Copyright (C) 2013 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

#include "test.h"
#include "irrlichttypes_extrabloated.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "socket.h"
#include "connection.h"
#include "serialization.h"
#include "voxel.h"
#include "collision.h"
#include <sstream>
#include "porting.h"
#include "content_mapnode.h"
#include "nodedef.h"
#include "mapsector.h"
#include "settings.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "util/string.h"
#include "filesys.h"
#include "voxelalgorithms.h"
#include "inventory.h"
#include "util/numeric.h"
#include "util/serialize.h"
#include "noise.h" // PseudoRandom used for random data for compression
#include "clientserver.h" // LATEST_PROTOCOL_VERSION
#include <algorithm>

	Asserts that the exception occurs
#define EXCEPTION_CHECK(EType, code)\
	bool exception_thrown = false;\
	try{ code; }\
	catch(EType &e) { exception_thrown = true; }\

#define UTEST(x, fmt, ...)\
		dstream << "Test (" #x ") failed: " fmt << std::endl; \
		test_failed = true;\

#define UASSERT(x) UTEST(x, "UASSERT")

	A few item and node definitions for those tests that need them

static content_t CONTENT_STONE;
static content_t CONTENT_GRASS;
static content_t CONTENT_TORCH;

void define_some_nodes(IWritableItemDefManager *idef, IWritableNodeDefManager *ndef)
	ItemDefinition itemdef;
	ContentFeatures f;

	itemdef = ItemDefinition();
	itemdef.type = ITEM_NODE;
	itemdef.name = "default:stone";
	itemdef.description = "Stone";
	itemdef.groups["cracky"] = 3;
	itemdef.inventory_image = "[inventorycube"
	f = ContentFeatures();
	f.name = itemdef.name;
	for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
		f.tiledef[i].name = "default_stone.png";
	f.is_ground_content = true;
	CONTENT_STONE = ndef->set(f.name, f);

	itemdef = ItemDefinition();
	itemdef.type = ITEM_NODE;
	itemdef.name = "default:dirt_with_grass";
	itemdef.description = "Dirt with grass";
	itemdef.groups["crumbly"] = 3;
	itemdef.inventory_image = "[inventorycube"
	f = ContentFeatures();
	f.name = itemdef.name;
	f.tiledef[0].name = "default_grass.png";
	f.tiledef[1].name = "default_dirt.png";
	for(int i = 2; i < 6; i++)
		f.tiledef[i].name = "default_dirt.png^default_grass_side.png";
	f.is_ground_content = true;
	CONTENT_GRASS = ndef->set(f.name, f);

		Torch (minimal definition for lighting tests)
	itemdef = ItemDefinition();
	itemdef.type = ITEM_NODE;
	itemdef.name = "default:torch";
	f = ContentFeatures();
	f.name = itemdef.name;
	f.param_type = CPT_LIGHT;
	f.light_propagates = true;
	f.sunlight_propagates = true;
	f.light_source = LIGHT_MAX-1;
	CONTENT_TORCH = ndef->set(f.name, f);

struct TestBase
	bool test_failed;

struct TestUtilities: public TestBase
	void Run()
		/*infostream<<"wrapDegrees(100.0) = "<<wrapDegrees(100.0)<<std::endl;
		infostream<<"wrapDegrees(720.5) = "<<wrapDegrees(720.5)<<std::endl;
		infostream<<"wrapDegrees(-0.5) = "<<wrapDegrees(-0.5)<<std::endl;*/
		UASSERT(fabs(wrapDegrees(100.0) - 100.0) < 0.001);
		UASSERT(fabs(wrapDegrees(720.5) - 0.5) < 0.001);
		UASSERT(fabs(wrapDegrees(-0.5) - (-0.5)) < 0.001);
		UASSERT(fabs(wrapDegrees(-365.5) - (-5.5)) < 0.001);
		UASSERT(lowercase("Foo bAR") == "foo bar");
		UASSERT(trim("\n \t\r  Foo bAR  \r\n\t\t  ") == "Foo bAR");
		UASSERT(trim("\n \t\r    \r\n\t\t  ") == "");
		UASSERT(is_yes("YeS") == true);
		UASSERT(is_yes("") == false);
		UASSERT(is_yes("FAlse") == false);
		UASSERT(is_yes("-1") == true);
		UASSERT(is_yes("0") == false);
		UASSERT(is_yes("1") == true);
		UASSERT(is_yes("2") == true);
		const char *ends[] = {"abc", "c", "bc", "", NULL};
		UASSERT(removeStringEnd("abc", ends) == "");
		UASSERT(removeStringEnd("bc", ends) == "b");
		UASSERT(removeStringEnd("12c", ends) == "12");
		UASSERT(removeStringEnd("foo", ends) == "");
		UASSERT(urlencode("\"Aardvarks lurk, OK?\"")
				== "%22Aardvarks%20lurk%2C%20OK%3F%22");
				== "\"Aardvarks lurk, OK?\"");
		UASSERT(padStringRight("hello", 8) == "hello   ");
		UASSERT(str_equal(narrow_to_wide("abc"), narrow_to_wide("abc")));
		UASSERT(str_equal(narrow_to_wide("ABC"), narrow_to_wide("abc"), true));
		UASSERT(trim("  a") == "a");
		UASSERT(trim("   a  ") == "a");
		UASSERT(trim("a   ") == "a");
		UASSERT(trim("") == "");
		UASSERT(mystoi("123", 0, 1000) == 123);
		UASSERT(mystoi("123", 0, 10) == 10);
		std::string test_str;
		test_str = "Hello there";
		str_replace(test_str, "there", "world");
		UASSERT(test_str == "Hello world");
		test_str = "ThisAisAaAtest";
		str_replace(test_str, 'A', ' ');
		UASSERT(test_str == "This is a test");
		UASSERT(string_allowed("hello", "abcdefghijklmno") == true);
		UASSERT(string_allowed("123", "abcdefghijklmno") == false);
		UASSERT(string_allowed_blacklist("hello", "123") == true);
		UASSERT(string_allowed_blacklist("hello123", "123") == false);
		UASSERT(wrap_rows("12345678",4) == "1234\n5678");
		UASSERT(is_number("123") == true);
		UASSERT(is_number("") == false);
		UASSERT(is_number("123a") == false);
		UASSERT(is_power_of_two(0) == false);
		UASSERT(is_power_of_two(1) == true);
		UASSERT(is_power_of_two(2) == true);
		UASSERT(is_power_of_two(3) == false);
		for (int exponent = 2; exponent <= 31; ++exponent) {
			UASSERT(is_power_of_two((1 << exponent) - 1) == false);
			UASSERT(is_power_of_two((1 << exponent)) == true);
			UASSERT(is_power_of_two((1 << exponent) + 1) == false);
		UASSERT(is_power_of_two((u32)-1) == false);

struct TestPath: public TestBase
	// adjusts a POSIX path to system-specific conventions
	// -> changes '/' to DIR_DELIM
	// -> absolute paths start with "C:\\" on windows
	std::string p(std::string path)
		for(size_t i = 0; i < path.size(); ++i){
			if(path[i] == '/'){
				path.replace(i, 1, DIR_DELIM);
				i += std::string(DIR_DELIM).size() - 1; // generally a no-op

		#ifdef _WIN32
		if(path[0] == '\\')
			path = "C:" + path;

		return path;

	void Run()
		std::string path, result, removed;

			Test fs::IsDirDelimiter
		UASSERT(fs::IsDirDelimiter('/') == true);
		UASSERT(fs::IsDirDelimiter('A') == false);
		UASSERT(fs::IsDirDelimiter(0) == false);
		#ifdef _WIN32
		UASSERT(fs::IsDirDelimiter('\\') == true);
		UASSERT(fs::IsDirDelimiter('\\') == false);

			Test fs::PathStartsWith
			const int numpaths = 12;
			std::string paths[numpaths] = {
				expected fs::PathStartsWith results
				0 = returns false
				1 = returns true
				2 = returns false on windows, true elsewhere
				3 = returns true on windows, false elsewhere
				4 = returns true if and only if
			int expected_results[numpaths][numpaths] = {

			for (int i = 0; i < numpaths; i++)
			for (int j = 0; j < numpaths; j++){
				/*verbosestream<<"testing fs::PathStartsWith(\""
					<<paths[i]<<"\", \""
				bool starts = fs::PathStartsWith(paths[i], paths[j]);
				int expected = expected_results[i][j];
				if(expected == 0){
					UASSERT(starts == false);
				else if(expected == 1){
					UASSERT(starts == true);
				#ifdef _WIN32
				else if(expected == 2){
					UASSERT(starts == false);
				else if(expected == 3){
					UASSERT(starts == true);
				else if(expected == 2){
					UASSERT(starts == true);
				else if(expected == 3){
					UASSERT(starts == false);
				else if(expected == 4){

