--F.stn_union=function(line1, prev1, prev2, this, next, doors, dps, osig, ret_sw, ret_st, nohalt, waittime) F.stationnames={ Ewb="Edenwood Beach", Ban="Bananame", ctr="Coulomb Street Triangle", Cht="Churchill Street", Bbe="Birch Bay East", Bap="Turtle Rock", Icm="Ice Mountain", Eft="BHS10", Apl="Apple Plains", Pal="Palm Bay", Slh="Smacker's Land of Hope and Glory", Lks="Leekston", Ta1="Testing Area 1", Ta2="Testing Area 2", Ahr="AHRAZHUL's Station", Ahz="Large Beach", Wim="Windy Mountains", Dam="Szymon's Dam", Wva="Windy Mountains Valley 1", Wvb="Windy Mountains Valley 2", Wvc="Windy Mountains Valley 3", App="Apple Grove", Dem="Desert Mountain", Dev="Desert View (OCP)", Lvc="Levenshtein Canyon", Gho="Green Hope", Snb="Snake Bend", Adb="Adorno Boulevard", Duf="Duff Road", Wat="Something in the water", Ram="Ramanujan Street", Per="Perelman Street", Trp="Trump Park", Sfs="South Forest Station", Lok="Jude Milhon Street", Bam="Bamboo Hills", Sfa="unnamed", Gcl="Green Cliffs", Dri="Dry Island", Ged="Green Edge", Ghb="Green Hill Beach", Acm="Acacia Mountains", Ghm="Greenhat Mountain", Pna="Pence Avenue", Dbl="Dubulti", Sws="Schwarzschildt Street", Mnk="Minkowsky Street", Rgs="Robert Gardon Street", Ehl="Ehlodex", Lus="Lusin Street", Lin="Lesnoi Industrial Area", Boz="Booze Grove", Mrh="Mirzakhani Street", Plt="Planetarium", Mcf="McFly Street", Tha="Theodor Adorno Street", Oni="Onionland", Ora="Orange Lake", Uaa="Eiffel Street", Leo="Leonhard Street", Bby="Birch Bay", Stb="Stone Beach", Jis="Jungle Island", Ice="Eternal Ice", Bnt="Pierre Berton Street", Osa="Origin Sands", OBa="Cartesian Square", OOr="School", OSc="ARA", ONb="Intel ME Stairs", OIs="SCSI Connector Mess", OSm="Origin Sands (Plaza de la Republica)", ioa="Cow Bridge", iob="Babbage Road", Wcs="Watson-Crick Street", Rru="Rockefeller Runway", Ewd="Edenwood", Chu="Marcuse Street Station", Erd="Erdos Street", Uni="Museum", Mar="Felfa's Market (Bracket Road)", Wac="Watson-Crick", OLv="Market", Irk="Ice Rink", Sbr="Suburb", Unv="University", Arc="Archangel", Dar="Darwin Road", Hmi="Half-Mile Island", Zoo="Zoo", Bea="Beach", Yos="Yoshi Island", Krs="Kernighan&Ritchie Street", Rkb="Robert Koch Boulevard", Rsi="Riverside", Swr="Swimming Rabbit Street", Wbb="Banana Forest", Ori="Origin", Snl="Snowland", Sys="Ship Rock", Rfo="Redwood forest", Moj="Mom Junction", Wfr="Wolf Rock", Spa="Shanielle Park", Thh="Treehouse Hotel", Stn="Main station", WB1="Riverside", WB2="Banana Forest", WB3="Eiffel Street", WB4="Buckminster Fuller Street", WB5="White Beaches", Shn="Shanielle City", Jus="Tom Lehrer Street", Fre="Frege Street", Min="MinerLand", Vlc="Volcano Cliffs", Mio="Minio", Wpy="Water Pyramid", Cat="Cathedral", Dca="Desert Canyon", Spn="Spawn", Brn="Ministry of Transport (bernhardd)", Kav="Knuth Avenue", Lvf="Library", Fms="John Horton Conway Street", Mnt="Mountain", Mnv="Mountain Valley", Mnn="Mountain View", Max="Maxwell Street", Snp="Snowy Peak", Scl="ScottishLion's City", Lza="Laza's City", Bld="BlackDog", Hts="Hotel Shanielle", Fmn="Euler Street", Gpl="Market", Jun="Jungle", Jng="Franklin Road", Uic="Coulomb Street", Grs="Gram-Schmidt Street", Lih="Lighthouse", Rea="Reactor", Hhs="Henderson-Hasselbalch Street", Ack="Ackermann Avenue", Lis="Lone Island", Pyr="Pytagoras Road", Nha="North Harbour", STn="Technic Station", SPo="Post Office", SSw="Spawn, westbound", SSe="Spawn, eastbound", SPa="Papyrus Farm", STo="Tourist Info", SMi="Public Mine", MR1="Euler Street", MSt="Main Station (Spawn)", MOr="Marcuse Street Station (Origin)", } --[[ Signal names: F.stn(, , , Halt here and continue when signal is green. no halt: F.stn_nohalt=function(prev, this, next, dps, osig) F.stn_return(, , , , , , Halt here. Set the switch to desired state and return when signal is green. Does not free previous section! F.stn_return_free=function(, , ) To be called after train left the switch of a stn_return station. Sets the switch back to incoming trains and sets signal to green. ]] --Warning: Expects line to be a string! local linet={ ["1"] = {W="Palm Bay", E="Windy Mountains"}, ["2"] = {N="Szymon's Dam", S="Onionland"}, ["3"] = {S="Bananame", N="Large Beach"}, ["4"] = {E="Schwarzschildt Street", W="Ice Mountain"}, ["5"] = {W="Lighthouse", E="Leekston"}, ["7"] = {N="Birch Bay East", S="Planetarium"}, } F.lineterm = function(line, terminal) if linet[line] and linet[line][terminal] then return linet[line][terminal] end return terminal end F.lineset = function(line, terminal) if event.train then