/* Minetest Copyright (C) 2013 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "rollback.h" #include <fstream> #include <list> #include <sstream> #include "log.h" #include "mapnode.h" #include "gamedef.h" #include "nodedef.h" #include "util/serialize.h" #include "util/string.h" #include "util/numeric.h" #include "inventorymanager.h" // deserializing InventoryLocations #define PP(x) "("<<(x).X<<","<<(x).Y<<","<<(x).Z<<")" #define POINTS_PER_NODE (16.0) // Get nearness factor for subject's action for this action // Return value: 0 = impossible, >0 = factor static float getSuspectNearness(bool is_guess, v3s16 suspect_p, int suspect_t, v3s16 action_p, int action_t) { // Suspect cannot cause things in the past if(action_t < suspect_t) return 0; // 0 = cannot be // Start from 100 int f = 100; // Distance (1 node = -x points) f -= POINTS_PER_NODE * intToFloat(suspect_p, 1).getDistanceFrom(intToFloat(action_p, 1)); // Time (1 second = -x points) f -= 1 * (action_t - suspect_t); // If is a guess, halve the points if(is_guess) f *= 0.5; // Limit to 0 if(f < 0) f = 0; return f; } class RollbackManager: public IRollbackManager { public: // IRollbackManager interface void reportAction(const RollbackAction &action_) { // Ignore if not important if(!action_.isImportant(m_gamedef)) return; RollbackAction action = action_; action.unix_time = time(0); // Figure out actor action.actor = m_current_actor; action.actor_is_guess = m_current_actor_is_guess; // If actor is not known, find out suspect or cancel if(action.actor.empty()){ v3s16 p; if(!action.getPosition(&p)) return; action.actor = getSuspect(p, 83, 1); if(action.actor.empty()) return; action.actor_is_guess = true; } infostream<<"RollbackManager::reportAction():" <<" time="<<action.unix_time <<" actor=\""<<action.actor<<"\"" <<(action.actor_is_guess?" (guess)":"") <<" action="<<action.toString() <<std::endl; addAction(action); } std::string getActor() { return m_current_actor; } bool isActorGuess() { return m_current_actor_is_guess; } void setActor(const std::string &actor, bool is_guess) { m_current_actor = actor; m_current_actor_is_guess = is_guess; } std::string getSuspect(v3s16 p, float nearness_shortcut, float min_nearness) { if(m_current_actor != "") return m_current_actor; int cur_time = time(0); int first_time = cur_time - (100-min_nearness); RollbackAction likely_suspect; float likely_suspect_nearness = 0; for(std::list<RollbackAction>::const_reverse_iterator i = m_action_latest_buffer.rbegin(); i != m_action_latest_buffer.rend(); i++) { if(i->unix_time < first_time) break; if(i->actor == "") continue; // Find position of suspect or continue v3s16 suspect_p; if(!i->getPosition(&suspect_p)) continue; float f = getSuspectNearness(i->actor_is_guess, suspect_p, i->unix_time, p, cur_time); if(f >= min_nearness && f > likely_suspect_nearness){ likely_suspect_nearness = f; likely_suspect = *i; if(likely_suspect_nearness >= nearness_shortcut) break; } } // No likely suspect was found if(likely_suspect_nearness == 0) return ""; // Likely suspect was found return likely_suspect.actor; } void flush() { infostream<<"RollbackManager::flush()"<<std::endl; std::ofstream of(m_filepath.c_str(), std::ios::app); if(!of.good()){ errorstream<<"RollbackManager::flush(): Could not open file " <<"for appending: \""<<m_filepath<<"\""<<std::endl; return; } for(std::list<RollbackAction>::const_iterator i = m_action_todisk_buffer.begin(); i != m_action_todisk_buffer.end(); i++) { // Do not save stuff that does not have an actor if(i->actor == "") continue; of<<i->unix_time; of<<" "; of<<serializeJsonString(i->actor); of<<" "; of<<i->toString(); if(i->actor_is_guess){ of<<" "; of<<"actor_is_guess"; } of<<std::endl; } m_action_todisk_buffer.clear(); } // Other RollbackManager(const std::string &filepath, IGameDef *gamedef): m_filepath(filepath), m_gamedef(gamedef), m_current_actor_is_guess(false) { infostream<<"RollbackManager::RollbackManager("<<filepath<<")" <<std::endl; } ~RollbackManager() { infostream<<"RollbackManager::~RollbackManager()"<<std::endl; flush(); } void addAction(const RollbackAction &action) { m_action_todisk_buffer.push_back(action); m_action_latest_buffer.push_back(action); // Flush to disk sometimes if(m_action_todisk_buffer.size() >= 100) flush(); } bool readFile(std::list<RollbackAction> &dst) { // Load whole file to memory std::ifstream f(m_filepath.c_str(), std::ios::in); if(!f.good()){ errorstream<<"RollbackManager::readFile(): Could not open " <<"file for reading: \""<<m_filepath<<"\""<<std::endl; return false; } for(;;){ if(f.eof() || !f.good()) break; std::string line; std::getline(f, line); line = trim(line); if(line == "") continue; std::istringstream is(line); try{ std::string action_time_raw; std::getline(is, action_time_raw, ' '); std::string action_actor; try{ action_actor = deSerializeJsonString(is); }catch(SerializationError &e){ errorstream<<"RollbackManager: Error deserializing actor: " <<e.what()<<std::endl; throw e; } RollbackAction action; action.unix_time = stoi(action_time_raw); action.actor = action_actor; int c = is.get(); if(c != ' '){ is.putback(c); throw SerializationError("readFile(): second ' ' not found"); } action.fromStream(is); /*infostream<<"RollbackManager::readFile(): Action from disk: " <<action.toString()<<std::endl;*/ dst.push_back(action); } catch(SerializationError &e){ errorstream<<"RollbackManager: Error on line: "<<line<<std::endl; errorstream<<"RollbackManager: ^ error: "<<e.what()<<std::endl; } } return true; } std::list<RollbackAction> getEntriesSince(int first_time) { infostream<<"RollbackManager::getEntriesSince("<<first_time<<")"<<std::endl; // Collect enough data to this buffer std::list<RollbackAction> action_buffer; // Use the latest buffer if it is long enough if(!m_action_latest_buffer.empty() && m_action_latest_buffer.begin()->unix_time <= first_time){ action_buffer = m_action_latest_buffer; } else { // Save all remaining stuff flush(); // Load whole file to memory bool good = readFile(action_buffer); if(!good){ errorstream<<"RollbackManager::getEntriesSince(): Failed to" <<" open file; using data in memory."<<std::endl; action_buffer = m_action_latest_buffer; } } return action_buffer; } std::string getLastNodeActor(v3s16 p, int range, int seconds, v3s16 *act_p, int *act_seconds) { infostream<<"RollbackManager::getLastNodeActor("<<PP(p) <<", "<<seconds<<")"<<std::endl; // Figure out time int cur_time = time(0); int first_time = cur_time - seconds; std::list<RollbackAction> action_buffer = getEntriesSince(first_time); std::list<RollbackAction> result; for(std::list<RollbackAction>::const_reverse_iterator i = action_buffer.rbegin(); i != action_buffer.rend(); i++) { if(i->unix_time < first_time) break; // Find position of action or continue v3s16 action_p; if(!i->getPosition(&action_p)) continue; if(range == 0){ if(action_p != p) continue; } else { if(abs(action_p.X - p.X) > range || abs(action_p.Y - p.Y) > range || abs(action_p.Z - p.Z) > range) continue; } if(act_p) *act_p = action_p; if(act_seconds) *act_seconds = cur_time - i->unix_time; return i->actor; } return ""; } std::list<RollbackAction> getRevertActions(const std::string &actor_filter, int seconds) { infostream<<"RollbackManager::getRevertActions("<<actor_filter <<", "<<seconds<<")"<<std::endl; // Figure out time int cur_time = time(0); int first_time = cur_time - seconds; std::list<RollbackAction> action_buffer = getEntriesSince(first_time); std::list<RollbackAction> result; for(std::list<RollbackAction>::const_reverse_iterator i = action_buffer.rbegin(); i != action_buffer.rend(); i++) { if(i->unix_time < first_time) break; if(i->actor != actor_filter) continue; const RollbackAction &action = *i; /*infostream<<"RollbackManager::revertAction(): Should revert" <<" time="<<action.unix_time <<" actor=\""<<action.actor<<"\"" <<" action="<<action.toString() <<std::endl;*/ result.push_back(action); } return result; } private: std::string m_filepath; IGameDef *m_gamedef; std::string m_current_actor; bool m_current_actor_is_guess; std::list<RollbackAction> m_action_todisk_buffer; std::list<RollbackAction> m_action_latest_buffer; }; IRollbackManager *createRollbackManager(const std::string &filepath, IGameDef *gamedef) { return new RollbackManager(filepath, gamedef); }