			Test fs::RemoveLastPathComponent
		UASSERT(fs::RemoveLastPathComponent("") == "");
		path = p("/home/user/minetest/bin/..//worlds/world1");
		result = fs::RemoveLastPathComponent(path, &removed, 0);
		UASSERT(result == path);
		UASSERT(removed == "");
		result = fs::RemoveLastPathComponent(path, &removed, 1);
		UASSERT(result == p("/home/user/minetest/bin/..//worlds"));
		UASSERT(removed == p("world1"));
		result = fs::RemoveLastPathComponent(path, &removed, 2);
		UASSERT(result == p("/home/user/minetest/bin/.."));
		UASSERT(removed == p("worlds/world1"));
		result = fs::RemoveLastPathComponent(path, &removed, 3);
		UASSERT(result == p("/home/user/minetest/bin"));
		UASSERT(removed == p("../worlds/world1"));
		result = fs::RemoveLastPathComponent(path, &removed, 4);
		UASSERT(result == p("/home/user/minetest"));
		UASSERT(removed == p("bin/../worlds/world1"));
		result = fs::RemoveLastPathComponent(path, &removed, 5);
		UASSERT(result == p("/home/user"));
		UASSERT(removed == p("minetest/bin/../worlds/world1"));
		result = fs::RemoveLastPathComponent(path, &removed, 6);
		UASSERT(result == p("/home"));
		UASSERT(removed == p("user/minetest/bin/../worlds/world1"));
		result = fs::RemoveLastPathComponent(path, &removed, 7);
		#ifdef _WIN32
		UASSERT(result == "C:");
		UASSERT(result == "");
		UASSERT(removed == p("home/user/minetest/bin/../worlds/world1"));

			Now repeat the test with a trailing delimiter
		path = p("/home/user/minetest/bin/..//worlds/world1/");
		result = fs::RemoveLastPathComponent(path, &removed, 0);
		UASSERT(result == path);
		UASSERT(removed == "");
		result = fs::RemoveLastPathComponent(path, &removed, 1);
		UASSERT(result == p("/home/user/minetest/bin/..//worlds"));
		UASSERT(removed == p("world1"));
		result = fs::RemoveLastPathComponent(path, &removed, 2);
		UASSERT(result == p("/home/user/minetest/bin/.."));
		UASSERT(removed == p("worlds/world1"));
		result = fs::RemoveLastPathComponent(path, &removed, 3);
		UASSERT(result == p("/home/user/minetest/bin"));
		UASSERT(removed == p("../worlds/world1"));
		result = fs::RemoveLastPathComponent(path, &removed, 4);
		UASSERT(result == p("/home/user/minetest"));
		UASSERT(removed == p("bin/../worlds/world1"));
		result = fs::RemoveLastPathComponent(path, &removed, 5);
		UASSERT(result == p("/home/user"));
		UASSERT(removed == p("minetest/bin/../worlds/world1"));
		result = fs::RemoveLastPathComponent(path, &removed, 6);
		UASSERT(result == p("/home"));
		UASSERT(removed == p("user/minetest/bin/../worlds/world1"));
		result = fs::RemoveLastPathComponent(path, &removed, 7);
		#ifdef _WIN32
		UASSERT(result == "C:");
		UASSERT(result == "");
		UASSERT(removed == p("home/user/minetest/bin/../worlds/world1"));

			Test fs::RemoveRelativePathComponent
		path = p("/home/user/minetest/bin");
		result = fs::RemoveRelativePathComponents(path);
		UASSERT(result == path);
		path = p("/home/user/minetest/bin/../worlds/world1");
		result = fs::RemoveRelativePathComponents(path);
		UASSERT(result == p("/home/user/minetest/worlds/world1"));
		path = p("/home/user/minetest/bin/../worlds/world1/");
		result = fs::RemoveRelativePathComponents(path);
		UASSERT(result == p("/home/user/minetest/worlds/world1"));
		path = p(".");
		result = fs::RemoveRelativePathComponents(path);
		UASSERT(result == "");
		path = p("./subdir/../..");
		result = fs::RemoveRelativePathComponents(path);
		UASSERT(result == "");
		path = p("/a/b/c/.././../d/../e/f/g/../h/i/j/../../../..");
		result = fs::RemoveRelativePathComponents(path);
		UASSERT(result == p("/a/e"));

#define TEST_CONFIG_TEXT_BEFORE               \
	"leet = 1337\n"                           \
	"leetleet = 13371337\n"                   \
	"leetleet_neg = -13371337\n"              \
	"floaty_thing = 1.1\n"                    \
	"stringy_thing = asd /( ¤%&(/\" BLÖÄRP\n" \
	"coord = (1, 2, 4.5)\n"                   \
	"      # this is just a comment\n"        \
	"this is an invalid line\n"               \
	"asdf = {\n"                              \
	"	a   = 5\n"                            \
	"	bb  = 2.5\n"                          \
	"	ccc = \"\"\"\n"                       \
	"testy\n"                                 \
	"   testa   \n"                           \
	"\"\"\"\n"                                \
	"\n"                                      \
	"}\n"                                     \
	"blarg = \"\"\" \n"                       \
	"some multiline text\n"                   \
	"     with leading whitespace!\n"         \
	"\"\"\"\n"                                \
	"np_terrain = 5, 40, (250, 250, 250), 12341, 5, 0.7, 2.4\n" \
	"zoop = true"

#define TEST_CONFIG_TEXT_AFTER                \
	"leet = 1337\n"                           \
	"leetleet = 13371337\n"                   \
	"leetleet_neg = -13371337\n"              \
	"floaty_thing = 1.1\n"                    \
	"stringy_thing = asd /( ¤%&(/\" BLÖÄRP\n" \
	"coord = (1, 2, 4.5)\n"                   \
	"      # this is just a comment\n"        \
	"this is an invalid line\n"               \
	"asdf = {\n"                              \
	"	a   = 5\n"                            \
	"	bb  = 2.5\n"                          \
	"	ccc = \"\"\"\n"                       \
	"testy\n"                                 \
	"   testa   \n"                           \
	"\"\"\"\n"                                \
	"\n"                                      \
	"}\n"                                     \
	"blarg = \"\"\" \n"                       \
	"some multiline text\n"                   \
	"     with leading whitespace!\n"         \
	"\"\"\"\n"                                \
	"np_terrain = {\n"                        \
	"	flags = defaults\n"                   \
	"	lacunarity = 2.4\n"                   \
	"	octaves = 6\n"                        \
	"	offset = 3.5\n"                       \
	"	persistence = 0.7\n"                  \
	"	scale = 40\n"                         \
	"	seed = 12341\n"                       \
	"	spread = (250,250,250)\n"             \
	"}\n"                                     \
	"zoop = true\n"                           \
	"coord2 = (1,2,3.3)\n"                    \
	"floaty_thing_2 = 1.2\n"                  \
	"groupy_thing = {\n"                      \
	"	animals = cute\n"                     \
	"	num_apples = 4\n"                     \
	"	num_oranges = 53\n"                   \

struct TestSettings: public TestBase
	void Run()
		try {
		Settings s;

		// Test reading of settings
		std::istringstream is(TEST_CONFIG_TEXT_BEFORE);

		UASSERT(s.getS32("leet") == 1337);
		UASSERT(s.getS16("leetleet") == 32767);
		UASSERT(s.getS16("leetleet_neg") == -32768);

		// Not sure if 1.1 is an exact value as a float, but doesn't matter
		UASSERT(fabs(s.getFloat("floaty_thing") - 1.1) < 0.001);
		UASSERT(s.get("stringy_thing") == "asd /( ¤%&(/\" BLÖÄRP");
		UASSERT(fabs(s.getV3F("coord").X - 1.0) < 0.001);
		UASSERT(fabs(s.getV3F("coord").Y - 2.0) < 0.001);
		UASSERT(fabs(s.getV3F("coord").Z - 4.5) < 0.001);

		// Test the setting of settings too
		s.setFloat("floaty_thing_2", 1.2);
		s.setV3F("coord2", v3f(1, 2, 3.3));
		UASSERT(s.get("floaty_thing_2").substr(0,3) == "1.2");
		UASSERT(fabs(s.getFloat("floaty_thing_2") - 1.2) < 0.001);
		UASSERT(fabs(s.getV3F("coord2").X - 1.0) < 0.001);
		UASSERT(fabs(s.getV3F("coord2").Y - 2.0) < 0.001);
		UASSERT(fabs(s.getV3F("coord2").Z - 3.3) < 0.001);

