-- wagon.lua -- Holds all logic related to wagons -- From now on, wagons are, just like trains, just entries in a table -- All data that is static is stored in the entity prototype (self). -- A copy of the entity prototype is always available inside wagon_prototypes -- All dynamic data is stored in the (new) wagons table -- An entity is ONLY spawned by update_trainpart_properties when it finds it useful. -- Only data that are only important to the entity itself are stored in the luaentity -- TP delay when getting off wagon local GETOFF_TP_DELAY = 0.5 local IGNORE_WORLD = advtrains.IGNORE_WORLD advtrains.wagons = {} advtrains.wagon_prototypes = {} advtrains.wagon_objects = {} local unload_wgn_range = advtrains.wagon_load_range + 32 function advtrains.wagon_outside_range(pos) -- returns true if the object is outside of unload_wgn_range of any player return not advtrains.position_in_range(pos, unload_wgn_range) end local setting_show_ids = minetest.settings:get_bool("advtrains_show_ids") -- function advtrains.create_wagon(wtype, owner) local new_id=advtrains.random_id() while advtrains.wagons[new_id] do new_id=advtrains.random_id() end local wgn = {} wgn.type = wtype wgn.seatp = {} wgn.owner = owner wgn.id = new_id ---wgn.train_id = train_id --- will get this via update_trainpart_properties advtrains.wagons[new_id] = wgn --atdebug("Created new wagon:",wgn) return new_id end local function make_inv_name(uid) return "detached:advtrains_wgn_"..uid end local wagon={ collisionbox = {-0.5,-0.5,-0.5, 0.5,0.5,0.5}, --physical = true, visual = "mesh", mesh = "wagon.b3d", visual_size = {x=1, y=1}, textures = {"black.png"}, is_wagon=true, wagon_span=1,--how many index units of space does this wagon consume wagon_width=3, -- Wagon width in meters has_inventory=false, static_save=false, } function wagon:train() local data = advtrains.wagons[self.id] return advtrains.trains[data.train_id] end function wagon:on_activate(sd_uid, dtime_s) if sd_uid~="" then --destroy when loaded from static block. self.object:remove() return end self.object:set_armor_groups({immortal=1}) end local function invcallback(id, pname, rtallow, rtfail) local data = advtrains.wagons[id] if data and advtrains.check_driving_couple_protection(pname, data.owner, data.whitelist) then return rtallow end return rtfail end function wagon:set_id(wid) self.id = wid self.initialized = true local data = advtrains.wagons[self.id] advtrains.wagon_objects[self.id] = self.object --atdebug("Created wagon entity:",self.name," w_id",wid," t_id",data.train_id) if self.has_inventory then --to be used later local inv=minetest.get_inventory({type="detached", name="advtrains_wgn_"..self.id}) -- create inventory, if not yet created if not inv then inv=minetest.create_detached_inventory("advtrains_wgn_"..self.id, { allow_move = function(inv, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player) return invcallback(wid, player:get_player_name(), count, 0) end, allow_put = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player) return invcallback(wid, player:get_player_name(), stack:get_count(), 0) end, allow_take = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player) return invcallback(wid, player:get_player_name(), stack:get_count(), 0) end }) if data.ser_inv then advtrains.deserialize_inventory(data.ser_inv, inv) end if self.inventory_list_sizes then for lst, siz in pairs(self.inventory_list_sizes) do inv:set_size(lst, siz) end end end end self.door_anim_timer=0 self.door_state=0 minetest.after(0.2, function() self:reattach_all() end) if self.set_textures then self:set_textures(data) end if self.custom_on_activate then self:custom_on_activate() end end function wagon:get_staticdata() return "STATIC" end function wagon:ensure_init() -- Note: A wagon entity won't exist when there's no train, because the train is -- the thing that actually creates the entity -- Train not being set just means that this will happen as soon as the train calls update_trainpart_properties. if self.initialized and self.id then local data = advtrains.wagons[self.id] if data and data.train_id and self:train() then if self.noninitticks then self.noninitticks=nil end return true end end if not self.noninitticks then atwarn("wagon",self.id,"uninitialized init=",self.initialized) self.noninitticks=0 end self.noninitticks=self.noninitticks+1 if self.noninitticks>20 then atwarn("wagon",self.id,"uninitialized, removing") self:destroy() else self.object:set_velocity({x=0,y=0,z=0}) end return false end function wagon:train() local data = advtrains.wagons[self.id] return advtrains.trains[data.train_id] end -- Remove the wagon function wagon:on_punch(puncher, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, direction) if not self:ensure_init() then return end local data = advtrains.wagons[self.id] if not puncher or not puncher:is_player() then return end if data.owner and puncher:get_player_name()~=data.owner and (not minetest.check_player_privs(puncher, {train_admin = true })) then minetest.chat_send_player(puncher:get_player_name(), attrans("This wagon is owned by @1, you can't destroy it.", data.owner)); return end if self.custom_may_destroy then if not self.custom_may_destroy(self, puncher, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, direction) then return end end local itemstack = puncher:get_wielded_item() -- WARNING: This part of the API is guaranteed to change! DO NOT USE! if self.set_livery and itemstack:get_name() == "bike:painter" then self:set_livery(puncher, itemstack, data) return end -- check whether wagon has an inventory. Is is empty? if self.has_inventory then local inv=minetest.get_inventory({type="detached", name="advtrains_wgn_"..self.id}) if not inv then -- inventory is not initialized when wagon was never loaded - should never happen atwarn("Destroying wagon with inventory, but inventory is not