/* Minetest Copyright (C) 2010-2013 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "keycode.h" #include "exceptions.h" #include "settings.h" #include "log.h" #include "debug.h" #include "util/hex.h" #include "util/string.h" #include "util/basic_macros.h" class UnknownKeycode : public BaseException { public: UnknownKeycode(const char *s) : BaseException(s) {}; }; struct table_key { const char *Name; irr::EKEY_CODE Key; wchar_t Char; // L'\0' means no character assigned const char *LangName; // NULL means it doesn't have a human description }; #define DEFINEKEY1(x, lang) /* Irrlicht key without character */ \ { #x, irr::x, L'\0', lang }, #define DEFINEKEY2(x, ch, lang) /* Irrlicht key with character */ \ { #x, irr::x, ch, lang }, #define DEFINEKEY3(ch) /* single Irrlicht key (e.g. KEY_KEY_X) */ \ { "KEY_KEY_" TOSTRING(ch), irr::KEY_KEY_ ## ch, (wchar_t) *TOSTRING(ch), TOSTRING(ch) }, #define DEFINEKEY4(ch) /* single Irrlicht function key (e.g. KEY_F3) */ \ { "KEY_F" TOSTRING(ch), irr::KEY_F ## ch, L'\0', "F" TOSTRING(ch) }, #define DEFINEKEY5(ch) /* key without Irrlicht keycode */ \ { ch, irr::KEY_KEY_CODES_COUNT, (wchar_t) *ch, ch }, #define N_(text) text static const struct table_key table[] = { // Keys that can be reliably mapped between Char and Key DEFINEKEY3(0) DEFINEKEY3(1) DEFINEKEY3(2) DEFINEKEY3(3) DEFINEKEY3(4) DEFINEKEY3(5) DEFINEKEY3(6) DEFINEKEY3(7) DEFINEKEY3(8) DEFINEKEY3(9) DEFINEKEY3(A) DEFINEKEY3(B) DEFINEKEY3(C) DEFINEKEY3(D) DEFINEKEY3(E) DEFINEKEY3(F) DEFINEKEY3(G) DEFINEKEY3(H) DEFINEKEY3(I) DEFINEKEY3(J) DEFINEKEY3(K) DEFINEKEY3(L) DEFINEKEY3(M) DEFINEKEY3(N) DEFINEKEY3(O) DEFINEKEY3(P) DEFINEKEY3(Q) DEFINEKEY3(R) DEFINEKEY3(S) DEFINEKEY3(T) DEFINEKEY3(U) DEFINEKEY3(V) DEFINEKEY3(W) DEFINEKEY3(X) DEFINEKEY3(Y) DEFINEKEY3(Z) DEFINEKEY2(KEY_PLUS, L'+', "+") DEFINEKEY2(KEY_COMMA, L',', ",") DEFINEKEY2(KEY_MINUS, L'-', "-") DEFINEKEY2(KEY_PERIOD, L'.', ".") // Keys without a Char DEFINEKEY1(KEY_LBUTTON, N_("Left Button")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_RBUTTON, N_("Right Button")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_CANCEL, N_("Cancel")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_MBUTTON, N_("Middle Button")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_XBUTTON1, N_("X Button 1")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_XBUTTON2, N_("X Button 2")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_BACK, N_("Back")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_TAB, N_("Tab")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_CLEAR, N_("Clear")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_RETURN, N_("Return")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_SHIFT, N_("Shift")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_CONTROL, N_("Control")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_MENU, N_("Menu")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_PAUSE, N_("Pause")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_CAPITAL, N_("Caps Lock")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_SPACE, N_("Space")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_PRIOR, N_("Prior")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_NEXT, N_("Next")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_END, N_("End")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_HOME, N_("Home")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_LEFT, N_("Left")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_UP, N_("Up")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_RIGHT, N_("Right")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_DOWN, N_("Down")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_SELECT, N_("Select")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_PRINT, N_("Print")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_EXECUT, N_("Execute")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_SNAPSHOT, N_("Snapshot")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_INSERT, N_("Insert")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_DELETE, N_("Delete")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_HELP, N_("Help")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_LWIN, N_("Left