/* Minetest Copyright (C) 2016 est31, <MTest31@outlook.com> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "joystick_controller.h" #include "irrlichttypes_extrabloated.h" #include "keys.h" #include "settings.h" #include "gettime.h" #include "porting.h" #include "util/string.h" bool JoystickButtonCmb::isTriggered(const irr::SEvent::SJoystickEvent &ev) const { u32 buttons = ev.ButtonStates; buttons &= filter_mask; return buttons == compare_mask; } bool JoystickAxisCmb::isTriggered(const irr::SEvent::SJoystickEvent &ev) const { s16 ax_val = ev.Axis[axis_to_compare]; return (ax_val * direction < -thresh); } // spares many characters #define JLO_B_PB(A, B, C) jlo.button_keys.emplace_back(A, B, C) #define JLO_A_PB(A, B, C, D) jlo.axis_keys.emplace_back(A, B, C, D) JoystickLayout create_default_layout() { JoystickLayout jlo; jlo.axes_deadzone = g_settings->getU16("joystick_deadzone"); const JoystickAxisLayout axes[JA_COUNT] = { {0, 1}, // JA_SIDEWARD_MOVE {1, 1}, // JA_FORWARD_MOVE {3, 1}, // JA_FRUSTUM_HORIZONTAL {4, 1}, // JA_FRUSTUM_VERTICAL }; memcpy(jlo.axes, axes, sizeof(jlo.axes)); u32 sb = 1 << 7; // START button mask u32 fb = 1 << 3; // FOUR button mask u32 bm = sb | fb; // Mask for Both Modifiers // The back button means "ESC". JLO_B_PB(KeyType::ESC, 1 << 6, 1 << 6); // The start button counts as modifier as well as use key. // JLO_B_PB(KeyType::USE, sb, sb)); // Accessible without start modifier button pressed // regardless whether four is pressed or not JLO_B_PB(KeyType::SNEAK, sb | 1 << 2, 1 << 2); // Accessible without four modifier button pressed // regardless whether start is pressed or not JLO_B_PB(KeyType::DIG, fb | 1 << 4, 1 << 4); JLO_B_PB(KeyType::PLACE, fb | 1 << 5, 1 << 5); // Accessible without any modifier pressed JLO_B_PB(KeyType::JUMP, bm | 1 << 0, 1 << 0); JLO_B_PB(KeyType::AUX1, bm | 1 << 1, 1 << 1); // Accessible with start button not pressed, but four pressed // TODO find usage for button 0 JLO_B_PB(KeyType::DROP, bm | 1 << 1, fb | 1 << 1); JLO_B_PB(KeyType::HOTBAR_PREV, bm | 1 << 4, fb | 1 << 4); JLO_B_PB(KeyType::HOTBAR_NEXT, bm | 1 << 5, fb | 1 << 5); // Accessible with start button and four pressed // TODO find usage for buttons 0, 1 and 4, 5 // Now about the buttons simulated by the axes // Movement buttons, important for vessels JLO_A_PB(KeyType::FORWARD, 1, 1, jlo.axes_deadzone); JLO_A_PB(KeyType::BACKWARD, 1, -1, jlo.axes_deadzone); JLO_A_PB(KeyType::LEFT, 0, 1, jlo.axes_deadzone); JLO_A_PB(KeyType::RIGHT, 0, -1, jlo.axes_deadzone); // Scroll buttons JLO_A_PB(KeyType::HOTBAR_PREV, 2, -1, jlo.axes_deadzone); JLO_A_PB(KeyType::HOTBAR_NEXT, 5, -1, jlo.axes_deadzone); return jlo; } JoystickLayout create_xbox_layout() { JoystickLayout jlo; jlo.axes_deadzone = 7000; const JoystickAxisLayout axes[JA_COUNT] = { {0, 1}, // JA_SIDEWARD_MOVE {1, 1}, // JA_FORWARD_MOVE {2, 1}, // JA_FRUSTUM_HORIZONTAL {3, 1}, // JA_FRUSTUM_VERTICAL }; memcpy(jlo.axes, axes, sizeof(jlo.axes)); // The back button means "ESC". JLO_B_PB(KeyType::ESC, 1 << 8, 1 << 8); // back JLO_B_PB(KeyType::ESC, 1 << 9, 1 << 9); // start // 4 Buttons JLO_B_PB(KeyType::JUMP, 1 << 0, 1 << 0); // A/green JLO_B_PB(KeyType::ESC, 1 << 1, 1 << 1); // B/red JLO_B_PB(KeyType::AUX1, 1 << 2, 1 << 