/* Minetest Copyright (C) 2021 Liso <anlismon@gmail.com> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include <cmath> #include "client/shadows/dynamicshadows.h" #include "client/client.h" #include "client/clientenvironment.h" #include "client/clientmap.h" #include "client/camera.h" using m4f = core::matrix4; void DirectionalLight::createSplitMatrices(const Camera *cam) { float radius; v3f newCenter; v3f look = cam->getDirection(); // camera view tangents float tanFovY = tanf(cam->getFovY() * 0.5f); float tanFovX = tanf(cam->getFovX() * 0.5f); // adjusted frustum boundaries float sfNear = future_frustum.zNear; float sfFar = adjustDist(future_frustum.zFar, cam->getFovY()); // adjusted camera positions v3f camPos2 = cam->getPosition(); v3f camPos = v3f(camPos2.X - cam->getOffset().X * BS, camPos2.Y - cam->getOffset().Y * BS, camPos2.Z - cam->getOffset().Z * BS); camPos += look * sfNear; camPos2 += look * sfNear; // center point of light frustum float end = sfNear + sfFar; newCenter = camPos + look * (sfNear + 0.05f * end); v3f world_center = camPos2 + look * (sfNear + 0.05f * end); // Create a vector to the frustum far corner const v3f &viewUp = cam->getCameraNode()->getUpVector(); v3f viewRight = look.crossProduct(viewUp); v3f farCorner = look + viewRight * tanFovX + viewUp * tanFovY; // Compute the frustumBoundingSphere radius v3f boundVec = (camPos + farCorner * sfFar) - newCenter; radius = boundVec.getLength() * 2.0f; // boundVec.getLength(); float vvolume = radius * 2.0f; float texelsPerUnit = getMapResolution() / vvolume; m4f mTexelScaling; mTexelScaling.setScale(texelsPerUnit); m4f mLookAt, mLookAtInv; mLookAt.buildCameraLookAtMatrixLH(v3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), -direction, v3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); mLookAt *= mTexelScaling; mLookAtInv = mLookAt; mLookAtInv.makeInverse(); v3f frustumCenter = newCenter; mLookAt.transformVect(frustumCenter); frustumCenter.X = floorf(frustumCenter.X); // clamp to texel increment frustumCenter.Y = floorf(frustumCenter.Y); // clamp to texel increment frustumCenter.Z = floorf(frustumCenter.Z); mLookAtInv.transformVect(frustumCenter); // probar radius multipliacdor en funcion del I, a menor I mas multiplicador v3f eye_displacement = direction * vvolume; // we must compute the viewmat with the position - the camera offset // but the future_frustum position must be the actual world position v3f eye = frustumCenter - eye_displacement; future_frustum.position = world_center - eye_displacement; future_frustum.length = vvolume; future_frustum.ViewMat.buildCameraLookAtMatrixLH(eye, frustumCenter, v3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); future_frustum.ProjOrthMat.buildProjectionMatrixOrthoLH(future_frustum.length, future_frustum.length, -future_frustum.length, future_frustum.length,false); future_frustum.camera_offset = cam->getOffset(); } DirectionalLight::DirectionalLight(const u32 shadowMapResolution, const v3f &position, video::SColorf lightColor, f32 farValue) : diffuseColor(lightColor), farPlane(farValue), mapRes(shadowMapResolution), pos(position) {} void DirectionalLight::update_frustum(const Camera *cam, Client *client, bool force) { if (dirty && !force) return; float zNear = cam->getCameraNode()->getNearValue(); float zFar = getMaxFarValue(); /////////////////////////////////// // update splits near and fars future_frustum.zNear = zNear; future_frustum.zFar = zFar; // update shadow frustum createSplitMatrices(cam); // get the draw list for shadows client->getEnv().getClientMap().updateDrawListShadow( getPosition(), getDirection(), future_frustum.length); should_update_map_shadow = true; dirty = true; // when camera offset changes, adjust the current frustum view matrix to avoid flicker v3s16 cam_offset = cam->getOffset(); if (cam_offset != shadow_frustum.camera_offset) { v3f rotated_offset; shadow_frustum.ViewMat.rotateVect(rotated_offset, intToFloat(cam_offset - shadow_frustum.camera_offset, BS)); shadow_frustum.ViewMat.setTranslation(shadow_frustum.ViewMat.getTranslation() + rotated_offset); shadow_frustum.camera_offset = cam_offset; } } void DirectionalLight::commitFrustum() { if (!dirty) return; shadow_frustum = future_frustum; dirty = false; } void DirectionalLight::setDirection(v3f dir) { direction = -dir; direction.normalize(); } v3f DirectionalLight::getPosition() const { return shadow_frustum.position; } const m4f &DirectionalLight::getViewMatrix() const { return shadow_frustum.ViewMat; } const m4f &DirectionalLight::getProjectionMatrix() const { return shadow_frustum.ProjOrthMat; } const m4f &DirectionalLight::getFutureViewMatrix() const { return future_frustum.ViewMat; } const m4f &DirectionalLight::getFutureProjectionMatrix() const { return future_frustum.ProjOrthMat; } m4f DirectionalLight::getViewProjMatrix() { return shadow_frustum.ProjOrthMat * shadow_frustum.ViewMat; }