found? Shouldn't happen!") return end for listname, _ in pairs(inv:get_lists()) do if not inv:is_empty(listname) then minetest.chat_send_player(puncher:get_player_name(), attrans("The wagon's inventory is not empty!")); return end end end if #(self:train().trainparts)>1 then minetest.chat_send_player(puncher:get_player_name(), attrans("Wagon needs to be decoupled from other wagons in order to destroy it.")); return end local pc=puncher:get_player_control() if not pc.sneak then minetest.chat_send_player(puncher:get_player_name(), attrans("Warning: If you destroy this wagon, you only get some steel back! If you are sure, hold Sneak and left-click the wagon.")) return end if not self:destroy() then return end local inv = puncher:get_inventory() for _,item in ipairs(self.drops or {self.name}) do inv:add_item("main", item) end end function wagon:destroy() --some rules: -- you get only some items back -- single left-click shows warning -- shift leftclick destroys -- not when a driver is inside if self.id then local data = advtrains.wagons[self.id] if not data then atwarn("wagon:destroy(): data is not set!") return end if self.custom_on_destroy then self.custom_on_destroy(self) end for seat,_ in pairs(data.seatp) do self:get_off(seat) end if data.train_id and self:train() then advtrains.remove_train(data.train_id) advtrains.wagons[self.id]=nil if self.discouple then self.discouple.object:remove() end--will have no effect on unloaded objects end end --atdebug("[wagon ", self.id, "]: destroying") self.object:remove() return true end function wagon:is_driver_stand(seat) if self.seat_groups then return (seat.driving_ctrl_access or self.seat_groups[seat.group].driving_ctrl_access) else return seat.driving_ctrl_access end end function wagon:on_step(dtime) if not self:ensure_init() then return end if advtrains.is_no_action() then self.object:remove() return end local t=os.clock() local pos = self.object:get_pos() local data = advtrains.wagons[self.id] if not pos then --atdebug("["..self.id.."][fatal] missing position (object:getpos() returned nil)") return end if not data.seatp then data.seatp={} end if not self.seatpc then self.seatpc={} end local train=self:train() local is_in_loaded_area = advtrains.is_node_loaded(pos) --custom on_step function if self.custom_on_step then self:custom_on_step(dtime, data, train) end --driver control for seatno, seat in ipairs(self.seats) do local pname=data.seatp[seatno] local driver=pname and minetest.get_player_by_name(pname) local has_driverstand = pname and advtrains.check_driving_couple_protection(pname, data.owner, data.whitelist) has_driverstand = has_driverstand and self:is_driver_stand(seat) if has_driverstand and driver then advtrains.update_driver_hud(driver:get_player_name(), self:train(), data.wagon_flipped) elseif driver then --only show the inside text local inside=self:train().text_inside or "" advtrains.set_trainhud(driver:get_player_name(), inside) end if driver and driver:get_player_control_bits()~=self.seatpc[seatno] then local pc=driver:get_player_control() self.seatpc[seatno]=driver:get_player_control_bits() if has_driverstand then --regular driver stand controls advtrains.on_control_change(pc, self:train(), data.wagon_flipped) --bordcom if pc.sneak and pc.jump then self:show_bordcom(data.seatp[seatno]) end --sound horn when required if self.horn_sound and pc.aux1 and not pc.sneak and not self.horn_handle then self.horn_handle = minetest.sound_play(self.horn_sound, { object = self.object, gain = 1.0, -- default max_hear_distance = 128, -- default, uses an euclidean metric loop = true, }) elseif not pc.aux1 and self.horn_handle then minetest.sound_stop(self.horn_handle) self.horn_handle = nil end else -- If on a passenger seat and doors are open, get off when W or D pressed. local pass = data.seatp[seatno] and minetest.get_player_by_name(data.seatp[seatno]) if pass and self:train().door_open~=0 then local pc=pass:get_player_control() if pc.up or pc.down then self:get_off(seatno) end end end if pc.aux1 and pc.sneak then self:get_off(seatno) end end end --check infotext local outside=train.text_outside or "" if setting_show_ids then outside = outside .. "\nT:" .. data.train_id .. " W:" .. self.id .. " O:" .. data.owner end --show off-track information in outside text instead of notifying the whole server about this if train.off_track then outside = outside .."\n!!! Train off track !!!" end -- liquid container: display liquid contents in infotext if self.techage_liquid_capacity then if data.techage_liquid and data.techage_liquid.name then outside = outside .."\nLiquid: "..data.techage_liquid.name..", "..data.techage_liquid.amount.." units" else outside = outside .."\nLiquid: empty" end end if self.infotext_cache~=outside then self.object:set_properties({infotext=outside}) self.infotext_cache=outside end local fct=data.wagon_flipped and -1 or 1 --door animation if self.doors then if (self.door_anim_timer or 0)<=0 then local dstate = (train.door_open or 0) * fct if dstate ~= self.door_state then local at --meaning of the train.door_open field: -- -1: left doors (rel. to train orientation) -- 0: closed -- 1: right doors --this code produces the following behavior: -- if changed from 0 to +-1, play open anim. if changed from +-1 to 0, play close. -- if changed from +-1 to -+1, first close and set 0, then it will detect state change again and run open. if self.door_state == 0 then if self.doors.open.sound then minetest.sound_play(self.doors.open.sound, {object = self.object}) end at=self.doors.open[dstate] self.object:set_animation(at.frames, at.speed or 15, at.blend or 0, false) self.door_state = dstate else if self.doors.close.sound then minetest.sound_play(self.doors.close.sound, {object = self.object}) end at=self.doors.close[self.door_state or 1]--in case it has not been set yet self.object:set_animation(at.frames, at.speed