Windows")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_RWIN, N_("Right Windows")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_NUMPAD0, N_("Numpad 0")) // These are not assigned to a char DEFINEKEY1(KEY_NUMPAD1, N_("Numpad 1")) // to prevent interference with KEY_KEY_[0-9]. DEFINEKEY1(KEY_NUMPAD2, N_("Numpad 2")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_NUMPAD3, N_("Numpad 3")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_NUMPAD4, N_("Numpad 4")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_NUMPAD5, N_("Numpad 5")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_NUMPAD6, N_("Numpad 6")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_NUMPAD7, N_("Numpad 7")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_NUMPAD8, N_("Numpad 8")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_NUMPAD9, N_("Numpad 9")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_MULTIPLY, N_("Numpad *")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_ADD, N_("Numpad +")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_SEPARATOR, N_("Numpad .")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_SUBTRACT, N_("Numpad -")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_DECIMAL, NULL) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_DIVIDE, N_("Numpad /")) DEFINEKEY4(1) DEFINEKEY4(2) DEFINEKEY4(3) DEFINEKEY4(4) DEFINEKEY4(5) DEFINEKEY4(6) DEFINEKEY4(7) DEFINEKEY4(8) DEFINEKEY4(9) DEFINEKEY4(10) DEFINEKEY4(11) DEFINEKEY4(12) DEFINEKEY4(13) DEFINEKEY4(14) DEFINEKEY4(15) DEFINEKEY4(16) DEFINEKEY4(17) DEFINEKEY4(18) DEFINEKEY4(19) DEFINEKEY4(20) DEFINEKEY4(21) DEFINEKEY4(22) DEFINEKEY4(23) DEFINEKEY4(24) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_NUMLOCK, N_("Num Lock")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_SCROLL, N_("Scroll Lock")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_LSHIFT, N_("Left Shift")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_RSHIFT, N_("Right Shift")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_LCONTROL, N_("Left Control")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_RCONTROL, N_("Right Control")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_LMENU, N_("Left Menu")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_RMENU, N_("Right Menu")) // Rare/weird keys DEFINEKEY1(KEY_KANA, "Kana") DEFINEKEY1(KEY_HANGUEL, "Hangul") DEFINEKEY1(KEY_HANGUL, "Hangul") DEFINEKEY1(KEY_JUNJA, "Junja") DEFINEKEY1(KEY_FINAL, "Final") DEFINEKEY1(KEY_KANJI, "Kanji") DEFINEKEY1(KEY_HANJA, "Hanja") DEFINEKEY1(KEY_ESCAPE, N_("IME Escape")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_CONVERT, N_("IME Convert")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_NONCONVERT, N_("IME Nonconvert")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_ACCEPT, N_("IME Accept")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_MODECHANGE, N_("IME Mode Change")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_APPS, N_("Apps")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_SLEEP, N_("Sleep")) #if !