/* Minetest Copyright (C) 2013 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "mapblock.h" #include <sstream> #include "map.h" #include "light.h" #include "nodedef.h" #include "nodemetadata.h" #include "gamedef.h" #include "log.h" #include "nameidmapping.h" #include "content_mapnode.h" // For legacy name-id mapping #include "content_nodemeta.h" // For legacy deserialization #include "serialization.h" #ifndef SERVER #include "client/mapblock_mesh.h" #endif #include "porting.h" #include "util/string.h" #include "util/serialize.h" #include "util/basic_macros.h" static const char *modified_reason_strings[] = { "initial", "reallocate", "setIsUnderground", "setLightingExpired", "setGenerated", "setNode", "setNodeNoCheck", "setTimestamp", "NodeMetaRef::reportMetadataChange", "clearAllObjects", "Timestamp expired (step)", "addActiveObjectRaw", "removeRemovedObjects/remove", "removeRemovedObjects/deactivate", "Stored list cleared in activateObjects due to overflow", "deactivateFarObjects: Static data moved in", "deactivateFarObjects: Static data moved out", "deactivateFarObjects: Static data changed considerably", "finishBlockMake: expireDayNightDiff", "unknown", }; /* MapBlock */ MapBlock::MapBlock(Map *parent, v3s16 pos, IGameDef *gamedef, bool dummy): m_parent(parent), m_pos(pos), m_pos_relative(pos * MAP_BLOCKSIZE), m_gamedef(gamedef) { if (!dummy) reallocate(); } MapBlock::~MapBlock() { #ifndef SERVER { delete mesh; mesh = nullptr; } #endif delete[] data; } bool MapBlock::isValidPositionParent(v3s16 p) { if (isValidPosition(p)) { return true; } return m_parent->isValidPosition(getPosRelative() + p); } MapNode MapBlock::getNodeParent(v3s16 p, bool *is_valid_position) { if (!isValidPosition(p)) return m_parent->getNode(getPosRelative() + p, is_valid_position); if (!data) { if (is_valid_position) *is_valid_position = false; return {CONTENT_IGNORE}; } if (is_valid_position) *is_valid_position = true; return data[p.Z * zstride + p.Y * ystride + p.X]; } std::string MapBlock::getModifiedReasonString() { std::string reason; const u32 ubound = MYMIN(sizeof(m_modified_reason) * CHAR_BIT, ARRLEN(modified_reason_strings)); for (u32 i = 0; i != ubound; i++) { if ((m_modified_reason & (1 << i)) == 0) continue; reason += modified_reason_strings[i]; reason += ", "; } if (reason.length() > 2) reason.resize(reason.length() - 2); return reason; } void MapBlock::copyTo(VoxelManipulator &dst) { v3s16 data_size(MAP_BLOCKSIZE, MAP_BLOCKSIZE, MAP_BLOCKSIZE); VoxelArea data_area(v3s16(0,0,0), data_size - v3s16(1,1,1)); // Copy from data to VoxelManipulator dst.copyFrom(data, data_area, v3s16(0,0,0), getPosRelative(), data_size); } void MapBlock::copyFrom(VoxelManipulator &dst) { v3s16 data_size(MAP_BLOCKSIZE, MAP_BLOCKSIZE, MAP_BLOCKSIZE); VoxelArea data_area(v3s16(0,0,0), data_size - v3s16(1,1,1)); // Copy from VoxelManipulator to data dst.copyTo(data, data_area, v3s16(0,0,0), getPosRelative(), data_size); } void MapBlock::actuallyUpdateDayNightDiff() { const NodeDefManager *nodemgr = m_gamedef->ndef(); // Running this function un-expires m_day_night_differs m_day_night_differs_expired = false; if (!data) { m_day_night_differs = false; return; } bool differs = false; /* Check if any lighting value differs */ MapNode previous_n(CONTENT_IGNORE); for (u32 i = 0; i < nodecount; i++) { MapNode n = data[i]; // If node is identical to previous node, don't verify if it differs if (n == previous_n) continue; differs = !n.isLightDayNightEq(nodemgr); if (differs) break; previous_n = n; } /* If some lighting