local head = { "V  TRAIN  LINE    STATION ", " " }
local length = 18
local sformat = string.format

if event.type=="digiline" or event.type=="punch" then
  if event.channel=="upd_main" or event.type=="punch" then
    local table = table
    local start_t = os.clock()
    if not S.lagrec then S.lagrec = {} end
    local la = {}
    local lb = {}
    local i
    local counter=0
    local ids = {}
    for i in pairs(S.trains) do ids[#ids+1] = i end
    for id = 1, #ids, 1 do
      local st = (S.trains[ids[id] or 0] or "")
      i = (counter-counter%7)/7*2+((counter%7<3) and 1 or 2)
      if not la[i] then la[i] = (i%2==0) and {} or {head[1]} end
      if not lb[i] then lb[i] = (i%2==0) and {} or {head[2]} end
      local n = sformat("[%s] %s", st.t or "?", F.stnlist[st.s] or st.s)
      la[i][#la[i]+1] = sformat("%02d %06d %-7s %s", st.v, ids[id], st.l, n)
      lb[i][#lb[i]+1] = (n:len() < 10 and " " or n:sub(10))
      counter = counter + 1
    for i=1,#la,1 do
      digiline_send("d"..tostring(i).."a", table.concat(la[i] or {" "," "},"\n"))
      digiline_send("d"..tostring(i).."b", table.concat(lb[i] or {" "," "},"\n"))
    local end_t = os.clock()
    S.lagrec[#S.lagrec+1] = end_t - start_t
    local lagavg = 0
    for i = 1, #S.lagrec, 1 do lagavg = lagavg + S.lagrec[i] end
    lagavg = lagavg / #S.lagrec
    digiline_send("lag1", sformat("DEBUG\nTRAINS: %d\nTS: %d", counter, os.time()))
    digiline_send("lag2", sformat("CUR %f\nMIN %f\nMAX %f\nAVG %f", end_t - start_t, S.lagrec[1], S.lagrec[#S.lagrec], lagavg))