_G.core = {} _G.vector = {metatable = {}} _G.setfenv = require 'busted.compatibility'.setfenv dofile("builtin/common/serialize.lua") dofile("builtin/common/vector.lua") -- Supports circular tables; does not support table keys -- Correctly checks whether a mapping of references ("same") exists -- Is significantly more efficient than assert.same local function assert_same(a, b, same) same = same or {} if same[a] or same[b] then assert(same[a] == b and same[b] == a) return end if a == b then return end if type(a) ~= "table" or type(b) ~= "table" then assert(a == b) return end same[a] = b same[b] = a local count = 0 for k, v in pairs(a) do count = count + 1 assert(type(k) ~= "table") assert_same(v, b[k], same) end for _ in pairs(b) do count = count - 1 end assert(count == 0) end local x, y = {}, {} local t1, t2 = {x, x, y, y}, {x, y, x, y} assert.same(t1, t2) -- will succeed because it only checks whether the depths match assert(not pcall(assert_same, t1, t2)) -- will correctly fail because it checks whether the refs match describe("serialize", function() local function assert_preserves(value) local preserved_value = core.deserialize(core.serialize(value)) assert_same(value, preserved_value) end it("works", function() assert_preserves({cat={sound="nyan", speed=400}, dog={sound="woof"}}) end) it("handles characters", function() assert_preserves({escape_chars="\n\r\t\v\\\"\'", non_european="θשׁ٩∂"}) end) it("handles NaN & infinities", function() local nan = core.deserialize(core.serialize(0/0)) assert(nan ~= nan) assert_preserves(math.huge) assert_preserves(-math.huge) end) it("handles precise numbers", function() assert_preserves(0.2695949158945771) end) it("handles big integers", function() assert_preserves(269594915894577) end) it("handles recursive structures", function() local test_in = { hello = "world" } test_in.foo = test_in assert_preserves(test_in) end) it("handles cross-referencing structures", function() local test_in = { foo = { baz = { {} }, }, bar = { baz = {}, }, } test_in.foo.baz[1].foo = test_in.foo test_in.foo.baz[1].bar = test_in.bar test_in.bar.baz[1] = test_in.foo.baz[1] assert_preserves(test_in) end) it("strips functions in safe mode", function() local test_in = { func = function(a, b) error("test") end, foo = "bar" } setfenv(test_in.func, _G) local str = core.serialize(test_in) assert.not_nil(str:find("loadstring")) local test_out = core.deserialize(str, true) assert.is_nil(test_out.func) assert.equals(test_out.foo, "bar") end) it("vectors work", function() local v = vector.new(1, 2, 3) assert_preserves({v}) assert_preserves(v) -- abuse v = vector.new(1, 2, 3) v.a = "bla" assert_preserves(v) end) it("handles keywords as keys", function() assert_preserves({["and"] = "keyword", ["for"] = "keyword"}) end) describe("fuzzing", function() local atomics = {true, false, math.huge, -math.huge} -- no NaN or nil local function atomic() return atomics[math.random(1, #atomics)] end local function num() local sign = math.random() < 0.5 and -1 or 1 local val = math.random(0, 2^52) local exp = math.random() < 0.5 and 1 or 2^(math.random(-120, 120)) return sign * val * exp end local function charcodes(count) if count == 0 then return end return math.random(0, 0xFF), charcodes(count - 1) end local function str() return string.char(charcodes(math.random(0, 100))) end local primitives = {atomic, num, str} local function primitive() return primitives[math.random(1, #primitives)]() end local function tab(max_actions) local root = {} local tables = {root} local function random_table() return tables[#tables == 1 and 1 or math.random(1, #tables)] -- luacheck: ignore end for _ = 1, math.random(1, max_actions) do local tab = random_table() local value if math.random() < 0.5 then if math.random() < 0.5 then value = random_table() else value = {} table.insert(tables, value) end else value = primitive() end tab[math.random() < 0.5 and (#tab + 1) or primitive()] = value end return root end it("primitives work", function() for _ = 1, 1e3 do assert_preserves(primitive()) end end) it("tables work", function() for _ = 1, 100 do local fuzzed_table = tab(1e3) assert_same(fuzzed_table, table.copy(fuzzed_table)) assert_preserves(fuzzed_table) end end) end) end)