-- -- exception handler test module -- -- -- To avoid this from crashing the module will startup in inactive mode. -- to make specific errors happen you need to cause them by following -- chat command: -- -- exceptiontest <location> <errortype> -- -- location has to be one of: -- * mapgen: cause in next on_generate call -- * entity_step: spawn a entity and make it do error in on_step -- * globalstep: do error in next globalstep -- * immediate: cause right in chat handler -- -- errortypes defined are: -- * segv: make sigsegv happen -- * zerodivision: cause a division by zero to happen -- * exception: throw an exception if core.cause_error == nil or type(core.cause_error) ~= "function" then return end core.log("action", "WARNING: loading exception handler test module!") local exceptiondata = { tocause = "none", mapgen = false, entity_step = false, globalstep = false, } local exception_entity = { on_step = function(self, dtime) if exceptiondata.entity_step then core.cause_error(exceptiondata.tocause) end end, } local exception_entity_name = "errorhandler_test:error_entity" local function exception_chat_handler(playername, param) local parameters = param:split(" ") if #parameters ~= 2 then core.chat_send_player(playername, "Invalid argument count for exceptiontest") end core.log("error", "Causing error at:" .. parameters[1]) if parameters[1] == "mapgen" then exceptiondata.tocause = parameters[2] exceptiondata.mapgen = true elseif parameters[1] == "entity_step" then --spawn entity at player location local player = core.get_player_by_name(playername) if player:is_player() then local pos = player:getpos() core.add_entity(pos, exception_entity_name) end exceptiondata.tocause = parameters[2] exceptiondata.entity_step = true elseif parameters[1] == "globalstep" then exceptiondata.tocause = parameters[2] exceptiondata.globalstep = true elseif parameters[1] == "immediate" then core.cause_error(parameters[2]) else core.chat_send_player(playername, "Invalid error location: " .. dump(parameters[1])) end end core.register_chatcommand("exceptiontest", { params = "<location> <errortype>", description = "cause a given error to happen.\n" .. " location=(mapgen,entity_step,globalstep,immediate)\n" .. " errortype=(segv,zerodivision,exception)", func = exception_chat_handler, privs = { server=true } }) core.register_globalstep(function(dtime) if exceptiondata.globalstep then core.cause_error(exceptiondata.tocause) end end) core.register_on_generated(function(minp, maxp, blockseed) if exceptiondata.mapgen then core.cause_error(exceptiondata.tocause) end end) core.register_entity(exception_entity_name, exception_entity)