/* Minetest-c55 Copyright (C) 2010 celeron55, Perttu Ahola This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ /* =============================== NOTES ============================== NOTE: VBO cannot be turned on for fast-changing stuff because there is an apparanet memory leak in irrlicht when using it (not sure) NOTE: iostream.imbue(std::locale("C")) is very slow NOTE: Global locale is now set at initialization SUGGESTION: add a second lighting value to the MS nibble of param of air to tell how bright the air node is when there is no sunlight. When day changes to night, these two values can be interpolated. TODO: Fix address to be ipv6 compatible TODO: ESC Pause mode in which the cursor is not kept at the center of window. TODO: Stop player if focus of window is taken away (go to pause mode) TODO: Optimize and fix makeFastFace or whatever it's called - Face calculation is the source of CPU usage on the client SUGGESTION: The client will calculate and send lighting changes and the server will randomly check some of them and kick the client out if it fails to calculate them right. - Actually, it could just start ignoring them and calculate them itself. SUGGESTION: Combine MapBlock's face caches to so big pieces that VBO gets used - That is >500 vertices TODO: Better dungeons TODO: There should be very slight natural caves also, starting from only a straightened-up cliff TODO: Changing of block with mouse wheel or something TODO: Menus TODO: Mobs - Server: - One single map container with ids as keys - Client: - ? TODO: - Keep track of the place of the mob in the last few hundreth's of a second - then, if a player hits it, take the value that is avg_rtt/2 before the moment the packet is received. TODO: - Scripting SUGGESTION: Modify client to calculate single changes asynchronously TODO: Moving players more smoothly. Calculate moving animation from data sent by server. TODO: There are some lighting-related todos and fixmes in ServerMap::emergeBlock TODO: Make a dirt node and use it under water FIXME: When a new sector is generated, it may change the ground level of it's and it's neighbors border that two blocks that are above and below each other and that are generated before and after the sector heightmap generation (order doesn't matter), can have a small gap between each other at the border. SUGGESTION: Use same technique for sector heightmaps as what we're using for UnlimitedHeightmap? (getting all neighbors when generating) TODO: Set server to automatically find a good spawning place in some place where there is water and land. - Map to have a getWalkableNear(p) TODO: Transfer more blocks in a single packet SUGG: A blockdata combiner class, to which blocks are added and at destruction it sends all the stuff in as few packets as possible. TODO: If player is on ground, mainly fetch ground-level blocks TODO: Fetch stuff mainly from the viewing direction TODO: Expose Connection's seqnums and ACKs to server and client. - This enables saving many packets and making a faster connection - This also enables server to check if client has received the most recent block sent, for example. TODO: Add a sane bandwidth throttling system to Connection FIXME: There still are *some* tiny glitches in lighting as seen from the client side. The server calculates them right but sometimes they don't get transferred properly. - Server probably checks that a block is not sent, then continues to sending it, then the emerge thread marks it as unsent and then the sender sends the block as it was before emerging? TODO: How about adding a "revision" field to MapBlocks? SUGG: More fine-grained control of client's dumping of blocks from memory - ...What does this mean in the first place? TODO: Somehow prioritize the sending of blocks and combine the block send queue lengths - Take two blocks to be sent next from each client and assign a priority value to them - Priority is the same as distance from player - Take the highest priority ones and send them. Send as many as fits in the global send queue maximum length (sum of lengths of client queues) TODO: Make the amount of blocks sending to client and the total amount of blocks dynamically limited. Transferring blocks is the main network eater of this system, so it is the one that has to be throttled so that RTTs stay