values differ, check if the whole thing is just air. If it is just air, differs = false */ if (differs) { bool only_air = true; for (u32 i = 0; i < nodecount; i++) { MapNode &n = data[i]; if (n.getContent() != CONTENT_AIR) { only_air = false; break; } } if (only_air) differs = false; } // Set member variable m_day_night_differs = differs; } void MapBlock::expireDayNightDiff() { if (!data) { m_day_night_differs = false; m_day_night_differs_expired = false; return; } m_day_night_differs_expired = true; } /* Serialization */ // List relevant id-name pairs for ids in the block using nodedef // Renumbers the content IDs (starting at 0 and incrementing // use static memory requires about 65535 * sizeof(int) ram in order to be // sure we can handle all content ids. But it's absolutely worth it as it's // a speedup of 4 for one of the major time consuming functions on storing // mapblocks. static content_t getBlockNodeIdMapping_mapping[USHRT_MAX + 1]; static void getBlockNodeIdMapping(NameIdMapping *nimap, MapNode *nodes, const NodeDefManager *nodedef) { memset(getBlockNodeIdMapping_mapping, 0xFF, (USHRT_MAX + 1) * sizeof(content_t)); std::set<content_t> unknown_contents; content_t id_counter = 0; for (u32 i = 0; i < MapBlock::nodecount; i++) { content_t global_id = nodes[i].getContent(); content_t id = CONTENT_IGNORE; // Try to find an existing mapping if (getBlockNodeIdMapping_mapping[global_id] != 0xFFFF) { id = getBlockNodeIdMapping_mapping[global_id]; } else { // We have to assign a new mapping id = id_counter++; getBlockNodeIdMapping_mapping[global_id] = id; const ContentFeatures &f = nodedef->get(global_id); const std::string &name = f.name; if (name.empty()) unknown_contents.insert(global_id); else nimap->set(id, name); } // Update the MapNode nodes[i].setContent(id); } for (u16 unknown_content : unknown_contents) { errorstream << "getBlockNodeIdMapping(): IGNORING ERROR: " << "Name for node id " << unknown_content << " not known" << std::endl; } } // Correct ids in the block to match nodedef based on names. // Unknown ones are added to nodedef. // Will not update itself to match id-name pairs in nodedef. static void correctBlockNodeIds(const NameIdMapping *nimap, MapNode *nodes, IGameDef *gamedef) { const NodeDefManager *nodedef = gamedef->ndef(); // This means the block contains incorrect ids, and we contain // the information to convert those to names. // nodedef contains information to convert our names to globally // correct ids. std::unordered_set<content_t> unnamed_contents; std::unordered_set<std::string> unallocatable_contents; bool previous_exists = false; content_t previous_local_id = CONTENT_IGNORE; content_t previous_global_id = CONTENT_IGNORE; for (u32 i = 0; i < MapBlock::nodecount; i++) { content_t local_id = nodes[i].getContent(); // If previous node local_id was found and same than before, don't lookup maps // apply directly previous resolved id // This permits to massively improve loading performance when nodes are similar // example: default:air, default:stone are massively present if (previous_exists && local_id == previous_local_id) { nodes[i].setContent(previous_global_id); continue; } std::string name; if (!nimap->getName(local_id, name)) { unnamed_contents.insert(local_id); previous_exists = false; continue; } content_t global_id; if (!nodedef->getId(name, global_id)) { global_id = gamedef->allocateUnknownNodeId(name); if (global_id == CONTENT_IGNORE) { unallocatable_contents.insert(name); previous_exists = false; continue; } } nodes[i].setContent(global_id); // Save