or 15, at.blend or 0, false) self.door_state = 0 end self.door_anim_timer = at.time end else self.door_anim_timer = (self.door_anim_timer or 0) - dtime end end --for path to be available. if not, skip step if not train.path or train.no_step then self.object:set_velocity({x=0, y=0, z=0}) self.object:set_acceleration({x=0, y=0, z=0}) return end if not data.pos_in_train then return end -- Calculate new position, yaw and direction vector -- note: "index" is needed to be the center index, required by door code local index = advtrains.path_get_index_by_offset(train, train.index, -data.pos_in_train) local pos, yaw, npos, npos2, vdir -- use new position logic? if self.wheel_positions then -- request two positions, calculate difference and yaw from this -- depending on flipstate, need to invert wheel pos indices -> wheelpos * fct local index1 = advtrains.path_get_index_by_offset(train, index, self.wheel_positions[1] * fct) local index2 = advtrains.path_get_index_by_offset(train, index, self.wheel_positions[2] * fct) local pos1 = advtrains.path_get_interpolated(train, index1) local pos2 = advtrains.path_get_interpolated(train, index2) npos = advtrains.path_get(train, atfloor(index)) -- need npos just for node loaded check -- calculate center of 2 positions and vdir vector -- if wheel positions are asymmetric, needs to weight by the difference! local fact = self.wheel_positions[1] / (self.wheel_positions[1]-self.wheel_positions[2]) pos = {x=pos1.x-(pos1.x-pos2.x)*fact, y=pos1.y-(pos1.y-pos2.y)*fact, z=pos1.z-(pos1.z-pos2.z)*fact} if data.wagon_flipped then vdir = vector.normalize(vector.subtract(pos2, pos1)) else vdir = vector.normalize(vector.subtract(pos1, pos2)) end yaw = math.atan2(-vdir.x, vdir.z) else --old position logic (for small wagons): use center index and just get position pos, yaw, npos, npos2 = advtrains.path_get_interpolated(train, index) vdir = vector.normalize(vector.subtract(npos2, npos)) end --automatic get_on --needs to know index and path if train.velocity==0 and self.door_entry and train.door_open and train.door_open~=0 then --using the mapping created by the trainlogic globalstep for i, ino in ipairs(self.door_entry) do --fct is the flipstate flag from door animation above local aci = advtrains.path_get_index_by_offset(train, index, ino*fct) local ix1, ix2 = advtrains.path_get_adjacent(train, aci) -- the two wanted positions are ix1 and ix2 + (2nd-1st rotated by 90deg) -- (x z) rotated by 90deg is (-z x) (http://stackoverflow.com/a/4780141) local add = { x = (ix2.z-ix1.z)*train.door_open, y = 0, z = (ix1.x-ix2.x)*train.door_open } local pts1=vector.round(vector.add(ix1, add)) local pts2=vector.round(vector.add(ix2, add)) if minetest.get_item_group(minetest.get_node(pts1).name, "platform")>0 then local ckpts={ pts1, pts2, vector.add(pts1, {x=0, y=1, z=0}), vector.add(pts2, {x=0, y=1, z=0}), } for _,ckpos in ipairs(ckpts) do local cpp=minetest.pos_to_string(ckpos) if advtrains.playersbypts[cpp] then self:on_rightclick(advtrains.playersbypts[cpp]) end end end end end --checking for environment collisions(a 3x3 cube around the center) if not IGNORE_WORLD and is_in_loaded_area and not train.recently_collided_with_env then local collides=false local exh = self.extent_h or 1 local exv = self.extent_v or 2 for x=-exh,exh do for y=0,exv do for z=-exh,exh do local node=minetest.get_node_or_nil(vector.add(npos, {x=x, y=y, z=z})) if (advtrains.train_collides(node)) then collides=true end end end end if collides then -- screw collision mercy train.recently_collided_with_env=true train.velocity=0 advtrains.atc.train_reset_command(train) end end -- Spawn discouple object when train stands, in all other cases remove it. -- FIX: Need to do this after the yaw calculation if train.velocity==0 and is_in_loaded_area and data.pos_in_trainparts and data.pos_in_trainparts>1 then if not self.discouple or not self.discouple.object:get_yaw() then atprint(self.id,"trying to spawn discouple") local dcpl_pos = vector.add(pos, {y=0, x=-math.sin(yaw)*self.wagon_span, z=math.cos(yaw)*self.wagon_span}) local object=minetest.add_entity(dcpl_pos, "advtrains:discouple") if object then local le=object:get_luaentity() le.wagon=self --box is hidden when attached, so unuseful. --object:set_attach(self.object, "", {x=0, y=0, z=self.wagon_span*10}, {x=0, y=0, z=0}) self.discouple=le end end else if self.discouple and self.discouple.object:get_yaw() then self.discouple.object:remove() atprint(self.id," removing discouple") end end -- object yaw (corrected by flipstate) local oyaw = yaw if data.wagon_flipped then oyaw = yaw + math.pi end --FIX: use index of the wagon, not of the train. local velocity = train.velocity * advtrains.global_slowdown local acceleration = (train.acceleration or 0) * (advtrains.global_slowdown*advtrains.global_slowdown) local velocityvec = vector.multiply(vdir, velocity) local accelerationvec = vector.multiply(vdir, acceleration) -- this timer runs off every 2 seconds. self.updatepct_timer=(self.updatepct_timer or 0)-dtime local updatepct_timer_elapsed = self.updatepct_timer<=0 if updatepct_timer_elapsed then --restart timer self.updatepct_timer=2 -- perform checks that are not frequently needed -- unload entity if out of range (because relevant pr won't be merged in engine) -- This is a WORKAROUND! local players_in = false for sno,pname in pairs(data.seatp) do if minetest.get_player_by_name(pname) then -- Fix: If the RTT is too high, a wagon might be recognized out of range even if a player sits in it -- (client updates position not fast enough) players_in = true break end end if not players_in then if advtrains.wagon_outside_range(pos) then --atdebug("wagon",self.id,"unloading (too far away)") -- Workaround until minetest engine deletes attached sounds if self.sound_loop_handle then minetest.sound_stop(self.sound_loop_handle) end