/* Minetest Copyright (C) 2021 Liso <anlismon@gmail.com> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #pragma once #include <string> #include <vector> #include "irrlichttypes_extrabloated.h" #include "client/shadows/dynamicshadows.h" class ShadowDepthShaderCB; class shadowScreenQuad; class shadowScreenQuadCB; enum E_SHADOW_MODE : u8 { ESM_RECEIVE = 0, ESM_BOTH, }; struct NodeToApply { NodeToApply(scene::ISceneNode *n, E_SHADOW_MODE m = E_SHADOW_MODE::ESM_BOTH) : node(n), shadowMode(m){}; bool operator<(const NodeToApply &other) const { return node < other.node; }; scene::ISceneNode *node; E_SHADOW_MODE shadowMode{E_SHADOW_MODE::ESM_BOTH}; bool dirty{false}; }; class ShadowRenderer { public: ShadowRenderer(IrrlichtDevice *device, Client *client); ~ShadowRenderer(); void initialize(); /// Adds a directional light shadow map (Usually just one (the sun) except in /// Tattoine ). size_t addDirectionalLight(); DirectionalLight &getDirectionalLight(u32 index = 0); size_t getDirectionalLightCount() const; f32 getMaxShadowFar() const; /// Adds a shadow to the scene node. /// The shadow mode can be ESM_BOTH, or ESM_RECEIVE. /// ESM_BOTH casts and receives shadows /// ESM_RECEIVE only receives but does not cast shadows. /// void addNodeToShadowList(scene::ISceneNode *node, E_SHADOW_MODE shadowMode = ESM_BOTH); void removeNodeFromShadowList(scene::ISceneNode *node); void update(video::ITexture *outputTarget = nullptr); void drawDebug(); video::ITexture *get_texture() { return shadowMapTextureFinal; } bool is_active() const { return m_shadows_enabled; } void setTimeOfDay(float isDay) { m_time_day = isDay; }; s32 getShadowSamples() const { return m_shadow_samples; } float getShadowStrength() const { return m_shadow_strength; } float getTimeOfDay() const { return m_time_day; } private: video::ITexture *getSMTexture(const std::string &shadow_map_name, video::ECOLOR_FORMAT texture_format, bool force_creation = false); void renderShadowMap(video::ITexture *target, DirectionalLight &light, scene::E_SCENE_NODE_RENDER_PASS pass = scene::ESNRP_SOLID); void renderShadowObjects(video::ITexture *target, DirectionalLight &light); void mixShadowsQuad(); void updateSMTextures(); // a bunch of variables IrrlichtDevice *m_device{nullptr}; scene::ISceneManager *m_smgr{nullptr}; video::IVideoDriver *m_driver{nullptr}; Client *m_client{nullptr}; video::ITexture *shadowMapClientMap{nullptr}; video::ITexture *shadowMapClientMapFuture{nullptr}; video::ITexture *shadowMapTextureFinal{nullptr}; video::ITexture *shadowMapTextureDynamicObjects{nullptr}; video::ITexture *shadowMapTextureColors{nullptr}; std::vector<DirectionalLight> m_light_list; std::vector<NodeToApply> m_shadow_node_array; float m_shadow_strength; float m_shadow_map_max_distance; float m_shadow_map_texture_size; float m_time_day{0.0f}; int m_shadow_samples; bool m_shadow_map_texture_32bit; bool m_shadows_enabled; bool m_shadow_map_colored; u8 m_map_shadow_update_frames; /* Use this number of frames to update map shaodw */ u8 m_current_frame{0}; /* Current frame */ video::ECOLOR_FORMAT m_texture_format{video::ECOLOR_FORMAT::ECF_R16F}; video::ECOLOR_FORMAT m_texture_format_color{video::ECOLOR_FORMAT::ECF_R16G16}; // Shadow Shader stuff void createShaders(); std::string readShaderFile(const std::string &path); s32 depth_shader{-1}; s32 depth_shader_entities{-1}; s32 depth_shader_trans{-1}; s32 mixcsm_shader{-1}; ShadowDepthShaderCB *m_shadow_depth_cb{nullptr}; ShadowDepthShaderCB *m_shadow_depth_trans_cb{nullptr}; shadowScreenQuad *m_screen_quad{nullptr}; shadowScreenQuadCB *m_shadow_mix_cb{nullptr}; };