/* Minetest Copyright (C) 2013 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ /* SQLite format specification: blocks: (PK) INT id BLOB data */ #include "database-sqlite3.h" #include "log.h" #include "filesys.h" #include "exceptions.h" #include "settings.h" #include "porting.h" #include "util/string.h" #include <cassert> // When to print messages when the database is being held locked by another process // Note: I've seen occasional delays of over 250ms while running minetestmapper. #define BUSY_INFO_TRESHOLD 100 // Print first informational message after 100ms. #define BUSY_WARNING_TRESHOLD 250 // Print warning message after 250ms. Lag is increased. #define BUSY_ERROR_TRESHOLD 1000 // Print error message after 1000ms. Significant lag. #define BUSY_FATAL_TRESHOLD 3000 // Allow SQLITE_BUSY to be returned, which will cause a minetest crash. #define BUSY_ERROR_INTERVAL 10000 // Safety net: report again every 10 seconds #define SQLRES(s, r, m) \ if ((s) != (r)) { \ throw FileNotGoodException(std::string(m) + ": " +\ sqlite3_errmsg(m_database)); \ } #define SQLOK(s, m) SQLRES(s, SQLITE_OK, m) #define PREPARE_STATEMENT(name, query) \ SQLOK(sqlite3_prepare_v2(m_database, query, -1, &m_stmt_##name, NULL),\ "Failed to prepare query '" query "'") #define FINALIZE_STATEMENT(statement) \ SQLOK(sqlite3_finalize(statement), "Failed to finalize " #statement) int Database_SQLite3::busyHandler(void *data, int count) { s64 &first_time = reinterpret_cast<s64 *>(data)[0]; s64 &prev_time = reinterpret_cast<s64 *>(data)[1]; s64 cur_time = getTimeMs(); if (count == 0) { first_time = cur_time; prev_time = first_time; } else { while (cur_time < prev_time) cur_time += s64(1)<<32; } if (cur_time - first_time < BUSY_INFO_TRESHOLD) { ; // do nothing } else if (cur_time - first_time >= BUSY_INFO_TRESHOLD && prev_time - first_time < BUSY_INFO_TRESHOLD) { infostream << "SQLite3 database has been locked for " << cur_time - first_time << " ms." << std::endl; } else if (cur_time - first_time >= BUSY_WARNING_TRESHOLD && prev_time - first_time < BUSY_WARNING_TRESHOLD) { warningstream << "SQLite3 database has been locked for " << cur_time - first_time << " ms." << std::endl; } else if (cur_time - first_time >= BUSY_ERROR_TRESHOLD && prev_time - first_time < BUSY_ERROR_TRESHOLD) { errorstream << "SQLite3 database has been locked for " << cur_time - first_time << " ms; this causes lag." << std::endl; } else if (cur_time - first_time >= BUSY_FATAL_TRESHOLD && prev_time - first_time < BUSY_FATAL_TRESHOLD) { errorstream << "SQLite3 database has been locked for " << cur_time - first_time << " ms - giving up!" << std::endl; } else if ((cur_time - first_time) / BUSY_ERROR_INTERVAL != (prev_time - first_time) / BUSY_ERROR_INTERVAL) { // Safety net: keep reporting every BUSY_ERROR_INTERVAL errorstream << "SQLite3 database has been locked for " << (cur_time - first_time) / 1000 << " seconds!" << std::endl; } prev_time = cur_time; // Make sqlite transaction fail if delay exceeds BUSY_FATAL_TRESHOLD return cur_time - first_time < BUSY_FATAL_TRESHOLD; } Database_SQLite3::Database_SQLite3(const std::string &savedir) : m_initialized(false), m_savedir(savedir), m_database(NULL), m_stmt_read(NULL), m_stmt_write(NULL), m_stmt_list(NULL), m_stmt_delete(NULL), m_stmt_begin(NULL), m_stmt_end(NULL) { } void Database_SQLite3::beginSave() { verifyDatabase(); SQLRES(sqlite3_step(m_stmt_begin), SQLITE_DONE, "Failed to start SQLite3 transaction"); sqlite3_reset(m_stmt_begin); } void Database_SQLite3::endSave() { verifyDatabase(); SQLRES(sqlite3_step(m_stmt_end), SQLITE_DONE, "Failed to commit SQLite3 transaction"); sqlite3_reset(m_stmt_end); } void Database_SQLite3::openDatabase() { if (m_database) return; std::string dbp = m_savedir + DIR_DELIM + "map.sqlite"; // Open the database connection if (!fs::CreateAllDirs(m_savedir)) { infostream << "Database_SQLite3: Failed to create directory \"" << m_savedir << "\"" << std::endl; throw FileNotGoodException("Failed to create database " "save directory"); } bool needs_create = !fs::PathExists(dbp); SQLOK(sqlite3_open_v2(dbp.c_str(), &m_database, SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE, NULL), std::string("Failed to open SQLite3 database file ") + dbp); SQLOK(sqlite3_busy_handler(m_database, Database_SQLite3::busyHandler, m_busy_handler_data), "Failed to set SQLite3 busy handler"); if (needs_create) { createDatabase(); } std::string query_str = std::string("PRAGMA synchronous = ") + itos(g_settings->getU16("sqlite_synchronous")); SQLOK(sqlite3_exec(m_database, query_str.c_str(), NULL, NULL, NULL), "Failed to modify sqlite3 synchronous mode"); } void Database_SQLite3::verifyDatabase() { if (m_initialized) return; openDatabase(); PREPARE_STATEMENT(begin, "BEGIN"); PREPARE_STATEMENT(end, "COMMIT"); PREPARE_STATEMENT(read, "SELECT `data` FROM `blocks` WHERE `pos` = ? LIMIT 1"); #ifdef __ANDROID__ PREPARE_STATEMENT(write, "INSERT INTO `blocks` (`pos`, `data`) VALUES (?, ?)"); #else PREPARE_STATEMENT(write, "REPLACE INTO `blocks` (`pos`, `data`) VALUES (?, ?)"); #endif PREPARE_STATEMENT(delete, "DELETE FROM `blocks` WHERE `pos` = ?"); PREPARE_STATEMENT(list, "SELECT `pos` FROM `blocks`"); m_initialized = true; verbosestream << "ServerMap: SQLite3 database opened." << std::endl; } inline void Database_SQLite3::bindPos(sqlite3_stmt *stmt, const v3s16 &pos, int index) { SQLOK(sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, index, getBlockAsInteger(pos)), "Internal error: failed to bind query at " __FILE__ ":" TOSTRING(__LINE__)); } bool Database_SQLite3::deleteBlock(const v3s16 &pos) { verifyDatabase(); bindPos(m_stmt_delete, pos); bool good = sqlite3_step(m_stmt_delete) == SQLITE_DONE; sqlite3_reset(m_stmt_delete); if (!good) { warningstream << "deleteBlock: Block failed to delete " << PP(pos) << ": " << sqlite3_errmsg(m_database) << std::endl; } return good; } bool Database_SQLite3::saveBlock(const v3s16 &pos, const std::string &data) { verifyDatabase(); #ifdef __ANDROID__ /** * Note: For some unknown reason SQLite3 fails to REPLACE blocks on Android, * deleting them and then inserting works. */ bindPos(m_stmt_read, pos); if (sqlite3_step(m_stmt_read) == SQLITE_ROW) { deleteBlock(pos); } sqlite3_reset(m_stmt_read); #endif bindPos(m_stmt_write, pos); SQLOK(sqlite3_bind_blob(m_stmt_write, 2, data.data(), data.size(), NULL), "Internal error: failed to bind query at " __FILE__ ":" TOSTRING(__LINE__)); SQLRES(sqlite3_step(m_stmt_write), SQLITE_DONE, "Failed to save block") sqlite3_reset(m_stmt_write); return true; } std::string Database_SQLite3::loadBlock(const v3s16 &pos) { verifyDatabase(); bindPos(m_stmt_read, pos); if (sqlite3_step(m_stmt_read) != SQLITE_ROW) { sqlite3_reset(m_stmt_read); return ""; } const char *data = (const char *) sqlite3_column_blob(m_stmt_read, 0); size_t len = sqlite3_column_bytes(m_stmt_read, 0); std::string s; if (data) s = std::string(data, len); sqlite3_step(m_stmt_read); // We should never get more than 1 row, so ok to reset sqlite3_reset(m_stmt_read); return s; } void Database_SQLite3::createDatabase() { assert(m_database); // Pre-condition SQLOK(sqlite3_exec(m_database, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `blocks` (\n" " `pos` INT PRIMARY KEY,\n" " `data` BLOB\n" ");\n", NULL, NULL, NULL), "Failed to create database table"); } void Database_SQLite3::listAllLoadableBlocks(std::vector<v3s16> &dst) { verifyDatabase(); while (sqlite3_step(m_stmt_list) == SQLITE_ROW) { dst.push_back(getIntegerAsBlock(sqlite3_column_int64(m_stmt_list, 0))); } sqlite3_reset(m_stmt_list); } Database_SQLite3::~Database_SQLite3() { FINALIZE_STATEMENT(m_stmt_read) FINALIZE_STATEMENT(m_stmt_write) FINALIZE_STATEMENT(m_stmt_list) FINALIZE_STATEMENT(m_stmt_begin) FINALIZE_STATEMENT(m_stmt_end) FINALIZE_STATEMENT(m_stmt_delete) SQLOK(sqlite3_close(m_database), "Failed to close database"); }