self.object:remove() end end end if not self.old_velocity_vector or not vector.equals(velocityvec, self.old_velocity_vector) or not self.old_acceleration_vector or not vector.equals(accelerationvec, self.old_acceleration_vector) or self.old_yaw~=oyaw or updatepct_timer_elapsed then--only send update packet if something changed self.object:set_pos(pos) self.object:set_velocity(velocityvec) self.object:set_acceleration(accelerationvec) if #self.seats > 0 and self.old_yaw ~= oyaw then if not self.player_yaw then self.player_yaw = {} end if not self.old_yaw then self.old_yaw=oyaw end for _,name in pairs(data.seatp) do local p = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) if p then if not self.turning then -- save player looking direction offset self.player_yaw[name] = p:get_look_horizontal()-self.old_yaw end -- set player looking direction using calculated offset p:set_look_horizontal((self.player_yaw[name] or 0)+oyaw) end end self.turning = true elseif self.old_yaw == oyaw then -- train is no longer turning self.turning = false end if self.object.set_rotation then local pitch = math.atan2(vdir.y, math.hypot(vdir.x, vdir.z)) if data.wagon_flipped then pitch = -pitch end self.object:set_rotation({x=pitch, y=oyaw, z=0}) else self.object:set_yaw(oyaw) end if self.update_animation then self:update_animation(train.velocity, self.old_velocity) end if self.custom_on_velocity_change then self:custom_on_velocity_change(train.velocity, self.old_velocity or 0, dtime) end -- remove discouple object, because it will be in a wrong location if not updatepct_timer_elapsed and self.discouple then self.discouple.object:remove() end end self.old_velocity_vector=velocityvec self.old_velocity = train.velocity self.old_acceleration_vector=accelerationvec self.old_yaw=oyaw atprintbm("wagon step", t) end function wagon:on_rightclick(clicker) if not self:ensure_init() then return end if not clicker or not clicker:is_player() then return end local data = advtrains.wagons[self.id] local pname=clicker:get_player_name() local no=self:get_seatno(pname) if no then if self.seat_groups then local poss={} local sgr=self.seats[no].group for _,access in ipairs(self.seat_groups[sgr].access_to) do if self:check_seat_group_access(pname, access) then poss[#poss+1]={name=self.seat_groups[access].name, key="sgr_"..access} end end if self.has_inventory and self.get_inventory_formspec and advtrains.check_driving_couple_protection(pname, data.owner, data.whitelist) then poss[#poss+1]={name=attrans("Show Inventory"), key="inv"} end if self.seat_groups[sgr].driving_ctrl_access and advtrains.check_driving_couple_protection(pname, data.owner, data.whitelist) then poss[#poss+1]={name=attrans("Onboard Computer"), key="bordcom"} end if data.owner==pname then poss[#poss+1]={name=attrans("Wagon properties"), key="prop"} end if not self.seat_groups[sgr].require_doors_open or self:train().door_open~=0 then poss[#poss+1]={name=attrans("Get off"), key="off"} else if clicker:get_player_control().sneak then poss[#poss+1]={name=attrans("Get off (forced)"), key="off"} else poss[#poss+1]={name=attrans("(Doors closed)"), key="dcwarn"} end end if #poss==0 then --can't do anything. elseif #poss==1 then self:seating_from_key_helper(pname, {[poss[1].key]=true}, no) else local form = "size[5,"..1+(#poss).."]" for pos,ent in ipairs(poss) do form = form .. "button_exit[0.5,"..(pos-0.5)..";4,1;"..ent.key..";"..ent.name.."]" end minetest.show_formspec(pname, "advtrains_seating_"..self.id, form) end else self:get_off(no) end else --do not attach if already on a train if advtrains.player_to_train_mapping[pname] then return end if self.seat_groups then if #self.seats==0 then if self.has_inventory and self.get_inventory_formspec and advtrains.check_driving_couple_protection(pname, data.owner, data.whitelist) then minetest.show_formspec(pname, "advtrains_inv_"..self.id, self:get_inventory_formspec(pname, make_inv_name(self.id))) end return end local doors_open = self:train().door_open~=0 or clicker:get_player_control().sneak local allow, rsn=false, "Wagon has no seats!" for _,sgr in ipairs(self.assign_to_seat_group) do allow, rsn = self:check_seat_group_access(pname, sgr) if allow then for seatid, seatdef in ipairs(self.seats) do if seatdef.group==sgr then if (not self.seat_groups[sgr].require_doors_open or doors_open) then if not data.seatp[seatid] then self:get_on(clicker, seatid) return else rsn="Wagon is full." end else rsn="Doors are closed! (try holding sneak key!)" end end end end end minetest.chat_send_player(pname, attrans("Can't get on: "..rsn)) else self:show_get_on_form(pname) end end end function wagon:get_on(clicker, seatno) local data = advtrains.wagons[self.id] if not data.seatp then data.seatp={}end if not self.seatpc then self.seatpc={}end--player controls in driver stands if not self.seats[seatno] then return end local oldno=self:get_seatno(clicker:get_player_name()) if oldno then atprint("get_on: clearing oldno",seatno) advtrains.player_to_train_mapping[clicker:get_player_name()]=nil advtrains.clear_driver_hud(clicker:get_player_name()) data.seatp[oldno]=nil end if data.seatp[seatno] and data.seatp[seatno]~=clicker:get_player_name() then atprint("get_on: throwing off",data.seatp[seatno],"from seat",seatno) self:get_off(seatno) end atprint("get_on: attaching",clicker:get_player_name()) data.seatp[seatno] = clicker:get_player_name() self.seatpc[seatno] = clicker:get_player_control_bits() advtrains.player_to_train_mapping[clicker:get_player_name()]=data.train_id clicker:set_attach(self.object, "", self.seats[seatno].attach_offset, {x=0,y=0,z=0}) clicker:set_eye_offset(self.seats[seatno].view_offset, self.seats[seatno].view_offset) end function wagon:get_off_plr(pname) local no=self:get_seatno(pname) if no then self:get_off(no) end end function wagon:get_seatno(pname) local data = advtrains.wagons[self.id] for