/* Minetest Copyright (C) 2013 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #pragma once #include "irrlichttypes_bloated.h" #include "peerhandler.h" #include "socket.h" #include "constants.h" #include "util/pointer.h" #include "util/container.h" #include "util/thread.h" #include "util/numeric.h" #include "networkprotocol.h" #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <list> #include <map> class NetworkPacket; namespace con { class ConnectionReceiveThread; class ConnectionSendThread; typedef enum MTProtocols { MTP_PRIMARY, MTP_UDP, MTP_MINETEST_RELIABLE_UDP } MTProtocols; #define MAX_UDP_PEERS 65535 #define SEQNUM_MAX 65535 inline bool seqnum_higher(u16 totest, u16 base) { if (totest > base) { if ((totest - base) > (SEQNUM_MAX/2)) return false; return true; } if ((base - totest) > (SEQNUM_MAX/2)) return true; return false; } inline bool seqnum_in_window(u16 seqnum, u16 next,u16 window_size) { u16 window_start = next; u16 window_end = ( next + window_size ) % (SEQNUM_MAX+1); if (window_start < window_end) { return ((seqnum >= window_start) && (seqnum < window_end)); } return ((seqnum < window_end) || (seqnum >= window_start)); } static inline float CALC_DTIME(u64 lasttime, u64 curtime) { float value = ( curtime - lasttime) / 1000.0; return MYMAX(MYMIN(value,0.1),0.0); } struct BufferedPacket { BufferedPacket(u8 *a_data, u32 a_size): data(a_data, a_size) {} BufferedPacket(u32 a_size): data(a_size) {} Buffer<u8> data; // Data of the packet, including headers float time = 0.0f; // Seconds from buffering the packet or re-sending float totaltime = 0.0f; // Seconds from buffering the packet u64 absolute_send_time = -1; Address address; // Sender or destination unsigned int resend_count = 0; }; // This adds the base headers to the data and makes a packet out of it BufferedPacket makePacket(Address &address, const SharedBuffer<u8> &data, u32 protocol_id, session_t sender_peer_id, u8 channel); // Depending on size, make a TYPE_ORIGINAL or TYPE_SPLIT packet // Increments split_seqnum if a split packet is made void makeAutoSplitPacket(const SharedBuffer<u8> &data, u32 chunksize_max, u16 &split_seqnum, std::list<SharedBuffer<u8>> *list); // Add the TYPE_RELIABLE header to the data SharedBuffer<u8> makeReliablePacket(const SharedBuffer<u8> &data, u16 seqnum); struct IncomingSplitPacket { IncomingSplitPacket(u32 cc, bool r): chunk_count(cc), reliable(r) {} IncomingSplitPacket() = delete; float time = 0.0f; // Seconds from adding u32 chunk_count; bool reliable; // If true, isn't deleted on timeout bool allReceived() const { return (chunks.size() == chunk_count); } bool insert(u32 chunk_num, SharedBuffer<u8> &chunkdata); SharedBuffer<u8> reassemble(); private: // Key is chunk number, value is data without headers std::map<u16, SharedBuffer<u8>> chunks; }; /* === NOTES === A packet is sent through a channel to a peer with a basic header: TODO: Should we have a receiver_peer_id also? Header (7 bytes): [0] u32 protocol_id [4] session_t sender_peer_id [6] u8 channel sender_peer_id: Unique to each peer. value 0 (PEER_ID_INEXISTENT) is reserved for making new connections value 1 (PEER_ID_SERVER) is reserved for server these constants are defined in constants.h channel: The lower the number, the higher the priority is. Only channels 0, 1 and 2 exist. */ #define BASE_HEADER_SIZE 7 #define CHANNEL_COUNT 3 /* Packet types: CONTROL: This is a packet used by the protocol. - When this is processed, nothing is handed to the user. Header (2 byte): [0] u8 type [1] u8 controltype controltype and data description: CONTROLTYPE_ACK [2] u16 seqnum CONTROLTYPE_SET_PEER_ID [2] session_t peer_id_new CONTROLTYPE_PING - There is no actual reply, but this can be sent in a reliable packet to get a reply