{% import "macros.html" as macros %} Hemiptera Bugtracker at {{DOMAIN}} {{ macros.head() }}
{{ macros.h1(DOMAIN) }}


{{ replies[0]["Subject"]|e }}

Send replies to {{ bug.id }}@{{ DOMAIN }} or using the Form below.
{% for i in replies %}
avatar From: {% if i["From"] == replies[0]["From"] %} OP {% elif i["From"] in devs %} Developer {% else %} Someone else {% endif %}
{{ i["Date"] |e}}

{{ i.get_body("plain").get_content()|e|replace("\n", "

") }}

{% endfor %} {% if bug.closed %}
avatar Status Update
{{ bug.closeddate|e}}
This bug was closed.
{% endif %} {{ macros.form(bug.id, DOMAIN, True) }} {{ macros.footer() }}