-- Small script to generate json files for lifomapserver to use for routing advtrains = {} minetest = {} core = minetest math.hypot = function(a,b) return math.sqrt(a*a + b*b) end function attrans(str) return str end dofile("vector.lua") local serialize = dofile("serialize.lua") dofile("helpers.lua") function parse_args(argv) local i = 1 local no_trains = false local datapath, mappath, worldimage while i <= #argv do local a = argv[i] if (a == "-m") or (a == "--map-file") then -- only draw trains – requires specifying an already drawn file i = i+1 if not argv[i] then error(("missing filename after `%s'"):format(a)) end mappath = argv[i] elseif (a == "-t") or (a == "--no-trains") then -- do not draw trains no_trains = true elseif (a == "-w") or (a == "--world-image") then -- overlay over world image i = i+1 if not argv[i] then error(("missing filename after `%s'"):format(a)) end worldimage = argv[i] else datapath = a end i = i + 1 end return datapath, mappath, no_trains, worldimage end datapath, mappath, no_trains, worldimage = parse_args(arg) function ars_to_text(arstab) if not arstab then return "{}" end local txt = {} local ln = {} local rc = {} for i, arsent in ipairs(arstab) do local n = "" if arsent.n then n = "!" end if arsent.ln then ln[#ln+1] = '"'..n..arsent.ln..'"' elseif arsent.rc then rc[#ln+1] = '"'..n..arsent.rc..'"' elseif arsent.c then txt[#txt+1] = "#"..arsent.c end end return '{"LN": ['..table.concat(ln,',')..'], "RC" : ['..table.concat(rc,",")..']'.. ',"default": '..(arstab.default and "true" or "false").."}\n" end --local file = io.open(datapath.."advtrains_interlocking_tcbs", "r") --local tbl = minetest.deserialize(file:read("*a")) local tbl = serialize.read_from_file(datapath.."advtrains_interlocking") advtrains.tcbs = tbl.tcbs --file:close() local jsonfile = io.open(datapath.."signals.json", "w") tcbstr = {} for k,v in pairs(advtrains.tcbs) do local routes = v[1].routes or {} if v[2].routes then for a,b in ipairs(v[2].routes) do routes[#routes+1] = b end end local pos = k:sub(2,-2) local sp = {} for j in (pos..","):gmatch("([^,]+),") do sp[#sp+1] = j end local tcbsidestr = {} local hasroutes = false for s=1,2 do local routestr = {} local side = v[s] local routes = side.routes or {} local signame = side.signal_name or "" local auto = nil for i,r in pairs(routes) do hasroutes = true local tcbps = {} local tcbs = {} -- svgfile:write("") for ind,ps in ipairs(r) do if ps.next then local tcb = ps.next.p -- print(minetest.serialize(ps.next)) if tcb and tcb.x then tcbps[#tcbps+1] = tcb.x..","..tcb.y..","..tcb.z tcbs[#tcbs+1] = ps.next.s end end end local auto = '"auto": false' if side.routeset and i == side.routeset and side.route_auto then auto = '"auto": true' end if #tcbps > 0 then routestr[#routestr+1] = '{ "name": "'..r.name..'",\n"endpoint": "'..tcbps[#tcbps]..'",\n"ars": '..ars_to_text(r.ars)..","..auto..', "endpoint_side": '..tcbs[#tcbs]..' }' end end tcbsidestr[#tcbsidestr+1] = '{ "routes": [ '..table.concat(routestr, ",\n")..' ], "signal_name": "'..signame..'"}' end if hasroutes then tcbstr[#tcbstr+1] = '"'..pos..'": { "type" : "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ '..sp[1]..","..sp[3]..']}, "properties" : { "pos": "'..pos..'", "sides" : [\n'..table.concat(tcbsidestr,",\n").."]}}" end end jsonfile:write("{"..table.concat(tcbstr,",\n").."}") jsonfile:close()