no, cont in pairs(data.seatp) do if cont==pname then return no end end return nil end function wagon:get_off(seatno) local data = advtrains.wagons[self.id] if not data.seatp[seatno] then return end local pname = data.seatp[seatno] local clicker = minetest.get_player_by_name(pname) advtrains.player_to_train_mapping[pname]=nil advtrains.clear_driver_hud(pname) data.seatp[seatno]=nil self.seatpc[seatno]=nil if clicker then atprint("get_off: detaching",clicker:get_player_name()) clicker:set_detach() clicker:set_eye_offset({x=0,y=0,z=0}, {x=0,y=0,z=0}) local train=self:train() --code as in step - automatic get on if self.door_entry and train.door_open and train.door_open~=0 and train.velocity==0 and train.index and train.path then local index = advtrains.path_get_index_by_offset(train, train.index, -data.pos_in_train) for i, ino in ipairs(self.door_entry) do --atdebug("using door-based",i,ino) local fct=data.wagon_flipped and -1 or 1 local aci = advtrains.path_get_index_by_offset(train, index, ino*fct) local ix1, ix2 = advtrains.path_get_adjacent(train, aci) local d = train.door_open if self.wagon_width then d = d * math.floor(self.wagon_width/2) end -- the two wanted positions are ix1 and ix2 + (2nd-1st rotated by 90deg) -- (x z) rotated by 90deg is (-z x) (http://stackoverflow.com/a/4780141) local add = { x = (ix2.z-ix1.z)*d, y = 0, z = (ix1.x-ix2.x)*d } local oadd = { x = (ix2.z-ix1.z)*(d+train.door_open), y = 1, z = (ix1.x-ix2.x)*(d+train.door_open)} local platpos=vector.round(vector.add(ix1, add)) local offpos=vector.round(vector.add(ix1, oadd)) --atdebug("platpos:", platpos, "offpos:", offpos) if minetest.get_item_group(minetest.get_node(platpos).name, "platform")>0 then minetest.after(GETOFF_TP_DELAY, function() clicker:set_pos(offpos) end) --atdebug("tp",offpos) return end --atdebug("nope") end end --if not door_entry, or paths missing, fall back to old method --atdebug("using fallback") local objpos=advtrains.round_vector_floor_y(self.object:getpos()) local yaw=self.object:getyaw() local isx=(yaw < math.pi/4) or (yaw > 3*math.pi/4 and yaw < 5*math.pi/4) or (yaw > 7*math.pi/4) local offp --abuse helper function for _,r in ipairs({-1, 1}) do --atdebug("offset",r) local p=vector.add({x=isx and r or 0, y=0, z=not isx and r or 0}, objpos) offp=vector.add({x=isx and r*2 or 0, y=1, z=not isx and r*2 or 0}, objpos) --atdebug("platpos:", p, "offpos:", offp) if minetest.get_item_group(minetest.get_node(p).name, "platform")>0 then minetest.after(GETOFF_TP_DELAY, function() clicker:set_pos(offp) end) --atdebug("tp",offp) return end end --atdebug("nope") end end function wagon:show_get_on_form(pname) if not self.initialized then return end local data = advtrains.wagons[self.id] if #self.seats==0 then if self.has_inventory and self.get_inventory_formspec and advtrains.check_driving_couple_protection(pname, data.owner, data.whitelist) then minetest.show_formspec(pname, "advtrains_inv_"..self.id, self:get_inventory_formspec(pname, make_inv_name(self.id))) end return end local form, comma="size[5,8]label[0.5,0.5;"..attrans("Select seat:").."]textlist[0.5,1;4,6;seat;", "" for seatno, seattbl in ipairs(self.seats) do local addtext, colorcode="", "" if data.seatp and data.seatp[seatno] then colorcode="#FF0000" addtext=" ("..data.seatp[seatno]..")" end form=form..comma..colorcode..seattbl.name..addtext comma="," end form=form..";0,false]" if self.has_inventory and self.get_inventory_formspec then form=form.."button_exit[1,7;3,1;inv;"..attrans("Show Inventory").."]" end minetest.show_formspec(pname, "advtrains_geton_"..self.id, form) end function wagon:show_wagon_properties(pname) --[[ fields: field: driving/couple whitelist button: save ]] local data = advtrains.wagons[self.id] local form="size[5,5]" form = form .. "field[0.5,1;4.5,1;whitelist;Allow these players to access your wagon:;"..minetest.formspec_escape(data.whitelist or "").."]" form = form .. "field[0.5,2;4.5,1;roadnumber;Wagon road number:;"..minetest.formspec_escape(data.roadnumber or "").."]" local fc = "" if data.fc then fc = table.concat(data.fc, "!") end form = form .. "field[0.5,3;4.5,1;fc;Freight Code:;"..fc.."]" if data.fc then if not data.fcind then data.fcind = 1 end if data.fcind > 1 then form=form.."button[0.5,3.5;1,1;fcp;prev FC]" end form=form.."label[1.5,3.5;Current FC:]" local cur = data.fc[data.fcind] or "" form=form.."label[1.5,3.75;"..minetest.formspec_escape(cur).."]" form=form.."button[3.5,3.5;1,1;fcn;next FC]" end form=form.."button_exit[0.5,4.5;4,1;save;"..attrans("Save wagon properties").."]" minetest.show_formspec(pname, "advtrains_prop_"..self.id, form) end --BordCom local function checkcouple(ent) if not ent or not ent:getyaw() then return nil end local le = ent:get_luaentity() if not le or not le.is_couple then return nil end return le end local function checklock(pname, own1, own2, wl1, wl2) return advtrains.check_driving_couple_protection(pname, own1, wl1) or advtrains.check_driving_couple_protection(pname, own2, wl2) end local function split(str, sep) local fields = {} local pattern = string.format("([^%s]+)", sep) str:gsub(pattern, function(c) fields[#fields+1] = c end) return fields end function wagon.set_fc(data, fcstr) data.fc = split(fcstr, "!") if not data.fcind then data.fcind = 1 elseif data.fcind > #data.fc then data.fcind = #data.fc end end function wagon.prev_fc(data) if data.fcind > 1 then data.fcind = data.fcind -1 end if data.fcind == 1 and data.fcrev then data.fcrev = nil end end function wagon.next_fc(data) if not data.fc then return end if data.fcrev then wagon.prev_fc(data) return end if data.fcind < #data.fc then data.fcind = data.fcind + 1 else data.fcind = 1 end if data.fcind == #data.fc and data.fc[data.fcind] == "?" then data.fcrev = true wagon.prev_fc(data) return end end function advtrains.get_cur_fc(data) if not ( data.fc and data.fcind ) then return "" end return data.fc[data.fcind] or "" end function advtrains.step_fc(data) wagon.next_fc(data) end function wagon:show_bordcom(pname) if not self:train() then return end local train = self:train() local data = advtrains.wagons[self.id] local linhei local form = "size[11,9]label[0.5,0;AdvTrains Boardcom v0.1 | "..attrans("Train ID")..": "..