-- train_related.lua -- Occupation of track sections - mainly implementation of train callbacks --[[ Track section occupation is saved as follows In train: train.il_sections = { [n] = {ts_id = <...> (origin = )} } -- "origin" is the TCB (signal describer) the train initially entered this section In track section ts.trains = { [n] = } When any inconsistency is detected, we will assume the most restrictive setup. It will be possible to indicate a section "free" via the GUI. ]] local ildb = advtrains.interlocking.db local sigd_equal = advtrains.interlocking.sigd_equal local function itexist(tbl, com) for _,item in ipairs(tbl) do if (item==com) then return true end end return false end local function itkexist(tbl, ikey, com) for _,item in ipairs(tbl) do if item[ikey] == com then return true end end return false end local function itremove(tbl, com, once) local i=1 while i <= #tbl do if tbl[i] == com then table.remove(tbl, i) if once then return end else i = i + 1 end end end local function itkremove(tbl, ikey, com, once) local i=1 while i <= #tbl do if tbl[i][ikey] == com then table.remove(tbl, i) if once then return end else i = i + 1 end end end local function setsection(tid, train, ts_id, ts, sigd, only_if_not_exist) -- train if not train.il_sections then train.il_sections = {} end if only_if_not_exist then -- called for the back connid on enter, only to ensure that section is blocked if train was so far not registered if not itkexist(train.il_sections, "ts_id", ts_id) then table.insert(train.il_sections, {ts_id = ts_id, origin = sigd}) end else -- insert always, this leads to duplicate entries if the train enters the same section a second time table.insert(train.il_sections, {ts_id = ts_id, origin = sigd}) end -- ts if not ts.trains then ts.trains = {} end if only_if_not_exist then -- called for the back connid on enter, only to ensure that section is blocked if train was so far not registered if not itexist(ts.trains, tid) then table.insert(ts.trains, tid) end else table.insert(ts.trains, tid) end -- routes local tcbs if sigd then tcbs = advtrains.interlocking.db.get_tcbs(sigd) end -- route setting - clear route state if ts.route then --atdebug(tid,"enters",ts_id,"examining Routestate",ts.route) if sigd and not sigd_equal(ts.route.entry, sigd) then -- Train entered not from the route. Locate origin and cancel route! atwarn("Train",tid,"hit route",ts.route.rsn,"!") advtrains.interlocking.route.cancel_route_from(ts.route.origin) atwarn("Route was cancelled.") else -- train entered route regularily. end ts.route = nil end if tcbs and tcbs.signal then -- Reset route and signal -- Note that the hit-route case is already handled by cancel_route_from -- this code only handles signal at entering tcb and also triggers for non-route ts tcbs.route_committed = nil tcbs.route_aspect = nil tcbs.route_remote = nil tcbs.route_origin = nil tcbs.route_rsn = nil if not tcbs.route_auto then tcbs.routeset = nil end advtrains.interlocking.signal.update_route_aspect(tcbs) advtrains.interlocking.route.update_route(sigd, tcbs) end end local function freesection(tid, train, ts_id, ts, clear_all) -- train if not train.il_sections then train.il_sections = {} end itkremove(train.il_sections, "ts_id", ts_id, not clear_all) -- ts if not ts.trains then ts.trains = {} end itremove(ts.trains, tid, not clear_all) -- route locks if ts.route_post then advtrains.interlocking.route.free_route_locks(ts_id, ts.route_post.locks) if ts.route_post.next then --this does nothing when the train went the right way, because -- "route" info is already cleared. advtrains.interlocking.route.cancel_route_from(ts.route_post.next) end ts.route_post = nil end -- This must be delayed, because this code is executed in-between a train step -- TODO use luaautomation timers? minetest.after(0, advtrains.interlocking.route.update_waiting, "ts", ts_id) end -- This is regular operation -- The train is on a track and drives back and forth -- This sets the section for both directions, to be failsafe advtrains.tnc_register_on_enter(function(pos, id, train, index) local tcb = ildb.get_tcb(pos) if tcb and train.path_cp[index] and train.path_cn[index] then -- forward conn local connid = train.path_cn[index] local ts = tcb[connid] and tcb[connid].ts_id and ildb.get_ts(tcb[connid].ts_id) if ts then setsection(id, train, tcb[connid].ts_id, ts, {p=pos, s=connid}) end -- backward conn (safety only) connid = train.path_cp[index] ts = tcb[connid] and tcb[connid].ts_id and ildb.get_ts(tcb[connid].ts_id) if ts then setsection(id, train, tcb[connid].ts_id, ts, {p=pos, s=connid}, true) end end end) -- this time, of course, only clear the backside (cp connid) advtrains.tnc_register_on_leave(function(pos, id, train, index) local tcb = ildb.get_tcb(pos) if tcb and train.path_cp[index] then -- backward conn local connid = train.path_cp[index] local ts = tcb[connid] and tcb[connid].ts_id and ildb.get_ts(tcb[connid].ts_id) if ts then freesection(id, train, tcb[connid].ts_id, ts) end end end) -- those callbacks are needed to account for created and removed trains (also regarding coupling) advtrains.te_register_on_create(function(id, train) -- let's see what track sections we find here local index = atround(train.index) local pos = advtrains.path_get(train, index) local ts_id = ildb.check_and_repair_ts_at_pos(pos, 1) -- passing connid 1 - that always exists if ts_id then local ts = ildb.get_ts(ts_id) if ts then setsection(id, train, ts_id, ts, nil, true) else atwarn("While placing train, TS didnt exist ",ts_id) end -- Make train a shunt move train.is_shunt = true elseif ts_id==nil then atlog("Train",id,": Unable to determine whether to block a track section!") else --atdebug("Train",id,": Outside of interlocked area!") end end) advtrains.te_register_on_remove(function(id, train) if train.il_sections then for idx, item in ipairs(train.il_sections) do local ts = item.ts_id and ildb.get_ts(item.ts_id) if ts and ts.trains then itremove(ts.trains, id) end end train.il_sections = nil end end)