% SPEED_LESSP(3ADVTRAINS) | Advtrains Developer's Manual # NAME `lessp`, `greaterp`, `equalp`, `not_lessp`, `not_greaterp`, `not_equalp`, `min`, `max` - Speed limit comparison functions # SYNOPSIS * `lessp(a, b)` * `greaterp(a, b)` * `equalp(a, b)` * `not_lessp(a, b)` * `not_greaterp(a, b)` * `min(a, b)` * `max(a, b)` # DESCRIPTION `lessp()`, `greaterp()`, `equalp()`, `not_lessp()`, `not_greaterp()`, and `not_equalp()` are predicate functions that returns, respectively, * Whether `a` is more strict than `b` * Whether `a` is less strict than `b` * Whether `a` and `b` indicate the same speed limit * Whether `a` is not more strict than `b` * Whether `a` is nor less strict than `b` * Whether `a` and `b` do not indicate the same speed limit `min()` returns the speed limit that is more strict. `max()` returns the speed limit that is less strict.