Copyright (C) 2010-2013 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.


#include "irrlichttypes_bloated.h"
#include "inventory.h"
#include "constants.h" // BS
#include "jthread/jmutex.h"
#include <list>


#define PLAYERNAME_ALLOWED_CHARS "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-_"

struct PlayerControl
		up = false;
		down = false;
		left = false;
		right = false;
		jump = false;
		aux1 = false;
		sneak = false;
		LMB = false;
		RMB = false;
		pitch = 0;
		yaw = 0;
		bool a_up,
		bool a_down,
		bool a_left,
		bool a_right,
		bool a_jump,
		bool a_aux1,
		bool a_sneak,
		bool a_LMB,
		bool a_RMB,
		float a_pitch,
		float a_yaw
		up = a_up;
		down = a_down;
		left = a_left;
		right = a_right;
		jump = a_jump;
		aux1 = a_aux1;
		sneak = a_sneak;
		LMB = a_LMB;
		RMB = a_RMB;
		pitch = a_pitch;
		yaw = a_yaw;
	bool up;
	bool down;
	bool left;
	bool right;
	bool jump;
	bool aux1;
	bool sneak;
	bool LMB;
	bool RMB;
	float pitch;
	float yaw;

class Map;
class IGameDef;
struct CollisionInfo;
class PlayerSAO;
struct HudElement;
class Environment;

// Do *not* perform an assignment or copy operation on a Player or
// RemotePlayer object!  This will copy the lock held for HUD synchronization
class Player

	Player(IGameDef *gamedef, const char *name);
	virtual ~Player() = 0;

	virtual void move(f32 dtime, Environment *env, f32 pos_max_d)
	virtual void move(f32 dtime, Environment *env, f32 pos_max_d,
			std::vector<CollisionInfo> *collision_info)

	v3f getSpeed()
		return m_speed;

	void setSpeed(v3f speed)
		m_speed = speed;

	void accelerateHorizontal(v3f target_speed, f32 max_increase);
	void accelerateVertical(v3f target_speed, f32 max_increase);

	v3f getPosition()
		return m_position;

	v3s16 getLightPosition() const;

	v3f getEyeOffset()
		// This is at the height of the eyes of the current figure
		// return v3f(0, BS*1.5, 0);
		// This is more like in minecraft
			return v3f(0,BS*1.5,0);
			return v3f(0,BS*1.625,0);

	v3f getEyePosition()
		return m_position + getEyeOffset();

	virtual void setPosition(const v3f &position)
		if (position != m_position)
			m_dirty = true;
		m_position = position;

	void setPitch(f32 pitch)
		if (pitch != m_pitch)
			m_dirty = true;
		m_pitch = pitch;

	virtual void setYaw(f32 yaw)
		if (yaw != m_yaw)
			m_dirty = true;
		m_yaw = yaw;

	f32 getPitch()
		return m_pitch;

	f32 getYaw()
		return m_yaw;

	u16 getBreath()
		return m_breath;

	virtual void setBreath(u16 breath)
		if (breath != m_breath)
			m_dirty = true;
		m_breath = breath;

	f32 getRadPitch()
		return -1.0 * m_pitch * core::DEGTORAD;

	f32 getRadYaw()
		return (m_yaw + 90.) * core::DEGTORAD;

	const char * getName() const
		return m_name;

	core::aabbox3d<f32> getCollisionbox() {
		return m_collisionbox;

	u32 getFreeHudID() {
		size_t size = hud.size();
		for (size_t i = 0; i != size; i++) {
			if (!hud[i])
				return i;
		return size;

	virtual bool isLocal() const
	{ return false; }
	virtual PlayerSAO *getPlayerSAO()
	{ return NULL; }
	virtual void setPlayerSAO(PlayerSAO *sao)

		serialize() writes a bunch of text that can contain
		any characters except a '\0', and such an ending that
		deSerialize stops reading exactly at the right point.
	void serialize(std::ostream &os);
	void deSerialize(std::istream &is, std::string playername);

	bool checkModified() const
		return m_dirty || inventory.checkModified();

	void setModified(const bool x)
		m_dirty = x;
		if (x == false)

	// Use a function, if isDead can be defined by other conditions
	bool isDead() { return hp == 0; }

	bool touching_ground;
	// This oscillates so that the player jumps a bit above the surface
	bool in_liquid;
	// This is more stable and defines the maximum speed of the player
	bool in_liquid_stable;
	// Gets the viscosity of water to calculate friction
	u8 liquid_viscosity;
	bool is_climbing;
	bool swimming_vertical;
	bool camera_barely_in_ceiling;

	Inventory inventory;

	f32 movement_acceleration_default;
	f32 movement_acceleration_air;
	f32 movement_acceleration_fast;
	f32 movement_speed_walk;
	f32 movement_speed_crouch;
	f32 movement_speed_fast;
	f32 movement_speed_climb;
	f32 movement_speed_jump;
	f32 movement_liquid_fluidity;
	f32 movement_liquid_fluidity_smooth;
	f32 movement_liquid_sink;
	f32 movement_gravity;

	float physics_override_speed;
	float physics_override_jump;
	float physics_override_gravity;
	bool physics_override_sneak;
	bool physics_override_sneak_glitch;

	v2s32 local_animations[4];
	float local_animation_speed;

	u16 hp;

	float hurt_tilt_timer;
	float hurt_tilt_strength;

	u16 peer_id;

	std::string inventory_formspec;

	PlayerControl control;
	PlayerControl getPlayerControl()
		return control;

	u32 keyPressed;

	HudElement* getHud(u32 id);
	u32         addHud(HudElement* hud);
	HudElement* removeHud(u32 id);
	void        clearHud();
	u32         maxHudId() {
		return hud.size();

	u32 hud_flags;
	s32 hud_hotbar_itemcount;
	IGameDef *m_gamedef;

	char m_name[PLAYERNAME_SIZE];
	u16 m_breath;
	f32 m_pitch;
	f32 m_yaw;
	v3f m_speed;
	v3f m_position;
	core::aabbox3d<f32> m_collisionbox;

	bool m_dirty;

	std::vector<HudElement *> hud;
	// Protect some critical areas
	// hud for example can be modified by EmergeThread
	// and ServerThread
	JMutex m_mutex;

	Player on the server
class RemotePlayer : public Player
	RemotePlayer(IGameDef *gamedef, const char *name):
		Player(gamedef, name),
	virtual ~RemotePlayer() {}

	void save(std::string savedir);

	PlayerSAO *getPlayerSAO()
	{ return m_sao; }
	void setPlayerSAO(PlayerSAO *sao)
	{ m_sao = sao; }
	void setPosition(const v3f &position);

	PlayerSAO *m_sao;