previous node local_id & global_id result previous_local_id = local_id; previous_global_id = global_id; previous_exists = true; } for (const content_t c: unnamed_contents) { errorstream << "correctBlockNodeIds(): IGNORING ERROR: " << "Block contains id " << c << " with no name mapping" << std::endl; } for (const std::string &node_name: unallocatable_contents) { errorstream << "correctBlockNodeIds(): IGNORING ERROR: " << "Could not allocate global id for node name \"" << node_name << "\"" << std::endl; } } void MapBlock::serialize(std::ostream &os_compressed, u8 version, bool disk, int compression_level) { if(!ser_ver_supported(version)) throw VersionMismatchException("ERROR: MapBlock format not supported"); if (!data) throw SerializationError("ERROR: Not writing dummy block."); FATAL_ERROR_IF(version < SER_FMT_VER_LOWEST_WRITE, "Serialisation version error"); std::ostringstream os_raw(std::ios_base::binary); std::ostream &os = version >= 29 ? os_raw : os_compressed; // First byte u8 flags = 0; if(is_underground) flags |= 0x01; if(getDayNightDiff()) flags |= 0x02; if (!m_generated) flags |= 0x08; writeU8(os, flags); if (version >= 27) { writeU16(os, m_lighting_complete); } /* Bulk node data */ NameIdMapping nimap; SharedBuffer<u8> buf; const u8 content_width = 2; const u8 params_width = 2; if(disk) { MapNode *tmp_nodes = new MapNode[nodecount]; memcpy(tmp_nodes, data, nodecount * sizeof(MapNode)); getBlockNodeIdMapping(&nimap, tmp_nodes, m_gamedef->ndef()); buf = MapNode::serializeBulk(version, tmp_nodes, nodecount, content_width, params_width); delete[] tmp_nodes; // write timestamp and node/id mapping first if (version >= 29) { writeU32(os, getTimestamp()); nimap.serialize(os); } } else { buf = MapNode::serializeBulk(version, data, nodecount, content_width, params_width); } writeU8(os, content_width); writeU8(os, params_width); if (version >= 29) { os.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(*buf), buf.getSize()); } else { // prior to 29 node data was compressed individually compress(buf, os, version, compression_level); } /* Node metadata */ if (version >= 29) { m_node_metadata.serialize(os, version, disk); } else { // use os_raw from above to avoid allocating another stream object m_node_metadata.serialize(os_raw, version, disk); // prior to 29 node data was compressed individually compress(os_raw.str(), os, version, compression_level); } /* Data that goes to disk, but not the network */ if(disk) { if(version <= 24){ // Node timers m_node_timers.serialize(os, version); } // Static objects m_static_objects.serialize(os); if(version < 29){ // Timestamp writeU32(os, getTimestamp()); // Write block-specific node definition id mapping nimap.serialize(os); } if(version >= 25){ // Node timers m_node_timers.serialize(os, version); } } if (version >= 29) { // now compress the whole thing compress(os_raw.str(), os_compressed, version, compression_level); } } void MapBlock::serializeNetworkSpecific(std::ostream &os) { if (!data) { throw SerializationError("ERROR: Not writing dummy block."); } writeU8(os, 2); // version } void MapBlock::deSerialize(std::istream &in_compressed, u8 version, bool disk) { if(!ser_ver_supported(version)) throw VersionMismatchException("ERROR: MapBlock format not supported"); TRACESTREAM(<<"MapBlock::deSerialize "<<PP(getPos())<<std::endl); m_day_night_differs_expired = false; if(version <= 21) { deSerialize_pre22(in_compressed, version, disk); return; } // Decompress the whole block (version >= 29) std::stringstream