/* Minetest Copyright (C) 2015 est31 <MTest31@outlook.com> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #if USE_CURSES #include "version.h" #include "terminal_chat_console.h" #include "porting.h" #include "settings.h" #include "util/numeric.h" #include "util/string.h" TerminalChatConsole g_term_console; // include this last to avoid any conflicts // (likes to set macros to common names, conflicting various stuff) #if CURSES_HAVE_NCURSESW_NCURSES_H #include <ncursesw/ncurses.h> #elif CURSES_HAVE_NCURSESW_CURSES_H #include <ncursesw/curses.h> #elif CURSES_HAVE_CURSES_H #include <curses.h> #elif CURSES_HAVE_NCURSES_H #include <ncurses.h> #elif CURSES_HAVE_NCURSES_NCURSES_H #include <ncurses/ncurses.h> #elif CURSES_HAVE_NCURSES_CURSES_H #include <ncurses/curses.h> #endif // Some functions to make drawing etc position independent static bool reformat_backend(ChatBackend *backend, int rows, int cols) { if (rows < 2) return false; backend->reformat(cols, rows - 2); return true; } static void move_for_backend(int row, int col) { move(row + 1, col); } void TerminalChatConsole::initOfCurses() { initscr(); cbreak(); //raw(); noecho(); keypad(stdscr, TRUE); nodelay(stdscr, TRUE); timeout(100); // To make esc not delay up to one second. According to the internet, // this is the value vim uses, too. set_escdelay(25); getmaxyx(stdscr, m_rows, m_cols); m_can_draw_text = reformat_backend(&m_chat_backend, m_rows, m_cols); } void TerminalChatConsole::deInitOfCurses() { endwin(); } void *TerminalChatConsole::run() { BEGIN_DEBUG_EXCEPTION_HANDLER std::cout << "========================" << std::endl; std::cout << "Begin log output over terminal" << " (no stdout/stderr backlog during that)" << std::endl; // Make the loggers to stdout/stderr shut up. // Go over our own loggers instead. LogLevelMask err_mask = g_logger.removeOutput(&stderr_output); LogLevelMask out_mask = g_logger.removeOutput(&stdout_output); g_logger.addOutput(&m_log_output); // Inform the server of our nick m_chat_interface->command_queue.push_back( new ChatEventNick(CET_NICK_ADD, m_nick)); { // Ensures that curses is deinitialized even on an exception being thrown CursesInitHelper helper(this); while (!stopRequested()) { int ch = getch(); if (stopRequested()) break; step(ch); } } if (m_kill_requested) *m_kill_requested = true; g_logger.removeOutput(&m_log_output); g_logger.addOutputMasked(&stderr_output, err_mask); g_logger.addOutputMasked(&stdout_output, out_mask); std::cout << "End log output over terminal" << " (no stdout/stderr backlog during that)" << std::endl; std::cout << "========================" << std::endl; END_DEBUG_EXCEPTION_HANDLER return NULL; } void TerminalChatConsole::typeChatMessage(const std::wstring &msg) { // Discard empty line if (msg.empty()) return; // Send to server m_chat_interface->command_queue.push_back( new ChatEventChat(m_nick, msg)); // Print if its a command (gets eaten by server otherwise) if (msg[0] == L'/') { m_chat_backend.addMessage(L"", (std::wstring)L"Issued command: " + msg); } } void TerminalChatConsole::handleInput(int ch, bool &complete_redraw_needed) { // Helpful if you want to collect key codes that aren't documented /*if (ch != ERR) { m_chat_backend.addMessage(L"", (std::wstring)L"Pressed key " + utf8_to_wide( std::string(keyname(ch)) + " (code " + itos(ch) + ")")); complete_redraw_needed = true; }//*/ // All the key codes below are compatible to xterm // Only add new ones if you have tried them there, // to