low. FIXME: There is a bug that sometimes the EmergeThread bumps to the client's emerge counter being already 0, and also the sending queue size of the client can float to 1 or 2, which stops the map from loading at all. - A quick hack could be applied to ignore the error of being at 0 and timing out old entries SUGG: Make client send GOTBLOCKS before updating meshes TODO: Server to load starting inventory from disk TODO: PLayers to only be hidden when the client quits. TODO: - Players to be saved on disk, with inventory TODO: Players to be saved as text in map/players/ SUGGESTION: A map editing mode (similar to dedicated server mode) TODO: Maybe: Create a face calculation queue on the client that is processed in a separate thread TODO: Make client's mesh updates to happen in a thread similar to server's EmergeThread. - This is not really needed, mesh update is really fast - Instead, the lighting update can be slow - So, this todo is not really a todo. It is a not-todo. SUGG: Make server to send all modified blocks after a node change after all the stuff including lighting have been updated TODO: Make fetching sector's blocks more efficient when rendering sectors that have very large amounts of blocks (on client) TODO: Make the video backend selectable Block object server side: - A "near blocks" buffer, in which some nearby blocks are stored. - For all blocks in the buffer, objects are stepped(). This means they are active. - TODO: A global active buffer is needed for the server - TODO: All blocks going in and out of the buffer are recorded. - TODO: For outgoing blocks, a timestamp is written. - TODO: For incoming blocks, the time difference is calculated and objects are stepped according to it. TODO: A timestamp to blocks SUGG: Add a time value to the param of footstepped grass and check it against a global timer when a block is accessed, to make old steps fade away. TODO: Add config parameters for server's sending and generating distance TODO: Copy the text of the last picked sign to inventory in creative mode TODO: Untie client network operations from framerate SUGG: Make a copy of close-range environment on client for showing on screen, with minimal mutexes to slow the main loop down SUGG: Make a PACKET_COMBINED which contains many subpackets. Utilize it by sending more stuff in a single packet. - Add a packet queue to RemoteClient, from which packets will be combined with object data packets - This is not exactly trivial: the object data packets are sometimes very big by themselves SUGG: Split MapBlockObject serialization to to-client and to-disk - This will allow saving ages of rats on disk but not sending them to clients TODO: Get rid of GotSplitPacketException Before release: TODO: Check what goes wrong with caching map to disk (Kray) TODO: Remove LazyMeshUpdater. It is not used as supposed. Doing now: ====================================================================== TODO: Implement lighting using VoxelManipulator ====================================================================== */ /* Setting this to 1 enables a special camera mode that forces the renderers to think that the camera statically points from the starting place to a static direction. This allows one to move around with the player and see what is actually drawn behind solid things and behind the player. */ #define FIELD_OF_VIEW_TEST 0 #ifdef UNITTEST_DISABLE #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma message ("Disabling unit tests") #else #warning "Disabling unit tests" #endif // Disable unit tests #define ENABLE_TESTS 0 #else // Enable unit tests #define ENABLE_TESTS 1 #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma comment(lib, "Irrlicht.