in_raw(std::ios_base::binary | std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::out); if (version >= 29) decompress(in_compressed, in_raw, version); std::istream &is = version >= 29 ? in_raw : in_compressed; u8 flags = readU8(is); is_underground = (flags & 0x01) != 0; m_day_night_differs = (flags & 0x02) != 0; if (version < 27) m_lighting_complete = 0xFFFF; else m_lighting_complete = readU16(is); m_generated = (flags & 0x08) == 0; NameIdMapping nimap; if (disk && version >= 29) { // Timestamp TRACESTREAM(<<"MapBlock::deSerialize "<<PP(getPos()) <<": Timestamp"<<std::endl); setTimestampNoChangedFlag(readU32(is)); m_disk_timestamp = m_timestamp; // Node/id mapping TRACESTREAM(<<"MapBlock::deSerialize "<<PP(getPos()) <<": NameIdMapping"<<std::endl); nimap.deSerialize(is); } TRACESTREAM(<<"MapBlock::deSerialize "<<PP(getPos()) <<": Bulk node data"<<std::endl); u8 content_width = readU8(is); u8 params_width = readU8(is); if(content_width != 1 && content_width != 2) throw SerializationError("MapBlock::deSerialize(): invalid content_width"); if(params_width != 2) throw SerializationError("MapBlock::deSerialize(): invalid params_width"); /* Bulk node data */ if (version >= 29) { MapNode::deSerializeBulk(is, version, data, nodecount, content_width, params_width); } else { // use in_raw from above to avoid allocating another stream object decompress(is, in_raw, version); MapNode::deSerializeBulk(in_raw, version, data, nodecount, content_width, params_width); } /* NodeMetadata */ TRACESTREAM(<<"MapBlock::deSerialize "<<PP(getPos()) <<": Node metadata"<<std::endl); if (version >= 29) { m_node_metadata.deSerialize(is, m_gamedef->idef()); } else { try { // reuse in_raw in_raw.str(""); in_raw.clear(); decompress(is, in_raw, version); if (version >= 23) m_node_metadata.deSerialize(in_raw, m_gamedef->idef()); else content_nodemeta_deserialize_legacy(in_raw, &m_node_metadata, &m_node_timers, m_gamedef->idef()); } catch(SerializationError &e) { warningstream<<"MapBlock::deSerialize(): Ignoring an error" <<" while deserializing node metadata at (" <<PP(getPos())<<": "<<e.what()<<std::endl; } } /* Data that is only on disk */ if(disk) { // Node timers if(version == 23){ // Read unused zero readU8(is); } if(version == 24){ TRACESTREAM(<<"MapBlock::deSerialize "<<PP(getPos()) <<": Node timers (ver==24)"<<std::endl); m_node_timers.deSerialize(is, version); } // Static objects TRACESTREAM(<<"MapBlock::deSerialize "<<PP(getPos()) <<": Static objects"<<std::endl); m_static_objects.deSerialize(is); if(version < 29) { // Timestamp TRACESTREAM(<<"MapBlock::deSerialize "<<PP(getPos()) <<": Timestamp"<<std::endl); setTimestampNoChangedFlag(readU32(is)); m_disk_timestamp = m_timestamp; // Node/id mapping TRACESTREAM(<<"MapBlock::deSerialize "<<PP(getPos()) <<": NameIdMapping"<<std::endl); nimap.deSerialize(is); } // Dynamically re-set ids based on node names correctBlockNodeIds(&nimap, data, m_gamedef); if(version >= 25){ TRACESTREAM(<<"MapBlock::deSerialize "<<PP(getPos()) <<": Node timers (ver>=25)"<<std::endl); m_node_timers.deSerialize(is, version); } } TRACESTREAM(<<"MapBlock::deSerialize "<<PP(getPos()) <<": Done."