2); // X/blue JLO_B_PB(KeyType::INVENTORY, 1 << 3, 1 << 3); // Y/yellow // Analog Sticks JLO_B_PB(KeyType::AUX1, 1 << 11, 1 << 11); // left JLO_B_PB(KeyType::SNEAK, 1 << 12, 1 << 12); // right // Triggers JLO_B_PB(KeyType::DIG, 1 << 6, 1 << 6); // lt JLO_B_PB(KeyType::PLACE, 1 << 7, 1 << 7); // rt JLO_B_PB(KeyType::HOTBAR_PREV, 1 << 4, 1 << 4); // lb JLO_B_PB(KeyType::HOTBAR_NEXT, 1 << 5, 1 << 5); // rb // D-PAD JLO_B_PB(KeyType::ZOOM, 1 << 15, 1 << 15); // up JLO_B_PB(KeyType::DROP, 1 << 13, 1 << 13); // left JLO_B_PB(KeyType::SCREENSHOT, 1 << 14, 1 << 14); // right JLO_B_PB(KeyType::FREEMOVE, 1 << 16, 1 << 16); // down // Movement buttons, important for vessels JLO_A_PB(KeyType::FORWARD, 1, 1, jlo.axes_deadzone); JLO_A_PB(KeyType::BACKWARD, 1, -1, jlo.axes_deadzone); JLO_A_PB(KeyType::LEFT, 0, 1, jlo.axes_deadzone); JLO_A_PB(KeyType::RIGHT, 0, -1, jlo.axes_deadzone); return jlo; } JoystickController::JoystickController() : doubling_dtime(g_settings->getFloat("repeat_joystick_button_time")) { for (float &i : m_past_pressed_time) { i = 0; } clear(); } void JoystickController::onJoystickConnect(const std::vector<irr::SJoystickInfo> &joystick_infos) { s32 id = g_settings->getS32("joystick_id"); std::string layout = g_settings->get("joystick_type"); if (id < 0 || (u16)id >= joystick_infos.size()) { // TODO: auto detection id = 0; } if (id >= 0 && (u16)id < joystick_infos.size()) { if (layout.empty() || layout == "auto") setLayoutFromControllerName(joystick_infos[id].Name.c_str()); else setLayoutFromControllerName(layout); } m_joystick_id = id; } void JoystickController::setLayoutFromControllerName(const std::string &name) { if (lowercase(name).find("xbox") != std::string::npos) { m_layout = create_xbox_layout(); } else { m_layout = create_default_layout(); } } bool JoystickController::handleEvent(const irr::SEvent::SJoystickEvent &ev) { if (ev.Joystick != m_joystick_id) return false; m_internal_time = porting::getTimeMs() / 1000.f; std::bitset<KeyType::INTERNAL_ENUM_COUNT> keys_pressed; // First generate a list of keys pressed for (const auto &button_key : m_layout.button_keys) { if (button_key.isTriggered(ev)) { keys_pressed.set(button_key.key); } } for (const auto &axis_key : m_layout.axis_keys) { if (axis_key.isTriggered(ev)) { keys_pressed.set(axis_key.key); } } // Then update the values for (size_t i = 0; i < KeyType::INTERNAL_ENUM_COUNT; i++) { if (keys_pressed[i]) { if (!m_past_keys_pressed[i] && m_past_pressed_time[i] < m_internal_time - doubling_dtime) { m_past_keys_pressed[i] = true; m_past_pressed_time[i] = m_internal_time; } } else if (m_keys_down[i]) { m_keys_released[i] = true; } if (keys_pressed[i] && !(m_keys_down[i])) m_keys_pressed[i] = true; m_keys_down[i] = keys_pressed[i]; } for (size_t i = 0; i < JA_COUNT; i++) { const JoystickAxisLayout &ax_la = m_layout.axes[i]; m_axes_vals[i] = ax_la.invert * ev.Axis[ax_la.axis_id]; } return true; } void JoystickController::clear() { m_keys_pressed.reset(); m_keys_down.reset(); m_past_keys_pressed.reset(); m_keys_released.reset(); memset(m_axes_vals, 0, sizeof(m_axes_vals)); } s16 JoystickController::getAxisWithoutDead(JoystickAxis axis) { s16 v = m_axes_vals[axis]; if (abs(v) < m_layout.axes_deadzone) return 0; return v; }