CONTROLTYPE_DISCO */ //#define TYPE_CONTROL 0 #define CONTROLTYPE_ACK 0 #define CONTROLTYPE_SET_PEER_ID 1 #define CONTROLTYPE_PING 2 #define CONTROLTYPE_DISCO 3 /* ORIGINAL: This is a plain packet with no control and no error checking at all. - When this is processed, it is directly handed to the user. Header (1 byte): [0] u8 type */ //#define TYPE_ORIGINAL 1 #define ORIGINAL_HEADER_SIZE 1 /* SPLIT: These are sequences of packets forming one bigger piece of data. - When processed and all the packet_nums 0...packet_count-1 are present (this should be buffered), the resulting data shall be directly handed to the user. - If the data fails to come up in a reasonable time, the buffer shall be silently discarded. - These can be sent as-is or atop of a RELIABLE packet stream. Header (7 bytes): [0] u8 type [1] u16 seqnum [3] u16 chunk_count [5] u16 chunk_num */ //#define TYPE_SPLIT 2 /* RELIABLE: Delivery of all RELIABLE packets shall be forced by ACKs, and they shall be delivered in the same order as sent. This is done with a buffer in the receiving and transmitting end. - When this is processed, the contents of each packet is recursively processed as packets. Header (3 bytes): [0] u8 type [1] u16 seqnum */ //#define TYPE_RELIABLE 3 #define RELIABLE_HEADER_SIZE 3 #define SEQNUM_INITIAL 65500 enum PacketType: u8 { PACKET_TYPE_CONTROL = 0, PACKET_TYPE_ORIGINAL = 1, PACKET_TYPE_SPLIT = 2, PACKET_TYPE_RELIABLE = 3, PACKET_TYPE_MAX }; /* A buffer which stores reliable packets and sorts them internally for fast access to the smallest one. */ typedef std::list<BufferedPacket>::iterator RPBSearchResult; class ReliablePacketBuffer { public: ReliablePacketBuffer() = default; bool getFirstSeqnum(u16& result); BufferedPacket popFirst(); BufferedPacket popSeqnum(u16 seqnum); void insert(BufferedPacket &p, u16 next_expected); void incrementTimeouts(float dtime); std::list<BufferedPacket> getTimedOuts(float timeout, unsigned int max_packets); void print(); bool empty(); RPBSearchResult notFound(); u32 size(); private: RPBSearchResult findPacket(u16 seqnum); // does not perform locking std::list<BufferedPacket> m_list; u16 m_oldest_non_answered_ack; std::mutex m_list_mutex; }; /* A buffer for reconstructing split packets */ class IncomingSplitBuffer { public: ~IncomingSplitBuffer(); /* Returns a reference counted buffer of length != 0 when a full split packet is constructed. If not, returns one of length 0. */ SharedBuffer<u8> insert(const BufferedPacket &p, bool reliable); void removeUnreliableTimedOuts(float dtime, float timeout); private: // Key is seqnum std::map<u16, IncomingSplitPacket*> m_buf; std::mutex m_map_mutex; }; struct OutgoingPacket { session_t peer_id; u8 channelnum; SharedBuffer<u8> data; bool reliable; bool ack; OutgoingPacket(session_t peer_id_, u8 channelnum_, const SharedBuffer<u8> &data_, bool reliable_,bool ack_=false): peer_id(peer_id_), channelnum(channelnum_), data(data_), reliable(reliable_), ack(ack_) { } }; enum ConnectionCommandType{ CONNCMD_NONE, CONNCMD_SERVE, CONNCMD_CONNECT, CONNCMD_DISCONNECT, CONNCMD_DISCONNECT_PEER, CONNCMD_SEND, CONNCMD_SEND_TO_ALL, CONCMD_ACK, CONCMD_CREATE_PEER }; struct ConnectionCommand { enum ConnectionCommandType type = CONNCMD_NONE; Address address; session_t peer_id = PEER_ID_INEXISTENT; u8 channelnum = 0; Buffer<u8> data; bool reliable = false; bool raw = false; ConnectionCommand() = default; ConnectionCommand &operator=(const ConnectionCommand &other) { type = other.type; address = other.address; peer_id = other.peer_id; channelnum = other.channelnum; // We must copy the buffer here to prevent race condition data = SharedBuffer<u8>(*other.data, other.data.getSize()); reliable = other.reliable; raw = other.raw; return *this; } void serve(Address