-- environment_far.lua if S.trains == nil then S.trains = {} end if S.d == nil then S.d = {} end if S.datetime == nil then S.datetime = "" end F.print = function (str) if F.debug then print("".. (str or "nil") ) end end F.isempty = function (s) return s == nil or s == "" end F.get_rc_safe = function() return get_rc() or "" end F.get_line_safe = function() return get_line() or "" end F.get_train_length_safe = function() return train_length() or 0 end F.avg = function(t) local sum = 0 local count = 0 for k,v in pairs(t) do if type(v) == "number" then sum = sum + v count = count + 1 end end return (sum / count) end if event.init then F.debug = true F.printAllTrainsInfo = true F.max_displays = 15 F.print("Initialized") end --[[ EXAMPLE: F.has_rc("LILSHUNTER", F.get_rc_safe() ) Merged F.has_rc and F.does_train_have_rc F.does_train_have_rc is deprecated ]] F.has_rc = function(query,rc_list) -- query = string, single entry for word in rc_list:gmatch("[^%s]+") do if word == query then return true end end return false end F.send_route = function(passive_name, route, show_print) local message = "" local return_value = false if can_set_route(passive_name, route) then set_route(passive_name, route) message = passive_name .. " has been set to " .. route return_value = true else message = route .. " cannot be set for " .. passive_name .. ". Try another." return_value = false end if show_print == true then F.print(message) end return return_value end F.save_train = function(pos) if not atc_id then return end if S.trains then if F.isempty(pos) then pos_string = "" else pos_string = pos["x"] .. "," .. pos["y"] .. "," .. pos["z"] end if F.has_rc("LILSHUNTER", F.get_rc_safe()) then S.trains[atc_id] = { ["id"] = atc_id, ["rc"] = F.get_rc_safe(), ["ln"] = F.get_line_safe(), ["cars_count"] = F.get_train_length_safe(), ["pos"] = pos_string } -- F.print("Train ID: " .. S.trains[atc_id]["id"] .. " at " .. S.trains[atc_id]["pos"]) -- remote_track = POS(30919,13,1812) -- interrupt_pos(remote_track, "display") end end end F.get_real_split_count = function(train_length_count, split_count) if split_count then if split_count == "all" then return 2 else F.print("train_length_count (" .. train_length_count .. ") - split_count (" .. split_count .. ")") train_length_count = train_length_count + 1 split_count = train_length_count - split_count return split_count end else return nil end end F.delete_train_info = function(train_id) if S.trains[train_id] then S.trains[train_id] = nil F.print("Deleted train id: " .. train_id) end end F.clear_main_depot_displays = function() for i = 1, F.max_displays, 1 do digiline_send("train_display" .. i, " ") end end F.list_trains = function(print_info) if S.trains then number_of_displays = F.max_displays F.clear_main_depot_displays() number_of_displays = number_of_displays + 1 count_keys = 0 trains_table = {} for k in pairs(S.trains) do table.insert(trains_table, k) count_keys = count_keys + 1 end table.sort(trains_table) -- x = number_of_displays - count_keys x = 1 for _, k in ipairs(trains_table) do if S.trains[k] then v = S.trains[k] if F.has_rc("LILSHUNTER", v["rc"]) or F.has_rc("LIL", v["rc"]) then F.delete_train_info(v["id"]) else if v["ln"] == nil or v["ln"] == "" then line_number = "" else line_number = "| LN: [" .. v["ln"] .. "]" end if v["pos"] == nil or v["pos"] == "" then pos_string = "" else pos_string = "| POS: [" .. v["pos"] .. "]" end if v["rc"] == nil or v["rc"] == "" then rc_display = "" else rc_list = v["rc"] rc_list_cleansed = "" rc_list_unknown = "" rc_list_table = {} if F.has_rc("ERSTAZI", rc_list) and F.has_rc("FREIGHT", rc_list) then rc_list_cleansed = "ERSTAZI FREIGHT |" else rc_list_cleansed = "NO E,F |" end for rc in rc_list:gmatch("[^%s]+") do if rc == "ERSTAZI" or rc == "FREIGHT" then -- leaving for future use do_nothing = true else rc_list_unknown = rc_list_unknown .. " " .. rc end end rc_display = "" if not F.isempty(rc_list_unknown) then rc_display = rc_display .. "| RC:" .. rc_list_unknown end end if v["cars_count"] == nil or v["cars_count"] == "" then cars_count_display = " Len: 0" else cars_count = tonumber(v["cars_count"]) cars_count_display = " Len: " .. cars_count end message = " ID: " .. v["id"] .. cars_count_display .. rc_display .. line_number .. pos_string if x > 0 then digiline_send("train_display" .. x, message) end if print_info then F.print(x .. ": " .. message) end x = x + 1 end end end -- S.datetime = os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") -- digiline_send("time", " \n " .. S.datetime) else if print_info then F.print("no trains saved in S.trains") end end end F.slow_train_down = function(id) result = atc_send_to_train(id, "B1") if result == false then F.print("Train ID " .. id .. " does not exist") else F.print("Train ID " .. id .. " is slowed down to B1") end end