local yard_id = "ARC"

if not S.yards[yard_id].notify then return end

local subs = {
	A list of FC subscribers to send out notifications for.
	Each entry must have a coresponding Lua Track / Operators Panel to trigger (using event.ext_int)
	Used to alert a shunter locomotive or other yard that there's wagons available to collect from this yard.

	['S27'] = {['pos'] = POS(-1515,7,-2625), ['msg'] = "notify"},
	['ARC_SB'] = {['pos'] = POS(-1973,16,800), ['msg'] = "notify"},
	['CANNERY'] = {['pos'] = POS(-630,26,2454), ['msg'] = "notify"},

if event.ext_int or event.punch then
	local list = "Notify: "
	for fc, sub in pairs(subs) do
		if S.yards[yard_id].notify[fc] then
			interrupt_pos(sub.pos,sub.msg or "notify")
			list = list .. fc .. ", "
	S.yards[yard_id].notify = {}