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "jthread.lib") // This would get rid of the console window //#pragma comment(linker, "/subsystem:windows /ENTRY:mainCRTStartup") #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #define sleep_ms(x) Sleep(x) #else #include #define sleep_ms(x) usleep(x*1000) #endif #include #include #include #include #include "common_irrlicht.h" #include "debug.h" #include "map.h" #include "player.h" #include "main.h" #include "test.h" #include "environment.h" #include "server.h" #include "client.h" #include "serialization.h" #include "constants.h" #include "strfnd.h" #include "porting.h" #include IrrlichtDevice *g_device = NULL; const char *g_material_filenames[MATERIALS_COUNT] = { "../data/stone.png", "../data/grass.png", "../data/water.png", "../data/light.png", "../data/tree.png", "../data/leaves.png", "../data/grass_footsteps.png", "../data/mese.png", "../data/mud.png" }; video::SMaterial g_materials[MATERIALS_COUNT]; //video::SMaterial g_mesh_materials[3]; // All range-related stuff below is locked behind this JMutex g_range_mutex; // Blocks are viewed in this range from the player s16 g_viewing_range_nodes = 60; // This is updated by the client's fetchBlocks routine //s16 g_actual_viewing_range_nodes = VIEWING_RANGE_NODES_DEFAULT; // If true, the preceding value has no meaning and all blocks // already existing in memory are drawn bool g_viewing_range_all = false; // This is the freetime ratio imposed by the dynamic viewing // range changing code. // It is controlled by the main loop to the smallest value that // inhibits glitches (dtime jitter) in the main loop. //float g_freetime_ratio = FREETIME_RATIO_MAX; /* Settings. These are loaded from the config file. */ Settings g_settings; // Sets default settings void set_default_settings() { g_settings.set("dedicated_server", ""); // Client stuff g_settings.set("wanted_fps", "30"); g_settings.set("fps_max", "60"); g_settings.set("viewing_range_nodes_max", "300"); g_settings.set("viewing_range_nodes_min", "20"); g_settings.set("screenW", ""); g_settings.set("screenH", ""); g_settings.set("host_game", ""); g_settings.set("port", ""); g_settings.set("address", ""); g_settings.set("name", ""); g_settings.set("random_input", "false"); g_settings.set("client_delete_unused_sectors_timeout", "1200"); // Server stuff g_settings.set("creative_mode", "false"); g_settings.set("heightmap_blocksize", "128"); g_settings.set("height_randmax", "constant 70.0"); g_settings.set("height_randfactor", "constant 0.6"); g_settings.set("height_base", "linear 0 35 0"); g_settings.set("plants_amount", "1.0"); g_settings.set("ravines_amount", "1.0"); g_settings.set("objectdata_interval", "0.2"); g_settings.set("active_object_range", "2"); g_settings.set("max_simultaneous_block_sends_per_client", "1"); g_settings.set("max_simultaneous_block_sends_server_total", "4"); } /* Random stuff */ //u16 g_selected_material = 0; u16 g_selected_item = 0; bool g_esc_pressed = false; std::wstring g_text_buffer; bool g_text_buffer_accepted = false; // When true, the mouse and keyboard are grabbed bool g_game_focused = true; /* Debug streams */ // Connection std::ostream *dout_con_ptr = &dummyout; std::ostream *derr_con_ptr = &dstream_no_stderr; //std::ostream *dout_con_ptr = &dstream_no_stderr; //std::ostream *derr_con_ptr = &dstream_no_stderr; //std::ostream *dout_con_ptr = &dstream; //std::ostream *derr_con_ptr = &dstream; // Server std::ostream *dout_server_ptr = &dstream; std::ostream *derr_server_ptr = &dstream; // Client std::ostream *dout_client_ptr = &dstream; std::ostream *derr_client_ptr = &dstream; /* Timestamp stuff */ JMutex g_timestamp_mutex; //std::string g_timestamp; std::string getTimestamp() { if(g_timestamp_mutex.IsInitialized()==false) return ""; JMutexAutoLock lock(g_timestamp_mutex); //return g_timestamp; time_t t = time(NULL); struct tm *tm = localtime(&t); char cs[20]; strftime(cs, 20, "%H:%M:%S", tm); return cs; } class MyEventReceiver : public IEventReceiver { public: // This is the one method that we have to implement virtual bool OnEvent(const SEvent& event) { // Remember whether each key is down or up if(event.EventType == irr::EET_KEY_INPUT_EVENT) { keyIsDown[event.KeyInput.Key] = event.KeyInput.PressedDown; if(event.KeyInput.PressedDown) { //dstream<<"Pressed key: "<<(char)event.KeyInput.Key< 0) g_text_buffer = g_text_buffer.substr (0, g_text_buffer.size()-1); } else { wchar_t wc = event.KeyInput.Char; if(wc != 0) g_text_buffer += wc; } } if(event.KeyInput.Key == irr::KEY_ESCAPE) { if(g_game_focused == true) { dstream< 0){ counter -= frametime; return; } //counter = 1.0; //seconds counter = 0.5; //seconds //float freetime_ratio = 0.2; //float freetime_ratio = 0.4; float freetime_ratio = FREETIME_RATIO; float frametime_wanted = (1.0/(wanted_fps/(1.0-freetime_ratio))); float fraction = sqrt(frametime_avg / frametime_wanted); static bool fraction_is_good = false; float