ensure compatibility with not just xterm but the wide // range of terminals that are compatible to xterm. switch (ch) { case ERR: // no input break; case 27: // ESC // Toggle ESC mode m_esc_mode = !m_esc_mode; break; case KEY_PPAGE: m_chat_backend.scrollPageUp(); complete_redraw_needed = true; break; case KEY_NPAGE: m_chat_backend.scrollPageDown(); complete_redraw_needed = true; break; case KEY_ENTER: case '\r': case '\n': { std::wstring text = m_chat_backend.getPrompt().submit(); typeChatMessage(text); break; } case KEY_UP: m_chat_backend.getPrompt().historyPrev(); break; case KEY_DOWN: m_chat_backend.getPrompt().historyNext(); break; case KEY_LEFT: // Left pressed // move character to the left m_chat_backend.getPrompt().cursorOperation( ChatPrompt::CURSOROP_MOVE, ChatPrompt::CURSOROP_DIR_LEFT, ChatPrompt::CURSOROP_SCOPE_CHARACTER); break; case 545: // Ctrl-Left pressed // move word to the left m_chat_backend.getPrompt().cursorOperation( ChatPrompt::CURSOROP_MOVE, ChatPrompt::CURSOROP_DIR_LEFT, ChatPrompt::CURSOROP_SCOPE_WORD); break; case KEY_RIGHT: // Right pressed // move character to the right m_chat_backend.getPrompt().cursorOperation( ChatPrompt::CURSOROP_MOVE, ChatPrompt::CURSOROP_DIR_RIGHT, ChatPrompt::CURSOROP_SCOPE_CHARACTER); break; case 560: // Ctrl-Right pressed // move word to the right m_chat_backend.getPrompt().cursorOperation( ChatPrompt::CURSOROP_MOVE, ChatPrompt::CURSOROP_DIR_RIGHT, ChatPrompt::CURSOROP_SCOPE_WORD); break; case KEY_HOME: // Home pressed // move to beginning of line m_chat_backend.getPrompt().cursorOperation( ChatPrompt::CURSOROP_MOVE, ChatPrompt::CURSOROP_DIR_LEFT, ChatPrompt::CURSOROP_SCOPE_LINE); break; case KEY_END: // End pressed // move to end of line m_chat_backend.getPrompt().cursorOperation( ChatPrompt::CURSOROP_MOVE, ChatPrompt::CURSOROP_DIR_RIGHT, ChatPrompt::CURSOROP_SCOPE_LINE); break; case KEY_BACKSPACE: case '\b': case 127: // Backspace pressed // delete character to the left m_chat_backend.getPrompt().cursorOperation( ChatPrompt::CURSOROP_DELETE, ChatPrompt::CURSOROP_DIR_LEFT, ChatPrompt::CURSOROP_SCOPE_CHARACTER); break; case KEY_DC: // Delete pressed // delete character to the right m_chat_backend.getPrompt().cursorOperation( ChatPrompt::CURSOROP_DELETE, ChatPrompt::CURSOROP_DIR_RIGHT, ChatPrompt::CURSOROP_SCOPE_CHARACTER); break; case 519: // Ctrl-Delete pressed // delete word to the right m_chat_backend.getPrompt().cursorOperation( ChatPrompt::CURSOROP_DELETE, ChatPrompt::CURSOROP_DIR_RIGHT, ChatPrompt::CURSOROP_SCOPE_WORD); break; case 21: // Ctrl-U pressed // kill line to left end m_chat_backend.getPrompt().cursorOperation( ChatPrompt::CURSOROP_DELETE, ChatPrompt::CURSOROP_DIR_LEFT, ChatPrompt::CURSOROP_SCOPE_LINE); break; case 11: // Ctrl-K pressed // kill line to right end m_chat_backend.getPrompt().cursorOperation( ChatPrompt::CURSOROP_DELETE, ChatPrompt::CURSOROP_DIR_RIGHT, ChatPrompt::CURSOROP_SCOPE_LINE); break; case KEY_TAB: // Tab pressed // Nick completion m_chat_backend.getPrompt().nickCompletion(m_nicks, false); break; default: // Add character to the prompt, // assuming UTF-8. if (IS_UTF8_MULTB_START(ch)) { m_pending_utf8_bytes.append(1, (char)ch); m_utf8_bytes_to_wait += UTF8_MULTB_START_LEN(ch) - 1; } else if (m_utf8_bytes_to_wait != 0) { m_pending_utf8_bytes.append(1, (char)ch); m_utf8_bytes_to_wait--; if (m_utf8_bytes_to_wait == 0) { std::wstring w = utf8_to_wide(m_pending_utf8_bytes); m_pending_utf8_bytes = ""; // hopefully only one char in