(minetest.formspec_escape(self.id or "")).."]" form=form.."textarea[0.5,1.5;7,1;text_outside;"..attrans("Text displayed outside on train")..";"..(minetest.formspec_escape(train.text_outside or "")).."]" form=form.."textarea[0.5,3;7,1;text_inside;"..attrans("Text displayed inside train")..";"..(minetest.formspec_escape(train.text_inside or "")).."]" form=form.."field[7.5,1.75;3,1;line;"..attrans("Line")..";"..(minetest.formspec_escape(train.line or "")).."]" form=form.."field[7.5,3.25;3,1;routingcode;"..attrans("Routingcode")..";"..(minetest.formspec_escape(train.routingcode or "")).."]" --row 5 : train overview and autocoupling if train.velocity==0 then form=form.."label[0.5,4;Train overview /coupling control:]" linhei=5 local pre_own, pre_wl, owns_any = nil, nil, minetest.check_player_privs(pname, "train_admin") for i, tpid in ipairs(train.trainparts) do local ent = advtrains.wagons[tpid] if ent then local roadnumber = ent.roadnumber or "" form = form .. string.format("button[%d,%d;%d,%d;%s;%s]", i, linhei, 1, 0.2, "wgprp"..i, roadnumber) local ename = ent.type form = form .. "item_image["..i..","..(linhei+0.5)..";1,1;"..ename.."]" if i~=1 then if checklock(pname, ent.owner, pre_own, ent.whitelist, pre_wl) then form = form .. "image_button["..(i-0.5)..","..(linhei+1.5)..";1,1;advtrains_discouple.png;dcpl_"..i..";]" end end if i == data.pos_in_trainparts then form = form .. "box["..(i-0.1)..","..(linhei+0.4)..";1,1;green]" end pre_own = ent.owner pre_wl = ent.whitelist owns_any = owns_any or (not ent.owner or ent.owner==pname) end end if train.movedir==1 then form = form .. "label["..(#train.trainparts+1)..","..(linhei)..";-->]" else form = form .. "label[0.5,"..(linhei)..";<--]" end --check cpl_eid_front and _back of train local couple_front = checkcouple(train.cpl_front) local couple_back = checkcouple(train.cpl_back) if couple_front then form = form .. "image_button[0.5,"..(linhei+1)..";1,1;advtrains_couple.png;cpl_f;]" end if couple_back then form = form .. "image_button["..(#train.trainparts+0.5)..","..(linhei+1)..";1,1;advtrains_couple.png;cpl_b;]" end else form=form.."label[0.5,4.5;Train overview / coupling control is only shown when the train stands.]" end form = form .. "button[0.5,8;3,1;save;Save]" -- Interlocking functionality: If the interlocking module is loaded, you can set the signal aspect -- from inside the train if advtrains.interlocking and train.lzb and #train.lzb.checkpoints > 0 then local i=1 while train.lzb.checkpoints[i] do local oci = train.lzb.checkpoints[i] if oci.udata and oci.udata.signal_pos then if advtrains.interlocking.db.get_sigd_for_signal(oci.udata.signal_pos) then form = form .. "button[4.5,8;5,1;ilrs;Remote Routesetting]" break end end i=i+1 end if train.ars_disable then form = form .. "button[4.5,7;5,1;ilarsenable;Clear 'Disable ARS' flag]" end end minetest.show_formspec(pname, "advtrains_bordcom_"..self.id, form) end function wagon:handle_bordcom_fields(pname, formname, fields) local data = advtrains.wagons[self.id] local seatno=self:get_seatno(pname) if not seatno or not self.seat_groups[self.seats[seatno].group].driving_ctrl_access or not advtrains.check_driving_couple_protection(pname, data.owner, data.whitelist) then return end local train = self:train() if not train then return end if fields.text_outside then if fields.text_outside~="" then train.text_outside=fields.text_outside else train.text_outside=nil end end if fields.text_inside then if fields.text_inside~="" then train.text_inside=fields.text_inside else train.text_inside=nil end end if fields.line then if fields.line~="" then if fields.line ~= train.line then train.line=fields.line minetest.after(0, advtrains.invalidate_path, train.id) end else train.line=nil end end if fields.routingcode then if fields.routingcode~="" then if fields.routingcode ~= train.routingcode then train.routingcode=fields.routingcode minetest.after(0, advtrains.invalidate_path, train.id) end else train.routingcode=nil end end for i, tpid in ipairs(train.trainparts) do if fields["dcpl_"..i] then advtrains.safe_decouple_wagon(tpid, pname) elseif fields["wgprp"..i] then for _,wagon in pairs(minetest.luaentities) do if wagon.is_wagon and wagon.initialized and wagon.id==tpid and data.owner==pname then wagon:show_wagon_properties(pname) return end end end end --check cpl_eid_front and _back of train local couple_front = checkcouple(train.cpl_front) local couple_back = checkcouple(train.cpl_back) if fields.cpl_f and couple_front then couple_front:on_rightclick(pname) end if fields.cpl_b and couple_back then couple_back:on_rightclick(pname) end -- Interlocking functionality: If the interlocking module is loaded, you can set the signal aspect -- from inside the train if advtrains.interlocking then if fields.ilrs and train.lzb and #train.lzb.checkpoints > 0 then local i=1 while train.lzb.checkpoints[i] do local oci = train.lzb.checkpoints[i] if oci.udata and oci.udata.signal_pos then local sigd = advtrains.interlocking.db.get_sigd_for_signal(oci.udata.signal_pos) if sigd then advtrains.interlocking.show_signalling_form(sigd, pname) return end end i=i+1 end end if fields.ilarsenable then advtrains.interlocking.ars_set_disable(train, false) end end if not fields.quit then self:show_bordcom(pname) end end minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields) local uid=string.match(formname, "^advtrains_geton_(.