fraction_good_threshold = 0.1; float fraction_bad_threshold = 0.25; float fraction_limit; // Use high limit if fraction is good AND the fraction would // lower the range. We want to keep the range fairly high. if(fraction_is_good && fraction > 1.0) fraction_limit = fraction_bad_threshold; else fraction_limit = fraction_good_threshold; if(fabs(fraction - 1.0) < fraction_limit) { fraction_is_good = true; return; } else { fraction_is_good = false; } //dstream<<"frametime_avg="< viewing_range_nodes_max) n = viewing_range_nodes_max; bool can_change = true; if(client->isFetchingBlocks() == true && n > g_viewing_range_nodes) can_change = false; if(can_change) g_viewing_range_nodes = n; /*dstream<<"g_viewing_range_nodes = " < imgsize(0,0,48,48); core::rect textsize(0,0,48,16); v2s32 spacing(0, 64); for(s32 i=0; iaddImage( imgsize + pos + spacing*i )); m_images[i]->setScaleImage(true); m_texts.push_back(env->addStaticText( L"", textsize + pos + spacing*i, false, false )); m_texts[i]->setBackgroundColor( video::SColor(128,0,0,0)); m_texts[i]->setTextAlignment( gui::EGUIA_CENTER, gui::EGUIA_UPPERLEFT); } } virtual bool OnEvent(const SEvent& event) { return false; } void setSelection(s32 i) { m_selection = i; } void update() { s32 start = 0; start = m_selection - m_itemcount / 2; for(s32 i=0; i (s32)m_inventory->getSize() - 1) j -= m_inventory->getSize(); if(j < 0) j += m_inventory->getSize(); InventoryItem *item = m_inventory->getItem(j); // Null items if(item == NULL) { m_images[i]->setImage(NULL); wchar_t t[10]; if(m_selection == j) swprintf(t, 10, L"<-"); else swprintf(t, 10, L""); m_texts[i]->setText(t); // The next ifs will segfault with a NULL pointer continue; } m_images[i]->setImage(item->getImage()); wchar_t t[10]; if(m_selection == j) swprintf(t, 10, SWPRINTF_CHARSTRING L" <-", item->getText().c_str()); else swprintf(t, 10, SWPRINTF_CHARSTRING, item->getText().c_str()); m_texts[i]->setText(t); } } private: s32 m_itemcount; core::array m_texts; core::array m_images; Inventory *m_inventory; s32 m_selection; }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* Low-level initialization */ bool disable_stderr = false; #ifdef _WIN32 disable_stderr = true; #endif // Initialize debug streams debugstreams_init(disable_stderr, DEBUGFILE); // Initialize debug stacks debug_stacks_init(); DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); try { /* Basic initialization */ // Initialize default settings set_default_settings(); // Print startup message dstream<= 2) { g_settings.readConfigFile(argv[1]); } else { const char *filenames[2] = { "../minetest.conf", "../../minetest.conf" }; for(u32 i=0; i<2; i++) { bool r = g_settings.readConfigFile(filenames[i]); if(r) break; } } // Initialize random seed srand(time(0)); g_range_mutex.Init(); assert(g_range_mutex.IsInitialized()); // Read map parameters from settings HMParams hm_params; hm_params.blocksize = g_settings.getU16("heightmap_blocksize"); hm_params.randmax = g_settings.get("height_randmax"); hm_params.randfactor = g_settings.get("height_randfactor"); hm_params.base = g_settings.get("height_base"); MapParams map_params; map_params.plants_amount = g_settings.getFloat("plants_amount"); map_params.ravines_amount = g_settings.getFloat("ravines_amount"); /* Ask some stuff */ std::cout< "< list = server.getPlayerInfo(); core::list::Iterator i; static u32 sum_old = 0; u32 sum = PIChecksum(list); if(sum != sum_old) { std::cout<PrintLine(&std::cout); } } sum_old = sum; } } return 0; } bool hosting = false; char connect_name[100] = ""; std::cout<<"Address to connect to [empty = host a game]: "; if(g_settings.get("address") != "" && is_yes(g_settings.get("host_game")) == false) { std::cout< hosting"< "< \""< res_count || r0 == 0) r0 = 2; { u16 i = r0-1; std::cout<<"-> "; std::cout<<(i+1)<<": "<(screenW, screenH), 16, fullscreen, false, false, &receiver); // With vsync /*device = createDevice(driverType, core::dimension2d(screenW, screenH), 16, fullscreen, false, true, &receiver);*/ if (device == 0) return 1; // could not create selected driver. g_device = device; device->setResizable(true); if(g_settings.getBool("random_input")) g_input = new RandomInputHandler(); else g_input = new RealInputHandler(device, &receiver); /* Continue initialization */ video::IVideoDriver* driver = device->getVideoDriver(); // These