/* Minetest Copyright (C) 2010-2014 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include <sstream> #include "clientiface.h" #include "util/numeric.h" #include "util/mathconstants.h" #include "player.h" #include "settings.h" #include "mapblock.h" #include "network/connection.h" #include "environment.h" #include "map.h" #include "emerge.h" #include "serverobject.h" // TODO this is used for cleanup of only #include "log.h" #include "util/srp.h" const char *ClientInterface::statenames[] = { "Invalid", "Disconnecting", "Denied", "Created", "AwaitingInit2", "HelloSent", "InitDone", "DefinitionsSent", "Active", "SudoMode", }; std::string ClientInterface::state2Name(ClientState state) { return statenames[state]; } void RemoteClient::ResendBlockIfOnWire(v3s16 p) { // if this block is on wire, mark it for sending again as soon as possible if (m_blocks_sending.find(p) != m_blocks_sending.end()) { SetBlockNotSent(p); } } void RemoteClient::GetNextBlocks ( ServerEnvironment *env, EmergeManager * emerge, float dtime, std::vector<PrioritySortedBlockTransfer> &dest) { DSTACK(FUNCTION_NAME); // Increment timers m_nothing_to_send_pause_timer -= dtime; m_nearest_unsent_reset_timer += dtime; if(m_nothing_to_send_pause_timer >= 0) return; Player *player = env->getPlayer(peer_id); // This can happen sometimes; clients and players are not in perfect sync. if(player == NULL) return; // Won't send anything if already sending if(m_blocks_sending.size() >= g_settings->getU16 ("max_simultaneous_block_sends_per_client")) { //infostream<<"Not sending any blocks, Queue full."<<std::endl; return; } v3f playerpos = player->getPosition(); v3f playerspeed = player->getSpeed(); v3f playerspeeddir(0,0,0); if(playerspeed.getLength() > 1.0*BS) playerspeeddir = playerspeed / playerspeed.getLength(); // Predict to next block v3f playerpos_predicted = playerpos + playerspeeddir*MAP_BLOCKSIZE*BS; v3s16 center_nodepos = floatToInt(playerpos_predicted, BS); v3s16 center = getNodeBlockPos(center_nodepos); // Camera position and direction v3f camera_pos = player->getEyePosition(); v3f camera_dir = v3f(0,0,1); camera_dir.rotateYZBy(player->getPitch()); camera_dir.rotateXZBy(player->getYaw()); /*infostream<<"camera_dir=("<<camera_dir.X<<","<<camera_dir.Y<<"," <<camera_dir.Z<<")"<<std::endl;*/ /* Get the starting value of the block finder radius. */ if(m_last_center != center) { m_nearest_unsent_d = 0; m_last_center = center; } /*infostream<<"m_nearest_unsent_reset_timer=" <<m_nearest_unsent_reset_timer<<std::endl;*/ // Reset periodically to workaround for some bugs or stuff if(m_nearest_unsent_reset_timer > 20.0) { m_nearest_unsent_reset_timer = 0; m_nearest_unsent_d = 0; //infostream<<"Resetting m_nearest_unsent_d for " // <<server->getPlayerName(peer_id)<<std::endl; } //s16 last_nearest_unsent_d = m_nearest_unsent_d; s16 d_start = m_nearest_unsent_d; //infostream<<"d_start="<<d_start<<std::endl; u16 max_simul_sends_setting = g_settings->getU16 ("max_simultaneous_block_sends_per_client"); u16 max_simul_sends_usually = max_simul_sends_setting; /* Check the time from last addNode/removeNode. Decrease send rate if player is building stuff. */ m_time_from_building += dtime; if(m_time_from_building < g_settings->getFloat( "full_block_send_enable_min_time_from_building")) { max_simul_sends_usually = LIMITED_MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_BLOCK_SENDS; } /* Number of blocks sending + number of blocks selected for sending */ u32 num_blocks_selected = m_blocks_sending.size(); /* next time d will be continued from the d from which the nearest unsent block was found this time. This is because not necessarily any of the blocks found this time are actually sent. */ s32 new_nearest_unsent_d = -1; const s16 full_d_max = g_settings->getS16("max_block_send_distance"); s16 d_max = full_d_max; s16 d_max_gen = g_settings->getS16("max_block_generate_distance"); // Don't loop very much at a time s16 max_d_increment_at_time = 2; if(d_max > d_start + max_d_increment_at_time) d_max = d_start + max_d_increment_at_time; s32 nearest_emerged_d = -1; s32 nearest_emergefull_d = -1; s32 nearest_sent_d = -1; //bool queue_is_full = false; s16 d; for(d = d_start; d <= d_max; d++) { /* Get the border/face dot coordinates of a "d-radiused" box */ std::vector<v3s16> list = FacePositionCache::getFacePositions(d); std::vector<v3s16>::iterator li; for(li = list.begin(); li != list.end(); ++li) { v3s16 p = *li + center; /* Send throttling - Don't allow too many simultaneous transfers - EXCEPT when the blocks are very close Also, don't send blocks that are already flying. */ // Start with the usual maximum u16 max_simul_dynamic = max_simul_sends_usually; // If block is very close, allow full maximum if(d <= BLOCK_SEND_DISABLE_LIMITS_MAX_D) max_simul_dynamic = max_simul_sends_setting; // Don't select too many blocks for sending if (num_blocks_selected >= max_simul_dynamic) { //queue_is_full = true; goto queue_full_break; } // Don't send blocks that are currently being transferred if (m_blocks_sending.find(p) != m_blocks_sending.end()) continue; /* Do not go over-limit */ if (blockpos_over_limit(p)) continue; // If this is true, inexistent block will be made from scratch bool generate = d <= d_max_gen; { /*// Limit the generating area vertically to 2/3 if(abs(p.Y - center.Y) > d_max_gen - d_max_gen / 3) generate = false;*/ // Limit the send area vertically to 1/2 if (abs(p.Y - center.Y) > full_d_max / 2) continue; } /* Don't generate or send if not in sight FIXME This only works if the client uses a small enough FOV setting. The default of 72 degrees is fine. */ float camera_fov = (72.0*M_PI/180) * 4./3.; if(isBlockInSight(p, camera_pos, camera_dir, camera_fov, 10000*BS) == false) { continue; } /* Don't send already sent blocks */ { if(m_blocks_sent.find(p) != m_blocks_sent.end()) { continue; } } /* Check if map has this block */ MapBlock *block = env->getMap().getBlockNoCreateNoEx(p); bool surely_not_found_on_disk = false; bool block_is_invalid = false; if(block != NULL) { // Reset usage timer, this block will be of use in the future. block->resetUsageTimer(); // Block is dummy if data doesn't exist. // It means it has been not found from disk and not generated if(block->isDummy()) { surely_not_found_on_disk = true; } // Block is valid if lighting is up-to-date and data exists if(block->isValid() == false) { block_is_invalid = true; } if(block->isGenerated() == false) block_is_invalid = true; /* If block is not close, don't send it unless it is near ground level. Block is near ground level if night-time mesh differs from day-time mesh. */ if(d >= 4) { if(block->getDayNightDiff() == false) continue; } } /* If block has been marked to not exist on disk (dummy) and generating new ones is not wanted, skip block. */ if(generate == false && surely_not_found_on_disk == true) { // get next one. continue; } /* Add inexistent block to emerge queue. */ if(block == NULL || surely_not_found_on_disk || block_is_invalid) { if (emerge->enqueueBlockEmerge(peer_id, p, generate)) { if (nearest_emerged_d == -1) nearest_emerged_d = d; } else { if (nearest_emergefull_d == -1) nearest_emergefull_d = d; goto queue_full_break; } // get next one. continue; } if(nearest_sent_d == -1) nearest_sent_d = d; /* Add block to send queue */ PrioritySortedBlockTransfer q((float)d, p, peer_id); dest.push_back(q); num_blocks_selected += 1; } } queue_full_break: // If nothing was found for sending and nothing was queued for // emerging, continue next time browsing from here if(nearest_emerged_d != -1){ new_nearest_unsent_d = nearest_emerged_d; } else if(nearest_emergefull_d != -1){ new_nearest_unsent_d = nearest_emergefull_d; } else { if(d > g_settings->getS16("max_block_send_distance")){ new_nearest_unsent_d = 0; m_nothing_to_send_pause_timer = 2.0; } else { if(nearest_sent_d != -1) new_nearest_unsent_d = nearest_sent_d; else new_nearest_unsent_d = d; } } if(new_nearest_unsent_d != -1) m_nearest_unsent_d = new_nearest_unsent_d; } void RemoteClient::GotBlock(v3s16 p) { if (m_blocks_modified.find(p) == m_blocks_modified.end()) { if (m_blocks_sending.find(p) != m_blocks_sending.end()) m_blocks_sending.erase(p); else m_excess_gotblocks++; m_blocks_sent.insert(p); } } void RemoteClient::SentBlock(v3s16 p) { if (m_blocks_modified.find(p) != m_blocks_modified.end()) m_blocks_modified.erase(p); if(m_blocks_sending.find(p) == m_blocks_sending.end()) m_blocks_sending[p] = 0.0; else infostream<<"RemoteClient::SentBlock(): Sent block" " already in m_blocks_sending"<<std::endl; } void RemoteClient::SetBlockNotSent(v3s16 p) { m_nearest_unsent_d = 0; m_nothing_to_send_pause_timer = 0; if(m_blocks_sending.find(p) != m_blocks_sending.end()) m_blocks_sending.erase(p); if(m_blocks_sent.find(p) != m_blocks_sent.end()) m_blocks_sent.erase(p); m_blocks_modified.insert(p); } void RemoteClient::SetBlocksNotSent(std::map<v3s16, MapBlock*> &blocks) { m_nearest_unsent_d = 0; m_nothing_to_send_pause_timer = 0; for(std::map<v3s16, MapBlock*>::iterator i = blocks.begin(); i != blocks.end(); ++i) { v3s16 p = i->first; m_blocks_modified.insert(p); if(m_blocks_sending.find(p) != m_blocks_sending.end()) m_blocks_sending.erase(p); if(m_blocks_sent.find(p) != m_blocks_sent.end()) m_blocks_sent.erase(p); } } void RemoteClient::notifyEvent(ClientStateEvent event) { std::ostringstream myerror; switch (m_state) { case CS_Invalid: //intentionally do nothing break; case CS_Created: switch (event) { case CSE_Hello: m_state = CS_HelloSent; break; case CSE_InitLegacy: m_state = CS_AwaitingInit2; break; case CSE_Disconnect: m_state = CS_Disconnecting; break; case CSE_SetDenied: m_state = CS_Denied; break; /* GotInit2 SetDefinitionsSent SetMediaSent */ default: myerror << "Created: Invalid client state transition! " << event; throw ClientStateError(myerror.str()); } break; case CS_Denied: /* don't do anything if in denied state */ break; case CS_HelloSent: switch(event) { case CSE_AuthAccept: m_state = CS_AwaitingInit2; if ((chosen_mech == AUTH_MECHANISM_SRP) || (chosen_mech == AUTH_MECHANISM_LEGACY_PASSWORD)) srp_verifier_delete((SRPVerifier *) auth_data); chosen_mech = AUTH_MECHANISM_NONE; break; case CSE_Disconnect: m_state = CS_Disconnecting; break; case CSE_SetDenied: m_state = CS_Denied; if ((chosen_mech == AUTH_MECHANISM_SRP) || (chosen_mech == AUTH_MECHANISM_LEGACY_PASSWORD)) srp_verifier_delete((SRPVerifier *) auth_data); chosen_mech = AUTH_MECHANISM_NONE; break; default: myerror << "HelloSent: Invalid client state transition! " << event; throw ClientStateError(myerror.str()); } break; case CS_AwaitingInit2: switch(event) { case CSE_GotInit2: confirmSerializationVersion(); m_state = CS_InitDone; break; case CSE_Disconnect: m_state = CS_Disconnecting; break; case CSE_SetDenied: m_state = CS_Denied; break; /* Init SetDefinitionsSent SetMediaSent */ default: myerror << "InitSent: Invalid client state transition! " << event; throw ClientStateError(myerror.str()); } break; case CS_InitDone: switch(event) { case CSE_SetDefinitionsSent: m_state = CS_DefinitionsSent; break; case CSE_Disconnect: m_state = CS_Disconnecting; break; case