address_) { type = CONNCMD_SERVE; address = address_; } void connect(Address address_) { type = CONNCMD_CONNECT; address = address_; } void disconnect() { type = CONNCMD_DISCONNECT; } void disconnect_peer(session_t peer_id_) { type = CONNCMD_DISCONNECT_PEER; peer_id = peer_id_; } void send(session_t peer_id_, u8 channelnum_, NetworkPacket *pkt, bool reliable_); void ack(session_t peer_id_, u8 channelnum_, const SharedBuffer<u8> &data_) { type = CONCMD_ACK; peer_id = peer_id_; channelnum = channelnum_; data = data_; reliable = false; } void createPeer(session_t peer_id_, const SharedBuffer<u8> &data_) { type = CONCMD_CREATE_PEER; peer_id = peer_id_; data = data_; channelnum = 0; reliable = true; raw = true; } }; /* maximum window size to use, 0xFFFF is theoretical maximum don't think about * touching it, the less you're away from it the more likely data corruption * will occur */ #define MAX_RELIABLE_WINDOW_SIZE 0x8000 /* starting value for window size */ #define MIN_RELIABLE_WINDOW_SIZE 0x40 class Channel { public: u16 readNextIncomingSeqNum(); u16 incNextIncomingSeqNum(); u16 getOutgoingSequenceNumber(bool& successfull); u16 readOutgoingSequenceNumber(); bool putBackSequenceNumber(u16); u16 readNextSplitSeqNum(); void setNextSplitSeqNum(u16 seqnum); // This is for buffering the incoming packets that are coming in // the wrong order ReliablePacketBuffer incoming_reliables; // This is for buffering the sent packets so that the sender can // re-send them if no ACK is received ReliablePacketBuffer outgoing_reliables_sent; //queued reliable packets std::queue<BufferedPacket> queued_reliables; //queue commands prior splitting to packets std::deque<ConnectionCommand> queued_commands; IncomingSplitBuffer incoming_splits; Channel() = default; ~Channel() = default; void UpdatePacketLossCounter(unsigned int count); void UpdatePacketTooLateCounter(); void UpdateBytesSent(unsigned int bytes,unsigned int packages=1); void UpdateBytesLost(unsigned int bytes); void UpdateBytesReceived(unsigned int bytes); void UpdateTimers(float dtime); const float getCurrentDownloadRateKB() { MutexAutoLock lock(m_internal_mutex); return cur_kbps; }; const float getMaxDownloadRateKB() { MutexAutoLock lock(m_internal_mutex); return max_kbps; }; const float getCurrentLossRateKB() { MutexAutoLock lock(m_internal_mutex); return cur_kbps_lost; }; const float getMaxLossRateKB() { MutexAutoLock lock(m_internal_mutex); return max_kbps_lost; }; const float getCurrentIncomingRateKB() { MutexAutoLock lock(m_internal_mutex); return cur_incoming_kbps; }; const float getMaxIncomingRateKB() { MutexAutoLock lock(m_internal_mutex); return max_incoming_kbps; }; const float getAvgDownloadRateKB() { MutexAutoLock lock(m_internal_mutex); return avg_kbps; }; const float getAvgLossRateKB() { MutexAutoLock lock(m_internal_mutex); return avg_kbps_lost; }; const float getAvgIncomingRateKB() { MutexAutoLock lock(m_internal_mutex); return avg_incoming_kbps; }; const unsigned int getWindowSize() const { return window_size; }; void setWindowSize(unsigned int size) { window_size = size; }; private: std::mutex m_internal_mutex; int window_size = MIN_RELIABLE_WINDOW_SIZE; u16 next_incoming_seqnum = SEQNUM_INITIAL; u16 next_outgoing_seqnum = SEQNUM_INITIAL; u16 next_outgoing_split_seqnum = SEQNUM_INITIAL; unsigned int current_packet_loss = 0; unsigned int current_packet_too_late = 0; unsigned int current_packet_successful = 0; float packet_loss_counter = 0.0f; unsigned int current_bytes_transfered = 0; unsigned int current_bytes_received = 0; unsigned int current_bytes_lost = 0; float max_kbps = 0.0f; float cur_kbps = 0.0f; float avg_kbps = 0.0f; float max_incoming_kbps = 0.0f; float cur_incoming_kbps = 0.0f; float avg_incoming_kbps = 0.0f; float max_kbps_lost = 0.0f; float cur_kbps_lost = 0.0f; float avg_kbps_lost = 0.0f; float bpm_counter = 0.0f; unsigned int rate_samples = 0; }; class Peer; class PeerHelper { public: PeerHelper() = default; PeerHelper(Peer* peer); ~PeerHelper(); PeerHelper& operator=(Peer* peer); Peer* operator->() const; bool operator!