<<std::endl); } void MapBlock::deSerializeNetworkSpecific(std::istream &is) { try { readU8(is); //const u8 version = readU8(is); //if (version != 1) //throw SerializationError("unsupported MapBlock version"); } catch(SerializationError &e) { warningstream<<"MapBlock::deSerializeNetworkSpecific(): Ignoring an error" <<": "<<e.what()<<std::endl; } } /* Legacy serialization */ void MapBlock::deSerialize_pre22(std::istream &is, u8 version, bool disk) { // Initialize default flags is_underground = false; m_day_night_differs = false; m_lighting_complete = 0xFFFF; m_generated = true; // Make a temporary buffer u32 ser_length = MapNode::serializedLength(version); SharedBuffer<u8> databuf_nodelist(nodecount * ser_length); // These have no compression if (version <= 3 || version == 5 || version == 6) { char tmp; is.read(&tmp, 1); if (is.gcount() != 1) throw SerializationError(std::string(FUNCTION_NAME) + ": not enough input data"); is_underground = tmp; is.read((char *)*databuf_nodelist, nodecount * ser_length); if ((u32)is.gcount() != nodecount * ser_length) throw SerializationError(std::string(FUNCTION_NAME) + ": not enough input data"); } else if (version <= 10) { u8 t8; is.read((char *)&t8, 1); is_underground = t8; { // Uncompress and set material data std::ostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary); decompress(is, os, version); std::string s = os.str(); if (s.size() != nodecount) throw SerializationError(std::string(FUNCTION_NAME) + ": not enough input data"); for (u32 i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) { databuf_nodelist[i*ser_length] = s[i]; } } { // Uncompress and set param data std::ostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary); decompress(is, os, version); std::string s = os.str(); if (s.size() != nodecount) throw SerializationError(std::string(FUNCTION_NAME) + ": not enough input data"); for (u32 i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) { databuf_nodelist[i*ser_length + 1] = s[i]; } } if (version >= 10) { // Uncompress and set param2 data std::ostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary); decompress(is, os, version); std::string s = os.str(); if (s.size() != nodecount) throw SerializationError(std::string(FUNCTION_NAME) + ": not enough input data"); for (u32 i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) { databuf_nodelist[i*ser_length + 2] = s[i]; } } } else { // All other versions (10 to 21) u8 flags; is.read((char*)&flags, 1); is_underground = (flags & 0x01) != 0; m_day_night_differs = (flags & 0x02) != 0; if(version >= 18) m_generated = (flags & 0x08) == 0; // Uncompress data std::ostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary); decompress(is, os, version); std::string s = os.str(); if (s.size() != nodecount * 3) throw SerializationError(std::string(FUNCTION_NAME) + ": decompress resulted in size other than nodecount*3"); // deserialize nodes from buffer for (u32 i = 0; i < nodecount; i++) { databuf_nodelist[i*ser_length] = s[i]; databuf_nodelist[i*ser_length + 1] = s[i+nodecount]; databuf_nodelist[i*ser_length + 2] = s[i+nodecount*2]; } /* NodeMetadata */ if (version >= 14) { // Ignore errors try { if (version <= 15) { std::string data = deSerializeString16(is); std::istringstream iss(data, std::ios_base::binary); content_nodemeta_deserialize_legacy(iss, &m_node_metadata, &m_node_timers, m_gamedef->idef()); } else { //std::string data = deSerializeString32(is); std::ostringstream oss(std::ios_base::binary); decompressZlib(is, oss); std::istringstream iss(oss.str(), std::ios_base::binary); content_nodemeta_deserialize_legacy(iss, &m_node_metadata, &m_node_timers, m_gamedef->idef()); } } catch(SerializationError &e) { warningstream<<"MapBlock::deSerialize(): Ignoring an error" <<" while deserializing node metadata"<<std::endl; } } } // Deserialize node data for (u32 i = 0; i < nodecount; i++) { data[i].deSerialize(&databuf_nodelist[i * ser_length], version); } if (disk) { /* Versions up from 9 have block objects. (DEPRECATED) */ if (version >= 9) { u16 count = readU16(is); // Not supported and length not known if count is not 0 if(count != 0){ warningstream<<"MapBlock::deSerialize_pre22(): " <<"Ignoring stuff coming at and after MBOs"<<std::endl; return; } } /* Versions up from 15 have static objects. */ if (version >= 15) m_static_objects.deSerialize(is); // Timestamp if (version >= 17) { setTimestampNoChangedFlag(readU32(is)); m_disk_timestamp = m_timestamp; } else { setTimestampNoChangedFlag(BLOCK_TIMESTAMP_UNDEFINED); } // Dynamically re-set ids based on node names NameIdMapping nimap; // If supported, read node definition id mapping if (version >= 21) { nimap.deSerialize(is); // Else set the legacy mapping } else { content_mapnode_get_name_id_mapping(&nimap); } correctBlockNodeIds(&nimap, data, m_gamedef); } // Legacy data changes // This code has to convert from pre-22 to post-22 format. const NodeDefManager *nodedef = m_gamedef->ndef(); for(u32 i=0; i<nodecount; i++) { const ContentFeatures &f = nodedef->get(data[i].getContent()); // Mineral if(nodedef->getId("default:stone") == data[i].getContent() && data[i].getParam1() == 1) { data[i].setContent(nodedef->getId("default:stone_with_coal")); data[i].setParam1(0); } else if(nodedef->getId("default:stone") == data[i].getContent() && data[i].getParam1() == 2) { data[i].setContent(nodedef->getId("default:stone_with_iron")); data[i].setParam1(0); } // facedir_simple if(f.legacy_facedir_simple) { data[i].setParam2(data[i].getParam1()); data[i].setParam1(0); } // wall_mounted if(f.legacy_wallmounted) { u8 wallmounted_new_to_old[8] = {0x04, 0x08, 0x01, 0x02, 0x10, 0x20, 0, 0}; u8 dir_old_format = data[i].getParam2(); u8 dir_new_format = 0; for(u8 j=0; j<8; j++) { if((dir_old_format & wallmounted_new_to_old[j]) != 0) { dir_new_format = j; break; } } data[i].setParam2(dir_new_format); } } } /* Get a quick string to describe what a block actually contains */ std::string analyze_block(MapBlock *block) { if(block == NULL) return "NULL"; std::ostringstream desc; v3s16 p = block->getPos(); char spos[25]; porting::mt_snprintf(spos, sizeof(spos), "(%2d,%2d,%2d), ", p.X, p.Y, p.Z); desc<<spos; switch(block->getModified()) { case MOD_STATE_CLEAN: desc<<"CLEAN, "; break; case MOD_STATE_WRITE_AT_UNLOAD: desc<<"WRITE_AT_UNLOAD, "; break; case MOD_STATE_WRITE_NEEDED: desc<<"WRITE_NEEDED, "; break; default: desc<<"unknown getModified()="+itos(block->getModified())+", "; } if(block->isGenerated()) desc<<"is_gen [X], "; else desc<<"is_gen [ ], "; if(block->getIsUnderground()) desc<<"is_ug [X], "; else desc<<"is_ug [ ], "; desc<<"lighting_complete: "<<block->getLightingComplete()<<", "; if(block->isDummy()) { desc<<"Dummy, "; } else { bool full_ignore = true; bool some_ignore = false; bool full_air = true; bool some_air = false; for(s16 z0=0; z0<MAP_BLOCKSIZE; z0++) for(s16 y0=0; y0<MAP_BLOCKSIZE; y0++) for(s16 x0=0; x0<MAP_BLOCKSIZE; x0++) { v3s16 p(x0,y0,z0); MapNode n = block->getNodeNoEx(p); content_t c = n.getContent(); if(c == CONTENT_IGNORE) some_ignore = true; else full_ignore = false; if(c == CONTENT_AIR) some_air = true; else full_air = false; } desc<<"content {"; std::ostringstream ss; if(full_ignore) ss<<"IGNORE (full), "; else if(some_ignore) ss<<"IGNORE, "; if(full_air) ss<<"AIR (full), "; else if(some_air) ss<<"AIR, "; if(ss.str().size()>=2) desc<<ss.str().substr(0, ss.str().size()-2); desc<<"}, "; } return desc.str().substr(0, desc.str().size()-2); } //END