--chatcmds.lua --Registers commands to modify the init and step code for LuaAutomation --position helper. --punching a node will result in that position being saved and inserted into a text field on the top of init form. local punchpos={} minetest.register_on_punchnode(function(pos, node, player, pointed_thing) local pname=player:get_player_name() punchpos[pname]=pos end) local function get_init_form(env, pname) local err = env.init_err or "" local code = env.init_code or "" local ppos=punchpos[pname] local pp="" if ppos then pp="POS"..minetest.pos_to_string(ppos) end local form = "size[10,10]button[0,0;2,1;run;Run InitCode]button[2,0;2,1;cls;Clear S]" .."button[4,0;2,1;save;Save] button[6,0;2,1;del;Delete Env.] field[8.1,0.5;2,1;punchpos;Last punched position;"..pp.."]" .."textarea[0.2,1;10,10;code;Environment initialization code;"..minetest.formspec_escape(code).."]" .."label[0,9.8;"..err.."]" return form end core.register_chatcommand("env_setup", { params = "<environment name>", description = "Set up and modify AdvTrains LuaAutomation environment", privs = {atlatc=true}, func = function(name, param) local env=atlatc.envs[param] if not env then return false,"Invalid environment name!" end minetest.show_formspec(name, "atlatc_envsetup_"..param, get_init_form(env, name)) return true end, }) core.register_chatcommand("env_create", { params = "<environment name>", description = "Create an AdvTrains LuaAutomation environment", privs = {atlatc=true}, func = function(name, param) if not param or param=="" then return false, "Name required!" end if string.find(param, "[^a-zA-Z0-9-_]") then return false, "Invalid name (only common characters)" end if atlatc.envs[param] then return false, "Environment already exists!" end atlatc.envs[param] = atlatc.env_new(param) atlatc.envs[param].subscribers = {name} return true, "Created environment '"..param.."'. Use '/env_setup "..param.."' to define global initialization code, or start building LuaATC components!" end, }) core.register_chatcommand("env_subscribe", { params = "<environment name>", description = "Subscribe to the log of an Advtrains LuaATC environment", privs = {atlatc=true}, func = function(name, param) local env=atlatc.envs[param] if not env then return false,"Invalid environment name!" end for _,pname in ipairs(env.subscribers) do if pname==name then return false, "Already subscribed!" end end table.insert(env.subscribers, name) return true, "Subscribed to environment '"..param.."'." end, }) core.register_chatcommand("env_unsubscribe", { params = "<environment name>", description = "Unubscribe to the log of an Advtrains LuaATC environment", privs = {atlatc=true}, func = function(name, param) local env=atlatc.envs[param] if not env then return false,"Invalid environment name!" end for index,pname in ipairs(env.subscribers) do if pname==name then table.remove(env.subscribers, index) return true, "Successfully unsubscribed!" end end return false, "Not subscribed to environment '"..param.."'." end, }) core.register_chatcommand("env_subscriptions", { params = "[environment name]", description = "List Advtrains LuaATC environments you are subscribed to (no parameters) or subscribers of an environment (giving an env name).", privs = {atlatc=true}, func = function(name, param) if not param or param=="" then local none=true for envname, env in pairs(atlatc.envs) do for _,pname in ipairs(env.subscribers) do if pname==name then none=false minetest.chat_send_player(name, envname) end end end if none then return false, "Not subscribed to any!" end return true end local env=atlatc.envs[param] if not env then return false,"Invalid environment name!" end local none=true for index,pname in ipairs(env.subscribers) do none=false minetest.chat_send_player(name, pname) end if none then return false, "No subscribers!" end return true end, }) minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields) local pname=player:get_player_name() if not minetest.check_player_privs(pname, {atlatc=true}) then return end local envname=string.match(formname, "^atlatc_delconfirm_(.+)$") if envname and fields.sure=="YES" then atlatc.envs[envname]=nil minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "Environment deleted!") return end envname=string.match(formname, "^atlatc_envsetup_(.+)$") if not envname then return end local env=atlatc.envs[envname] if not env then return end if fields.del then minetest.show_formspec(pname, "atlatc_delconfirm_"..envname, "field[sure;"..minetest.formspec_escape("SURE TO DELETE ENVIRONMENT "..envname.."? Type YES (all uppercase) to continue or just quit form to cancel.")..";]") return end env.init_err=nil if fields.code then env.init_code=fields.code end if fields.run then env:run_initcode() minetest.show_formspec(pname, formname, get_init_form(env, pname)) end end)