(); Peer* operator&() const; bool operator!=(void* ptr); private: Peer *m_peer = nullptr; }; class Connection; typedef enum { CUR_DL_RATE, AVG_DL_RATE, CUR_INC_RATE, AVG_INC_RATE, CUR_LOSS_RATE, AVG_LOSS_RATE, } rate_stat_type; class Peer { public: friend class PeerHelper; Peer(Address address_,u16 id_,Connection* connection) : id(id_), m_connection(connection), address(address_), m_last_timeout_check(porting::getTimeMs()) { }; virtual ~Peer() { MutexAutoLock usage_lock(m_exclusive_access_mutex); FATAL_ERROR_IF(m_usage != 0, "Reference counting failure"); }; // Unique id of the peer u16 id; void Drop(); virtual void PutReliableSendCommand(ConnectionCommand &c, unsigned int max_packet_size) {}; virtual bool getAddress(MTProtocols type, Address& toset) = 0; bool isPendingDeletion() { MutexAutoLock lock(m_exclusive_access_mutex); return m_pending_deletion; }; void ResetTimeout() {MutexAutoLock lock(m_exclusive_access_mutex); m_timeout_counter = 0.0; }; bool isTimedOut(float timeout); unsigned int m_increment_packets_remaining = 9; unsigned int m_increment_bytes_remaining = 0; virtual u16 getNextSplitSequenceNumber(u8 channel) { return 0; }; virtual void setNextSplitSequenceNumber(u8 channel, u16 seqnum) {}; virtual SharedBuffer<u8> addSplitPacket(u8 channel, const BufferedPacket &toadd, bool reliable) { fprintf(stderr,"Peer: addSplitPacket called, this is supposed to be never called!\n"); return SharedBuffer<u8>(0); }; virtual bool Ping(float dtime, SharedBuffer<u8>& data) { return false; }; virtual float getStat(rtt_stat_type type) const { switch (type) { case MIN_RTT: return m_rtt.min_rtt; case MAX_RTT: return m_rtt.max_rtt; case AVG_RTT: return m_rtt.avg_rtt; case MIN_JITTER: return m_rtt.jitter_min; case MAX_JITTER: return m_rtt.jitter_max; case AVG_JITTER: return m_rtt.jitter_avg; } return -1; } protected: virtual void reportRTT(float rtt) {}; void RTTStatistics(float rtt, const std::string &profiler_id = "", unsigned int num_samples = 1000); bool IncUseCount(); void DecUseCount(); std::mutex m_exclusive_access_mutex; bool m_pending_deletion = false; Connection* m_connection; // Address of the peer Address address; // Ping timer float m_ping_timer = 0.0f; private: struct rttstats { float jitter_min = FLT_MAX; float jitter_max = 0.0f; float jitter_avg = -2.0f; float min_rtt = FLT_MAX; float max_rtt = 0.0f; float avg_rtt = -2.0f; rttstats() = default; }; rttstats m_rtt; float m_last_rtt = -2.0f; // current usage count unsigned int m_usage = 0; // Seconds from last receive float m_timeout_counter = 0.0f; u64 m_last_timeout_check; }; class UDPPeer : public Peer { public: friend class PeerHelper; friend class ConnectionReceiveThread; friend class ConnectionSendThread; friend class Connection; UDPPeer(u16 a_id, Address a_address, Connection* connection); virtual ~UDPPeer() = default; void PutReliableSendCommand(ConnectionCommand &c, unsigned int max_packet_size); bool getAddress(MTProtocols type, Address& toset); u16 getNextSplitSequenceNumber(u8 channel); void setNextSplitSequenceNumber(u8 channel, u16 seqnum); SharedBuffer<u8> addSplitPacket(u8 channel, const BufferedPacket &toadd, bool reliable); protected: /* Calculates avg_rtt and resend_timeout. rtt=-1 only recalculates resend_timeout */ void reportRTT(float rtt); void RunCommandQueues( unsigned int max_packet_size, unsigned int maxcommands, unsigned int maxtransfer); float getResendTimeout() { MutexAutoLock