(IRRLICHT_VERSION_MAJOR <= 1 && IRRLICHT_VERSION_MINOR <= 7 && IRRLICHT_VERSION_REVISION < 3) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_OEM_1, "OEM 1") // KEY_OEM_[0-9] and KEY_OEM_102 are assigned to multiple DEFINEKEY1(KEY_OEM_2, "OEM 2") // different chars (on different platforms too) and thus w/o char DEFINEKEY1(KEY_OEM_3, "OEM 3") DEFINEKEY1(KEY_OEM_4, "OEM 4") DEFINEKEY1(KEY_OEM_5, "OEM 5") DEFINEKEY1(KEY_OEM_6, "OEM 6") DEFINEKEY1(KEY_OEM_7, "OEM 7") DEFINEKEY1(KEY_OEM_8, "OEM 8") DEFINEKEY1(KEY_OEM_AX, "OEM AX") DEFINEKEY1(KEY_OEM_102, "OEM 102") #endif DEFINEKEY1(KEY_ATTN, "Attn") DEFINEKEY1(KEY_CRSEL, "CrSel") DEFINEKEY1(KEY_EXSEL, "ExSel") DEFINEKEY1(KEY_EREOF, N_("Erase EOF")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_PLAY, N_("Play")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_ZOOM, N_("Zoom")) DEFINEKEY1(KEY_PA1, "PA1") DEFINEKEY1(KEY_OEM_CLEAR, N_("OEM Clear")) // Keys without Irrlicht keycode DEFINEKEY5("!") DEFINEKEY5("\"") DEFINEKEY5("#") DEFINEKEY5("$") DEFINEKEY5("%") DEFINEKEY5("&") DEFINEKEY5("'") DEFINEKEY5("(") DEFINEKEY5(")") DEFINEKEY5("*") DEFINEKEY5("/") DEFINEKEY5(":") DEFINEKEY5(";") DEFINEKEY5("<") DEFINEKEY5("=") DEFINEKEY5(">") DEFINEKEY5("?") DEFINEKEY5("@") DEFINEKEY5("[") DEFINEKEY5("\\") DEFINEKEY5("]") DEFINEKEY5("^") DEFINEKEY5("_") }; #undef N_ struct table_key lookup_keyname(const char *name) { for (u16 i = 0; i < ARRLEN(table); i++) { if (strcmp(table[i].Name, name) == 0) return table[i]; } throw UnknownKeycode(name); } struct table_key lookup_keykey(irr::EKEY_CODE key) { for (u16 i = 0; i < ARRLEN(table); i++) { if (table[i].Key == key) return table[i]; } std::ostringstream os; os << "<Keycode " << (int) key << ">"; throw UnknownKeycode(os.str().c_str()); } struct table_key lookup_keychar(wchar_t Char) { for (u16 i = 0; i < ARRLEN(table); i++) { if (table[i].Char == Char) return table[i]; } std::ostringstream os; os << "<Char " << hex_encode((char*) &Char, sizeof(wchar_t)) << ">"; throw UnknownKeycode(os.str().c_str()); } KeyPress::KeyPress() : Key(irr::KEY_KEY_CODES_COUNT), Char(L'\0'), m_name("") {} KeyPress::KeyPress(const char *name) { if (strlen(name) == 0) { Key = irr::KEY_KEY_CODES_COUNT; Char = L'\0'; m_name = ""; return; } else if (strlen(name) <= 4) { // Lookup by resulting character int chars_read = mbtowc(&Char, name, 1); FATAL_ERROR_IF(chars_read != 1, "Unexpected multibyte character"); try { struct table_key k = lookup_keychar(Char); m_name = k.Name; Key = k.Key; return; } catch (UnknownKeycode &e) {}; } else { // Lookup by name m_name = name; try { struct table_key k = lookup_keyname(name); Key = k.Key; Char = k.Char; return; } catch (UnknownKeycode &e) {}; } // It's not a known key, complain and try to do something Key = irr::KEY_KEY_CODES_COUNT; int chars_read = mbtowc(&Char, name, 1); FATAL_ERROR_IF(chars_read != 1, "Unexpected multibyte character"); m_name = ""; warningstream << "KeyPress: Unknown key '" << name << "', falling back to first char."; } KeyPress::KeyPress(const irr::SEvent::SKeyInput &in, bool prefer_character) { if (prefer_character) Key = irr::KEY_KEY_CODES_COUNT; else Key = in.Key; Char = in.Char; try { if (valid_kcode(Key)) m_name = lookup_keykey(Key).Name; else m_name = lookup_keychar(Char).Name; } catch (UnknownKeycode &e) { m_name = ""; }; } const char *KeyPress::sym() const { return m_name.c_str(); } const char *KeyPress::name() const { if (m_name == "") return ""; const char *ret; if (valid_kcode(Key)) ret = lookup_keykey(Key).LangName; else ret = lookup_keychar(Char).LangName; return ret ? ret : "<Unnamed key>"; } const KeyPress EscapeKey("KEY_ESCAPE"); const KeyPress CancelKey("KEY_CANCEL"); const KeyPress NumberKey[] = { KeyPress("0"), KeyPress("1"), KeyPress("2"), KeyPress("3"), KeyPress("4"), KeyPress("5"), KeyPress("6"), KeyPress("7"), KeyPress("8"), KeyPress("9") }; /* Key config */ // A simple cache for quicker lookup std::map<std::string, KeyPress> g_key_setting_cache; KeyPress getKeySetting(const char *settingname) { std::map<std::string, KeyPress>::iterator n; n = g_key_setting_cache.find(settingname); if(n != g_key_setting_cache.end()) return n->second; KeyPress k(g_settings->get(settingname).c_str()); g_key_setting_cache[settingname] = k; return k; } void clearKeyCache() { g_key_setting_cache.clear(); } irr::EKEY_CODE keyname_to_keycode(const char *name) { return lookup_keyname(name).Key; }