atc_set_text_outside("Line "..line.." - "..F.lineterm(line, terminal)) S.line[atc_id] = line set_line(tonumber(line)) end end F.rant=function() return math.random(5,8) end F.stnname=function(cap) return F.stationnames[string.sub(cap, 1, 3)] or "?" end F.stn=function(prev, this, next, doors, dps, osig) F.stn_union(nil, prev, nil, this, next, doors, dps, osig) end F.stn_return=function(prev, this, next, doors, switch, state, dps, osig, waittime) F.stn_union(nil, prev, nil, this, next, doors, dps, osig, switch, state, false, waittime) end F.stn_return_nohalt=function(prev, this, next, switch, state, dps) F.stn_union(nil, prev, nil, this, next, "C", dps, osig, switch, state, true) end F.stn_return_free=function(prev, switch, state) if event.train then setstate(prev, "green") setstate(switch, state) end end F.stn_nohalt=function(prev, this, next, dps, osig) F.stn_union(nil, prev, nil, this, next, "C", dps, osig, nil, nil, true) end F.union_wait=function(sect) S.union_waiting[sect] = not depart end F.stn_union=function(line1, prev1, prev2, this, next, doors, dps, osig, ret_sw, ret_st, nohalt, waittime) if not atc_id then atc_send("B0") error("Train has disappeared!") end if not atc_arrow then atc_send("B0") error("Train passed in wrong direction!") end depart=false if event.train then setstate(prev1, "red") if prev2 then setstate(prev2, "red") end atc_send("B0O"..doors) if atc_speed and atc_speed > 10 then local dt = os.date() atc_set_text_outside("BrakeFail speed="..atc_speed.." when="..dt.year.."-"..dt.month.."-"..dt.day.." "..dt.hour..":"..dt.min..":"..dt.sec) error("Train "..atc_id.." has passed rail at speed of "..atc_speed) end if not nohalt then interrupt(waittime or (ret_sw and 20 or 7), "ready") atc_set_text_inside(F.stnname(this)) end end if (event.int and event.message=="ready") or (event.train and nohalt) then if getstate(this)=="green" and (not osig or getstate(osig)=="green") then if ret_sw then atc_send("OCD1B0WRS"..(dps or "M")) setstate(ret_sw, ret_st) else atc_send("OCD1S"..(dps or "M")) setstate(prev1, "green") if line1 then --this call did not come from F.stn, do union stuff setstate(prev2, "green") if S.line[atc_id]==line1 then if S.union_waiting[prev2] then setstate(prev1, "red") end else if S.union_waiting[prev1] then setstate(prev2, "red") end end end end setstate(this, "red") atc_set_text_inside("Next stop: "..F.stnname(next)) depart=true nodepartc=nil else interrupt(F.rant(), "ready") nodepartc=nodepartc and nodepartc+1 or 0 if nodepartc>=10 then atc_set_text_inside(F.stnname(this).."\nLine out of order!") else if (not osig or getstate(osig)=="green") then atc_set_text_inside(F.stnname(this).."\nWaiting for preceding train...") else atc_set_text_inside(F.stnname(this).."\nWaiting for oncoming train...") end end end end end F.pre=function(signal) if getstate(signal) == "red" then atc_send("B4") end end F.uiclog = function () return end --L197 F.stat=function(line, init) --statistics -- init if init then reftrain = atc_id a_tbt = 30 a_tbtmax = 30 a_rtt = 500 a_not = 0 c_not = 0 c_tbtmax = 0 time_lt = os.time() time_rt=os.time() end if not a_tbtmax then a_tbtmax = 30 end if not c_tbtmax then c_tbtmax = 0 end --real code if event.train then local time = os.time() c_not = c_not + 1 a_tbt = (a_tbt + (time - time_lt)) / 2 c_tbtmax = math.max(c_tbtmax, (time - time_lt)) if atc_id == reftrain then a_rtt = (a_rtt*0.2 + (time - time_rt)*0.8) a_not = c_not c_not = 0 a_tbtmax = (a_tbtmax + c_tbtmax) / 2 c_tbtmax = 0 end digiline_send("stats", "Stat: "..line.. " NoT:"..a_not.."("..c_not..")".. " TbT:"..math.floor(a_tbt).."("..(time-time_lt)..")".. " Tmx:"..math.floor(a_tbtmax).."("..c_tbtmax..")".. " R:"..math.floor(a_rtt).."("..(time - time_rt)..")" ) time_lt = time if atc_id == reftrain then time_rt = time end end end -- 21.1.19, the rise of tss F.stn_ilk=function(prev, this, next, doors, dps) depart = false if event.train then atc_send("B0 W O"..doors) atc_set_text_inside(F.stnname(this)) interrupt(7, "ready") elseif event.int then local asp = get_aspect(this) if not asp then atc_set_text_inside(F.stnname(this).."\nNo aspect for "..this) else if asp.main.free then atc_set_text_inside("Next stop:\n"..F.stnname(next)) atc_send("OC D1 S"..(dps or "M")) depart = true return else atc_set_text_inside(F.stnname(this).."\nSection ahead is blocked...") end end interrupt(7, "ready") end end F.stn_ilkentry=function(prev, this, next, doors, dps) F.stn_ilk(prev, this, next, doors, dps) if depart then setstate(prev, "green") end end