Copyright (C) 2010-2013 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.


#include "irrlichttypes.h"
#include "irr_v3d.h"
#include "irr_aabb3d.h"
#include "light.h"
#include <vector>

class INodeDefManager;

	Naming scheme:
	- Material = irrlicht's Material class
	- Content = (content_t) content of a node
	- Tile = TileSpec at some side of a node of some content type
typedef u16 content_t;
#define MAX_CONTENT 0xfff

	Ignored node.

	Anything that stores MapNodes doesn't have to preserve parameters
	associated with this material.
	Doesn't create faces with anything and is considered being
	out-of-map in the game map.
#define CONTENT_IGNORE 127

	The common material through which the player can walk and which
	is transparent to light
#define CONTENT_AIR 126

enum LightBank

	Masks for MapNode.param2 of flowing liquids
#define LIQUID_LEVEL_MASK 0x07

//#define LIQUID_LEVEL_MASK 0x3f // better finite water
//#define LIQUID_FLOW_DOWN_MASK 0x40 // not used when finite water

/* maximum amount of liquid in a block */

#define LIQUID_INFINITY_MASK 0x80 //0b10000000

	This is the stuff what the whole world consists of.

struct MapNode
		Main content
	u16 param0;

		Misc parameter. Initialized to 0.
		- For light_propagates() blocks, this is light intensity,
		  stored logarithmically from 0 to LIGHT_MAX.
		  Sunlight is LIGHT_SUN, which is LIGHT_MAX+1.
		  - Contains 2 values, day- and night lighting. Each takes 4 bits.
		- Uhh... well, most blocks have light or nothing in here.
	u8 param1;
		The second parameter. Initialized to 0.
		E.g. direction for torches and flowing water.
	u8 param2;

	MapNode(const MapNode & n)
		*this = n;
	MapNode(content_t content=CONTENT_AIR, u8 a_param1=0, u8 a_param2=0)
		param0 = content;
		param1 = a_param1;
		param2 = a_param2;
	// Create directly from a nodename
	// If name is unknown, sets CONTENT_IGNORE
	MapNode(INodeDefManager *ndef, const std::string &name,
			u8 a_param1=0, u8 a_param2=0);

	bool operator==(const MapNode &other)
		return (param0 == other.param0
				&& param1 == other.param1
				&& param2 == other.param2);
	// To be used everywhere
	content_t getContent() const
		return param0;
	void setContent(content_t c)
		param0 = c;
	u8 getParam1() const
		return param1;
	void setParam1(u8 p)
		param1 = p;
	u8 getParam2() const
		return param2;
	void setParam2(u8 p)
		param2 = p;
	void setLight(enum LightBank bank, u8 a_light, INodeDefManager *nodemgr);
	u8 getLight(enum LightBank bank, INodeDefManager *nodemgr) const;
	bool getLightBanks(u8 &lightday, u8 &lightnight, INodeDefManager *nodemgr) const;
	// 0 <= daylight_factor <= 1000
	// 0 <= return value <= LIGHT_SUN
	u8 getLightBlend(u32 daylight_factor, INodeDefManager *nodemgr) const
		u8 lightday = 0;
		u8 lightnight = 0;
		getLightBanks(lightday, lightnight, nodemgr);
		return blend_light(daylight_factor, lightday, lightnight);

	// 0.0 <= daylight_factor <= 1.0
	// 0 <= return value <= LIGHT_SUN
	u8 getLightBlendF1(float daylight_factor, INodeDefManager *nodemgr) const
		u8 lightday = 0;
		u8 lightnight = 0;
		getLightBanks(lightday, lightnight, nodemgr);
		return blend_light_f1(daylight_factor, lightday, lightnight);

	u8 getFaceDir(INodeDefManager *nodemgr) const;
	u8 getWallMounted(INodeDefManager *nodemgr) const;
	v3s16 getWallMountedDir(INodeDefManager *nodemgr) const;

		Gets list of node boxes (used for rendering (NDT_NODEBOX)
		and collision)
	std::vector<aabb3f> getNodeBoxes(INodeDefManager *nodemgr) const;

		Gets list of selection boxes
	std::vector<aabb3f> getSelectionBoxes(INodeDefManager *nodemgr) const;

		Serialization functions

	static u32 serializedLength(u8 version);
	void serialize(u8 *dest, u8 version);
	void deSerialize(u8 *source, u8 version);
	// Serializes or deserializes a list of nodes in bulk format (first the
	// content of all nodes, then the param1 of all nodes, then the param2
	// of all nodes).
	//   version = serialization version. Must be >= 22
	//   content_width = the number of bytes of content per node
	//   params_width = the number of bytes of params per node
	//   compressed = true to zlib-compress output
	static void serializeBulk(std::ostream &os, int version,
			const MapNode *nodes, u32 nodecount,
			u8 content_width, u8 params_width, bool compressed);
	static void deSerializeBulk(std::istream &is, int version,
			MapNode *nodes, u32 nodecount,
			u8 content_width, u8 params_width, bool compressed);

	// Deprecated serialization methods
	void deSerialize_pre22(u8 *source, u8 version);