		// Test settings groups
		Settings *group = s.getGroup("asdf");
		UASSERT(group != NULL);
		UASSERT(s.getGroupNoEx("zoop", group) == false);
		UASSERT(group->getS16("a") == 5);
		UASSERT(fabs(group->getFloat("bb") - 2.5) < 0.001);

		Settings *group3 = new Settings;
		group3->set("cat", "meow");
		group3->set("dog", "woof");

		Settings *group2 = new Settings;
		group2->setS16("num_apples", 4);
		group2->setS16("num_oranges", 53);
		group2->setGroup("animals", group3);
		group2->set("animals", "cute"); //destroys group 3
		s.setGroup("groupy_thing", group2);

		// Test set failure conditions
		UASSERT(s.set("Zoop = Poop\nsome_other_setting", "false") == false);
		UASSERT(s.set("sneaky", "\"\"\"\njabberwocky = false") == false);
		UASSERT(s.set("hehe", "asdfasdf\n\"\"\"\nsomething = false") == false);

		// Test multiline settings
		UASSERT(group->get("ccc") == "testy\n   testa   ");

		UASSERT(s.get("blarg") ==
			"some multiline text\n"
			"     with leading whitespace!");

		// Test NoiseParams
		UASSERT(s.getEntry("np_terrain").is_group == false);

		NoiseParams np;
		UASSERT(s.getNoiseParams("np_terrain", np) == true);
		UASSERT(fabs(np.offset - 5) < 0.001);
		UASSERT(fabs(np.scale - 40) < 0.001);
		UASSERT(fabs(np.spread.X - 250) < 0.001);
		UASSERT(fabs(np.spread.Y - 250) < 0.001);
		UASSERT(fabs(np.spread.Z - 250) < 0.001);
		UASSERT(np.seed == 12341);
		UASSERT(np.octaves == 5);
		UASSERT(fabs(np.persist - 0.7) < 0.001);

		np.offset  = 3.5;
		np.octaves = 6;
		s.setNoiseParams("np_terrain", np);

		UASSERT(s.getEntry("np_terrain").is_group == true);

		// Test writing
		std::ostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary);

		UASSERT(s.updateConfigObject(is, os, "", 0) == true);
		//printf(">>>> expected config:\n%s\n", TEST_CONFIG_TEXT_AFTER);
		//printf(">>>> actual config:\n%s\n", os.str().c_str());
		} catch (SettingNotFoundException &e) {
			UASSERT(!"Setting not found!");

struct TestSerialization: public TestBase
	// To be used like this:
	//   mkstr("Some\0string\0with\0embedded\0nuls")
	// since std::string("...") doesn't work as expected in that case.
	template<size_t N> std::string mkstr(const char (&s)[N])
		return std::string(s, N - 1);

	void Run()
		// Tests some serialization primitives

		UASSERT(serializeString("") == mkstr("\0\0"));
		UASSERT(serializeWideString(L"") == mkstr("\0\0"));
		UASSERT(serializeLongString("") == mkstr("\0\0\0\0"));
		UASSERT(serializeJsonString("") == "\"\"");

		std::string teststring = "Hello world!";
		UASSERT(serializeString(teststring) ==
			mkstr("\0\14Hello world!"));
		UASSERT(serializeWideString(narrow_to_wide(teststring)) ==
			mkstr("\0\14\0H\0e\0l\0l\0o\0 \0w\0o\0r\0l\0d\0!"));
		UASSERT(serializeLongString(teststring) ==
			mkstr("\0\0\0\14Hello world!"));
		UASSERT(serializeJsonString(teststring) ==
			"\"Hello world!\"");

		std::string teststring2;
		std::wstring teststring2_w;
		std::string teststring2_w_encoded;
			std::ostringstream tmp_os;
			std::wostringstream tmp_os_w;
			std::ostringstream tmp_os_w_encoded;
			for(int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
			teststring2 = tmp_os.str();
			teststring2_w = tmp_os_w.str();
			teststring2_w_encoded = tmp_os_w_encoded.str();
		UASSERT(serializeString(teststring2) ==
			mkstr("\1\0") + teststring2);
		UASSERT(serializeWideString(teststring2_w) ==
			mkstr("\1\0") + teststring2_w_encoded);
		UASSERT(serializeLongString(teststring2) ==
			mkstr("\0\0\1\0") + teststring2);
		// MSVC fails when directly using "\\\\"
		std::string backslash = "\\";
		UASSERT(serializeJsonString(teststring2) ==
			mkstr("\"") +
			"\\u0000\\u0001\\u0002\\u0003\\u0004\\u0005\\u0006\\u0007" +
			"\\b\\t\\n\\u000b\\f\\r\\u000e\\u000f" +
			"\\u0010\\u0011\\u0012\\u0013\\u0014\\u0015\\u0016\\u0017" +
			"\\u0018\\u0019\\u001a\\u001b\\u001c\\u001d\\u001e\\u001f" +
			" !\\\"" + teststring2.substr(0x23, 0x2f-0x23) +
			"\\/" + teststring2.substr(0x30, 0x5c-0x30) +
			backslash + backslash + teststring2.substr(0x5d, 0x7f-0x5d) + "\\u007f" +
			"\\u0080\\u0081\\u0082\\u0083\\u0084\\u0085\\u0086\\u0087" +
			"\\u0088\\u0089\\u008a\\u008b\\u008c\\u008d\\u008e\\u008f" +
			"\\u0090\\u0091\\u0092\\u0093\\u0094\\u0095\\u0096\\u0097" +
			"\\u0098\\u0099\\u009a\\u009b\\u009c\\u009d\\u009e\\u009f" +
			"\\u00a0\\u00a1\\u00a2\\u00a3\\u00a4\\u00a5\\u00a6\\u00a7" +
			"\\u00a8\\u00a9\\u00aa\\u00ab\\u00ac\\u00ad\\u00ae\\u00af" +
			"\\u00b0\\u00b1\\u00b2\\u00b3\\u00b4\\u00b5\\u00b6\\u00b7" +
			"\\u00b8\\u00b9\\u00ba\\u00bb\\u00bc\\u00bd\\u00be\\u00bf" +
			"\\u00c0\\u00c1\\u00c2\\u00c3\\u00c4\\u00c5\\u00c6\\u00c7" +
			"\\u00c8\\u00c9\\u00ca\\u00cb\\u00cc\\u00cd\\u00ce\\u00cf" +
			"\\u00d0\\u00d1\\u00d2\\u00d3\\u00d4\\u00d5\\u00d6\\u00d7" +
			"\\u00d8\\u00d9\\u00da\\u00db\\u00dc\\u00dd\\u00de\\u00df" +
			"\\u00e0\\u00e1\\u00e2\\u00e3\\u00e4\\u00e5\\u00e6\\u00e7" +
			"\\u00e8\\u00e9\\u00ea\\u00eb\\u00ec\\u00ed\\u00ee\\u00ef" +
			"\\u00f0\\u00f1\\u00f2\\u00f3\\u00f4\\u00f5\\u00f6\\u00f7" +
			"\\u00f8\\u00f9\\u00fa\\u00fb\\u00fc\\u00fd\\u00fe\\u00ff" +

			std::istringstream is(serializeString(teststring2), std::ios::binary);
			UASSERT(deSerializeString(is) == teststring2);
			std::istringstream is(serializeWideString(teststring2_w), std::ios::binary);
			UASSERT(deSerializeWideString(is) == teststring2_w);
			std::istringstream is(serializeLongString(teststring2), std::ios::binary);
			UASSERT(deSerializeLongString(is) == teststring2);
			std::istringstream is(serializeJsonString(teststring2), std::ios::binary);
			UASSERT(deSerializeJsonString(is) == teststring2);

struct TestNodedefSerialization: public TestBase
	void Run()
		ContentFeatures f;
		f.name = "default:stone";
		for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
			f.tiledef[i].name = "default_stone.png";
		f.is_ground_content = true;
		std::ostringstream os(std::ios::binary);
		f.serialize(os, LATEST_PROTOCOL_VERSION);
		verbosestream<<"Test ContentFeatures size: "<<os.str().size()<<std::endl;
		std::istringstream is(os.str(), std::ios::binary);
		ContentFeatures f2;
		UASSERT(f.walkable == f2.walkable);
		UASSERT(f.node_box.type == f2.node_box.type);

struct TestCompress: public TestBase
	void Run()
		{ // ver 0

		SharedBuffer<u8> fromdata(4);

		std::ostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary);
		compress(fromdata, os, 0);

		std::string str_out = os.str();

		infostream<<"TestCompress: 1,5,5,1 -> ";
		for(u32 i=0; i<str_out.size(); i++)

		UASSERT(str_out.size() == 10);

