdb={} --trackdb[tt][y][x][z]={conn1, conn2, rely1, rely2, railheight} --serialization format: --(2byte x)(2byte y)(2byte z)(4bits conn1, 4bits conn2)[(plain rely1)|(plain rely2)|(plain railheight)]\n --[] may be missing if 0,0,0 --load initially --[[ TODO temporary outcomment --delayed since all traintypes need to be registered minetest.after(0, function() for tt, _ in pairs(advtrains.all_traintypes) do local pl_fpath=minetest.get_worldpath().."/advtrains_trackdb_"..tt advtrains.trackdb[tt]={} local file, err = io.open(pl_fpath, "r") if not file then local er=err or "Unknown Error" atprint("[advtrains]Failed loading advtrains trackdb save file "..er) else --custom format to save memory while true do local xbytes=file:read(2) if not xbytes or #xbytes<2 then break --eof reached end atprint(xbytes) local ybytes=file:read(2) local zbytes=file:read(2) local x=(string.byte(xbytes[1])-128)*256+(string.byte(xbytes[2])) local y=(string.byte(ybytes[1])-128)*256+(string.byte(ybytes[2])) local z=(string.byte(zbytes[1])-128)*256+(string.byte(zbytes[2])) local conn1=string.byte(file:read(1)) local conn1=string.byte(file:read(1)) if not advtrains.trackdb[tt][y] then advtrains.trackdb[tt][y]={} end if not advtrains.trackdb[tt][y][x] then advtrains.trackdb[tt][y][x]={} end local rest=file.read("*l") if rest~="" then local rely1, rely2, railheight=string.match(rest, "([^|]+)|([^|]+)|([^|]+)") if rely1 and rely2 and railheight then advtrains.trackdb[tt][y][x][z]={ conn1=conn1, conn2=conn2, rely1=rely1, rely2=rely2, railheight=railheight } else advtrains.trackdb[tt][y][x][z]={ conn1=conn1, conn2=conn2 } end else advtrains.trackdb[tt][y][x][z]={ conn1=conn1, conn2=conn2 } end end file:close() end end --end minetest.after end) function advtrains.save_trackdb() for tt, _ in pairs(advtrains.all_traintypes) do local pl_fpath=minetest.get_worldpath().."/advtrains_trackdb_"..tt local file, err = io.open(pl_fpath, "w") if not file then local er=err or "Unknown Error" atprint("[advtrains]Failed saving advtrains trackdb save file "..er) else --custom format to save memory for y,tyl in pairs(advtrains.trackdb[tt]) do for x,txl in pairs(tyl) do for z,rail in pairs(txl) do atprint("write "..x.." "..y.." "..z.." "..minetest.serialize(rail)) file:write(string.char(math.floor(x/256)+128)..string.char((x%256))) file:write(string.char(math.floor(y/256)+128)..string.char((y%256))) file:write(string.char(math.floor(z/256)+128)..string.char((z%256))) file:write(string.char(rail.conn1)) file:write(string.char(rail.conn2)) if (rail.rely1 and rail.rely1~=0) or (rail.rely2 and rail.rely2~=0) or (rail.railheight and rail.railheight~=0) then file:write(rail.rely1.."|"..rail.rely2.."|"..rail.railheight) end file:write("\n") end end end file:close() end end end ]]--end temp outcomment advtrains.trackdb={} advtrains.fpath_tdb=minetest.get_worldpath().."/advtrains_trackdb2" local file, err = io.open(advtrains.fpath_tdb, "r") if not file then local er=err or "Unknown Error" atprint("[advtrains]Failed loading advtrains save file "..er) else local tbl = minetest.deserialize(file:read("*a")) if type(tbl) == "table" then advtrains.trackdb=tbl end file:close() end function advtrains.save_trackdb() local datastr = minetest.serialize(advtrains.trackdb) if not datastr then minetest.log("error", "[advtrains] Failed to serialize trackdb data!") return end local file, err = io.open(advtrains.fpath_tdb, "w") if err then return err end file:write(datastr) file:close() end --get_node with pseudoload. --returns: --true, conn1, conn2, rely1, rely2, railheight in case everything's right. --false if it's not a rail or the train does not drive on this rail, but it is loaded or --nil if the node is neither loaded nor in trackdb --the distraction between false and nil will be needed only in special cases.(train initpos) function advtrains.get_rail_info_at(pos, drives_on) local rdp=advtrains.round_vector_floor_y(pos) local node=minetest.get_node_or_nil(rdp) if not node then --try raildb local dbe=(advtrains.trackdb[rdp.y] and advtrains.trackdb[rdp.y][rdp.x] and advtrains.trackdb[rdp.y][rdp.x][rdp.z]) if dbe then for tt,_ in pairs(drives_on) do if not dbe.tracktype or tt==dbe.tracktype then return true, dbe.conn1, dbe.conn2, dbe.rely1 or 0, dbe.rely2 or 0, dbe.railheight or 0 end end else return nil end end local nodename=node.name if(not advtrains.is_track_and_drives_on(nodename, drives_on)) then return false end local conn1, conn2, rely1, rely2, railheight, tracktype=advtrains.get_track_connections(node.name, node.param2) --already in trackdb? if not (advtrains.trackdb and advtrains.trackdb[rdp.y] and advtrains.trackdb[rdp.y][rdp.x] and advtrains.trackdb[rdp.y][rdp.x][rdp.z]) then--TODO is this necessary? if not advtrains.trackdb then advtrains.trackdb={} end if not advtrains.trackdb[rdp.y] then advtrains.trackdb[rdp.y]={} end if not advtrains.trackdb[rdp.y][rdp.x] then advtrains.trackdb[rdp.y][rdp.x]={} end advtrains.trackdb[rdp.y][rdp.x][rdp.z]={ conn1=conn1, conn2=conn2, rely1=rely1, rely2=rely2, railheight=railheight, tracktype=tracktype } end return true, conn1, conn2, rely1, rely2, railheight end function advtrains.reset_trackdb_position(pos) local rdp=advtrains.round_vector_floor_y(pos) if not advtrains.trackdb then advtrains.trackdb={} end if not advtrains.trackdb[rdp.y] then advtrains.trackdb[rdp.y]={} end if not advtrains.trackdb[rdp.y][rdp.x] then advtrains.trackdb[rdp.y][rdp.x]={} end advtrains.trackdb[rdp.y][rdp.x][rdp.z]=nil advtrains.get_rail_info_at(pos, advtrains.all_tracktypes)--to restore it. end