# Disable the train collision behavior. Trains will never collide and just drive through each other. # Note that this makes coupling trains impossible, and introduces 'interesting' behavior with detector and ATC rails. # Also, it is very hard to separate two subway trains that are stuck inside each other, since it can be impossible to access the driver seat. advtrains_disable_collisions (Disable train collisions) bool false # Enable the debug ring buffer # This has no effect on the user experience, except decreased performance. Debug outputs are saved in a ring buffer to be printed when an error occurs. # You probably want to leave this setting set to false. advtrains_enable_debugging (Enable debugging) bool false # Enable the logging of certain events related to advtrains # Logs are saved in the world directory as advtrains.log # This setting is useful for multiplayer servers advtrains_enable_logging (Enable logging) bool false