/* Minetest Copyright (C) 2013 sapier, <sapier AT gmx DOT net> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> extern "C" { #include <lua.h> #include <lauxlib.h> #include <lualib.h> } #include "server.h" #include "s_async.h" #include "log.h" #include "filesys.h" #include "porting.h" #include "common/c_internal.h" #include "common/c_packer.h" #include "lua_api/l_base.h" /******************************************************************************/ AsyncEngine::~AsyncEngine() { // Request all threads to stop for (AsyncWorkerThread *workerThread : workerThreads) { workerThread->stop(); } // Wake up all threads for (auto it : workerThreads) { (void)it; jobQueueCounter.post(); } // Wait for threads to finish for (AsyncWorkerThread *workerThread : workerThreads) { workerThread->wait(); } // Force kill all threads for (AsyncWorkerThread *workerThread : workerThreads) { delete workerThread; } jobQueueMutex.lock(); jobQueue.clear(); jobQueueMutex.unlock(); workerThreads.clear(); } /******************************************************************************/ void AsyncEngine::registerStateInitializer(StateInitializer func) { FATAL_ERROR_IF(initDone, "Initializer may not be registered after init"); stateInitializers.push_back(func); } /******************************************************************************/ void AsyncEngine::initialize(unsigned int numEngines) { initDone = true; if (numEngines == 0) { // Leave one core for the main thread and one for whatever else autoscaleMaxWorkers = Thread::getNumberOfProcessors(); if (autoscaleMaxWorkers >= 2) autoscaleMaxWorkers -= 2; infostream << "AsyncEngine: using at most " << autoscaleMaxWorkers << " threads with automatic scaling" << std::endl; addWorkerThread(); } else { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numEngines; i++) addWorkerThread(); } } void AsyncEngine::addWorkerThread() { AsyncWorkerThread *toAdd = new AsyncWorkerThread(this, std::string("AsyncWorker-") + itos(workerThreads.size())); workerThreads.push_back(toAdd); toAdd->start(); } /******************************************************************************/ u32 AsyncEngine::queueAsyncJob(std::string &&func, std::string &¶ms, const std::string &mod_origin) { MutexAutoLock autolock(jobQueueMutex); u32 jobId = jobIdCounter++; jobQueue.emplace_back(); auto &to_add = jobQueue.back(); to_add.id = jobId; to_add.function = std::move(func); to_add.params = std::move(params); to_add.mod_origin = mod_origin; jobQueueCounter.post(); return jobId; } u32 AsyncEngine::queueAsyncJob(std::string &&func, PackedValue *params, const std::string &mod_origin) { MutexAutoLock autolock(jobQueueMutex); u32 jobId = jobIdCounter++; jobQueue.emplace_back(); auto &to_add = jobQueue.back(); to_add.id = jobId; to_add.function = std::move(func); to_add.params_ext.reset(params); to_add.mod_origin = mod_origin; jobQueueCounter.post(); return jobId; } /******************************************************************************/ bool AsyncEngine::getJob(LuaJobInfo *job) { jobQueueCounter.wait(); jobQueueMutex.lock(); bool retval = false; if (!jobQueue.empty()) { *job = std::move(jobQueue.front()); jobQueue.pop_front(); retval = true; } jobQueueMutex.unlock(); return retval; } /******************************************************************************/ void AsyncEngine::putJobResult(LuaJobInfo &&result) { resultQueueMutex.lock(); resultQueue.emplace_back(std::move(result)); resultQueueMutex.unlock(); } /******************************************************************************/ void AsyncEngine::step(lua_State *L) { stepJobResults(L); stepAutoscale(); } void AsyncEngine::stepJobResults(lua_State *L) { int error_handler = PUSH_ERROR_HANDLER(L); lua_getglobal(L, "core"); ScriptApiBase *script = ModApiBase::getScriptApiBase(L); MutexAutoLock autolock(resultQueueMutex); while (!resultQueue.empty()) { LuaJobInfo j = std::move(resultQueue.front()); resultQueue.pop_front(); lua_getfield(L, -1, "async_event_handler"); if (lua_isnil(L, -1)) FATAL_ERROR("Async event handler does not exist!"); luaL_checktype(L, -1, LUA_TFUNCTION); lua_pushinteger(L, j.id); if (j.result_ext) script_unpack(L, j.result_ext.get()); else lua_pushlstring(L, j.result.data(), j.result.size()); // Call handler const char *origin = j.mod_origin.empty() ? nullptr : j.mod_origin.c_str(); script->setOriginDirect(origin); int result = lua_pcall(L, 2, 0, error_handler); if (result) script_error(L, result, origin, "<async>"); } lua_pop(L, 2); // Pop