--trainhud.lua: holds all the code for train controlling advtrains.hud = {} advtrains.hhud = {} minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(function(player) advtrains.hud[player:get_player_name()] = nil advtrains.hhud[player:get_player_name()] = nil end) local mletter={[1]="F", [-1]="R", [0]="N"} function advtrains.on_control_change(pc, train, flip) local maxspeed = train.max_speed or 10 if pc.sneak then if pc.up then train.tarvelocity = maxspeed end if pc.down then train.tarvelocity = 0 end if pc.left then train.tarvelocity = 4 end if pc.right then train.tarvelocity = 8 end --[[if pc.jump then train.brake = true --0: released, 1: brake and pressed, 2: released and brake, 3: pressed and brake if not train.brake_hold_state or train.brake_hold_state==0 then train.brake_hold_state = 1 elseif train.brake_hold_state==2 then train.brake_hold_state = 3 end elseif train.brake_hold_state==1 then train.brake_hold_state = 2 elseif train.brake_hold_state==3 then train.brake = false train.brake_hold_state = 0 end]] --shift+use:see wagons.lua else local act=false if pc.jump then train.ctrl.user = 1 act=true end -- If atc command set, only "Jump" key can clear command. To prevent accidental control. if train.tarvelocity or train.atc_command then return end if pc.up then train.ctrl.user=4 act=true end if pc.down then if train.velocity>0 then if pc.jump then train.ctrl.user = 0 else train.ctrl.user = 2 end act=true else advtrains.invert_train(train.id) advtrains.atc.train_reset_command(train) end end if pc.left then if train.door_open ~= 0 then train.door_open = 0 else train.door_open = -1 end end if pc.right then if train.door_open ~= 0 then train.door_open = 0 else train.door_open = 1 end end if not act then train.ctrl.user = nil end end end function advtrains.update_driver_hud(pname, train, flip) local inside=train.text_inside or "" local ft, ht = advtrains.hud_train_format(train, flip) advtrains.set_trainhud(pname, inside.."\n"..ft, ht) end function advtrains.clear_driver_hud(pname) advtrains.set_trainhud(pname, "") end function advtrains.set_trainhud(name, text, driver) local hud = advtrains.hud[name] local player=minetest.get_player_by_name(name) if not player then return end local driverhud = { hud_elem_type = "image", name = "ADVTRAINS_DRIVER", position = {x=0.5, y=0.7}, offset = {x=0,y=5}, text = driver or "advtrains_hud_blank.png", alignment = {x=0,y=1}, scale = {x=1,y=1},} if not hud then hud = {["driver"]={}} advtrains.hud[name] = hud hud.id = player:hud_add({ hud_elem_type = "text", name = "ADVTRAINS", number = 0xFFFFFF, position = {x=0.5, y=0.7}, offset = {x=0, y=-5}, text = text, scale = {x=200, y=60}, alignment = {x=0, y=-1}, }) hud.oldText=text hud.driver = player:hud_add(driverhud) else if hud.oldText ~= text then player:hud_change(hud.id, "text", text) hud.oldText=text end if hud.driver then player:hud_change(hud.driver, "text", driver or "advtrains_hud_blank.png") elseif driver then hud.driver = player:hud_add(driverhud) end end end function advtrains.set_help_hud(name, text) local hud = advtrains.hhud[name] local player=minetest.get_player_by_name(name) if not player then return end if not hud then hud = {} advtrains.hhud[name] = hud hud.id = player:hud_add({ hud_elem_type = "text", name = "ADVTRAINS_HELP", number = 0xFFFFFF, position = {x=1, y=0.3}, offset = {x=0, y=0}, text = text, scale = {x=200, y=60}, alignment = {x=1, y=0}, }) hud.oldText=text return elseif hud.oldText ~= text then player:hud_change(hud.id, "text", text) hud.oldText=text end end --train.lever: --Speed control lever in train, for new train control system. --[[ Value Disp Control Meaning 0 BB S+Space Emergency Brake 1 B Space Normal Brake 2 - S Roll 3 o Stay at speed 4 + W Accelerate ]] function advtrains.hud_train_format(train, flip) if not train then return "" end local max = train.max_speed or 10 local res = train.speed_restriction local vel = advtrains.abs_ceil(train.velocity) local vel_kmh=advtrains.abs_ceil(advtrains.ms_to_kmh(train.velocity)) local levers = { [0] = "advtrains_hud_red.png^advtrains_hud_emg.png", "advtrains_hud_orange.png^advtrains_hud_b2.png", "advtrains_hud_orange.png^advtrains_hud_b1.png", "advtrains_hud_gray.png^advtrains_hud_n.png", "advtrains_hud_blue.png^advtrains_hud_p.png"} local tlev=train.lever if train.velocity==0 and not train.active_control then tlev=1 end local st = {} if train.debug then st = {train.debug} end local ht = ("[combine:100x66:0,0=(%s):50,0=(%s):0,22=(%s):50,22=(%s):0,44=(%s):50,44=(%s)"):format( ("advtrains_hud_blue.png^advtrains_hud_%s.png"):format(flip and "r" or "f"), levers[tlev or 32767] or "advtrains_hud_gray.png^advtrains_hud_na.png", (train.tarvelocity or train.atc_command) and "advtrains_hud_blue.png^advtrains_hud_atc.png" or (train.ctrl.lzb and "advtrains_hud_red.png^advtrains_hud_lzb.png" or "advtrains_hud_gray.png^advtrains_hud_man.png"), train.is_shunt and "advtrains_hud_orange.png^advtrains_hud_shunt.png" or "advtrains_hud_gray.png^advtrains_hud_shunt.png", train.door_open == -1 and "advtrains_hud_blue.png^advtrains_hud_l_right.png" or "advtrains_hud_gray.png^advtrains_hud_l_right.png", train.door_open == 1 and "advtrains_hud_blue.png^advtrains_hud_r.png" or "advtrains_hud_gray.png^advtrains_hud_r.png") local velstr = function(vel, name) return ("%s%02d m/s (%02d km/h)"):format( name and (attrans(name).." ") or "",vel,advtrains.ms_to_kmh(vel)) end st[#st+1] = velstr(vel, "Speed:") if max then st[#st+1] = velstr(max, "Max. Speed:") end if res then st[#st+1] = res == 0 and attrans("OVERRUN RED SIGNAL! Examine situation and reverse train to move again.") or velstr(res, "Restriction:") end if train.tarvelocity or train.atc_command then st[#st+1] = ("ATC: %s%s%s"):format( train.tarvelocity and (velstr(train.tarvelocity).." ") or "", train.atc_delay and advtrains.abs_ceil(train.atc_delay).."s " or "", train.atc_command or "") end local lzb = train.lzb local i = 1 while i<=#lzb.oncoming do local k = lzb.oncoming[i] st[#st+1] = "LZB: speed limit ["..(k.spd or "E")..("] in %.1f m"):format(k.idx-train.index) if k.spd == 0 then break end i=i+1 end return table.concat(st,"\n"), ht end