/* Minetest Copyright (C) 2013 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "irrlichttypes_extrabloated.h" #include "lua_api/l_util.h" #include "lua_api/l_internal.h" #include "lua_api/l_settings.h" #include "common/c_converter.h" #include "common/c_content.h" #include "cpp_api/s_async.h" #include "serialization.h" #include <json/json.h> #include "cpp_api/s_security.h" #include "porting.h" #include "convert_json.h" #include "debug.h" #include "log.h" #include "tool.h" #include "filesys.h" #include "settings.h" #include "util/auth.h" #include "util/base64.h" #include "config.h" #include "version.h" #include "util/hex.h" #include "util/sha1.h" #include "util/png.h" #include <cstdio> // log([level,] text) // Writes a line to the logger. // The one-argument version logs to LL_NONE. // The two-argument version accepts a log level. // Either the special case "deprecated" for deprecation notices, or any specified in // Logger::stringToLevel(name). int ModApiUtil::l_log(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; std::string text; LogLevel level = LL_NONE; if (lua_isnone(L, 2)) { text = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); } else { std::string name = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); text = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); if (name == "deprecated") { log_deprecated(L, text, 2); return 0; } level = Logger::stringToLevel(name); if (level == LL_MAX) { warningstream << "Tried to log at unknown level '" << name << "'. Defaulting to \"none\"." << std::endl; level = LL_NONE; } } g_logger.log(level, text); return 0; } // get_us_time() int ModApiUtil::l_get_us_time(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; lua_pushnumber(L, porting::getTimeUs()); return 1; } // parse_json(str[, nullvalue]) int ModApiUtil::l_parse_json(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; const char *jsonstr = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); // Use passed nullvalue or default to nil int nullindex = 2; if (lua_isnone(L, nullindex)) { lua_pushnil(L); nullindex = lua_gettop(L); } Json::Value root; { std::istringstream stream(jsonstr); Json::CharReaderBuilder builder; builder.settings_["collectComments"] = false; std::string errs; if (!Json::parseFromStream(builder, stream, &root, &errs)) { errorstream << "Failed to parse json data " << errs << std::endl; size_t jlen = strlen(jsonstr); if (jlen > 100) { errorstream << "Data (" << jlen << " bytes) printed to warningstream." << std::endl; warningstream << "data: \"" << jsonstr << "\"" << std::endl; } else { errorstream << "data: \"" << jsonstr << "\"" << std::endl; } lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } } if (!push_json_value(L, root, nullindex)) { errorstream << "Failed to parse json data, " << "depth exceeds lua stack limit" << std::endl; errorstream << "data: \"" << jsonstr << "\"" << std::endl; lua_pushnil(L); } return 1; } // write_json(data[, styled]) -> string or nil and error message int ModApiUtil::l_write_json(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; bool styled = false; if (!lua_isnone(L, 2)) { styled = readParam<bool>(L, 2); lua_pop(L, 1); } Json::Value root; try { read_json_value(L, root, 1); } catch (SerializationError &e) { lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushstring(L, e.what()); return 2; } std::string out; if (styled) { out = root.toStyledString(); } else { out = fastWriteJson(root); } lua_pushlstring(L, out.c_str(), out.size()); return 1; } // get_dig_params(groups, tool_capabilities[, wear]) int ModApiUtil::l_get_dig_params(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; ItemGroupList groups; read_groups(L, 1, groups); ToolCapabilities tp = read_tool_capabilities(L, 2); if (lua_isnoneornil(L, 3)) { push_dig_params(L, getDigParams(groups, &tp)); } else { u16 wear = readParam<int>(L, 3); push_dig_params(L, getDigParams(groups, &tp, wear)); } return 1; } // get_hit_params(groups, tool_capabilities[, time_from_last_punch, [, wear]]) int ModApiUtil::l_get_hit_params(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; std::unordered_map<std::string, int> groups; read_groups(L, 1, groups); ToolCapabilities tp = read_tool_capabilities(L, 2); float time_from_last_punch = readParam<float>(L, 3, 1000000); int wear = readParam<int>(L, 4, 0); push_hit_params(L, getHitParams(groups, &tp, time_from_last_punch, wear)); return 1; } // check_password_entry(name, entry, password) int ModApiUtil::l_check_password_entry(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; std::string name = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); std::string entry = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); std::string password = luaL_checkstring(L, 3); if (base64_is_valid(entry)) { std::string hash = translate_password(name, password); lua_pushboolean(L, hash == entry); return 1; } std::string salt; std::string verifier; if (!decode_srp_verifier_and_salt(entry, &verifier, &salt)) { // invalid format warningstream << "Invalid password format for " << name << std::endl; lua_pushboolean(L, false); return 1; } std::string gen_verifier = generate_srp_verifier(name, password, salt); lua_pushboolean(L, gen_verifier == verifier); return 1; } // get_password_hash(name, raw_password) int ModApiUtil::l_get_password_hash(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; std::string name = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); std::string raw_password = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); std::string hash = translate_password(name, raw_password); lua_pushstring(L, hash.c_str()); return 1; } // is_yes(arg) int ModApiUtil::l_is_yes(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; lua_getglobal(L, "tostring"); // function to be called lua_pushvalue(L, 1); // 1st argument lua_call(L, 1, 1); // execute function std::string str = readParam<std::string>(L, -1); // get result lua_pop(L, 1); bool yes = is_yes(str); lua_pushboolean(L, yes); return 1; } // get_builtin_path() int ModApiUtil::l_get_builtin_path(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; std::string path = porting::path_share + DIR_DELIM + "builtin" + DIR_DELIM; lua_pushstring(L, path.c_str()); return 1; } // get_user_path() int ModApiUtil::l_get_user_path(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; std::string path = porting::path_user; lua_pushstring(L, path.c_str()); return 1; } // compress(data, method, level) int ModApiUtil::l_compress(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; size_t size; const char *data = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &size); int level = -1; if (!lua_isnoneornil(L, 3)) level = readParam<int>(L, 3); std::ostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary); compressZlib(reinterpret_cast<const u8 *>(data), size, os, level); std::string out = os.str(); lua_pushlstring(L, out.data(), out.size()); return 1; } // decompress(data, method) int ModApiUtil::l_decompress(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; size_t size; const char *data = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &size); std::istringstream is(std::string(data, size), std::ios_base::binary); std::ostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary); decompressZlib(is, os); std::string out = os.str(); lua_pushlstring(L, out.data(), out.size()); return 1; } // encode_base64(string) int ModApiUtil::l_encode_base64(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; size_t size; const char *data = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &size); std::string out = base64_encode((const unsigned char *)(data), size); lua_pushlstring(L, out.data(), out.size()); return 1; } // decode_base64(string) int ModApiUtil::l_decode_base64(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; size_t size; const char *d = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &size); const std::string data = std::string(d, size); if (!base64_is_valid(data)) return 0; std::string out = base64_decode(data); lua_pushlstring(L, out.data(), out.size()); return 1; } // mkdir(path) int ModApiUtil::l_mkdir(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; const char *path = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); CHECK_SECURE_PATH(L, path, true); lua_pushboolean(L, fs::CreateAllDirs(path)); return 1; } // rmdir(path, recursive) int ModApiUtil::l_rmdir(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; const char *path = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); CHECK_SECURE_PATH(L, path, true); bool recursive = readParam<bool>(L, 2, false); if (recursive) lua_pushboolean(L, fs::RecursiveDelete(path)); else lua_pushboolean(L, fs::DeleteSingleFileOrEmptyDirectory(path)); return 1; } // cpdir(source, destination) int ModApiUtil::l_cpdir(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; const char *source = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); const char *destination = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); CHECK_SECURE_PATH(L, source, false); CHECK_SECURE_PATH(L, destination, true); lua_pushboolean(L, fs::CopyDir(source, destination)); return 1; } // mpdir(source, destination) int ModApiUtil::l_mvdir(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; const char *source = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); const char *destination = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); CHECK_SECURE_PATH(L, source, true); CHECK_SECURE_PATH(L, destination, true); lua_pushboolean(L, fs::MoveDir(source, destination)); return 1; } // get_dir_list(path, is_dir) int ModApiUtil::l_get_dir_list(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; const char *path = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); bool list_all = !lua_isboolean(L, 2); // if its not a boolean list all bool list_dirs = readParam<bool>(L, 2); // true: list dirs, false: list files CHECK_SECURE_PATH(L, path, false); std::vector<fs::DirListNode> list = fs::GetDirListing(path); int index = 0; lua_newtable(L); for (const fs::DirListNode &dln : list) { if (list_all || list_dirs == dln.dir) { lua_pushstring(L, dln.name.c_str()); lua_rawseti(L, -2, ++index); } } return 1; } // safe_file_write(path, content) int ModApiUtil::l_safe_file_write(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; const char *path = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); size_t size; const char *content = luaL_checklstring(L, 2, &size); CHECK_SECURE_PATH(L, path, true); bool ret = fs::safeWriteToFile(path, std::string(content, size)); lua_pushboolean(L, ret); return 1; } // request_insecure_environment() int ModApiUtil::l_request_insecure_environment(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; // Just return _G if security is disabled if (!ScriptApiSecurity::isSecure(L)) { lua_getglobal(L, "_G"); return 1; } if (!ScriptApiSecurity::checkWhitelisted(L, "secure.trusted_mods")) { return 0; } // Push insecure environment lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, CUSTOM_RIDX_GLOBALS_BACKUP); return 1; } // get_version() int ModApiUtil::l_get_version(lua_State *L) { lua_createtable(L, 0, 3); int table = lua_gettop(L); lua_pushstring(L, PROJECT_NAME_C); lua_setfield(L, table, "project"); lua_pushstring(L, g_version_string); lua_setfield(L, table, "string"); if (strcmp(g_version_string, g_version_hash) != 0) { lua_pushstring(L, g_version_hash); lua_setfield(L, table, "hash"); } return 1; } int ModApiUtil::l_sha1(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; size_t size; const char *data = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &size); bool hex = !lua_isboolean(L, 2) || !readParam<bool>(L, 2); // Compute actual checksum of data std::string data_sha1; { SHA1 ctx; ctx.addBytes(data, size); unsigned char *data_tmpdigest = ctx.getDigest(); data_sha1.assign((char*) data_tmpdigest, 20); free(data_tmpdigest); } if (hex) { std::string sha1_hex = hex_encode(data_sha1); lua_pushstring(L, sha1_hex.c_str()); } else { lua_pushlstring(L, data_sha1.data(), data_sha1.size()); } return 1; } // colorspec_to_colorstring(colorspec) int ModApiUtil::l_colorspec_to_colorstring(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; video::SColor color(0); if (read_color(L, 1, &color)) { char colorstring[10]; snprintf(colorstring, 10, "#%02X%02X%02X%02X", color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue(), color.getAlpha()); lua_pushstring(L, colorstring); return 1; } return 0; } // colorspec_to_bytes(colorspec) int ModApiUtil::l_colorspec_to_bytes(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; video::SColor color(0); if (read_color(L, 1, &color)) { u8 colorbytes[4] = { (u8) color.getRed(), (u8) color.getGreen(), (u8) color.getBlue(), (u8) color.getAlpha(), }; lua_pushlstring(L, (const char*) colorbytes, 4); return 1; } return 0; } // encode_png(w, h, data, level) int ModApiUtil::l_encode_png(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; // The args are already pre-validated on the lua side. u32 width = readParam<int>(L, 1); u32 height = readParam<int>(L, 2); const char *data = luaL_checklstring(L, 3, NULL); s32 compression = readParam<int>(L, 4); std::string out = encodePNG((const u8*)data, width, height, compression); lua_pushlstring(L, out.data(), out.size()); return 1; } // get_last_run_mod() int ModApiUtil::l_get_last_run_mod(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, CUSTOM_RIDX_CURRENT_MOD_NAME); std::string current_mod = readParam<std::string>(L, -1, ""); if (current_mod.empty()) { lua_pop(L, 1); lua_pushstring(L, getScriptApiBase(L)->getOrigin().c_str()); } return 1; } // set_last_run_mod(modname) int ModApiUtil::l_set_last_run_mod(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; const char *mod = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); getScriptApiBase(L)->setOriginDirect(mod); return 0; } void ModApiUtil::Initialize(lua_State *L, int top) { API_FCT(log); API_FCT(get_us_time); API_FCT(parse_json); API_FCT(write_json); API_FCT(get_dig_params); API_FCT(get_hit_params); API_FCT(check_password_entry); API_FCT(get_password_hash); API_FCT(is_yes); API_FCT(get_builtin_path); API_FCT(get_user_path); API_FCT(compress); API_FCT(decompress); API_FCT(mkdir); API_FCT(rmdir); API_FCT(cpdir); API_FCT(mvdir); API_FCT(get_dir_list); API_FCT(safe_file_write); API_FCT(request_insecure_environment); API_FCT(encode_base64); API_FCT(decode_base64); API_FCT(get_version); API_FCT(sha1); API_FCT(colorspec_to_colorstring); API_FCT(colorspec_to_bytes); API_FCT(encode_png); API_FCT(get_last_run_mod); API_FCT(set_last_run_mod); LuaSettings::create(L, g_settings, g_settings_path); lua_setfield(L, top, "settings"); } void ModApiUtil::InitializeClient(lua_State *L, int top) { API_FCT(log); API_FCT(get_us_time); API_FCT(parse_json); API_FCT(write_json); API_FCT(is_yes); API_FCT(compress); API_FCT(decompress); API_FCT(encode_base64); API_FCT(decode_base64); API_FCT(get_version); API_FCT(sha1); API_FCT(colorspec_to_colorstring); API_FCT(colorspec_to_bytes); } void ModApiUtil::InitializeAsync(lua_State *L, int top) { API_FCT(log); API_FCT(get_us_time); API_FCT(parse_json); API_FCT(write_json); API_FCT(is_yes); API_FCT(get_builtin_path); API_FCT(get_user_path); API_FCT(compress); API_FCT(decompress); API_FCT(mkdir); API_FCT(rmdir); API_FCT(cpdir); API_FCT(mvdir); API_FCT(get_dir_list); API_FCT(encode_base64); API_FCT(decode_base64); API_FCT(get_version); API_FCT(sha1); API_FCT(colorspec_to_colorstring); API_FCT(colorspec_to_bytes); API_FCT(get_last_run_mod); API_FCT(set_last_run_mod); LuaSettings::create(L, g_settings, g_settings_path); lua_setfield(L, top, "settings"); }