+)$") if uid then for _,wagon in pairs(minetest.luaentities) do if wagon.is_wagon and wagon.initialized and wagon.id==uid then local data = advtrains.wagons[wagon.id] if fields.inv then if wagon.has_inventory and wagon.get_inventory_formspec then minetest.show_formspec(player:get_player_name(), "advtrains_inv_"..uid, wagon:get_inventory_formspec(player:get_player_name(), make_inv_name(uid))) end elseif fields.seat then local val=minetest.explode_textlist_event(fields.seat) if val and val.type~="INV" and not data.seatp[player:get_player_name()] then --get on wagon:get_on(player, val.index) --will work with the new close_formspec functionality. close exactly this formspec. minetest.show_formspec(player:get_player_name(), formname, "") end end end end end uid=string.match(formname, "^advtrains_seating_(.+)$") if uid then for _,wagon in pairs(minetest.luaentities) do if wagon.is_wagon and wagon.initialized and wagon.id==uid then local pname=player:get_player_name() local no=wagon:get_seatno(pname) if no then if wagon.seat_groups then wagon:seating_from_key_helper(pname, fields, no) end end end end end uid=string.match(formname, "^advtrains_prop_(.+)$") if uid then local pname=player:get_player_name() local data = advtrains.wagons[uid] if pname~=data.owner and not minetest.check_player_privs(pname, {train_admin = true}) then return true end if fields.save or not fields.quit then if fields.whitelist then data.whitelist = fields.whitelist end if fields.roadnumber then data.roadnumber = fields.roadnumber end if fields.fc then wagon.set_fc(data, fields.fc) end if fields.fcp then wagon.prev_fc(data) wagon.show_wagon_properties({id=uid}, pname) end if fields.fcn then advtrains.step_fc(data) wagon.show_wagon_properties({id=uid}, pname) end end end uid=string.match(formname, "^advtrains_bordcom_(.+)$") if uid then for _,wagon in pairs(minetest.luaentities) do if wagon.is_wagon and wagon.initialized and wagon.id==uid then wagon:handle_bordcom_fields(player:get_player_name(), formname, fields) end end end uid=string.match(formname, "^advtrains_inv_(.+)$") if uid then local pname=player:get_player_name() local data = advtrains.wagons[uid] if fields.prop and data.owner==pname then for _,wagon in pairs(minetest.luaentities) do if wagon.is_wagon and wagon.initialized and wagon.id==uid and data.owner==pname then wagon:show_wagon_properties(pname) --wagon:handle_bordcom_fields(player:get_player_name(), formname, fields) end end end end end) function wagon:seating_from_key_helper(pname, fields, no) local data = advtrains.wagons[self.id] local sgr=self.seats[no].group for _,access in ipairs(self.seat_groups[sgr].access_to) do if fields["sgr_"..access] and self:check_seat_group_access(pname, access) then for seatid, seatdef in ipairs(self.seats) do if seatdef.group==access and not data.seatp[seatid] then self:get_on(minetest.get_player_by_name(pname), seatid) return end end end end if fields.inv and self.has_inventory and self.get_inventory_formspec then minetest.close_formspec(pname, "advtrains_seating_"..self.id) minetest.show_formspec(pname, "advtrains_inv_"..self.id, self:get_inventory_formspec(pname, make_inv_name(self.id))) end if fields.prop and data.owner==pname then minetest.close_formspec(pname, "advtrains_seating_"..self.id) self:show_wagon_properties(pname) end if fields.bordcom and self.seat_groups[sgr].driving_ctrl_access and advtrains.check_driving_couple_protection(pname, data.owner, data.whitelist) then minetest.close_formspec(pname, "advtrains_seating_"..self.id) self:show_bordcom(pname) end if fields.dcwarn then minetest.chat_send_player(pname, attrans("Doors are closed! Use Sneak+rightclick to ignore the closed doors and get off!")) end if fields.off then self:get_off(no) end end function wagon:check_seat_group_access(pname, sgr) local data = advtrains.wagons[self.id] if self.seat_groups[sgr].driving_ctrl_access and not (advtrains.check_driving_couple_protection(pname, data.owner, data.whitelist)) then return false, "Not allowed to access a driver stand!" end if self.seat_groups[sgr].driving_ctrl_access then advtrains.log("Drive", pname, self.object:getpos(), self:train().text_outside) end return true end function wagon:reattach_all() local data = advtrains.wagons[self.id] if not data.seatp then data.seatp={} end for seatno, pname in pairs(data.seatp) do local p=minetest.get_player_by_name(pname) if p then self:get_on(p ,seatno) end end end function advtrains.safe_decouple_wagon(w_id, pname, try_run) if not minetest.check_player_privs(pname, "train_operator") then minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "Missing train_operator privilege") return false end local data = advtrains.wagons[w_id] local dpt = data.pos_in_trainparts if not dpt or dpt <= 1 then return false end local train = advtrains.trains[data.train_id] local owid = train.trainparts[dpt-1] local owdata = advtrains.wagons[owid] if not owdata then return end if not checklock(pname, data.owner, owdata.owner, data.whitelist, owdata.whitelist) then minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "Not allowed to do this.") return false end if try_run then return true end advtrains.log("Discouple", pname, train.last_pos, train.text_outside) advtrains.split_train_at_wagon(w_id) return true end function advtrains.get_wagon_prototype(data) local wt = data.type if not wt then -- LEGACY: Field was called "entity_name" in previous versions wt = data.entity_name data.type = data.entity_name data.entity_name = nil end if not wt or not advtrains.wagon_prototypes[wt] then atwarn("Unable to load wagon type",wt,", using placeholder") wt="advtrains:wagon_placeholder" end return wt, advtrains.wagon_prototypes[wt] end function advtrains.standard_inventory_formspec(self, pname, invname) --[[minetest.chat_send_player(pname, string.format("self=%s, pname=%s, invname=%s", self, pname, invname)) for k,v in pairs(self) do minetest.chat_send_player(pname, string.format("%s=%s", k,v)) end