/* Minetest-c55 Copyright (C) 2010-2011 celeron55, Perttu Ahola This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "content_sao.h" #include "collision.h" #include "environment.h" #include "settings.h" #include "main.h" // For g_profiler #include "profiler.h" #include "serialization.h" // For compressZlib #include "tool.h" // For ToolCapabilities #include "gamedef.h" #include "player.h" #include "scriptapi.h" #include "genericobject.h" core::map ServerActiveObject::m_types; /* DummyLoadSAO */ class DummyLoadSAO : public ServerActiveObject { public: DummyLoadSAO(ServerEnvironment *env, v3f pos, u8 type): ServerActiveObject(env, pos) { ServerActiveObject::registerType(type, create); } // Pretend to be the test object (to fool the client) u8 getType() const { return ACTIVEOBJECT_TYPE_TEST; } // And never save to disk bool isStaticAllowed() const { return false; } static ServerActiveObject* create(ServerEnvironment *env, v3f pos, const std::string &data) { return new DummyLoadSAO(env, pos, 0); } void step(float dtime, bool send_recommended) { m_removed = true; infostream<<"DummyLoadSAO step"< 10) { m_removed = true; return; } m_base_position.Y += dtime * BS * 2; if(m_base_position.Y > 8*BS) m_base_position.Y = 2*BS; if(send_recommended == false) return; m_timer1 -= dtime; if(m_timer1 < 0.0) { m_timer1 += 0.125; std::string data; data += itos(0); // 0 = position data += " "; data += itos(m_base_position.X); data += " "; data += itos(m_base_position.Y); data += " "; data += itos(m_base_position.Z); ActiveObjectMessage aom(getId(), false, data); m_messages_out.push_back(aom); } } private: float m_timer1; float m_age; }; // Prototype (registers item for deserialization) TestSAO proto_TestSAO(NULL, v3f(0,0,0)); /* ItemSAO */ class ItemSAO : public ServerActiveObject { public: u8 getType() const { return ACTIVEOBJECT_TYPE_ITEM; } float getMinimumSavedMovement() { return 0.1*BS; } static ServerActiveObject* create(ServerEnvironment *env, v3f pos, const std::string &data) { std::istringstream is(data, std::ios::binary); char buf[1]; // read version is.read(buf, 1); u8 version = buf[0]; // check if version is supported if(version != 0) return NULL; std::string itemstring = deSerializeString(is); infostream<<"create(): Creating item \"" < box(-BS/3.,0.0,-BS/3., BS/3.,BS*2./3.,BS/3.); collisionMoveResult moveresult; // Apply gravity m_speed_f += v3f(0, -dtime*9.81*BS, 0); // Maximum movement without glitches f32 pos_max_d = BS*0.25; // Limit speed if(m_speed_f.getLength()*dtime > pos_max_d) m_speed_f *= pos_max_d / (m_speed_f.getLength()*dtime); v3f pos_f = getBasePosition(); v3f pos_f_old = pos_f; IGameDef *gamedef = m_env->getGameDef(); moveresult = collisionMoveSimple(&m_env->getMap(), gamedef, pos_max_d, box, dtime, pos_f, m_speed_f); if(send_recommended == false) return; if(pos_f.getDistanceFrom(m_last_sent_position) > 0.05*BS) { setBasePosition(pos_f); m_last_sent_position = pos_f; std::ostringstream os(std::ios::binary); // command (0 = update position) writeU8(os, 0); // pos writeV3F1000(os, m_base_position); // create message and add to list ActiveObjectMessage aom(getId(), false, os.str()); m_messages_out.push_back(aom); } if(m_itemstring_changed) { m_itemstring_changed = false; std::ostringstream os(std::ios::binary); // command (1 = update itemstring) writeU8(os, 1); // itemstring os<getGameDef()->idef(); ItemStack item; item.deSerialize(m_itemstring, idef); infostream<<__FUNCTION_NAME<<": m_itemstring=\""< item=\""<getBool("creative_mode") == true) { m_removed = true; return 0; } // Take item into inventory ItemStack item = createItemStack(); Inventory *inv = puncher->getInventory(); if(inv != NULL) { std::string wieldlist = puncher->getWieldList(); ItemStack