--- Advtrains l10n module. -- Advtrains' l10n module is built on top of -- [Minetest's](https://minetest.gitlab.io/minetest/translations/). -- @module attrans -- @alias mt --- Wrapper for `minetest.translate`. -- Note that this function is also called when calling the `attrans` -- *table* itself. Doing so is encourged as `attrans.attrans` is only -- intended for situations where only functions are accepted. -- @function attrans -- @param str The string to translate. -- @param[opt] ... Additional arguments to pass to `minetest.translate`. local S = minetest.get_translator("advtrains") --- Generate an error message that a user does not have a specific privilege. -- @function nopriv -- @param priv The privilege that is missing. -- @param[opt] verb The action that is denied. -- @param[optchain] ... Additional arguments to pass to `minetest.translate`. local function S_nopriv(priv, verb, ...) if verb then return S(string.format("You are not allowed to %s without the %s privilege.", verb, priv), ...) else return S("You do not have the @1 privilege.", priv) end end local mt = { __call = function(_, ...) return S(...) end, } attrans = { attrans = S, nopriv = S_nopriv, } setmetatable(attrans, mt)