CSE_SetDenied: m_state = CS_Denied; break; /* Init GotInit2 SetMediaSent */ default: myerror << "InitDone: Invalid client state transition! " << event; throw ClientStateError(myerror.str()); } break; case CS_DefinitionsSent: switch(event) { case CSE_SetClientReady: m_state = CS_Active; break; case CSE_Disconnect: m_state = CS_Disconnecting; break; case CSE_SetDenied: m_state = CS_Denied; break; /* Init GotInit2 SetDefinitionsSent */ default: myerror << "DefinitionsSent: Invalid client state transition! " << event; throw ClientStateError(myerror.str()); } break; case CS_Active: switch(event) { case CSE_SetDenied: m_state = CS_Denied; break; case CSE_Disconnect: m_state = CS_Disconnecting; break; case CSE_SudoSuccess: m_state = CS_SudoMode; if ((chosen_mech == AUTH_MECHANISM_SRP) || (chosen_mech == AUTH_MECHANISM_LEGACY_PASSWORD)) srp_verifier_delete((SRPVerifier *) auth_data); chosen_mech = AUTH_MECHANISM_NONE; break; /* Init GotInit2 SetDefinitionsSent SetMediaSent SetDenied */ default: myerror << "Active: Invalid client state transition! " << event; throw ClientStateError(myerror.str()); break; } break; case CS_SudoMode: switch(event) { case CSE_SetDenied: m_state = CS_Denied; break; case CSE_Disconnect: m_state = CS_Disconnecting; break; case CSE_SudoLeave: m_state = CS_Active; break; default: myerror << "Active: Invalid client state transition! " << event; throw ClientStateError(myerror.str()); break; } break; case CS_Disconnecting: /* we are already disconnecting */ break; } } u32 RemoteClient::uptime() { return getTime(PRECISION_SECONDS) - m_connection_time; } ClientInterface::ClientInterface(con::Connection* con) : m_con(con), m_env(NULL), m_print_info_timer(0.0) { } ClientInterface::~ClientInterface() { /* Delete clients */ { MutexAutoLock clientslock(m_clients_mutex); for(std::map<u16, RemoteClient*>::iterator i = m_clients.begin(); i != m_clients.end(); ++i) { // Delete client delete i->second; } } } std::vector<u16> ClientInterface::getClientIDs(ClientState min_state) { std::vector<u16> reply; MutexAutoLock clientslock(m_clients_mutex); for(std::map<u16, RemoteClient*>::iterator i = m_clients.begin(); i != m_clients.end(); ++i) { if (i->second->getState() >= min_state) reply.push_back(i->second->peer_id); } return reply; } std::vector<std::string> ClientInterface::getPlayerNames() { return m_clients_names; } void ClientInterface::step(float dtime) { m_print_info_timer += dtime; if(m_print_info_timer >= 30.0) { m_print_info_timer = 0.0; UpdatePlayerList(); } } void ClientInterface::UpdatePlayerList() { if (m_env != NULL) { std::vector<u16> clients = getClientIDs(); m_clients_names.clear(); if(!clients.empty()) infostream<<"Players:"<<std::endl; for(std::vector<u16>::iterator i = clients.begin(); i != clients.end(); ++i) { Player *player = m_env->getPlayer(*i); if (player == NULL) continue; infostream << "* " << player->getName() << "\t"; { MutexAutoLock clientslock(m_clients_mutex); RemoteClient* client = lockedGetClientNoEx(*i); if(client != NULL) client->PrintInfo(infostream); } m_clients_names.push_back(player->getName()); } } } void ClientInterface::send(u16 peer_id, u8 channelnum, NetworkPacket* pkt, bool reliable) { m_con->Send(peer_id, channelnum, pkt, reliable); } void ClientInterface::sendToAll(u16 channelnum, NetworkPacket* pkt, bool reliable) { MutexAutoLock clientslock(m_clients_mutex); for(std::map<u16, RemoteClient*>::iterator i = m_clients.begin(); i != m_clients.end(); ++i) { RemoteClient *client = i->second; if (client->net_proto_version != 0) { m_con->Send(client->peer_id, channelnum, pkt, reliable); } } } RemoteClient* ClientInterface::getClientNoEx(u16 peer_id, ClientState state_min) { MutexAutoLock