lock(m_exclusive_access_mutex); return resend_timeout; } void setResendTimeout(float timeout) { MutexAutoLock lock(m_exclusive_access_mutex); resend_timeout = timeout; } bool Ping(float dtime,SharedBuffer<u8>& data); Channel channels[CHANNEL_COUNT]; bool m_pending_disconnect = false; private: // This is changed dynamically float resend_timeout = 0.5; bool processReliableSendCommand( ConnectionCommand &c, unsigned int max_packet_size); }; /* Connection */ enum ConnectionEventType{ CONNEVENT_NONE, CONNEVENT_DATA_RECEIVED, CONNEVENT_PEER_ADDED, CONNEVENT_PEER_REMOVED, CONNEVENT_BIND_FAILED, }; struct ConnectionEvent { enum ConnectionEventType type = CONNEVENT_NONE; session_t peer_id = 0; Buffer<u8> data; bool timeout = false; Address address; ConnectionEvent() = default; std::string describe() { switch(type) { case CONNEVENT_NONE: return "CONNEVENT_NONE"; case CONNEVENT_DATA_RECEIVED: return "CONNEVENT_DATA_RECEIVED"; case CONNEVENT_PEER_ADDED: return "CONNEVENT_PEER_ADDED"; case CONNEVENT_PEER_REMOVED: return "CONNEVENT_PEER_REMOVED"; case CONNEVENT_BIND_FAILED: return "CONNEVENT_BIND_FAILED"; } return "Invalid ConnectionEvent"; } void dataReceived(session_t peer_id_, const SharedBuffer<u8> &data_) { type = CONNEVENT_DATA_RECEIVED; peer_id = peer_id_; data = data_; } void peerAdded(session_t peer_id_, Address address_) { type = CONNEVENT_PEER_ADDED; peer_id = peer_id_; address = address_; } void peerRemoved(session_t peer_id_, bool timeout_, Address address_) { type = CONNEVENT_PEER_REMOVED; peer_id = peer_id_; timeout = timeout_; address = address_; } void bindFailed() { type = CONNEVENT_BIND_FAILED; } }; class PeerHandler; class Connection { public: friend class ConnectionSendThread; friend class ConnectionReceiveThread; Connection(u32 protocol_id, u32 max_packet_size, float timeout, bool ipv6, PeerHandler *peerhandler); ~Connection(); /* Interface */ ConnectionEvent waitEvent(u32 timeout_ms); void putCommand(ConnectionCommand &c); void SetTimeoutMs(u32 timeout) { m_bc_receive_timeout = timeout; } void Serve(Address bind_addr); void Connect(Address address); bool Connected(); void Disconnect(); void Receive(NetworkPacket* pkt); bool TryReceive(NetworkPacket *pkt); void Send(session_t peer_id, u8 channelnum, NetworkPacket *pkt, bool reliable); session_t GetPeerID() const { return m_peer_id; } Address GetPeerAddress(session_t peer_id); float getPeerStat(session_t peer_id, rtt_stat_type type); float getLocalStat(rate_stat_type type); const u32 GetProtocolID() const { return m_protocol_id; }; const std::string getDesc(); void DisconnectPeer(session_t peer_id); protected: PeerHelper getPeerNoEx(session_t peer_id); u16 lookupPeer(Address& sender); u16 createPeer(Address& sender, MTProtocols protocol, int fd); UDPPeer* createServerPeer(Address& sender); bool deletePeer(session_t peer_id, bool timeout); void SetPeerID(session_t id) { m_peer_id = id; } void sendAck(session_t peer_id, u8 channelnum, u16 seqnum); void PrintInfo(std::ostream &out); std::list<session_t> getPeerIDs() { MutexAutoLock peerlock(m_peers_mutex); return m_peer_ids; } UDPSocket m_udpSocket; MutexedQueue<ConnectionCommand> m_command_queue; bool Receive(NetworkPacket *pkt, u32 timeout); void putEvent(ConnectionEvent &e); void TriggerSend(); private: MutexedQueue<ConnectionEvent> m_event_queue; session_t m_peer_id = 0; u32 m_protocol_id; std::map<session_t, Peer *> m_peers; std::list<session_t> m_peer_ids; std::mutex m_peers_mutex; std::unique_ptr<ConnectionSendThread> m_sendThread; std::unique_ptr<ConnectionReceiveThread> m_receiveThread; std::mutex m_info_mutex; // Backwards compatibility PeerHandler *m_bc_peerhandler; u32 m_bc_receive_timeout = 0; bool m_shutting_down = false; session_t m_next_remote_peer_id = 2; }; } // namespace