		UASSERT(str_out[0] == 0);
		UASSERT(str_out[1] == 0);
		UASSERT(str_out[2] == 0);
		UASSERT(str_out[3] == 4);
		UASSERT(str_out[4] == 0);
		UASSERT(str_out[5] == 1);
		UASSERT(str_out[6] == 1);
		UASSERT(str_out[7] == 5);
		UASSERT(str_out[8] == 0);
		UASSERT(str_out[9] == 1);

		std::istringstream is(str_out, std::ios_base::binary);
		std::ostringstream os2(std::ios_base::binary);

		decompress(is, os2, 0);
		std::string str_out2 = os2.str();

		infostream<<"decompress: ";
		for(u32 i=0; i<str_out2.size(); i++)

		UASSERT(str_out2.size() == fromdata.getSize());

		for(u32 i=0; i<str_out2.size(); i++)
			UASSERT(str_out2[i] == fromdata[i]);


		{ // ver HIGHEST

		SharedBuffer<u8> fromdata(4);

		std::ostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary);
		compress(fromdata, os, SER_FMT_VER_HIGHEST_READ);

		std::string str_out = os.str();

		infostream<<"TestCompress: 1,5,5,1 -> ";
		for(u32 i=0; i<str_out.size(); i++)

		std::istringstream is(str_out, std::ios_base::binary);
		std::ostringstream os2(std::ios_base::binary);

		decompress(is, os2, SER_FMT_VER_HIGHEST_READ);
		std::string str_out2 = os2.str();

		infostream<<"decompress: ";
		for(u32 i=0; i<str_out2.size(); i++)

		UASSERT(str_out2.size() == fromdata.getSize());

		for(u32 i=0; i<str_out2.size(); i++)
			UASSERT(str_out2[i] == fromdata[i]);


		// Test zlib wrapper with large amounts of data (larger than its
		// internal buffers)
			infostream<<"Test: Testing zlib wrappers with a large amount "
					<<"of pseudorandom data"<<std::endl;
			u32 size = 50000;
			infostream<<"Test: Input size of large compressZlib is "
			std::string data_in;
			PseudoRandom pseudorandom(9420);
			for(u32 i=0; i<size; i++)
				data_in[i] = pseudorandom.range(0,255);
			std::ostringstream os_compressed(std::ios::binary);
			compressZlib(data_in, os_compressed);
			infostream<<"Test: Output size of large compressZlib is "
			std::istringstream is_compressed(os_compressed.str(), std::ios::binary);
			std::ostringstream os_decompressed(std::ios::binary);
			decompressZlib(is_compressed, os_decompressed);
			infostream<<"Test: Output size of large decompressZlib is "
			std::string str_decompressed = os_decompressed.str();
			UTEST(str_decompressed.size() == data_in.size(), "Output size not"
					" equal (output: %u, input: %u)",
					(unsigned int)str_decompressed.size(), (unsigned int)data_in.size());
			for(u32 i=0; i<size && i<str_decompressed.size(); i++){
				UTEST(str_decompressed[i] == data_in[i],
						"index out[%i]=%i differs from in[%i]=%i",
						i, str_decompressed[i], i, data_in[i]);

struct TestMapNode: public TestBase
	void Run(INodeDefManager *nodedef)
		MapNode n;

		// Default values
		UASSERT(n.getContent() == CONTENT_AIR);
		UASSERT(n.getLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY, nodedef) == 0);
		UASSERT(n.getLight(LIGHTBANK_NIGHT, nodedef) == 0);

		// Transparency
		UASSERT(nodedef->get(n).light_propagates == true);
		n.setContent(LEGN(nodedef, "CONTENT_STONE"));
		UASSERT(nodedef->get(n).light_propagates == false);

struct TestVoxelManipulator: public TestBase
	void Run(INodeDefManager *nodedef)

		VoxelArea a(v3s16(-1,-1,-1), v3s16(1,1,1));
		UASSERT(a.index(0,0,0) == 1*3*3 + 1*3 + 1);
		UASSERT(a.index(-1,-1,-1) == 0);

		VoxelArea c(v3s16(-2,-2,-2), v3s16(2,2,2));
		// An area that is 1 bigger in x+ and z-
		VoxelArea d(v3s16(-2,-2,-3), v3s16(3,2,2));

		std::list<VoxelArea> aa;
		d.diff(c, aa);

		// Correct results
		std::vector<VoxelArea> results;

		UASSERT(aa.size() == results.size());

		infostream<<"Result of diff:"<<std::endl;
				i = aa.begin(); i != aa.end(); ++i)

			std::vector<VoxelArea>::iterator j = std::find(results.begin(), results.end(), *i);
			UASSERT(j != results.end());


		VoxelManipulator v;

		v.print(infostream, nodedef);

		infostream<<"*** Setting (-1,0,-1)=2 ***"<<std::endl;

		v.setNodeNoRef(v3s16(-1,0,-1), MapNode(CONTENT_GRASS));

		v.print(infostream, nodedef);

 		UASSERT(v.getNode(v3s16(-1,0,-1)).getContent() == CONTENT_GRASS);

		infostream<<"*** Reading from inexistent (0,0,-1) ***"<<std::endl;

		EXCEPTION_CHECK(InvalidPositionException, v.getNode(v3s16(0,0,-1)));

		v.print(infostream, nodedef);

		infostream<<"*** Adding area ***"<<std::endl;


		v.print(infostream, nodedef);

		UASSERT(v.getNode(v3s16(-1,0,-1)).getContent() == CONTENT_GRASS);
		EXCEPTION_CHECK(InvalidPositionException, v.getNode(v3s16(0,1,1)));

struct TestVoxelAlgorithms: public TestBase
	void Run(INodeDefManager *ndef)
			VoxelManipulator v;
			for(u16 z=0; z<3; z++)
			for(u16 y=0; y<3; y++)
			for(u16 x=0; x<3; x++)
				v3s16 p(x,y,z);
				v.setNodeNoRef(p, MapNode(CONTENT_AIR));
			VoxelArea a(v3s16(0,0,0), v3s16(2,2,2));
				std::set<v3s16> light_sources;
				voxalgo::setLight(v, a, 0, ndef);
				voxalgo::SunlightPropagateResult res = voxalgo::propagateSunlight(
						v, a, true, light_sources, ndef);
				//v.print(dstream, ndef, VOXELPRINT_LIGHT_DAY);
				UASSERT(res.bottom_sunlight_valid == true);
				UASSERT(v.getNode(v3s16(1,1,1)).getLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY, ndef)
						== LIGHT_SUN);
			v.setNodeNoRef(v3s16(0,0,0), MapNode(CONTENT_STONE));
				std::set<v3s16> light_sources;
				voxalgo::setLight(v, a, 0, ndef);
				voxalgo::SunlightPropagateResult res = voxalgo::propagateSunlight(
						v, a, true, light_sources, ndef);
				UASSERT(res.bottom_sunlight_valid == true);
				UASSERT(v.getNode(v3s16(1,1,1)).getLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY, ndef)
						== LIGHT_SUN);
				std::set<v3s16> light_sources;
				voxalgo::setLight(v, a, 0, ndef);
				voxalgo::SunlightPropagateResult res = voxalgo::propagateSunlight(
						v, a, false, light_sources, ndef);
				UASSERT(res.bottom_sunlight_valid == true);
				UASSERT(v.getNode(v3s16(2,0,2)).getLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY, ndef)
						== 0);
			v.setNodeNoRef(v3s16(1,3,2), MapNode(CONTENT_STONE));
				std::set<v3s16> light_sources;
				voxalgo::setLight(v, a, 0, ndef);
				voxalgo::SunlightPropagateResult res = voxalgo::propagateSunlight(
						v, a, true, light_sources, ndef);
				UASSERT(res.bottom_sunlight_valid == true);
				UASSERT(v.getNode(v3s16(1,1,2)).getLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY, ndef)
						== 0);
				std::set<v3s16> light_sources;
				voxalgo::setLight(v, a, 0, ndef);
				voxalgo::SunlightPropagateResult res = voxalgo::propagateSunlight(
						v, a, false, light_sources, ndef);
				UASSERT(res.bottom_sunlight_valid == true);
				UASSERT(v.getNode(v3s16(1,0,2)).getLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY, ndef)
						== 0);
				MapNode n(CONTENT_AIR);
				n.setLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY, 10, ndef);
				v.setNodeNoRef(v3s16(1,-1,2), n);
				std::set<v3s16> light_sources;
				voxalgo::setLight(v, a, 0, ndef);
				voxalgo::SunlightPropagateResult res = voxalgo::propagateSunlight(
						v, a, true, light_sources, ndef);
				UASSERT(res.bottom_sunlight_valid == true);
				std::set<v3s16> light_sources;
				voxalgo::setLight(v, a, 0, ndef);
				voxalgo::SunlightPropagateResult res = voxalgo::propagateSunlight(
						v, a, false, light_sources, ndef);
				UASSERT(res.bottom_sunlight_valid == true);
				MapNode n(CONTENT_AIR);
				n.setLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY, LIGHT_SUN, ndef);
				v.setNodeNoRef(v3s16(1,-1,2), n);
				std::set<v3s16> light_sources;
				voxalgo::setLight(v, a, 0, ndef);
				voxalgo::SunlightPropagateResult res = voxalgo::propagateSunlight(
						v, a, true, light_sources, ndef);
				UASSERT(res.bottom_sunlight_valid == false);
				std::set<v3s16> light_sources;
				voxalgo::setLight(v, a, 0, ndef);
				voxalgo::SunlightPropagateResult res = voxalgo::propagateSunlight(
						v, a, false, light_sources, ndef);
				UASSERT(res.bottom_sunlight_valid == false);
			v.setNodeNoRef(v3s16(1,3,2), MapNode(CONTENT_IGNORE));
				std::set<v3s16> light_sources;
				voxalgo::setLight(v, a, 0, ndef);
				voxalgo::SunlightPropagateResult res = voxalgo::propagateSunlight(
						v, a, true, light_sources, ndef);
				UASSERT(res.bottom_sunlight_valid == true);
			VoxelManipulator v;
			for(u16 z=0; z<3; z++)
			for(u16 y=0; y<3; y++)
			for(u16 x=0; x<3; x++)
				v3s16 p(x,y,z);
				v.setNode(p, MapNode(CONTENT_AIR));
			VoxelArea a(v3s16(0,0,0), v3s16(2,2,2));
			v.setNodeNoRef(v3s16(0,0,0), MapNode(CONTENT_STONE));
			v.setNodeNoRef(v3s16(1,1,1), MapNode(CONTENT_TORCH));
				MapNode n(CONTENT_AIR);
				n.setLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY, 1, ndef);
				v.setNode(v3s16(1,1,2), n);
				std::set<v3s16> light_sources;
				std::map<v3s16, u8> unlight_from;
				voxalgo::clearLightAndCollectSources(v, a, LIGHTBANK_DAY,
						ndef, light_sources, unlight_from);
				//v.print(dstream, ndef, VOXELPRINT_LIGHT_DAY);
				UASSERT(v.getNode(v3s16(0,1,1)).getLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY, ndef)
						== 0);
				UASSERT(light_sources.find(v3s16(1,1,1)) != light_sources.end());
				UASSERT(light_sources.size() == 1);
				UASSERT(unlight_from.find(v3s16(1,1,2)) != unlight_from.end());
				UASSERT(unlight_from.size() == 1);

