--couple.lua --Handles coupling and discoupling of trains, and defines the coupling entities --Rework June 2021 - some functions from trainlogic.lua have been moved here -- COUPLING -- -- During coupling rework, the behavior of coupling was changed to make automation easier. It is now as follows: -- Coupling is only ever initiated when a train is standing somewhere (not moving) and another train drives onto one of its ends -- with a speed greater than 0 -- "stationary" train is the one standing there - in old code called "train2" -- "initiating" train is the one that approached it and bumped into it - typically an engine - in old code called "train1" -- When the initiating train has autocouple set, trains are immediately coupled -- When not, a couple entity is spawned and coupling commences on click -- Coupling MUST preserve the train ID of the initiating train, so it is done like this: -- initiating train is reversed -- stationary train is reversed if required, so that it points towards the initiating train -- do_connect_trains(initiating, stationary) -- As a result, the coupled train is reversed in direction. Alternative way of doing things (might be considered later): -- stationary train is reversed if required, so that it points away from the initiating train -- index of initiating train is set so that it matches the front pos of stationary train -- wagons of stationary train are inserted at the beginning of initiating train -- remove stationary train -- train.couple_* contain references to ObjectRefs of couple objects, which contain all relevant information -- These objectRefs will delete themselves once the couples no longer match (see below) local function create_couple_entity(pos, train1, t1_is_front, train2, t2_is_front) local id1 = train1.id local id2 = train2.id -- delete previous couple entities if t1_is_front then if train1.cpl_front then train1.cpl_front:remove() end else if train1.cpl_back then train1.cpl_back:remove() end end if t2_is_front then if train2.cpl_front then train2.cpl_front:remove() end else if train2.cpl_back then train2.cpl_back:remove() end end local obj=minetest.add_entity(pos, "advtrains:couple") if not obj then error("Failed creating couple object!") return end local le=obj:get_luaentity() le.train_id_1=id1 le.t1_is_front=t1_is_front le.train_id_2=id2 le.t2_is_front=t2_is_front --atdebug("created couple between",train1.id,train2.id,t2_is_front) if t1_is_front then train1.cpl_front = obj else train2.cpl_back = obj end if t2_is_front then train2.cpl_front = obj else train2.cpl_back = obj end end -- Old static couple checking. Never used for autocouple, only used for standing trains if train did not approach local CPL_CHK_DST = -1 local CPL_ZONE = 2 function advtrains.train_check_couples(train) --atdebug("rechecking couples") if train.cpl_front then if not train.cpl_front:get_yaw() then -- objectref is no longer valid. reset. train.cpl_front = nil end end if not train.cpl_front then -- recheck front couple local front_trains, pos = advtrains.occ.get_occupations(train, atround(train.index) + CPL_CHK_DST) if advtrains.is_node_loaded(pos) then -- if the position is loaded... for tid, idx in pairs(front_trains) do local other_train = advtrains.trains[tid] if not advtrains.train_ensure_init(tid, other_train) then atwarn("Train",tid,"is not initialized! Couldn't check couples!") return end --atdebug(train.id,"front: ",idx,"on",tid,atround(other_train.index),atround(other_train.end_index)) if other_train.velocity == 0 then if idx>=other_train.index and idx<=other_train.index + CPL_ZONE then create_couple_entity(pos, train, true, other_train, true) break end if idx<=other_train.end_index and idx>=other_train.end_index - CPL_ZONE then create_couple_entity(pos, train, true, other_train, false) break end end end end end if train.cpl_back then if not train.cpl_back:get_yaw() then -- objectref is no longer valid. reset. train.cpl_back = nil end end if not train.cpl_back then -- recheck back couple local back_trains, pos = advtrains.occ.get_occupations(train, atround(train.end_index) - CPL_CHK_DST) if advtrains.is_node_loaded(pos) then -- if the position is loaded... for tid, idx in pairs(back_trains) do local other_train = advtrains.trains[tid] if not advtrains.train_ensure_init(tid, other_train) then atwarn("Train",tid,"is not initialized! Couldn't check couples!") return end --atdebug(train.id,"back: ",idx,"on",tid,atround(other_train.index),atround(other_train.end_index)) if other_train.velocity == 0 then if idx>=other_train.index and idx<=other_train.index + CPL_ZONE then create_couple_entity(pos, train, false, other_train, true) break end if idx<=other_train.end_index and idx>=other_train.end_index - CPL_ZONE then create_couple_entity(pos, train, false, other_train, false) break end end end end end end -- Deletes couple entities from the train function advtrains.couple_invalidate(train) if train.cpl_back then train.cpl_back:remove() train.cpl_back = nil end if train.cpl_front then train.cpl_front:remove() train.cpl_front = nil end train.couples_up_to_date = nil end -- Called from train_step_b() when the current train (init_train) just stopped at one of the end indices of another train (stat_train) -- Depending on autocouple, either couples immediately or spawns a couple entity function advtrains.couple_initiate_with(init_train, stat_train, stat_is_front) --atdebug("Initiating couplign between init=",init_train.id,"stat=",stat_train.id,"backside=",stat_is_backside) if init_train.autocouple then advtrains.couple_trains(init_train, true, stat_train, stat_is_front) else local pos = advtrains.path_get_interpolated(init_train, init_train.index) create_couple_entity(pos, init_train, true, stat_train, stat_is_front) end end -- check if the player has permission for the first/last wagon of the train local function check_twagon_owner(train, b_first, pname) local wtp = b_first and 1 or #train.trainparts local wid = train.trainparts[wtp] local wdata = advtrains.wagons[wid] if wdata then return advtrains.check_driving_couple_protection(pname, wdata.owner, wdata.whitelist) end return false end -- Perform coupling, but check if the player is authorized to couple function advtrains.safe_couple_trains(train1, t1_is_front, train2, t2_is_front, pname) if pname and not minetest.check_player_privs(pname, "train_operator") then minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "Missing train_operator privilege") return false end local wck_t1, wck_t2 if pname then wck_t1 = check_twagon_owner(train1, t1_is_front, pname) wck_t2 = check_twagon_owner(train2, t2_is_front, pname) end if (wck_t1 or wck_t2) or not pname then advtrains.couple_trains(train1, t1_is_front, train2, t2_is_front) end end -- Actually performs the train coupling. Always retains train ID of train1 function advtrains.couple_trains(train1, t1_is_front, train2, t2_is_front) --atdebug("Couple trains init=",init_train.id,"stat=",stat_train.id,"statreverse=",stat_must_reverse) -- see comment on top of file if t1_is_front then advtrains.invert_train(train1.id) end if not t2_is_front then advtrains.invert_train(train2.id) end advtrains.do_connect_trains(train1, train2) end -- Adds the wagons of first to second and deletes second_id afterwards -- Assumes that second_id stands right behind first_id and both trains point to the same direction function advtrains.do_connect_trains(first, second) if not advtrains.train_ensure_init(first.id, first) then atwarn("Coupling: first train",first.id,"is not initialized! Operation aborted!") return end if not advtrains.train_ensure_init(second.id, second) then atwarn("Coupling: second train",second.id,"is not initialized! Operation aborted!") return end local first_wagoncnt=#first.trainparts local second_wagoncnt=#second.trainparts for _,v in ipairs(second.trainparts) do table.insert(first.trainparts, v) end advtrains.remove_train(second.id) first.velocity = 0 advtrains.update_trainpart_properties(first.id) advtrains.couple_invalidate(first) return true end -- DECOUPLING -- function advtrains.split_train_at_fc(train, count_empty, length_limit) -- splits train at first different current FC by convention, -- locomotives have empty FC so are ignored -- count_empty is used to split off locomotives -- length_limit limits the length of the first train to length_limit wagons local train_id = train.id local fc = false local ind = 0 for i = 1, #train.trainparts do local w_id = train.trainparts[i] local data = advtrains.wagons[w_id] if length_limit and i > length_limit then ind = i break end if data then local wfc = advtrains.get_cur_fc(data) if wfc ~= "" or count_empty then if fc then if fc ~= wfc then ind = i break end else fc = wfc end end end end if ind > 0 then return advtrains.split_train_at_index(train, ind), fc end if fc then return nil, fc end end function advtrains.train_step_fc(train) for i=1,#train.trainparts do local w_id = train.trainparts[i] local data = advtrains.wagons[w_id] if data then advtrains.step_fc(data) end end end -- split_train_at_index() is in trainlogic.lua because it needs access to two local functions function advtrains.split_train_at_wagon(wagon_id) --get train local data = advtrains.wagons[wagon_id] advtrains.split_train_at_index(advtrains.trains[data.train_id], data.pos_in_trainparts) end -- COUPLE ENTITIES -- local couple_max_dist=3 minetest.register_entity("advtrains:discouple", { visual="sprite", textures = {"advtrains_discouple.png"}, collisionbox = {-0.3,-0.3,-0.3, 0.3,0.3,0.3}, visual_size = {x=0.7, y=0.7}, initial_sprite_basepos = {x=0, y=0}, is_discouple=true, static_save = false, on_activate=function(self, staticdata) if staticdata=="DISCOUPLE" then --couple entities have no right to exist further... atprint("Discouple loaded from staticdata, destroying") self.object:remove() return end self.object:set_armor_groups({immortal=1}) end, get_staticdata=function() return "DISCOUPLE" end, on_punch=function(self, player) local pname = player:get_player_name() if pname and pname~="" and self.wagon then if advtrains.safe_decouple_wagon(self.wagon.id, pname) then self.object:remove() end end end, on_step=function(self, dtime) if not self.wagon then self.object:remove() return end --getyaw seems to be a reliable method to check if an object is loaded...if it returns nil, it is not. if not self.wagon.object:get_yaw() then self.object:remove() return end if not self.wagon:train() or self.wagon:train().velocity > 0 then self.object:remove() return end end, }) -- advtrains:couple -- Couple entity minetest.register_entity("advtrains:couple", { visual="sprite", textures = {"advtrains_couple.png"}, collisionbox = {-0.3,-0.3,-0.3, 0.3,0.3,0.3}, visual_size = {x=0.7, y=0.7}, initial_sprite_basepos = {x=0, y=0}, is_couple=true, static_save = false, on_activate=function(self, staticdata) if staticdata=="COUPLE" then --couple entities have no right to exist further... --atdebug("Couple loaded from staticdata, destroying") self.object:remove() return end self.object:set_armor_groups({immmortal=1}) end, get_staticdata=function(self) return "COUPLE" end, on_rightclick=function(self, clicker) if not self.train_id_1 or not self.train_id_2 then return end local pname=clicker if type(clicker)~="string" then pname=clicker:get_player_name() end local train1=advtrains.trains[self.train_id_1] local train2=advtrains.trains[self.train_id_2] advtrains.safe_couple_trains(train1, self.t1_is_front, train2, self.t2_is_front, pname) self.object:remove() end, on_step=function(self, dtime) if advtrains.wagon_outside_range(self.object:getpos()) then --atdebug("Couple Removing outside range") self.object:remove() return end if not self.train_id_1 or not self.train_id_2 then --atdebug("Couple Removing ids missing") self.object:remove() return end local train1=advtrains.trains[self.train_id_1] local train2=advtrains.trains[self.train_id_2] if not train1 or not train2 then --atdebug("Couple Removing trains missing") self.object:remove() return end if self.position_set and train1.velocity>0 or train2.velocity>0 then --atdebug("Couple: train is moving, destroying") self.object:remove() return end if not self.position_set then local tp1 if self.t1_is_front then tp1=advtrains.path_get_interpolated(train1, train1.index) else tp1=advtrains.path_get_interpolated(train1, train1.end_index) end local tp2 if self.t2_is_front then tp2=advtrains.path_get_interpolated(train2, train2.index) else tp2=advtrains.path_get_interpolated(train2, train2.end_index) end local pos_median=advtrains.pos_median(tp1, tp2) if not vector.equals(pos_median, self.object:getpos()) then self.object:set_pos(pos_median) end self.position_set=true end end, })