/* Minetest Copyright (C) 2013 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include <cctype> #include <fstream> #include "mods.h" #include "filesys.h" #include "log.h" #include "subgame.h" #include "settings.h" #include "convert_json.h" #include "exceptions.h" #include "porting.h" static bool parseDependsLine(std::istream &is, std::string &dep, std::set<char> &symbols) { std::getline(is, dep); dep = trim(dep); symbols.clear(); size_t pos = dep.size(); while(pos > 0 && !string_allowed(dep.substr(pos-1, 1), MODNAME_ALLOWED_CHARS)){ // last character is a symbol, not part of the modname symbols.insert(dep[pos-1]); --pos; } dep = trim(dep.substr(0, pos)); return dep != ""; } void parseModContents(ModSpec &spec) { // NOTE: this function works in mutual recursion with getModsInPath Settings info; info.readConfigFile((spec.path+DIR_DELIM+"mod.conf").c_str()); if (info.exists("name")) spec.name = info.get("name"); spec.depends.clear(); spec.optdepends.clear(); spec.is_modpack = false; spec.modpack_content.clear(); // Handle modpacks (defined by containing modpack.txt) std::ifstream modpack_is((spec.path+DIR_DELIM+"modpack.txt").c_str()); if(modpack_is.good()){ //a modpack, recursively get the mods in it modpack_is.close(); // We don't actually need the file spec.is_modpack = true; spec.modpack_content = getModsInPath(spec.path, true); // modpacks have no dependencies; they are defined and // tracked separately for each mod in the modpack } else{ // not a modpack, parse the dependencies std::ifstream is((spec.path+DIR_DELIM+"depends.txt").c_str()); while(is.good()){ std::string dep; std::set<char> symbols; if(parseDependsLine(is, dep, symbols)){ if(symbols.count('?') != 0){ spec.optdepends.insert(dep); } else{ spec.depends.insert(dep); } } } } } std::map<std::string, ModSpec> getModsInPath(std::string path, bool part_of_modpack) { // NOTE: this function works in mutual recursion with parseModContents std::map<std::string, ModSpec> result; std::vector<fs::DirListNode> dirlist = fs::GetDirListing(path); for(u32 j=0; j<dirlist.size(); j++){ if(!dirlist[j].dir) continue; std::string modname = dirlist[j].name; // Ignore all directories beginning with a ".", especially // VCS directories like ".git" or ".svn" if(modname[0] == '.') continue; std::string modpath = path + DIR_DELIM + modname; ModSpec spec(modname, modpath); spec.part_of_modpack = part_of_modpack; parseModContents(spec); result.insert(std::make_pair(modname, spec)); } return result; } std::vector<ModSpec> flattenMods(std::map<std::string, ModSpec> mods) { std::vector<ModSpec> result; for(std::map<std::string,ModSpec>::iterator it = mods.begin(); it != mods.end(); ++it) { ModSpec mod = (*it).second; if(mod.is_modpack) { std::vector<ModSpec> content = flattenMods(mod.modpack_content); result.reserve(result.size() + content.size()); result.insert(result.end(),content.begin(),content.end()); } else //not a modpack { result.push_back(mod); } } return result; } ModConfiguration::ModConfiguration(const std::string &worldpath): m_unsatisfied_mods(), m_sorted_mods(), m_name_conflicts() { } void ModConfiguration::printUnsatisfiedModsError() const { for (std::vector<ModSpec>::const_iterator it = m_unsatisfied_mods.begin(); it != m_unsatisfied_mods.end(); ++it) { ModSpec mod = *it; errorstream << "mod \"" << mod.name << "\" has unsatisfied dependencies: "; for (UNORDERED_SET<std::string>::iterator dep_it = mod.unsatisfied_depends.begin(); dep_it != mod.unsatisfied_depends.end(); ++dep_it) errorstream << " \"" << *dep_it << "\""; errorstream << std::endl; } } void ModConfiguration::addModsInPath(const std::string &path) { addMods(flattenMods(getModsInPath(path))); } void ModConfiguration::addMods(const std::vector<ModSpec> &new_mods) { // Maintain a map of all existing m_unsatisfied_mods. // Keys are mod names and values are indices into m_unsatisfied_mods. std::map<std::string, u32> existing_mods; for(u32 i = 0; i < m_unsatisfied_mods.size(); ++i){ existing_mods[m_unsatisfied_mods[i].name] = i; } // Add new mods for(int want_from_modpack = 1; want_from_modpack >= 0; --want_from_modpack){ // First iteration: // Add all the mods that come from modpacks // Second iteration: // Add all the mods that didn't come from modpacks std::set<std::string> seen_this_iteration; for (std::vector<ModSpec>::const_iterator it = new_mods.begin(); it != new_mods.end(); ++it) { const ModSpec &mod = *it; if(mod.part_of_modpack != (bool)want_from_modpack) continue; if(existing_mods.count(mod.name) == 0){ // GOOD CASE: completely new mod. m_unsatisfied_mods.push_back(mod); existing_mods[mod.name] = m_unsatisfied_mods.size() - 1; } else if(seen_this_iteration.count(mod.name) == 0){ // BAD CASE: name conflict in different levels. u32 oldindex = existing_mods[mod.name]; const ModSpec &oldmod = m_unsatisfied_mods[oldindex]; warningstream<<"Mod name conflict detected: \"" <<mod.name<<"\""<<std::endl <<"Will not load: "<<oldmod.path<<std::endl <<"Overridden by: "<<mod.path<<std::endl; m_unsatisfied_mods[oldindex] = mod; // If there was a "VERY BAD CASE" name conflict // in an earlier level, ignore it. m_name_conflicts.erase(mod.name); } else{ // VERY BAD CASE: name conflict in the same level. u32 oldindex = existing_mods[mod.name]; const ModSpec &oldmod = m_unsatisfied_mods[oldindex]; warningstream<<"Mod name conflict detected: \"" <<mod.name<<"\""<<std::endl <<"Will not load: "<<oldmod.path<<std::endl <<"Will not load: "<<mod.path<<std::endl; m_unsatisfied_mods[oldindex] = mod; m_name_conflicts.insert(mod.name); } seen_this_iteration.insert(mod.name); } } } void ModConfiguration::checkConflictsAndDeps() { // report on name conflicts if (!m_name_conflicts.empty()) { std::string s = "Unresolved name conflicts for mods "; for (UNORDERED_SET<std::string>::const_iterator it = m_name_conflicts.begin(); it != m_name_conflicts.end(); ++it) { if (it != m_name_conflicts.begin()) s += ", "; s += std::string("\"") + (*it) + "\""; } s += "."; throw ModError(s); } // get the mods in order resolveDependencies(); } void ModConfiguration::resolveDependencies() { // Step 1: Compile a list of the mod names we're working with std::set<std::string> modnames; for(std::vector<ModSpec>::iterator it = m_unsatisfied_mods.begin(); it != m_unsatisfied_mods.end(); ++it){ modnames.insert((*it).name); } // Step 2: get dependencies (including optional dependencies) // of each mod, split mods into satisfied and unsatisfied std::list<ModSpec> satisfied; std::list<ModSpec> unsatisfied; for (std::vector<ModSpec>::iterator it = m_unsatisfied_mods.begin(); it != m_unsatisfied_mods.end(); ++it) { ModSpec mod = *it; mod.unsatisfied_depends = mod.depends; // check which optional dependencies actually exist for (UNORDERED_SET<std::string>::iterator it_optdep = mod.optdepends.begin(); it_optdep != mod.optdepends.end(); ++it_optdep) { std::string optdep = *it_optdep; if (modnames.count(optdep) != 0) mod.unsatisfied_depends.insert(optdep); } // if a mod has no depends it is initially satisfied if (mod.unsatisfied_depends.empty()) satisfied.push_back(mod); else unsatisfied.push_back(mod); } // Step 3: mods without unmet dependencies can be appended to // the sorted list. while(!satisfied.empty()){ ModSpec mod = satisfied.back(); m_sorted_mods.push_back(mod); satisfied.pop_back(); for(std::list<ModSpec>::iterator it = unsatisfied.begin(); it != unsatisfied.end(); ){ ModSpec& mod2 = *it; mod2.unsatisfied_depends.erase(mod.name); if(mod2.unsatisfied_depends.empty()){ satisfied.push_back(mod2); it = unsatisfied.erase(it); } else{ ++it; } } } // Step 4: write back list of unsatisfied mods m_unsatisfied_mods.assign(unsatisfied.begin(), unsatisfied.end()); } ServerModConfiguration::ServerModConfiguration(const std::string &worldpath): ModConfiguration(worldpath) { SubgameSpec gamespec = findWorldSubgame(worldpath); // Add all game mods and all world mods addModsInPath(gamespec.gamemods_path); addModsInPath(worldpath + DIR_DELIM + "worldmods"); // check world.mt file for mods explicitely declared to be // loaded or not by a load_mod_<modname> = ... line. std::string worldmt = worldpath+DIR_DELIM+"world.mt"; Settings worldmt_settings; worldmt_settings.readConfigFile(worldmt.c_str()); std::vector<std::string> names = worldmt_settings.getNames(); std::set<std::string> include_mod_names; for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = names.begin(); it != names.end(); ++it) { std::string name = *it; // for backwards compatibility: exclude only mods which are // explicitely excluded. if mod is not mentioned at all, it is // enabled. So by default, all installed mods are enabled. if (name.compare(0,9,"load_mod_") == 0 && worldmt_settings.getBool(name)) { include_mod_names.insert(name.substr(9)); } } // Collect all mods that are also in include_mod_names std::vector<ModSpec> addon_mods; for (std::set<std::string>::const_iterator it_path = gamespec.addon_mods_paths.begin(); it_path != gamespec.addon_mods_paths.end(); ++it_path) { std::vector<ModSpec> addon_mods_in_path = flattenMods(getModsInPath(*it_path)); for (std::vector<ModSpec>::const_iterator it = addon_mods_in_path.begin(); it != addon_mods_in_path.end(); ++it) { const ModSpec& mod = *it; if (include_mod_names.count(mod.name) != 0) addon_mods.push_back(mod); else worldmt_settings.setBool("load_mod_" + mod.name, false); } } worldmt_settings.updateConfigFile(worldmt.c_str()); addMods(addon_mods); checkConflictsAndDeps(); } #ifndef SERVER ClientModConfiguration::ClientModConfiguration(const std::string &path): ModConfiguration(path) { addModsInPath(path); addModsInPath(porting::path_user + DIR_DELIM + "clientmods"); checkConflictsAndDeps(); } #endif #if USE_CURL Json::Value getModstoreUrl(const std::string &url) { std::vector<std::string> extra_headers; bool special_http_header = true; try { special_http_header = g_settings->getBool("modstore_disable_special_http_header"); } catch (SettingNotFoundException) {} if (special_http_header) { extra_headers.push_back("Accept: application/vnd.minetest.mmdb-v1+json"); } return fetchJsonValue(url, special_http_header ? &extra_headers : NULL); } #endif ModMetadata::ModMetadata(const std::string &mod_name): m_mod_name(mod_name), m_modified(false) { m_stringvars.clear(); } void ModMetadata::clear() { Metadata::clear(); m_modified = true; } bool ModMetadata::save(const std::string &root_path) { Json::Value json; for (StringMap::const_iterator it = m_stringvars.begin(); it != m_stringvars.end(); ++it) { json[it->first] = it->second; } if (!fs::PathExists(root_path)) { if (!fs::CreateAllDirs(root_path)) { errorstream << "ModMetadata[" << m_mod_name << "]: Unable to save. '" << root_path << "' tree cannot be created." << std::endl; return false; } } else if (!fs::IsDir(root_path)) { errorstream << "ModMetadata[" << m_mod_name << "]: Unable to save. '" << root_path << "' is not a directory." << std::endl; return false; } bool w_ok = fs::safeWriteToFile(root_path + DIR_DELIM + m_mod_name, Json::FastWriter().write(json)); if (w_ok) { m_modified = false; } else { errorstream << "ModMetadata[" << m_mod_name << "]: failed write file." << std::endl; } return w_ok; } bool ModMetadata::load(const std::string &root_path) { m_stringvars.clear(); std::ifstream is((root_path + DIR_DELIM + m_mod_name).c_str(), std::ios_base::binary); if (!is.good()) { return false; } Json::Reader reader; Json::Value root; if (!reader.parse(is, root)) { errorstream << "ModMetadata[" << m_mod_name << "]: failed read data " "(Json decoding failure)." << std::endl; return false; } const Json::Value::Members attr_list = root.getMemberNames(); for (Json::Value::Members::const_iterator it = attr_list.begin(); it != attr_list.end(); ++it) { Json::Value attr_value = root[*it]; m_stringvars[*it] = attr_value.asString(); } return true; } bool ModMetadata::setString(const std::string &name, const std::string &var) { m_modified = Metadata::setString(name, var); return m_modified; }