struct TestInventory: public TestBase
	void Run(IItemDefManager *idef)
		std::string serialized_inventory =
		"List 0 32\n"
		"Width 3\n"
		"Item default:cobble 61\n"
		"Item default:dirt 71\n"
		"Item default:dirt 99\n"
		"Item default:cobble 38\n"

		std::string serialized_inventory_2 =
		"List main 32\n"
		"Width 5\n"
		"Item default:cobble 61\n"
		"Item default:dirt 71\n"
		"Item default:dirt 99\n"
		"Item default:cobble 38\n"

		Inventory inv(idef);
		std::istringstream is(serialized_inventory, std::ios::binary);
		UASSERT(inv.getList("main")->getWidth() == 3);
		std::ostringstream inv_os(std::ios::binary);
		UASSERT(inv_os.str() == serialized_inventory_2);

	NOTE: These tests became non-working then NodeContainer was removed.
	      These should be redone, utilizing some kind of a virtual
		  interface for Map (IMap would be fine).
#if 0
struct TestMapBlock: public TestBase
	class TC : public NodeContainer

		MapNode node;
		bool position_valid;
		core::list<v3s16> validity_exceptions;

			position_valid = true;

		virtual bool isValidPosition(v3s16 p)
			//return position_valid ^ (p==position_valid_exception);
			bool exception = false;
			for(core::list<v3s16>::Iterator i=validity_exceptions.begin();
					i != validity_exceptions.end(); i++)
				if(p == *i)
					exception = true;
			return exception ? !position_valid : position_valid;

		virtual MapNode getNode(v3s16 p)
			if(isValidPosition(p) == false)
				throw InvalidPositionException();
			return node;

		virtual void setNode(v3s16 p, MapNode & n)
			if(isValidPosition(p) == false)
				throw InvalidPositionException();

		virtual u16 nodeContainerId() const
			return 666;

	void Run()
		TC parent;

		MapBlock b(&parent, v3s16(1,1,1));

		UASSERT(b.getPosRelative() == relpos);

		UASSERT(b.getBox().MinEdge.X == MAP_BLOCKSIZE);
		UASSERT(b.getBox().MaxEdge.X == MAP_BLOCKSIZE*2-1);
		UASSERT(b.getBox().MinEdge.Y == MAP_BLOCKSIZE);
		UASSERT(b.getBox().MaxEdge.Y == MAP_BLOCKSIZE*2-1);
		UASSERT(b.getBox().MinEdge.Z == MAP_BLOCKSIZE);
		UASSERT(b.getBox().MaxEdge.Z == MAP_BLOCKSIZE*2-1);

		UASSERT(b.isValidPosition(v3s16(0,0,0)) == true);
		UASSERT(b.isValidPosition(v3s16(-1,0,0)) == false);
		UASSERT(b.isValidPosition(v3s16(-1,-142,-2341)) == false);
		UASSERT(b.isValidPosition(v3s16(-124,142,2341)) == false);
		UASSERT(b.isValidPosition(v3s16(MAP_BLOCKSIZE-1,MAP_BLOCKSIZE-1,MAP_BLOCKSIZE-1)) == true);
		UASSERT(b.isValidPosition(v3s16(MAP_BLOCKSIZE-1,MAP_BLOCKSIZE,MAP_BLOCKSIZE-1)) == false);

			TODO: this method should probably be removed
			if the block size isn't going to be set variable
		/*UASSERT(b.getSizeNodes() == v3s16(MAP_BLOCKSIZE,

		// Changed flag should be initially set
		UASSERT(b.getModified() == MOD_STATE_CLEAN);

		// All nodes should have been set to
		// .d=CONTENT_IGNORE and .getLight() = 0
		for(u16 z=0; z<MAP_BLOCKSIZE; z++)
		for(u16 y=0; y<MAP_BLOCKSIZE; y++)
		for(u16 x=0; x<MAP_BLOCKSIZE; x++)
			//UASSERT(b.getNode(v3s16(x,y,z)).getContent() == CONTENT_AIR);
			UASSERT(b.getNode(v3s16(x,y,z)).getContent() == CONTENT_IGNORE);
			UASSERT(b.getNode(v3s16(x,y,z)).getLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY) == 0);
			UASSERT(b.getNode(v3s16(x,y,z)).getLight(LIGHTBANK_NIGHT) == 0);

			MapNode n(CONTENT_AIR);
			for(u16 z=0; z<MAP_BLOCKSIZE; z++)
			for(u16 y=0; y<MAP_BLOCKSIZE; y++)
			for(u16 x=0; x<MAP_BLOCKSIZE; x++)
				b.setNode(v3s16(x,y,z), n);

			Parent fetch functions
		parent.position_valid = false;

		MapNode n;

		// Positions in the block should still be valid
		UASSERT(b.isValidPositionParent(v3s16(0,0,0)) == true);
		UASSERT(b.isValidPositionParent(v3s16(MAP_BLOCKSIZE-1,MAP_BLOCKSIZE-1,MAP_BLOCKSIZE-1)) == true);
		n = b.getNodeParent(v3s16(0,MAP_BLOCKSIZE-1,0));
		UASSERT(n.getContent() == CONTENT_AIR);

		// ...but outside the block they should be invalid
		UASSERT(b.isValidPositionParent(v3s16(-121,2341,0)) == false);
		UASSERT(b.isValidPositionParent(v3s16(-1,0,0)) == false);
		UASSERT(b.isValidPositionParent(v3s16(MAP_BLOCKSIZE-1,MAP_BLOCKSIZE-1,MAP_BLOCKSIZE)) == false);

			bool exception_thrown = false;
				// This should throw an exception
				MapNode n = b.getNodeParent(v3s16(0,0,-1));
			catch(InvalidPositionException &e)
				exception_thrown = true;

		parent.position_valid = true;
		// Now the positions outside should be valid
		UASSERT(b.isValidPositionParent(v3s16(-121,2341,0)) == true);
		UASSERT(b.isValidPositionParent(v3s16(-1,0,0)) == true);
		UASSERT(b.isValidPositionParent(v3s16(MAP_BLOCKSIZE-1,MAP_BLOCKSIZE-1,MAP_BLOCKSIZE)) == true);
		n = b.getNodeParent(v3s16(0,0,MAP_BLOCKSIZE));
		UASSERT(n.getContent() == 5);

