advtrains.hud = {} minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(function(player) advtrains.hud[player:get_player_name()] = nil end) function advtrains.set_trainhud(name, text) local hud = advtrains.hud[name] local player=minetest.get_player_by_name(name) if not hud then hud = {} advtrains.hud[name] = hud = player:hud_add({ hud_elem_type = "text", name = "ADVTRAINS", number = 0xFFFFFF, position = {x=0.5, y=0.7}, offset = {x=0, y=0}, text = text, scale = {x=200, y=60}, alignment = {x=0, y=0}, }) hud.oldText=text return elseif hud.oldText ~= text then player:hud_change(, "text", text) hud.oldText=text end end function advtrains.hud_train_format(train, flip) local fct=1 if flip then fct=-1 end if not train then return "" end local max=advtrains.all_traintypes[train.traintype].max_speed or 10 local vel=math.ceil(train.velocity)*fct local tvel=math.ceil(train.tarvelocity)*fct local firstLine, secondLine if vel<0 then firstLine="Speed: <"..string.rep("_", vel+max)..string.rep("+", -vel).."|"..string.rep("_", max)..">" else firstLine="Speed: <"..string.rep("_", max).."|"..string.rep("+", vel)..string.rep("_", max-vel)..">" end if tvel<0 then secondLine="Target: <"..string.rep("_", tvel+max)..string.rep("+", -tvel).."|"..string.rep("_", max)..">" else secondLine="Target: <"..string.rep("_", max).."|"..string.rep("+", tvel)..string.rep("_", max-tvel)..">" end if vel==0 then return firstLine.."\n"..secondLine.."\nup for forward, down for backward, use to get off train. " elseif vel<0 then return firstLine.."\n"..secondLine.."\nPress up to decelerate, down to accelerate, sneak to stop." elseif vel>0 then return firstLine.."\n"..secondLine.."\nPress up to accelerate, down to decelerate, sneak to stop." end end