leftover = inv->addItem(wieldlist, item); puncher->setInventoryModified(); if(leftover.empty()) { m_removed = true; } else { m_itemstring = leftover.getItemString(); m_itemstring_changed = true; } } return 0; } private: std::string m_itemstring; bool m_itemstring_changed; v3f m_speed_f; v3f m_last_sent_position; IntervalLimiter m_move_interval; }; // Prototype (registers item for deserialization) ItemSAO proto_ItemSAO(NULL, v3f(0,0,0), ""); ServerActiveObject* createItemSAO(ServerEnvironment *env, v3f pos, const std::string itemstring) { return new ItemSAO(env, pos, itemstring); } /* LuaEntitySAO */ // Prototype (registers item for deserialization) LuaEntitySAO proto_LuaEntitySAO(NULL, v3f(0,0,0), "_prototype", ""); LuaEntitySAO::LuaEntitySAO(ServerEnvironment *env, v3f pos, const std::string &name, const std::string &state): ServerActiveObject(env, pos), m_init_name(name), m_init_state(state), m_registered(false), m_hp(-1), m_velocity(0,0,0), m_acceleration(0,0,0), m_yaw(0), m_properties_sent(true), m_last_sent_yaw(0), m_last_sent_position(0,0,0), m_last_sent_velocity(0,0,0), m_last_sent_position_timer(0), m_last_sent_move_precision(0), m_armor_groups_sent(false) { // Only register type if no environment supplied if(env == NULL){ ServerActiveObject::registerType(getType(), create); return; } // Initialize something to armor groups m_armor_groups["fleshy"] = 3; m_armor_groups["snappy"] = 2; } LuaEntitySAO::~LuaEntitySAO() { if(m_registered){ lua_State *L = m_env->getLua(); scriptapi_luaentity_rm(L, m_id); } } void LuaEntitySAO::addedToEnvironment() { ServerActiveObject::addedToEnvironment(); // Create entity from name lua_State *L = m_env->getLua(); m_registered = scriptapi_luaentity_add(L, m_id, m_init_name.c_str()); if(m_registered){ // Get properties scriptapi_luaentity_get_properties(L, m_id, &m_prop); // Initialize HP from properties m_hp = m_prop.hp_max; } // Activate entity, supplying serialized state scriptapi_luaentity_activate(L, m_id, m_init_state.c_str()); } ServerActiveObject* LuaEntitySAO::create(ServerEnvironment *env, v3f pos, const std::string &data) { std::string name; std::string state; s16 hp = 1; v3f velocity; float yaw = 0; if(data != ""){ std::istringstream is(data, std::ios::binary); // read version u8 version = readU8(is); // check if version is supported if(version == 0){ name = deSerializeString(is); state = deSerializeLongString(is); } else if(version == 1){ name = deSerializeString(is); state = deSerializeLongString(is); hp = readS16(is); velocity = readV3F1000(is); yaw = readF1000(is); } } // create object infostream<<"LuaEntitySAO::create(name=\""<m_hp = hp; sao->m_velocity = velocity; sao->m_yaw = yaw; return sao; } void LuaEntitySAO::step(float dtime, bool send_recommended) { if(!m_properties_sent) { m_properties_sent = true; std::string str = getPropertyPacket(); // create message and add to list ActiveObjectMessage aom(getId(), true, str); m_messages_out.push_back(aom); } m_last_sent_position_timer += dtime; if(m_prop.physical){ core::aabbox3d box = m_prop.collisionbox; box.MinEdge *= BS; box.MaxEdge *= BS; collisionMoveResult moveresult; f32 pos_max_d = BS*0.25; // Distance per iteration v3f p_pos = getBasePosition(); v3f p_velocity = m_velocity; IGameDef *gamedef = m_env->getGameDef(); moveresult = collisionMovePrecise(&m_env->getMap(), gamedef, pos_max_d, box, dtime, p_pos, p_velocity); // Apply results setBasePosition(p_pos); m_velocity = p_velocity; m_velocity += dtime * m_acceleration; } else { m_base_position += dtime * m_velocity + 0.5 * dtime * dtime * m_acceleration; m_velocity += dtime * m_acceleration; } if(m_registered){ lua_State *L = m_env->getLua(); scriptapi_luaentity_step(L, m_id, dtime); } if(send_recommended == false) return; // TODO: force send when acceleration changes enough? float minchange = 0.2*BS; if(m_last_sent_position_timer > 1.0){ minchange = 0.01*BS; } else if(m_last_sent_position_timer > 0.2){ minchange = 0.05*BS; } float move_d = m_base_position.getDistanceFrom(m_last_sent_position); move_d += m_last_sent_move_precision; float vel_d = m_velocity.getDistanceFrom(m_last_sent_velocity); if(move_d > minchange || vel_d > minchange || fabs(m_yaw - m_last_sent_yaw) > 1.0){ sendPosition(true, false); } if(m_armor_groups_sent == false){ m_armor_groups_sent = true; std::string str = gob_cmd_update_armor_groups( m_armor_groups); // create message and add to list ActiveObjectMessage aom(getId(), true, str); m_messages_out.push_back(aom); } } std::string LuaEntitySAO::getClientInitializationData() { std::ostringstream os(std::ios::binary); writeU8(os, 0); // version os<getLua(); std::string state = scriptapi_luaentity_get_staticdata(L, m_id); os<getWieldedItem(); punchitem = &punchitem_static; } PunchDamageResult result = getPunchDamage( m_armor_groups, toolcap, punchitem, time_from_last_punch); if(result.did_punch) { setHP(getHP() - result.damage); actionstream<getDescription()<<", damage "<getLua(); scriptapi_luaentity_punch(L, m_id, puncher, time_from_last_punch, toolcap, dir); return result.wear; } void LuaEntitySAO::rightClick(ServerActiveObject *clicker) { if(!m_registered) return; lua_State *L = m_env->getLua(); scriptapi_luaentity_rightclick(L, m_id, clicker); } void LuaEntitySAO::setPos(v3f pos) { m_base_position = pos; sendPosition(false, true); } void LuaEntitySAO::moveTo(v3f pos, bool continuous) { m_base_position = pos; if(!continuous) sendPosition(true, true); } float LuaEntitySAO::getMinimumSavedMovement() { return 0.1 * BS; } std::string LuaEntitySAO::getDescription() { std::ostringstream os(std::ios::binary); os<<"LuaEntitySAO at ("; os<<(m_base_position.X/BS)<<","; os<<(m_base_position.Y/BS)<<","; os<<(m_base_position.Z/BS); os<<")"; return os.str(); } void LuaEntitySAO::setHP(s16 hp) { if(hp < 0) hp = 0; m_hp = hp; } s16 LuaEntitySAO::getHP() const { return m_hp; } void LuaEntitySAO::setArmorGroups(const ItemGroupList &armor_groups) { m_armor_groups = armor_groups; m_armor_groups_sent = false; } ObjectProperties* LuaEntitySAO::accessObjectProperties() { return &m_prop; } void LuaEntitySAO::notifyObjectPropertiesModified() { m_properties_sent = false; } void LuaEntitySAO::setVelocity(v3f velocity) { m_velocity = velocity; } v3f LuaEntitySAO::getVelocity() { return m_velocity; } void LuaEntitySAO::setAcceleration(v3f acceleration) { m_acceleration = acceleration; } v3f LuaEntitySAO::getAcceleration() { return m_acceleration; } void LuaEntitySAO::setYaw(float yaw) { m_yaw = yaw; } float LuaEntitySAO::getYaw() { return m_yaw; } void LuaEntitySAO::setTextureMod(const std::string &mod) { std::string str = gob_cmd_set_texture_mod(mod); // create message and add to list ActiveObjectMessage aom(getId(), true, str); m_messages_out.push_back(aom); } void LuaEntitySAO::setSprite(v2s16 p, int num_frames, float framelength, bool select_horiz_by_yawpitch) { std::string str = gob_cmd_set_sprite( p, num_frames, framelength, select_horiz_by_yawpitch ); // create message and add to list ActiveObjectMessage aom(getId(), true, str); m_messages_out.push_back(aom); } std::string LuaEntitySAO::getName() { return m_init_name; } std::string LuaEntitySAO::getPropertyPacket() { return gob_cmd_set_properties(m_prop); } void LuaEntitySAO::sendPosition(bool do_interpolate, bool is_movement_end) { m_last_sent_move_precision = m_base_position.getDistanceFrom( m_last_sent_position); m_last_sent_position_timer = 0; m_last_sent_yaw = m_yaw; m_last_sent_position = m_base_position; m_last_sent_velocity = m_velocity; //m_last_sent_acceleration = m_acceleration; float update_interval = m_env->getSendRecommendedInterval(); std::string str = gob_cmd_update_position( m_base_position, m_velocity, m_acceleration, m_yaw, do_interpolate, is_movement_end, update_interval ); // create message and add to list ActiveObjectMessage aom(getId(), false, str); m_messages_out.push_back(aom); } /* PlayerSAO */ // No prototype, PlayerSAO does not need to be deserialized PlayerSAO::PlayerSAO(ServerEnvironment *env_, Player *player_, u16 peer_id_, const std::set &privs, bool is_singleplayer): ServerActiveObject(env_, v3f(0,0,0)), m_player(player_), m_peer_id(peer_id_), m_inventory(NULL), m_last_good_position(0,0,0), m_last_good_position_age(0), m_time_from_last_punch(0), m_wield_index(0), m_position_not_sent(false), m_armor_groups_sent(false), m_properties_sent(true), m_privs(privs), m_is_singleplayer(is_singleplayer), // public m_teleported(false), m_inventory_not_sent(false), m_hp_not_sent(false), m_wielded_item_not_sent(false) { assert(m_player); assert(m_peer_id != 0); setBasePosition(m_player->getPosition()); m_inventory = &m_player->inventory; m_armor_groups["choppy"] = 2; m_armor_groups["fleshy"] = 3; m_prop.hp_max = PLAYER_MAX_HP; m_prop.physical = false; m_prop.weight = 75; m_prop.collisionbox = core::aabbox3d(-1/3.,-1.0,-1/3., 1/3.,1.0,1/3.); m_prop.visual = "upright_sprite"; m_prop.visual_size = v2f(1, 2); m_prop.textures.clear(); m_prop.textures.push_back("player.png"); m_prop.textures.push_back("player_back.png"); m_prop.spritediv = v2s16(1,1); m_prop.is_visible = (getHP() != 0); m_prop.makes_footstep_sound = true; } PlayerSAO::~PlayerSAO() { if(m_inventory != &m_player->inventory) delete m_inventory; } std::string PlayerSAO::getDescription() { return std::string("player ") + m_player->getName(); } // Called after id has been set and has been inserted in environment void PlayerSAO::addedToEnvironment() { ServerActiveObject::addedToEnvironment(); ServerActiveObject::setBasePosition(m_player->getPosition()); m_player->setPlayerSAO(this); m_player->peer_id = m_peer_id; m_last_good_position = m_player->getPosition(); m_last_good_position_age = 0.0; } // Called before removing from environment void PlayerSAO::removingFromEnvironment() { ServerActiveObject::removingFromEnvironment(); if(m_player->getPlayerSAO() == this) { m_player->setPlayerSAO(NULL); m_player->peer_id = 0; } } bool PlayerSAO::isStaticAllowed() const { return false; } bool PlayerSAO::unlimitedTransferDistance() const { return g_settings->getBool("unlimited_player_transfer_distance"); } std::string PlayerSAO::getClientInitializationData() { std::ostringstream os(std::ios::binary); writeU8(os, 0); // version os<getName()); // name writeU8(os, 1); // is_player writeV3F1000(os, m_player->getPosition() + v3f(0,BS*1,0)); writeF1000(os, m_player->getYaw()); writeS16(os, getHP()); writeU8(os, 2); // number of messages stuffed in here os<= 1.0){ float age = m_last_good_position_age; v3f diff = (m_player->getPosition() - m_last_good_position); float d_vert = diff.Y; diff.Y = 0; float d_horiz = diff.getLength(); /*infostream<getName()<<"'s horizontal speed is " <<(d_horiz/age)<getPosition(); } else { actionstream<<"Player "<getName() <<" moved too fast; resetting position" <setPosition(m_last_good_position); m_teleported = true; } m_last_good_position_age = 0; } } if(send_recommended == false) return; if(m_position_not_sent) { m_position_not_sent = false; float update_interval = m_env->getSendRecommendedInterval(); std::string str = gob_cmd_update_position( m_player->getPosition() + v3f(0,BS*1,0), v3f(0,0,0), v3f(0,0,0), m_player->getYaw(), true, false, update_interval ); // create message and add to list ActiveObjectMessage aom(getId(), false, str); m_messages_out.push_back(aom); } if(m_wielded_item_not_sent) { m_wielded_item_not_sent = false; // GenericCAO has no special way to show this } if(m_armor_groups_sent == false){ m_armor_groups_sent = true; std::string str = gob_cmd_update_armor_groups( m_armor_groups); // create message and add to list ActiveObjectMessage aom(getId(), true, str); m_messages_out.push_back(aom); } } void PlayerSAO::setBasePosition(const v3f &position) { ServerActiveObject::setBasePosition(position); m_position_not_sent = true; } void PlayerSAO::setPos(v3f pos) { m_player->setPosition(pos); // Movement caused by this command is always valid m_last_good_position = pos; m_last_good_position_age = 0; // Force position change on client m_teleported = true; } void PlayerSAO::moveTo(v3f pos, bool continuous) { m_player->setPosition(pos); // Movement caused by this command is always valid m_last_good_position = pos; m_last_good_position_age = 0; // Force position change on client m_teleported = true; } int PlayerSAO::punch(v3f dir, const ToolCapabilities *toolcap, ServerActiveObject *puncher, float time_from_last_punch) { if(!toolcap) return 0; // No effect if PvP disabled if(g_settings->getBool("enable_pvp") == false){ if(puncher->getType() == ACTIVEOBJECT_TYPE_PLAYER){ std::string str = gob_cmd_punched(0, getHP()); // create message and add to list ActiveObjectMessage aom(getId(), true, str); m_messages_out.push_back(aom); return 0; } } HitParams hitparams = getHitParams(m_armor_groups, toolcap, time_from_last_punch); actionstream<<"Player "<getName()<<" punched by " <getDescription()<<", damage "<hp; } void PlayerSAO::setHP(s16 hp) { s16 oldhp = m_player->hp; if(hp < 0) hp = 0; else if(hp > PLAYER_MAX_HP) hp = PLAYER_MAX_HP; if(hp < oldhp && g_settings->getBool("enable_damage") == false) { m_hp_not_sent = true; // fix wrong prediction on client return; } m_player->hp = hp; if(hp != oldhp) m_hp_not_sent = true; // On death or reincarnation send an active object message if((hp == 0) != (oldhp == 0)) { // Will send new is_visible value based on (getHP()!=0) m_properties_sent = false; // Send new HP std::string str = gob_cmd_punched(0, getHP()); ActiveObjectMessage aom(getId(), true, str); m_messages_out.push_back(aom); } } void PlayerSAO::setArmorGroups(const ItemGroupList &armor_groups) { m_armor_groups = armor_groups; m_armor_groups_sent = false; } ObjectProperties* PlayerSAO::accessObjectProperties() { return &m_prop; } void PlayerSAO::notifyObjectPropertiesModified() { m_properties_sent = false; } Inventory* PlayerSAO::getInventory() { return m_inventory; } const Inventory* PlayerSAO::getInventory() const { return m_inventory; } InventoryLocation PlayerSAO::getInventoryLocation() const { InventoryLocation loc; loc.setPlayer(m_player->getName()); return loc; } void PlayerSAO::setInventoryModified() { m_inventory_not_sent = true; } std::string PlayerSAO::getWieldList() const { return "main"; } int PlayerSAO::getWieldIndex() const { return m_wield_index; } void PlayerSAO::setWieldIndex(int i) { if(i != m_wield_index) { m_wield_index = i; m_wielded_item_not_sent = true; } } void PlayerSAO::disconnected() { m_peer_id = 0; m_removed = true; if(m_player->getPlayerSAO() == this) { m_player->setPlayerSAO(NULL); m_player->peer_id = 0; } } void PlayerSAO::createCreativeInventory() { if(m_inventory != &m_player->inventory) delete m_inventory; m_inventory = new Inventory(m_player->inventory); m_inventory->clearContents(); scriptapi_get_creative_inventory(m_env->getLua(), this); } std::string PlayerSAO::getPropertyPacket() { m_prop.is_visible = (getHP() != 0); return gob_cmd_set_properties(m_prop); }