			Set a node
		v3s16 p(1,2,0);
		b.setNode(p, n);
		UASSERT(b.getNode(p).getContent() == 4);
		//TODO: Update to new system
		/*UASSERT(b.getNodeTile(p) == 4);
		UASSERT(b.getNodeTile(v3s16(-1,-1,0)) == 5);*/

		// Set lighting of all nodes to 0
		for(u16 z=0; z<MAP_BLOCKSIZE; z++){
			for(u16 y=0; y<MAP_BLOCKSIZE; y++){
				for(u16 x=0; x<MAP_BLOCKSIZE; x++){
					MapNode n = b.getNode(v3s16(x,y,z));
					n.setLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY, 0);
					n.setLight(LIGHTBANK_NIGHT, 0);
					b.setNode(v3s16(x,y,z), n);
				Check how the block handles being a lonely sky block
			parent.position_valid = true;
			parent.node.setLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY, LIGHT_SUN);
			parent.node.setLight(LIGHTBANK_NIGHT, 0);
			core::map<v3s16, bool> light_sources;
			// The bottom block is invalid, because we have a shadowing node
			UASSERT(b.propagateSunlight(light_sources) == false);
			UASSERT(b.getNode(v3s16(1,4,0)).getLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY) == LIGHT_SUN);
			UASSERT(b.getNode(v3s16(1,3,0)).getLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY) == LIGHT_SUN);
			UASSERT(b.getNode(v3s16(1,2,0)).getLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY) == 0);
			UASSERT(b.getNode(v3s16(1,1,0)).getLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY) == 0);
			UASSERT(b.getNode(v3s16(1,0,0)).getLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY) == 0);
			UASSERT(b.getNode(v3s16(1,2,3)).getLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY) == LIGHT_SUN);
			UASSERT(b.getFaceLight2(1000, p, v3s16(0,1,0)) == LIGHT_SUN);
			UASSERT(b.getFaceLight2(1000, p, v3s16(0,-1,0)) == 0);
			UASSERT(b.getFaceLight2(0, p, v3s16(0,-1,0)) == 0);
			// According to MapBlock::getFaceLight,
			// The face on the z+ side should have double-diminished light
			//UASSERT(b.getFaceLight(p, v3s16(0,0,1)) == diminish_light(diminish_light(LIGHT_MAX)));
			// The face on the z+ side should have diminished light
			UASSERT(b.getFaceLight2(1000, p, v3s16(0,0,1)) == diminish_light(LIGHT_MAX));
			Check how the block handles being in between blocks with some non-sunlight
			while being underground
			// Make neighbours to exist and set some non-sunlight to them
			parent.position_valid = true;
			parent.node.setLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY, LIGHT_MAX/2);
			core::map<v3s16, bool> light_sources;
			// The block below should be valid because there shouldn't be
			// sunlight in there either
			UASSERT(b.propagateSunlight(light_sources, true) == true);
			// Should not touch nodes that are not affected (that is, all of them)
			//UASSERT(b.getNode(v3s16(1,2,3)).getLight() == LIGHT_SUN);
			// Should set light of non-sunlighted blocks to 0.
			UASSERT(b.getNode(v3s16(1,2,3)).getLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY) == 0);
			Set up a situation where:
			- There is only air in this block
			- There is a valid non-sunlighted block at the bottom, and
			- Invalid blocks elsewhere.
			- the block is not underground.

			This should result in bottom block invalidity
			// Clear block
			for(u16 z=0; z<MAP_BLOCKSIZE; z++){
				for(u16 y=0; y<MAP_BLOCKSIZE; y++){
					for(u16 x=0; x<MAP_BLOCKSIZE; x++){
						MapNode n;
						n.setLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY, 0);
						b.setNode(v3s16(x,y,z), n);
			// Make neighbours invalid
			parent.position_valid = false;
			// Add exceptions to the top of the bottom block
			for(u16 x=0; x<MAP_BLOCKSIZE; x++)
			for(u16 z=0; z<MAP_BLOCKSIZE; z++)
				parent.validity_exceptions.push_back(v3s16(MAP_BLOCKSIZE+x, MAP_BLOCKSIZE-1, MAP_BLOCKSIZE+z));
			// Lighting value for the valid nodes
			parent.node.setLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY, LIGHT_MAX/2);
			core::map<v3s16, bool> light_sources;
			// Bottom block is not valid
			UASSERT(b.propagateSunlight(light_sources) == false);

struct TestMapSector: public TestBase
	class TC : public NodeContainer

		MapNode node;
		bool position_valid;

			position_valid = true;

		virtual bool isValidPosition(v3s16 p)
			return position_valid;

		virtual MapNode getNode(v3s16 p)
			if(position_valid == false)
				throw InvalidPositionException();
			return node;

		virtual void setNode(v3s16 p, MapNode & n)
			if(position_valid == false)
				throw InvalidPositionException();

		virtual u16 nodeContainerId() const
			return 666;

	void Run()
		TC parent;
		parent.position_valid = false;

		// Create one with no heightmaps
		ServerMapSector sector(&parent, v2s16(1,1));

		UASSERT(sector.getBlockNoCreateNoEx(0) == 0);
		UASSERT(sector.getBlockNoCreateNoEx(1) == 0);

		MapBlock * bref = sector.createBlankBlock(-2);

		UASSERT(sector.getBlockNoCreateNoEx(0) == 0);
		UASSERT(sector.getBlockNoCreateNoEx(-2) == bref);

		//TODO: Check for AlreadyExistsException

		/*bool exception_thrown = false;
		catch(InvalidPositionException &e){
			exception_thrown = true;


struct TestCollision: public TestBase
	void Run()

		for(s16 bx = -3; bx <= 3; bx++)
		for(s16 by = -3; by <= 3; by++)
		for(s16 bz = -3; bz <= 3; bz++)
			// X-
				aabb3f s(bx, by, bz, bx+1, by+1, bz+1);
				aabb3f m(bx-2, by, bz, bx-1, by+1, bz+1);
				v3f v(1, 0, 0);
				f32 dtime = 0;
				UASSERT(axisAlignedCollision(s, m, v, 0, dtime) == 0);
				UASSERT(fabs(dtime - 1.000) < 0.001);
				aabb3f s(bx, by, bz, bx+1, by+1, bz+1);
				aabb3f m(bx-2, by, bz, bx-1, by+1, bz+1);
				v3f v(-1, 0, 0);
				f32 dtime = 0;
				UASSERT(axisAlignedCollision(s, m, v, 0, dtime) == -1);
				aabb3f s(bx, by, bz, bx+1, by+1, bz+1);
				aabb3f m(bx-2, by+1.5, bz, bx-1, by+2.5, bz-1);
				v3f v(1, 0, 0);
				f32 dtime;
				UASSERT(axisAlignedCollision(s, m, v, 0, dtime) == -1);
				aabb3f s(bx, by, bz, bx+1, by+1, bz+1);
				aabb3f m(bx-2, by-1.5, bz, bx-1.5, by+0.5, bz+1);
				v3f v(0.5, 0.1, 0);
				f32 dtime;
				UASSERT(axisAlignedCollision(s, m, v, 0, dtime) == 0);
				UASSERT(fabs(dtime - 3.000) < 0.001);
				aabb3f s(bx, by, bz, bx+1, by+1, bz+1);
				aabb3f m(bx-2, by-1.5, bz, bx-1.5, by+0.5, bz+1);
				v3f v(0.5, 0.1, 0);
				f32 dtime;
				UASSERT(axisAlignedCollision(s, m, v, 0, dtime) == 0);
				UASSERT(fabs(dtime - 3.000) < 0.001);

			// X+
				aabb3f s(bx, by, bz, bx+1, by+1, bz+1);
				aabb3f m(bx+2, by, bz, bx+3, by+1, bz+1);
				v3f v(-1, 0, 0);
				f32 dtime;
				UASSERT(axisAlignedCollision(s, m, v, 0, dtime) == 0);
				UASSERT(fabs(dtime - 1.000) < 0.001);
				aabb3f s(bx, by, bz, bx+1, by+1, bz+1);
				aabb3f m(bx+2, by, bz, bx+3, by+1, bz+1);
				v3f v(1, 0, 0);
				f32 dtime;
				UASSERT(axisAlignedCollision(s, m, v, 0, dtime) == -1);
				aabb3f s(bx, by, bz, bx+1, by+1, bz+1);
				aabb3f m(bx+2, by, bz+1.5, bx+3, by+1, bz+3.5);
				v3f v(-1, 0, 0);
				f32 dtime;
				UASSERT(axisAlignedCollision(s, m, v, 0, dtime) == -1);
				aabb3f s(bx, by, bz, bx+1, by+1, bz+1);
				aabb3f m(bx+2, by-1.5, bz, bx+2.5, by-0.5, bz+1);
				v3f v(-0.5, 0.2, 0);
				f32 dtime;
				UASSERT(axisAlignedCollision(s, m, v, 0, dtime) == 1);  // Y, not X!
				UASSERT(fabs(dtime - 2.500) < 0.001);
				aabb3f s(bx, by, bz, bx+1, by+1, bz+1);
				aabb3f m(bx+2, by-1.5, bz, bx+2.5, by-0.5, bz+1);
				v3f v(-0.5, 0.3, 0);
				f32 dtime;
				UASSERT(axisAlignedCollision(s, m, v, 0, dtime) == 0);
				UASSERT(fabs(dtime - 2.000) < 0.001);