minetest.chat_send_player(pname, string.format("***%s***", self.object:get_pos()))--]] local data = advtrains.wagons[self.id] local r = "size[8,11]".. "list["..invname..";box;0,0;8,3;]" if data.owner==pname then r = r .. "button_exit[0,9;4,1;prop;"..attrans("Wagon properties").."]" end r = r .. "list[current_player;main;0,5;8,4;]".. "listring[]" return r end function advtrains.register_wagon(sysname_p, prototype, desc, inv_img, nincreative) local sysname = sysname_p if not string.match(sysname, ":") then sysname = "advtrains:"..sysname_p end setmetatable(prototype, {__index=wagon}) minetest.register_entity(":"..sysname,prototype) advtrains.wagon_prototypes[sysname] = prototype --group classification to make recipe searching easier local wagon_groups = { not_in_creative_inventory = nincreative and 1 or 0} if prototype.is_locomotive then wagon_groups['at_loco'] = 1 end if prototype.seat_groups then if prototype.seat_groups.dstand then wagon_groups['at_control'] = 1 end if prototype.seat_groups.pass then wagon_groups['at_pax'] = 1 end end if prototype.has_inventory then wagon_groups['at_freight'] = 1 end minetest.register_craftitem(":"..sysname, { description = desc, inventory_image = inv_img, wield_image = inv_img, stack_max = 1, groups = wagon_groups, on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) if not pointed_thing.type == "node" then return end local pname = placer:get_player_name() local node=minetest.get_node_or_nil(pointed_thing.under) if not node then atprint("[advtrains]Ignore at placer position") return itemstack end local nodename=node.name if(not advtrains.is_track_and_drives_on(nodename, prototype.drives_on)) then atprint("no track here, not placing.") return itemstack end if not minetest.check_player_privs(placer, {train_operator = true }) then minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "You don't have the train_operator privilege.") return itemstack end if not minetest.check_player_privs(placer, {train_admin = true }) and minetest.is_protected(pointed_thing.under, placer:get_player_name()) then return itemstack end local tconns=advtrains.get_track_connections(node.name, node.param2) local yaw = placer:get_look_horizontal() local plconnid = advtrains.yawToClosestConn(yaw, tconns) local prevpos = advtrains.get_adjacent_rail(pointed_thing.under, tconns, plconnid, prototype.drives_on) if not prevpos then minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "The track you are trying to place the wagon on is not long enough!") return end local wid = advtrains.create_wagon(sysname, pname) local id=advtrains.create_new_train_at(pointed_thing.under, plconnid, 0, {wid}) if not advtrains.is_creative(pname) then itemstack:take_item() end return itemstack end, }) end -- Placeholder wagon. Will be spawned whenever a mod is missing advtrains.register_wagon("advtrains:wagon_placeholder", { visual="sprite", textures = {"advtrains_wagon_placeholder.png"}, collisionbox = {-0.3,-0.3,-0.3, 0.3,0.3,0.3}, visual_size = {x=0.7, y=0.7}, initial_sprite_basepos = {x=0, y=0}, drives_on = advtrains.all_tracktypes, max_speed = 5, seats = { }, seat_groups = { }, assign_to_seat_group = {}, wagon_span=1, drops={}, }, "Wagon placeholder", "advtrains_wagon_placeholder.png", true) -- Helper function to retrieve the wagon at a certain position in a train, given its train ID and the desired index within that train's path -- -- Returns: wagon_num, wagon_id, wagon_data, offset_from_center -- wagon_num: The n'th wagon in the train (index into "trainparts" table) -- wagon_id: The wagon ID. Obtain wagon data from advtrains.wagons[wagon_id], and subsequently the wagon prototype via advtrains.get_wagon_prototype(data) -- offset_from_center: The offset (an absolute distance value) from the center point of the wagon. Positive is towards the end of the train, negative towards the start. (note that this is inverse to the counting direction of the index!) -- --[[ To get the wagon standing at a certain world position, you first need to retrieve the index via the occupation table, as follows: local trains = advtrains.occ.get_trains_at(pos) for train_id, index in pairs(trains) do local wagon_num, wagon_id, wagon_data, offset_from_center = advtrains.get_wagon_at_index(train_id, index) if wagon_num then ... end end ]]-- function advtrains.get_wagon_at_index(train_id, w_index) local train = advtrains.trains[train_id] if not train then error("Passed train id "..train_id.." doesnt exist") end -- ensure init - always required advtrains.train_ensure_init(train_id, train) -- Use path dist to determine the offset from the start of the train local dstart = advtrains.path_get_path_dist_fractional(train, train.index) local dtarget = advtrains.path_get_path_dist_fractional(train, w_index) local dist_from_start = dstart - dtarget -- NOTE: dist_from_start is supposed to be positive, but dtarget will be smaller than dstart -- if dist_from_start is <0, we are outside of train if dist_from_start < 0 then return nil end -- scan over wagons to see if dist_from_start falls into its window local start_pos = 0 local center_pos local end_pos local i = 1 while train.trainparts[i] do local w_id = train.trainparts[i] -- get wagon prototype to retrieve wagon span local wdata = advtrains.wagons[w_id] if wdata then local wtype, wproto = advtrains.get_wagon_prototype(wdata) local wagon_span = wproto.wagon_span -- determine center and end pos center_pos = start_pos + wagon_span end_pos = center_pos + wagon_span if start_pos <= dist_from_start and dist_from_start < end_pos then -- Found the correct wagon in the train! local offset_from_center = dist_from_start - center_pos return i, w_id, wdata, offset_from_center end -- go on start_pos = end_pos else error("Wagon "..w_id.." from train "..train_id.." doesnt exist!") end i = i + 1 end -- nothing found, dist must be further back return nil end