clientslock(m_clients_mutex); std::map<u16, RemoteClient*>::iterator n; n = m_clients.find(peer_id); // The client may not exist; clients are immediately removed if their // access is denied, and this event occurs later then. if(n == m_clients.end()) return NULL; if (n->second->getState() >= state_min) return n->second; else return NULL; } RemoteClient* ClientInterface::lockedGetClientNoEx(u16 peer_id, ClientState state_min) { std::map<u16, RemoteClient*>::iterator n; n = m_clients.find(peer_id); // The client may not exist; clients are immediately removed if their // access is denied, and this event occurs later then. if(n == m_clients.end()) return NULL; if (n->second->getState() >= state_min) return n->second; else return NULL; } ClientState ClientInterface::getClientState(u16 peer_id) { MutexAutoLock clientslock(m_clients_mutex); std::map<u16, RemoteClient*>::iterator n; n = m_clients.find(peer_id); // The client may not exist; clients are immediately removed if their // access is denied, and this event occurs later then. if(n == m_clients.end()) return CS_Invalid; return n->second->getState(); } void ClientInterface::setPlayerName(u16 peer_id,std::string name) { MutexAutoLock clientslock(m_clients_mutex); std::map<u16, RemoteClient*>::iterator n; n = m_clients.find(peer_id); // The client may not exist; clients are immediately removed if their // access is denied, and this event occurs later then. if(n != m_clients.end()) n->second->setName(name); } void ClientInterface::DeleteClient(u16 peer_id) { MutexAutoLock conlock(m_clients_mutex); // Error check std::map<u16, RemoteClient*>::iterator n; n = m_clients.find(peer_id); // The client may not exist; clients are immediately removed if their // access is denied, and this event occurs later then. if(n == m_clients.end()) return; /* Mark objects to be not known by the client */ //TODO this should be done by client destructor!!! RemoteClient *client = n->second; // Handle objects for(std::set<u16>::iterator i = client->m_known_objects.begin(); i != client->m_known_objects.end(); ++i) { // Get object u16 id = *i; ServerActiveObject* obj = m_env->getActiveObject(id); if(obj && obj->m_known_by_count > 0) obj->m_known_by_count--; } // Delete client delete m_clients[peer_id]; m_clients.erase(peer_id); } void ClientInterface::CreateClient(u16 peer_id) { MutexAutoLock conlock(m_clients_mutex); // Error check std::map<u16, RemoteClient*>::iterator n; n = m_clients.find(peer_id); // The client shouldn't already exist if(n != m_clients.end()) return; // Create client RemoteClient *client = new RemoteClient(); client->peer_id = peer_id; m_clients[client->peer_id] = client; } void ClientInterface::event(u16 peer_id, ClientStateEvent event) { { MutexAutoLock clientlock(m_clients_mutex); // Error check std::map<u16, RemoteClient*>::iterator n; n = m_clients.find(peer_id); // No client to deliver event if (n == m_clients.end()) return; n->second->notifyEvent(event); } if ((event == CSE_SetClientReady) || (event == CSE_Disconnect) || (event == CSE_SetDenied)) { UpdatePlayerList(); } } u16 ClientInterface::getProtocolVersion(u16 peer_id) { MutexAutoLock conlock(m_clients_mutex); // Error check std::map<u16, RemoteClient*>::iterator n; n = m_clients.find(peer_id); // No client to get version if (n == m_clients.end()) return 0; return n->second->net_proto_version; } void ClientInterface::setClientVersion(u16 peer_id, u8 major, u8 minor, u8 patch, std::string full) { MutexAutoLock conlock(m_clients_mutex); // Error check std::map<u16, RemoteClient*>::iterator n; n = m_clients.find(peer_id); // No client to set versions if (n == m_clients.end()) return; n->second->setVersionInfo(major,minor,patch,full); }