local unescape_string do local schartbl = { -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escape_sequences_in_C a = "\a", b = "\b", e = string.char(0x1b), f = "\f", n = "\n", r = "\r", t = "\t", v = "\v", } local function replace_single(pfx, c) local pl = #pfx if pl % 2 == 0 then return pfx .. c end return string.sub(pfx, 1, math.floor(pl/2)) .. (schartbl[c] or c) end unescape_string = function(str) return (string.gsub(str, [[(\+)([abefnrtv'"?])]], replace_single):gsub([[\\]], [[\]])) end end local function readstring_aux(str, pos) local _, spos = string.find(str, [[^%s*"]], pos) if not spos then return nil end local ipos = spos while true do local _, epos, m = string.find(str, [[(\*)"]], ipos+1) if not epos then return error("String extends beyond the end of input") end ipos = epos if #m % 2 == 0 then return unescape_string(string.sub(str, spos+1, epos-1)), epos+1 end end end local function readstring(str, pos) local st = {} local nxt = pos while true do local s, npos = readstring_aux(str, nxt) if not s then if not st[1] then return nil, nxt else return table.concat(st), nxt end end nxt = npos table.insert(st, s) end end local function readtoken(str, pos) local _, epos, tok = string.find(str, [[^%s*(%S+)]], pos) if epos == nil then return nil, pos end return tok, epos+1 end local function readcomment_add_flags(flags, s) for flag in string.gmatch(s, ",%s*([^,]+)") do flags[flag] = true end end local function readcomment_aux(str, pos) local _, epos, sval = string.find(str, "^\n*#([^\n]*)", pos) if not epos then return nil end return sval, epos+1 end local function readcomment(str, pos) local st = {} local nxt = pos local flags = {} while true do local s, npos = readcomment_aux(str, nxt) if not npos then local t = { comment = table.concat(st, "\n"), flags = flags, } return t, nxt end if string.sub(s, 1, 1) == "," then readcomment_add_flags(flags, s) end table.insert(st, s) nxt = npos end end local function readpo(str) local st = {} local pos = 1 while true do local entry, nxt = readcomment(str, pos) local msglines = 0 while true do local tok, npos = readtoken(str, nxt) if tok == nil or string.sub(tok, 1, 1) == "#" then break elseif string.sub(tok, 1, 3) ~= "msg" then return error("Invalid token: " .. tok) elseif entry[tok] ~= nil then break else local value, npos = readstring(str, npos) assert(value ~= nil, "No string provided for " .. tok) entry[tok] = value nxt = npos msglines = msglines+1 end end if msglines == 0 then return st elseif entry.msgid ~= "" then assert(entry.msgid ~= nil, "Missing untranslated string") assert(entry.msgstr ~= nil, "Missing translated string") table.insert(st, entry) end pos = nxt end end local escape_lookup = { ["="] = "@=", ["\n"] = "@n" } local function escape_string(st) return (string.gsub(st, "[=\n]", escape_lookup)) end local function convert_po_string(textdomain, str) local st = {string.format("# textdomain: %s", textdomain)} for _, entry in ipairs(readpo(str)) do local line = ("%s=%s"):format(escape_string(entry.msgid), escape_string(entry.msgstr)) if entry.flags.fuzzy then line = "#" .. line end table.insert(st, line) end return table.concat(st, "\n") end local function convert_po_file(textdomain, inpath, outpath) local f, err = io.open(inpath, "rb") assert(f, err) local str = convert_po_string(textdomain, f:read("*a")) f:close() minetest.safe_file_write(outpath, str) return str end local function convert_flat_po_directory(textdomain, modpath) assert(textdomain, "No textdomain specified for po file conversion") local mp = modpath or minetest.get_modpath(textdomain) assert(mp ~= nil, "No path to write for " .. textdomain) local popath = mp .. "/po" local trpath = mp .. "/locale" for _, infile in pairs(minetest.get_dir_list(popath, false)) do local lang = string.match(infile, [[^([^%.]+)%.po$]]) if lang then local inpath = popath .. "/" .. infile local outpath = ("%s/%s.%s.tr"):format(trpath, textdomain, lang) convert_po_file(textdomain, inpath, outpath) end end end return { from_string = convert_po_string, from_file = convert_po_file, from_flat = convert_flat_po_directory, }