core and error handler } void AsyncEngine::stepAutoscale() { if (workerThreads.size() >= autoscaleMaxWorkers) return; MutexAutoLock autolock(jobQueueMutex); // 2) If the timer elapsed, check again if (autoscaleTimer && porting::getTimeMs() >= autoscaleTimer) { autoscaleTimer = 0; // Determine overlap with previous snapshot unsigned int n = 0; for (const auto &it : jobQueue) n += autoscaleSeenJobs.count(it.id); autoscaleSeenJobs.clear(); infostream << "AsyncEngine: " << n << " jobs were still waiting after 1s" << std::endl; // Start this many new threads while (workerThreads.size() < autoscaleMaxWorkers && n > 0) { addWorkerThread(); n--; } return; } // 1) Check if there's anything in the queue if (!autoscaleTimer && !jobQueue.empty()) { // Take a snapshot of all jobs we have seen for (const auto &it : jobQueue) autoscaleSeenJobs.emplace(it.id); // and set a timer for 1 second autoscaleTimer = porting::getTimeMs() + 1000; } } /******************************************************************************/ bool AsyncEngine::prepareEnvironment(lua_State* L, int top) { for (StateInitializer &stateInitializer : stateInitializers) { stateInitializer(L, top); } auto *script = ModApiBase::getScriptApiBase(L); try { script->loadMod(Server::getBuiltinLuaPath() + DIR_DELIM + "init.lua", BUILTIN_MOD_NAME); } catch (const ModError &e) { errorstream << "Execution of async base environment failed: " << e.what() << std::endl; FATAL_ERROR("Execution of async base environment failed"); } // Load per mod stuff if (server) { const auto &list = server->m_async_init_files; try { for (auto &it : list) script->loadMod(it.second, it.first); } catch (const ModError &e) { errorstream << "Failed to load mod script inside async environment." << std::endl; server->setAsyncFatalError(e.what()); return false; } } return true; } /******************************************************************************/ AsyncWorkerThread::AsyncWorkerThread(AsyncEngine* jobDispatcher, const std::string &name) : ScriptApiBase(ScriptingType::Async), Thread(name), jobDispatcher(jobDispatcher) { lua_State *L = getStack(); if (jobDispatcher->server) { setGameDef(jobDispatcher->server); if (g_settings->getBool("secure.enable_security")) initializeSecurity(); } // Prepare job lua environment lua_getglobal(L, "core"); int top = lua_gettop(L); // Push builtin initialization type lua_pushstring(L, jobDispatcher->server ? "async_game" : "async"); lua_setglobal(L, "INIT"); if (!jobDispatcher->prepareEnvironment(L, top)) { // can't throw from here so we're stuck with this isErrored = true; } } /******************************************************************************/ AsyncWorkerThread::~AsyncWorkerThread() { sanity_check(!isRunning()); } /******************************************************************************/ void* AsyncWorkerThread::run() { if (isErrored) return nullptr; lua_State *L = getStack(); int error_handler = PUSH_ERROR_HANDLER(L); auto report_error = [this] (const ModError &e) { if (jobDispatcher->server) jobDispatcher->server->setAsyncFatalError(e.what()); else errorstream << e.what() << std::endl; }; lua_getglobal(L, "core"); if (lua_isnil(L, -1)) { FATAL_ERROR("Unable to find core within async environment!"); } // Main loop LuaJobInfo j; while (!stopRequested()) { // Wait for job if (!jobDispatcher->getJob(&j) || stopRequested()) continue; const bool use_ext = !!j.params_ext; lua_getfield(L, -1, "job_processor"); if (lua_isnil(L, -1)) FATAL_ERROR("Unable to get async job processor!"); luaL_checktype(L, -1, LUA_TFUNCTION); if (luaL_loadbuffer(L, j.function.data(), j.function.size(), "=(async)")) { errorstream << "ASYNC WORKER: Unable to deserialize function" << std::endl; lua_pushnil(L); } if (use_ext) script_unpack(L, j.params_ext.get()); else lua_pushlstring(L, j.params.data(), j.params.size()); // Call it setOriginDirect(j.mod_origin.empty() ? nullptr : j.mod_origin.c_str()); int result = lua_pcall(L, 2, 1, error_handler); if (result) { try { scriptError(result, "<async>"); } catch (const ModError &e) { report_error(e); } } else { // Fetch result if (use_ext) { try { j.result_ext.reset(script_pack(L, -1)); } catch (const ModError &e) { report_error(e); result = LUA_ERRERR; } } else { size_t length; const char *retval = lua_tolstring(L, -1, &length); j.result.assign(retval, length); } } lua_pop(L, 1); // Pop retval // Put job result if (result == 0) jobDispatcher->putJobResult(std::move(j)); } lua_pop(L, 2); // Pop core and error handler return 0; }