the wstring... for (size_t i = 0; i < w.size(); i++) { m_chat_backend.getPrompt().input(w.c_str()[i]); } } } else if (IS_ASCII_PRINTABLE_CHAR(ch)) { m_chat_backend.getPrompt().input(ch); } else { // Silently ignore characters we don't handle //warningstream << "Pressed invalid character '" // << keyname(ch) << "' (code " << itos(ch) << ")" << std::endl; } break; } } void TerminalChatConsole::step(int ch) { bool complete_redraw_needed = false; // empty queues while (!m_chat_interface->outgoing_queue.empty()) { ChatEvent *evt = m_chat_interface->outgoing_queue.pop_frontNoEx(); switch (evt->type) { case CET_NICK_REMOVE: m_nicks.remove(((ChatEventNick *)evt)->nick); break; case CET_NICK_ADD: m_nicks.push_back(((ChatEventNick *)evt)->nick); break; case CET_CHAT: complete_redraw_needed = true; // This is only used for direct replies from commands // or for lua's print() functionality m_chat_backend.addMessage(L"", ((ChatEventChat *)evt)->evt_msg); break; case CET_TIME_INFO: ChatEventTimeInfo *tevt = (ChatEventTimeInfo *)evt; m_game_time = tevt->game_time; m_time_of_day = tevt->time; }; delete evt; } while (!m_log_output.queue.empty()) { complete_redraw_needed = true; std::pair<LogLevel, std::string> p = m_log_output.queue.pop_frontNoEx(); if (p.first > m_log_level) continue; m_chat_backend.addMessage( utf8_to_wide(Logger::getLevelLabel(p.first)), utf8_to_wide(p.second)); } // handle input if (!m_esc_mode) { handleInput(ch, complete_redraw_needed); } else { switch (ch) { case ERR: // no input break; case 27: // ESC // Toggle ESC mode m_esc_mode = !m_esc_mode; break; case 'L': m_log_level--; m_log_level = MYMAX(m_log_level, LL_NONE + 1); // LL_NONE isn't accessible break; case 'l': m_log_level++; m_log_level = MYMIN(m_log_level, LL_MAX - 1); break; } } // was there a resize? int xn, yn; getmaxyx(stdscr, yn, xn); if (xn != m_cols || yn != m_rows) { m_cols = xn; m_rows = yn; m_can_draw_text = reformat_backend(&m_chat_backend, m_rows, m_cols); complete_redraw_needed = true; } // draw title move(0, 0); clrtoeol(); addstr(PROJECT_NAME_C); addstr(" "); addstr(g_version_hash); u32 minutes = m_time_of_day % 1000; u32 hours = m_time_of_day / 1000; minutes = (float)minutes / 1000 * 60; if (m_game_time) printw(" | Game %d Time of day %02d:%02d ", m_game_time, hours, minutes); // draw text if (complete_redraw_needed && m_can_draw_text) draw_text(); // draw prompt if (!m_esc_mode) { // normal prompt ChatPrompt& prompt = m_chat_backend.getPrompt(); std::string prompt_text = wide_to_utf8(prompt.getVisiblePortion()); move(m_rows - 1, 0); clrtoeol(); addstr(prompt_text.c_str()); // Draw cursor s32 cursor_pos = prompt.getVisibleCursorPosition(); if (cursor_pos >= 0) { move(m_rows - 1, cursor_pos); } } else { // esc prompt move(m_rows - 1, 0); clrtoeol(); printw("[ESC] Toggle ESC mode |" " [CTRL+C] Shut down |" " (L) in-, (l) decrease loglevel %s", Logger::getLevelLabel((LogLevel) m_log_level).c_str()); } refresh(); } void TerminalChatConsole::draw_text() { ChatBuffer& buf = m_chat_backend.getConsoleBuffer(); for (u32 row = 0; row < buf.getRows(); row++) { move_for_backend(row, 0); clrtoeol(); const ChatFormattedLine& line = buf.getFormattedLine(row); if (line.fragments.empty()) continue; for (u32 i = 0; i < line.fragments.size(); ++i) { const ChatFormattedFragment& fragment = line.fragments[i]; addstr(wide_to_utf8(fragment.text).c_str()); } } } void TerminalChatConsole::stopAndWaitforThread() { clearKillStatus(); stop(); wait(); } #endif