			// TODO: Y-, Y+, Z-, Z+

			// misc
				aabb3f s(bx, by, bz, bx+2, by+2, bz+2);
				aabb3f m(bx+2.3, by+2.29, bz+2.29, bx+4.2, by+4.2, bz+4.2);
				v3f v(-1./3, -1./3, -1./3);
				f32 dtime;
				UASSERT(axisAlignedCollision(s, m, v, 0, dtime) == 0);
				UASSERT(fabs(dtime - 0.9) < 0.001);
				aabb3f s(bx, by, bz, bx+2, by+2, bz+2);
				aabb3f m(bx+2.29, by+2.3, bz+2.29, bx+4.2, by+4.2, bz+4.2);
				v3f v(-1./3, -1./3, -1./3);
				f32 dtime;
				UASSERT(axisAlignedCollision(s, m, v, 0, dtime) == 1);
				UASSERT(fabs(dtime - 0.9) < 0.001);
				aabb3f s(bx, by, bz, bx+2, by+2, bz+2);
				aabb3f m(bx+2.29, by+2.29, bz+2.3, bx+4.2, by+4.2, bz+4.2);
				v3f v(-1./3, -1./3, -1./3);
				f32 dtime;
				UASSERT(axisAlignedCollision(s, m, v, 0, dtime) == 2);
				UASSERT(fabs(dtime - 0.9) < 0.001);
				aabb3f s(bx, by, bz, bx+2, by+2, bz+2);
				aabb3f m(bx-4.2, by-4.2, bz-4.2, bx-2.3, by-2.29, bz-2.29);
				v3f v(1./7, 1./7, 1./7);
				f32 dtime;
				UASSERT(axisAlignedCollision(s, m, v, 0, dtime) == 0);
				UASSERT(fabs(dtime - 16.1) < 0.001);
				aabb3f s(bx, by, bz, bx+2, by+2, bz+2);
				aabb3f m(bx-4.2, by-4.2, bz-4.2, bx-2.29, by-2.3, bz-2.29);
				v3f v(1./7, 1./7, 1./7);
				f32 dtime;
				UASSERT(axisAlignedCollision(s, m, v, 0, dtime) == 1);
				UASSERT(fabs(dtime - 16.1) < 0.001);
				aabb3f s(bx, by, bz, bx+2, by+2, bz+2);
				aabb3f m(bx-4.2, by-4.2, bz-4.2, bx-2.29, by-2.29, bz-2.3);
				v3f v(1./7, 1./7, 1./7);
				f32 dtime;
				UASSERT(axisAlignedCollision(s, m, v, 0, dtime) == 2);
				UASSERT(fabs(dtime - 16.1) < 0.001);

struct TestSocket: public TestBase
	void Run()
		const int port = 30003;
		Address address(0,0,0,0, port);
		Address address6((IPv6AddressBytes*) NULL, port);

		// IPv6 socket test
			UDPSocket socket6;

			if (!socket6.init(true, true)) {
				/* Note: Failing to create an IPv6 socket is not technically an
				   error because the OS may not support IPv6 or it may
				   have been disabled. IPv6 is not /required/ by
				   minetest and therefore this should not cause the unit
				   test to fail
				dstream << "WARNING: IPv6 socket creation failed (unit test)"
				        << std::endl;
			} else {
				const char sendbuffer[] = "hello world!";
				IPv6AddressBytes bytes;
				bytes.bytes[15] = 1;


				try {
					socket6.Send(Address(&bytes, port), sendbuffer, sizeof(sendbuffer));


					char rcvbuffer[256] = { 0 };
					Address sender;

					for(;;) {
						if (socket6.Receive(sender, rcvbuffer, sizeof(rcvbuffer )) < 0)
					//FIXME: This fails on some systems
					UASSERT(strncmp(sendbuffer, rcvbuffer, sizeof(sendbuffer)) == 0);
							Address(&bytes, 0).getAddress6().sin6_addr.s6_addr, 16) == 0);
				catch (SendFailedException e) {
					errorstream << "IPv6 support enabled but not available!"
					            << std::endl;

		// IPv4 socket test
			UDPSocket socket(false);

			const char sendbuffer[] = "hello world!";
			socket.Send(Address(127, 0, 0 ,1, port), sendbuffer, sizeof(sendbuffer));


			char rcvbuffer[256] = { 0 };
			Address sender;
			for(;;) {
				if (socket.Receive(sender, rcvbuffer, sizeof(rcvbuffer)) < 0)
			//FIXME: This fails on some systems
			UASSERT(strncmp(sendbuffer, rcvbuffer, sizeof(sendbuffer)) == 0);
			UASSERT(sender.getAddress().sin_addr.s_addr ==
					Address(127, 0, 0, 1, 0).getAddress().sin_addr.s_addr);

struct TestConnection: public TestBase
	void TestHelpers()
			Test helper functions

		// Some constants for testing
		u32 proto_id = 0x12345678;
		u16 peer_id = 123;
		u8 channel = 2;
		SharedBuffer<u8> data1(1);
		data1[0] = 100;
		Address a(127,0,0,1, 10);
		const u16 seqnum = 34352;

		con::BufferedPacket p1 = con::makePacket(a, data1,
				proto_id, peer_id, channel);
			We should now have a packet with this data:
				[0] u32 protocol_id
				[4] u16 sender_peer_id
				[6] u8 channel
				[7] u8 data1[0]
		UASSERT(readU32(&p1.data[0]) == proto_id);
		UASSERT(readU16(&p1.data[4]) == peer_id);
		UASSERT(readU8(&p1.data[6]) == channel);
		UASSERT(readU8(&p1.data[7]) == data1[0]);

		//infostream<<"initial data1[0]="<<((u32)data1[0]&0xff)<<std::endl;

		SharedBuffer<u8> p2 = con::makeReliablePacket(data1, seqnum);

		/*infostream<<"p2.getSize()="<<p2.getSize()<<", data1.getSize()="
				<<" p2[3]="<<((u32)p2[3]&0xff)<<std::endl;

		UASSERT(p2.getSize() == 3 + data1.getSize());
		UASSERT(readU8(&p2[0]) == TYPE_RELIABLE);
		UASSERT(readU16(&p2[1]) == seqnum);
		UASSERT(readU8(&p2[3]) == data1[0]);

	struct Handler : public con::PeerHandler
		Handler(const char *a_name)
			count = 0;
			last_id = 0;
			name = a_name;
		void peerAdded(con::Peer *peer)
			infostream<<"Handler("<<name<<")::peerAdded(): "
			last_id = peer->id;
		void deletingPeer(con::Peer *peer, bool timeout)
			infostream<<"Handler("<<name<<")::deletingPeer(): "
					<<", timeout="<<timeout<<std::endl;
			last_id = peer->id;

		s32 count;
		u16 last_id;
		const char *name;

	void Run()


			Test some real connections

			NOTE: This mostly tests the legacy interface.

		u32 proto_id = 0xad26846a;

		Handler hand_server("server");
		Handler hand_client("client");

		infostream<<"** Creating server Connection"<<std::endl;
		con::Connection server(proto_id, 512, 5.0, false, &hand_server);
		Address address(0,0,0,0, 30001);

		infostream<<"** Creating client Connection"<<std::endl;
		con::Connection client(proto_id, 512, 5.0, false, &hand_client);

		UASSERT(hand_server.count == 0);
		UASSERT(hand_client.count == 0);


		Address server_address(127,0,0,1, 30001);
		infostream<<"** running client.Connect()"<<std::endl;


		// Client should not have added client yet
		UASSERT(hand_client.count == 0);

			u16 peer_id;
			SharedBuffer<u8> data;
			infostream<<"** running client.Receive()"<<std::endl;
			u32 size = client.Receive(peer_id, data);
			infostream<<"** Client received: peer_id="<<peer_id
					<<", size="<<size
		catch(con::NoIncomingDataException &e)

