## ADVTRAINS ## realistic trains in Minetest! by orwell96 and contributors(see below) For up-to-date information, visit https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=14726 ### How to drive trains (The non-pdf manual file got corrupted, one day I need to make a new manual. Meanwhile here) First of all: you can always get off the train with right-click. While on a train: W - faster S - slower / change direction Space: brake Shift+S: set speed to 0 (train rolls out, brake to stop!) Shift+W: Set full speed Shift+A: Set speed to 4 (~40km/h) Shift+D: Set speed to 8 (~100km/h) Shift+Space: toggle brake Shift+Use: get off Manual: If manual.pdf is not present (which is the case when you downloaded the zip file), see https://github.com/orwell96/advtrains/blob/master/manual.pdf License of code: LGPL 2.1 License of media: CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0 Contributions: Gravel Texture : from Minetest Game Initial rail model/texture : DS-minetest Models for signals/bumpers : mbb Steam engine / wagon texture: mbb Industrial engine/wagons : mbb Inventory images : mbb Small code contributions : NaruTrey / gpcf