make the textures not to show at all //driver->setTextureCreationFlag(video::ETCF_ALWAYS_16_BIT); //driver->setTextureCreationFlag(video::ETCF_OPTIMIZED_FOR_SPEED ); //driver->setMinHardwareBufferVertexCount(1); scene::ISceneManager* smgr = device->getSceneManager(); gui::IGUIEnvironment* guienv = device->getGUIEnvironment(); gui::IGUISkin* skin = guienv->getSkin(); gui::IGUIFont* font = guienv->getFont("../data/fontlucida.png"); if(font) skin->setFont(font); //skin->setColor(gui::EGDC_BUTTON_TEXT, video::SColor(255,0,0,0)); skin->setColor(gui::EGDC_BUTTON_TEXT, video::SColor(255,255,255,255)); //skin->setColor(gui::EGDC_3D_HIGH_LIGHT, video::SColor(0,0,0,0)); //skin->setColor(gui::EGDC_3D_SHADOW, video::SColor(0,0,0,0)); skin->setColor(gui::EGDC_3D_HIGH_LIGHT, video::SColor(255,0,0,0)); skin->setColor(gui::EGDC_3D_SHADOW, video::SColor(255,0,0,0)); const wchar_t *text = L"Loading and connecting..."; core::vector2d center(screenW/2, screenH/2); core::dimension2d textd = font->getDimension(text); std::cout<getTexture(filename)); } //g_materials[i].setFlag(video::EMF_TEXTURE_WRAP, video::ETC_REPEAT); g_materials[i].setFlag(video::EMF_BILINEAR_FILTER, false); //g_materials[i].setFlag(video::EMF_ANISOTROPIC_FILTER, false); //g_materials[i].setFlag(video::EMF_FOG_ENABLE, true); if(i == MATERIAL_WATER) { g_materials[i].MaterialType = video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_VERTEX_ALPHA; //g_materials[i].MaterialType = video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR; } } /*g_mesh_materials[0].setTexture(0, driver->getTexture("../data/water.png")); g_mesh_materials[1].setTexture(0, driver->getTexture("../data/grass.png")); g_mesh_materials[2].setTexture(0, driver->getTexture("../data/stone.png")); for(u32 i=0; i<3; i++) { g_mesh_materials[i].Lighting = false; g_mesh_materials[i].BackfaceCulling = false; g_mesh_materials[i].setFlag(video::EMF_BILINEAR_FILTER, false); g_mesh_materials[i].setFlag(video::EMF_FOG_ENABLE, true); }*/ // Make a scope here for the client so that it gets removed // before the irrlicht device { std::cout< server; if(hosting){ server = new Server("../map", hm_params, map_params); server->start(port); } /* Create client */ // TODO: Get rid of the g_materials parameter or it's globalness Client client(device, g_materials, g_settings.getFloat("client_delete_unused_sectors_timeout"), playername); Address connect_address(0,0,0,0, port); try{ connect_address.Resolve(connect_name); } catch(ResolveError &e) { std::cout<step(0.1); } sleep_ms(100); } } catch(con::PeerNotFoundException &e) { std::cout<addCameraSceneNode( 0, // Camera parent v3f(BS*100, BS*2, BS*100), // Look from v3f(BS*100+1, BS*2, BS*100), // Look to -1 // Camera ID ); if(camera == NULL) return 1; video::SColor skycolor = video::SColor(255,90,140,200); camera->setFOV(FOV_ANGLE); // Just so big a value that everything rendered is visible camera->setFarValue(100000*BS); /*//f32 range = BS*HEIGHTMAP_RANGE_NODES*0.9; f32 range = BS*HEIGHTMAP_RANGE_NODES*0.9; camera->setFarValue(range); driver->setFog( skycolor, video::EFT_FOG_LINEAR, range*0.8, range, 0.01, false, false );*/ f32 camera_yaw = 0; // "right/left" f32 camera_pitch = 0; // "up/down" gui_loadingtext->remove(); /* Add some gui stuff */ // First line of debug text gui::IGUIStaticText *guitext = guienv->addStaticText( L"Minetest-c55", core::rect(5, 5, 5+600, 5+textsize.Y), false, false); // Second line of debug text gui::IGUIStaticText *guitext2 = guienv->addStaticText( L"", core::rect(5, 5+(textsize.Y+5)*1, 5+600, (5+textsize.Y)*2), false, false); // At the middle of the screen // Object infos are shown in this gui::IGUIStaticText *guitext_info = guienv->addStaticText( L"test", core::rect(100, 70, 100+400, 70+(textsize.Y+5)), false, false); // This is a copy of the inventory that the client's environment has Inventory local_inventory(PLAYER_INVENTORY_SIZE); GUIQuickInventory *quick_inventory = new GUIQuickInventory (guienv, NULL, v2s32(10, 70), 5, &local_inventory); /* Some statistics are collected in these */ u32 drawtime = 0; u32 scenetime = 0; u32 endscenetime = 0; /* Text input system */ struct TextDest { virtual void sendText(std::string text) = 0; }; struct TextDestSign : public TextDest { TextDestSign(v3s16 blockpos, s16 id, Client *client) { m_blockpos = blockpos; m_id = id; m_client = client; } void sendText(std::string text) { dstream<<"Changing text of a sign object: " <sendSignText(m_blockpos, m_id, text); } v3s16 m_blockpos; s16 m_id; Client *m_client; }; TextDest *textbuf_dest = NULL; //gui::IGUIWindow* input_window = NULL; gui::IGUIStaticText* input_guitext = NULL; /* Main loop */ bool first_loop_after_window_activation = true; // Time is in milliseconds // NOTE: getRealTime() without run()s causes strange problems in wine // NOTE: Have to call run() between calls of this to update the timer u32 lasttime = device->getTimer()->getTime(); while(device->run()) { // Hilight boxes collected during the loop and displayed core::list< core::aabbox3d > hilightboxes; // Info text std::wstring infotext; //TimeTaker //timer1("//timer1", device); // Time of frame without fps limit float busytime; u32 busytime_u32; { // not using getRealTime is necessary for wine u32 time = device->getTimer()->getTime(); if(time > lasttime) busytime_u32 = time - lasttime; else busytime_u32 = 0; busytime = busytime_u32 / 1000.0; } //std::cout<<"busytime_u32="<run(); /* Viewing range */ //updateViewingRange(dtime, &client); updateViewingRange(busytime, &client); /* FPS limiter */ { float fps_max = g_settings.getFloat("fps_max"); u32 frametime_min = 1000./fps_max; if(busytime_u32 < frametime_min) { u32 sleeptime = frametime_min - busytime_u32; device->sleep(sleeptime); } } // Absolutelu necessary for wine! device->run(); /* Time difference calculation */ f32 dtime; // in seconds u32 time = device->getTimer()->getTime(); if(time > lasttime) dtime = (time - lasttime) / 1000.0; else dtime = 0; lasttime = time; /* Time average and jitter calculation */ static f32 dtime_avg1 = 0.0; dtime_avg1 = dtime_avg1 * 0.98 + dtime * 0.02; f32 dtime_jitter1 = dtime - dtime_avg1; static f32 dtime_jitter1_max_sample = 0.0; static f32 dtime_jitter1_max_fraction = 0.0; { static f32 jitter1_max = 0.0; static f32 counter = 0.0; if(dtime_jitter1 > jitter1_max) jitter1_max = dtime_jitter1; counter += dtime; if(counter > 0.0) { counter -= 3.0; dtime_jitter1_max_sample = jitter1_max; dtime_jitter1_max_fraction = dtime_jitter1_max_sample / (dtime_avg1+0.001); jitter1_max = 0.0; /* Control freetime ratio */ /*if(dtime_jitter1_max_fraction > DTIME_JITTER_MAX_FRACTION) { if(g_freetime_ratio < FREETIME_RATIO_MAX) g_freetime_ratio += 0.01; } else { if(g_freetime_ratio > FREETIME_RATIO_MIN) g_freetime_ratio -= 0.01; }*/ } } /* Busytime average and jitter calculation */ static f32 busytime_avg1 = 0.0; busytime_avg1 = busytime_avg1 * 0.98 + busytime * 0.02; f32 busytime_jitter1 = busytime - busytime_avg1; static f32 busytime_jitter1_max_sample = 0.0; static f32 busytime_jitter1_min_sample = 0.0; { static f32 jitter1_max = 0.0; static f32 jitter1_min = 0.0; static f32 counter = 0.0; if(busytime_jitter1 > jitter1_max) jitter1_max = busytime_jitter1; if(busytime_jitter1 < jitter1_min) jitter1_min = busytime_jitter1; counter += dtime; if(counter > 0.0){ counter -= 3.0; busytime_jitter1_max_sample = jitter1_max; busytime_jitter1_min_sample = jitter1_min; jitter1_max = 0.0; jitter1_min = 0.0; } } /* Debug info for client */ { static float counter = 0.0; counter -= dtime; if(counter < 0) { counter = 30.0; client.printDebugInfo(std::cout); } } /* Input handler step() */ g_input->step(dtime); /* Special keys */ if(g_esc_pressed) { break; } /* Player speed control */ if(g_game_focused) { /*bool a_up, bool a_down, bool a_left, bool a_right, bool a_jump, bool a_superspeed, float a_pitch, float a_yaw*/ PlayerControl control( g_input->isKeyDown(irr::KEY_KEY_W), g_input->isKeyDown(irr::KEY_KEY_S), g_input->isKeyDown(irr::KEY_KEY_A), g_input->isKeyDown(irr::KEY_KEY_D), g_input->isKeyDown(irr::KEY_SPACE), g_input->isKeyDown(irr::KEY_KEY_2), camera_pitch, camera_yaw ); client.setPlayerControl(control); } else { // Set every key to inactive PlayerControl control; client.setPlayerControl(control); } //timer1.stop(); /* Process environment */ { //TimeTaker timer("client.step(dtime)", device); client.step(dtime); //client.step(dtime_avg1); } if(server != NULL) { //TimeTaker timer("server->step(dtime)", device); server->step(dtime); } v3f player_position = client.getPlayerPosition(); //TimeTaker //timer2("//timer2", device); /* Mouse and camera control */ if(device->isWindowActive() && g_game_focused) { device->getCursorControl()->setVisible(false); if(first_loop_after_window_activation){ //std::cout<<"window active, first loop"<getMousePos().X - 320; s32 dy = g_input->getMousePos().Y - 240; //std::cout<<"window active, pos difference "< 89.5) camera_pitch = 89.5; } g_input->setMousePos(320, 240); } else{ device->getCursorControl()->setVisible(true); //std::cout<<"window inactive"<setPosition(camera_position); // *100.0 helps in large map coordinates camera->setTarget(camera_position + camera_direction * 100.0); if(FIELD_OF_VIEW_TEST){ //client.m_env.getMap().updateCamera(v3f(0,0,0), v3f(0,0,1)); client.updateCamera(v3f(0,0,0), v3f(0,0,1)); } else{ //client.m_env.getMap().updateCamera(camera_position, camera_direction); //TimeTaker timer("client.updateCamera", device); client.updateCamera(camera_position, camera_direction); } //timer2.stop(); //TimeTaker //timer3("//timer3", device); /* Calculate what block is the crosshair pointing to */ //u32 t1 = device->getTimer()->getRealTime(); //f32 d = 4; // max. distance f32 d = 4; // max. distance core::line3d shootline(camera_position, camera_position + camera_direction * BS * (d+1)); MapBlockObject *selected_object = client.getSelectedObject (d*BS, camera_position, shootline); if(selected_object != NULL) { //dstream<<"Client returned selected_object != NULL"< box_on_map = selected_object->getSelectionBoxOnMap(); hilightboxes.push_back(box_on_map); infotext = narrow_to_wide(selected_object->infoText()); if(g_input->getLeftClicked()) { std::cout<getBlock()->getPos(), selected_object->getId(), g_selected_item); } else if(g_input->getRightClicked()) { std::cout<getTypeId() == MAPBLOCKOBJECT_TYPE_SIGN) { dstream<<"Sign object right-clicked"<addStaticText(L"", core::rect(150,100,350,120), true, // border? false, // wordwrap? NULL); input_guitext->setDrawBackground(true); g_text_buffer = L""; g_text_buffer_accepted = false; textbuf_dest = new TextDestSign( selected_object->getBlock()->getPos(), selected_object->getId(), &client); } /* Otherwise pass the event to the server as-is */ else { client.clickObject(1, selected_object->getBlock()->getPos(), selected_object->getId(), g_selected_item); } } } else // selected_object == NULL { bool nodefound = false; v3s16 nodepos; v3s16 neighbourpos; core::aabbox3d nodefacebox; f32 mindistance = BS * 1001; v3s16 pos_i = floatToInt(player_position); /*std::cout<<"pos_i=("<0 ? a : 1); s16 zend = pos_i.Z + (camera_direction.Z>0 ? a : 1); s16 xend = pos_i.X + (camera_direction.X>0 ? a : 1); for(s16 y = ystart; y <= yend; y++){ for(s16 z = zstart; z <= zend; z++){ for(s16 x = xstart; x <= xend; x++) { try{ if(client.getNode(v3s16(x,y,z)).d == MATERIAL_AIR){ continue; } }catch(InvalidPositionException &e){ continue; } v3s16 np(x,y,z); v3f npf = intToFloat(np); f32 d = 0.01; v3s16 directions[6] = { v3s16(0,0,1), // back v3s16(0,1,0), // top v3s16(1,0,0), // right v3s16(0,0,-1), v3s16(0,-1,0), v3s16(-1,0,0), }; for(u16 i=0; i<6; i++){ //{u16 i=3; v3f dir_f = v3f(directions[i].X, directions[i].Y, directions[i].Z); v3f centerpoint = npf + dir_f * BS/2; f32 distance = (centerpoint - camera_position).getLength(); if(distance < mindistance){ //std::cout< m; m.buildRotateFromTo(v3f(0,0,1), dir_f); // This is the back face v3f corners[2] = { v3f(BS/2, BS/2, BS/2), v3f(-BS/2, -BS/2, BS/2+d) }; for(u16 j=0; j<2; j++){ m.rotateVect(corners[j]); corners[j] += npf; //std::cout< facebox(corners[0],corners[1]); core::aabbox3d facebox(corners[0]); facebox.addInternalPoint(corners[1]); if(facebox.intersectsWithLine(shootline)){ nodefound = true; nodepos = np; neighbourpos = np + directions[i]; mindistance = distance; nodefacebox = facebox; } } } }}} if(nodefound) { //std::cout<setText(positiontext);*/ } hilightboxes.push_back(nodefacebox); if(g_input->getLeftClicked()) { //std::cout<getRightClicked()) { //std::cout<setText(L""); } } // selected_object == NULL g_input->resetLeftClicked(); g_input->resetRightClicked(); /* Calculate stuff for drawing */ v2u32 screensize = driver->getScreenSize(); core::vector2d displaycenter(screensize.X/2,screensize.Y/2); camera->setAspectRatio((f32)screensize.X / (f32)screensize.Y); /* Update gui stuff (0ms) */ //TimeTaker guiupdatetimer("Gui updating", device); { wchar_t temptext[100]; static float drawtime_avg = 0; drawtime_avg = drawtime_avg * 0.98 + (float)drawtime*0.02; static float scenetime_avg = 0; scenetime_avg = scenetime_avg * 0.98 + (float)scenetime*0.02; static float endscenetime_avg = 0; endscenetime_avg = endscenetime_avg * 0.98 + (float)endscenetime*0.02; swprintf(temptext, 100, L"Minetest-c55 (" L"F: item=%i" L", R: range_all=%i" L")" L" drawtime=%.0f, scenetime=%.0f, endscenetime=%.0f", g_selected_item, g_viewing_range_all, drawtime_avg, scenetime_avg, endscenetime_avg ); guitext->setText(temptext); } { wchar_t temptext[100]; /*swprintf(temptext, 100, L"(" L"% .3f < btime_jitter < % .3f" L", dtime_jitter = % .1f %%" //L", ftime_ratio = % .3f" L")", busytime_jitter1_min_sample, busytime_jitter1_max_sample, dtime_jitter1_max_fraction * 100.0 //g_freetime_ratio );*/ swprintf(temptext, 100, L"(% .1f, % .1f, % .1f)" L" (% .3f < btime_jitter < % .3f" L", dtime_jitter = % .1f %%)", player_position.X/BS, player_position.Y/BS, player_position.Z/BS, busytime_jitter1_min_sample, busytime_jitter1_max_sample, dtime_jitter1_max_fraction * 100.0 ); guitext2->setText(temptext); } { /*wchar_t temptext[100]; swprintf(temptext, 100, SWPRINTF_CHARSTRING, infotext.substr(0,99).c_str() ); guitext_info->setText(temptext);*/ guitext_info->setText(infotext.c_str()); } /* Inventory */ static u16 old_selected_item = 65535; if(client.getLocalInventoryUpdated() || g_selected_item != old_selected_item) { old_selected_item = g_selected_item; //std::cout<<"Updating local inventory"<setSelection(g_selected_item); quick_inventory->update(); } if(input_guitext != NULL) { /*wchar_t temptext[100]; swprintf(temptext, 100, SWPRINTF_CHARSTRING, g_text_buffer.substr(0,99).c_str() );*/ input_guitext->setText(g_text_buffer.c_str()); } /* Text input stuff */ if(input_guitext != NULL && g_text_buffer_accepted) { input_guitext->remove(); input_guitext = NULL; if(textbuf_dest != NULL) { std::string text = wide_to_narrow(g_text_buffer); dstream<<"Sending text: "<sendText(text); delete textbuf_dest; textbuf_dest = NULL; } focusGame(); } //guiupdatetimer.stop(); /* Drawing begins */ TimeTaker drawtimer("Drawing", device); /* Background color is choosen based on whether the player is much beyond the initial ground level */ /*video::SColor bgcolor; v3s16 p0 = Map::floatToInt(player_position); // Does this make short random delays? // NOTE: no need for this, sky doesn't show underground with // enough range bool is_underground = client.isNodeUnderground(p0); //bool is_underground = false; if(is_underground == false) bgcolor = video::SColor(255,90,140,200); else bgcolor = video::SColor(255,0,0,0);*/ //video::SColor bgcolor = video::SColor(255,90,140,200); video::SColor bgcolor = skycolor; // 0ms driver->beginScene(true, true, bgcolor); //timer3.stop(); //std::cout<drawAll()"<drawAll(); scenetime = timer.stop(true); } { //TimeTaker timer9("auxiliary drawings", device); // 0ms driver->draw2DLine(displaycenter - core::vector2d(10,0), displaycenter + core::vector2d(10,0), video::SColor(255,255,255,255)); driver->draw2DLine(displaycenter - core::vector2d(0,10), displaycenter + core::vector2d(0,10), video::SColor(255,255,255,255)); //timer9.stop(); //TimeTaker //timer10("//timer10", device); video::SMaterial m; m.Thickness = 10; m.Lighting = false; driver->setMaterial(m); driver->setTransform(video::ETS_WORLD, core::IdentityMatrix); for(core::list< core::aabbox3d >::Iterator i=hilightboxes.begin(); i != hilightboxes.end(); i++) { /*std::cout<<"hilightbox min=" <<"("<MinEdge.X<<","<MinEdge.Y<<","<MinEdge.Z<<")" <<" max=" <<"("<MaxEdge.X<<","<MaxEdge.Y<<","<MaxEdge.Z<<")" <draw3DBox(*i, video::SColor(255,0,0,0)); } } //timer10.stop(); //TimeTaker //timer11("//timer11", device); /* Draw gui */ // 0-1ms guienv->drawAll(); // End drawing { TimeTaker timer("endScene", device); driver->endScene(); endscenetime = timer.stop(true); } drawtime = drawtimer.stop(true); /* Drawing ends */ static s16 lastFPS = 0; //u16 fps = driver->getFPS(); u16 fps = (1.0/dtime_avg1); if (lastFPS != fps) { core::stringw str = L"Minetest ["; str += driver->getName(); str += "] FPS:"; str += fps; device->setWindowCaption(str.c_str()); lastFPS = fps; } /*} else device->yield();*/ } } // client is deleted at this point delete g_input; /* In the end, delete the Irrlicht device. */ device->drop(); } //try catch(con::PeerNotFoundException &e) { dstream<