		// Client should have added server now
		UASSERT(hand_client.count == 1);
		UASSERT(hand_client.last_id == 1);
		// Server should not have added client yet
		UASSERT(hand_server.count == 0);


			u16 peer_id;
			SharedBuffer<u8> data;
			infostream<<"** running server.Receive()"<<std::endl;
			u32 size = server.Receive(peer_id, data);
			infostream<<"** Server received: peer_id="<<peer_id
					<<", size="<<size
		catch(con::NoIncomingDataException &e)
			// No actual data received, but the client has
			// probably been connected

		// Client should be the same
		UASSERT(hand_client.count == 1);
		UASSERT(hand_client.last_id == 1);
		// Server should have the client
		UASSERT(hand_server.count == 1);
		UASSERT(hand_server.last_id == 2);


		while(client.Connected() == false)
				u16 peer_id;
				SharedBuffer<u8> data;
				infostream<<"** running client.Receive()"<<std::endl;
				u32 size = client.Receive(peer_id, data);
				infostream<<"** Client received: peer_id="<<peer_id
						<<", size="<<size
			catch(con::NoIncomingDataException &e)


			u16 peer_id;
			SharedBuffer<u8> data;
			infostream<<"** running server.Receive()"<<std::endl;
			u32 size = server.Receive(peer_id, data);
			infostream<<"** Server received: peer_id="<<peer_id
					<<", size="<<size
		catch(con::NoIncomingDataException &e)
#if 1
			Simple send-receive test
			/*u8 data[] = "Hello World!";
			u32 datasize = sizeof(data);*/
			SharedBuffer<u8> data = SharedBufferFromString("Hello World!");

			infostream<<"** running client.Send()"<<std::endl;
			client.Send(PEER_ID_SERVER, 0, data, true);


			u16 peer_id;
			SharedBuffer<u8> recvdata;
			infostream<<"** running server.Receive()"<<std::endl;
			u32 size = server.Receive(peer_id, recvdata);
			infostream<<"** Server received: peer_id="<<peer_id
					<<", size="<<size
					<<", data="<<*data
			UASSERT(memcmp(*data, *recvdata, data.getSize()) == 0);
		u16 peer_id_client = 2;
#if 0
			Send consequent packets in different order
			Not compatible with new Connection, thus commented out.
			//u8 data1[] = "hello1";
			//u8 data2[] = "hello2";
			SharedBuffer<u8> data1 = SharedBufferFromString("hello1");
			SharedBuffer<u8> data2 = SharedBufferFromString("Hello2");

			Address client_address =

			infostream<<"*** Sending packets in wrong order (2,1,2)"

			u8 chn = 0;
			con::Channel *ch = &server.getPeer(peer_id_client)->channels[chn];
			u16 sn = ch->next_outgoing_seqnum;
			ch->next_outgoing_seqnum = sn+1;
			server.Send(peer_id_client, chn, data2, true);
			ch->next_outgoing_seqnum = sn;
			server.Send(peer_id_client, chn, data1, true);
			ch->next_outgoing_seqnum = sn+1;
			server.Send(peer_id_client, chn, data2, true);


			infostream<<"*** Receiving the packets"<<std::endl;

			u16 peer_id;
			SharedBuffer<u8> recvdata;
			u32 size;

			infostream<<"** running client.Receive()"<<std::endl;
			peer_id = 132;
			size = client.Receive(peer_id, recvdata);
			infostream<<"** Client received: peer_id="<<peer_id
					<<", size="<<size
					<<", data="<<*recvdata
			UASSERT(size == data1.getSize());
			UASSERT(memcmp(*data1, *recvdata, data1.getSize()) == 0);
			UASSERT(peer_id == PEER_ID_SERVER);

			infostream<<"** running client.Receive()"<<std::endl;
			peer_id = 132;
			size = client.Receive(peer_id, recvdata);
			infostream<<"** Client received: peer_id="<<peer_id
					<<", size="<<size
					<<", data="<<*recvdata
			UASSERT(size == data2.getSize());
			UASSERT(memcmp(*data2, *recvdata, data2.getSize()) == 0);
			UASSERT(peer_id == PEER_ID_SERVER);

			bool got_exception = false;
				infostream<<"** running client.Receive()"<<std::endl;
				peer_id = 132;
				size = client.Receive(peer_id, recvdata);
				infostream<<"** Client received: peer_id="<<peer_id
						<<", size="<<size
						<<", data="<<*recvdata
			catch(con::NoIncomingDataException &e)
				infostream<<"** No incoming data for client"<<std::endl;
				got_exception = true;
#if 0
			Send large amounts of packets (infinite test)
			Commented out because of infinity.
			infostream<<"Sending large amounts of packets (infinite test)"<<std::endl;
			int sendcount = 0;
				int datasize = myrand_range(0,5)==0?myrand_range(100,10000):myrand_range(0,100);
				SharedBuffer<u8> data1(datasize);
				for(u16 i=0; i<datasize; i++)
					data1[i] = i/4;

				int sendtimes = myrand_range(1,10);
				for(int i=0; i<sendtimes; i++){
					server.Send(peer_id_client, 0, data1, true);

				//int receivetimes = myrand_range(1,20);
				int receivetimes = 20;
				for(int i=0; i<receivetimes; i++){
					SharedBuffer<u8> recvdata;
					u16 peer_id = 132;
					u16 size = 0;
					bool received = false;
						size = client.Receive(peer_id, recvdata);
						received = true;
					}catch(con::NoIncomingDataException &e){
			Send a large packet
			const int datasize = 30000;
			SharedBuffer<u8> data1(datasize);
			for(u16 i=0; i<datasize; i++){
				data1[i] = i/4;

			infostream<<"Sending data (size="<<datasize<<"):";
			for(int i=0; i<datasize && i<20; i++){
				if(i%2==0) infostream<<" ";
				char buf[10];
				snprintf(buf, 10, "%.2X", ((int)((const char*)*data1)[i])&0xff);

			server.Send(peer_id_client, 0, data1, true);


			SharedBuffer<u8> recvdata;
			infostream<<"** running client.Receive()"<<std::endl;
			u16 peer_id = 132;
			u16 size = 0;
			bool received = false;
			u32 timems0 = porting::getTimeMs();
				if(porting::getTimeMs() - timems0 > 5000 || received)
					size = client.Receive(peer_id, recvdata);
					received = true;
				}catch(con::NoIncomingDataException &e){
			infostream<<"** Client received: peer_id="<<peer_id
					<<", size="<<size

			infostream<<"Received data (size="<<size<<"): ";
			for(int i=0; i<size && i<20; i++){
				if(i%2==0) infostream<<" ";
				char buf[10];
				snprintf(buf, 10, "%.2X", ((int)(recvdata[i]))&0xff);

			UASSERT(memcmp(*data1, *recvdata, data1.getSize()) == 0);
			UASSERT(peer_id == PEER_ID_SERVER);

		// Check peer handlers
		UASSERT(hand_client.count == 1);
		UASSERT(hand_client.last_id == 1);
		UASSERT(hand_server.count == 1);
		UASSERT(hand_server.last_id == 2);


#define TEST(X) do {\
	X x;\
	infostream<<"Running " #X <<std::endl;\
	tests_failed += x.test_failed ? 1 : 0;\
} while (0)

#define TESTPARAMS(X, ...) do {\
	X x;\
	infostream<<"Running " #X <<std::endl;\
	tests_failed += x.test_failed ? 1 : 0;\
} while (0)

void run_tests()

	int tests_run = 0;
	int tests_failed = 0;

	// Create item and node definitions
	IWritableItemDefManager *idef = createItemDefManager();
	IWritableNodeDefManager *ndef = createNodeDefManager();
	define_some_nodes(idef, ndef);

	log_set_lev_silence(LMT_ERROR, true);

	infostream<<"run_tests() started"<<std::endl;
	TESTPARAMS(TestMapNode, ndef);
	TESTPARAMS(TestVoxelManipulator, ndef);
	TESTPARAMS(TestVoxelAlgorithms, ndef);
	TESTPARAMS(TestInventory, idef);
		dout_con<<"=== BEGIN RUNNING UNIT TESTS FOR CONNECTION ==="<<std::endl;
		dout_con<<"=== END RUNNING UNIT TESTS FOR CONNECTION ==="<<std::endl;

	log_set_lev_silence(LMT_ERROR, false);

	delete idef;
	delete ndef;

	if(tests_failed == 0){
		infostream<<"run_tests(): "<<tests_failed<<" / "<<tests_run<<" tests failed."<<std::endl;
		infostream<<"run_tests() passed."<<std::endl;
	} else {
		errorstream<<"run_tests(): "<<tests_failed<<" / "<<tests_run<<" tests failed."<<std::endl;
		errorstream<<"run_tests() aborting."<<std::endl;