/* Copyright (C) 2014 sapier This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #ifndef TOUCHSCREENGUI_HEADER #define TOUCHSCREENGUI_HEADER #include <IEventReceiver.h> #include <IGUIButton.h> #include <IGUIEnvironment.h> #include <map> #include <vector> #include "client/tile.h" #include "game.h" using namespace irr; using namespace irr::core; using namespace irr::gui; typedef enum { forward_id = 0, backward_id, left_id, right_id, jump_id, crunch_id, after_last_element_id, settings_starter_id, rare_controls_starter_id, fly_id, noclip_id, fast_id, debug_id, camera_id, range_id, chat_id, inventory_id, drop_id } touch_gui_button_id; typedef enum { AHBB_Dir_Top_Bottom, AHBB_Dir_Bottom_Top, AHBB_Dir_Left_Right, AHBB_Dir_Right_Left } autohide_button_bar_dir; #define MIN_DIG_TIME_MS 500 #define MAX_TOUCH_COUNT 64 #define BUTTON_REPEAT_DELAY 0.2f #define SETTINGS_BAR_Y_OFFSET 6.5 #define RARE_CONTROLS_BAR_Y_OFFSET 4 extern const char **touchgui_button_imagenames; struct button_info { float repeatcounter; float repeatdelay; irr::EKEY_CODE keycode; std::vector<int> ids; IGUIButton *guibutton = NULL; bool immediate_release; }; class AutoHideButtonBar { public: AutoHideButtonBar(IrrlichtDevice *device, IEventReceiver *receiver); void init(ISimpleTextureSource *tsrc, const char *starter_img, int button_id, v2s32 UpperLeft, v2s32 LowerRight, autohide_button_bar_dir dir, float timeout); ~AutoHideButtonBar(); /* add button to be shown */ void addButton(touch_gui_button_id id, const wchar_t *caption, const char *btn_image); /* detect settings bar button events */ bool isButton(const SEvent &event); /* handle released hud buttons */ bool isReleaseButton(int eventID); /* step handler */ void step(float dtime); /* deactivate button bar */ void deactivate(); /* hide the whole buttonbar */ void hide(); /* unhide the buttonbar */ void show(); private: ISimpleTextureSource *m_texturesource; irr::video::IVideoDriver *m_driver; IGUIEnvironment *m_guienv; IEventReceiver *m_receiver; v2u32 m_screensize; button_info m_starter; std::vector<button_info *> m_buttons; v2s32 m_upper_left; v2s32 m_lower_right; /* show settings bar */ bool m_active; bool m_visible; /* settings bar timeout */ float m_timeout; float m_timeout_value; bool m_initialized; autohide_button_bar_dir m_dir; }; class TouchScreenGUI { public: TouchScreenGUI(IrrlichtDevice *device, IEventReceiver *receiver); ~TouchScreenGUI(); void translateEvent(const SEvent &event); void init(ISimpleTextureSource *tsrc); double getYawChange() { double res = m_camera_yaw_change; m_camera_yaw_change = 0; return res; } double getPitch() { return m_camera_pitch; } line3d<f32> getShootline() { return m_shootline; } void step(float dtime); void resetHud(); void registerHudItem(int index, const rect<s32> &rect); void Toggle(bool visible); void hide(); void show(); private: IrrlichtDevice *m_device; IGUIEnvironment *m_guienv; IEventReceiver *m_receiver; ISimpleTextureSource *m_texturesource; v2u32 m_screensize; std::map<int, rect<s32> > m_hud_rects; std::map<int, irr::EKEY_CODE> m_hud_ids; bool m_visible; // is the gui visible /* value in degree */ double m_camera_yaw_change; double m_camera_pitch; line3d<f32> m_shootline; rect<s32> m_control_pad_rect; int m_move_id; bool m_move_has_really_moved; s64 m_move_downtime; bool m_move_sent_as_mouse_event; v2s32 m_move_downlocation; button_info m_buttons[after_last_element_id]; /* gui button detection */ touch_gui_button_id getButtonID(s32 x, s32 y); /* gui button by eventID */ touch_gui_button_id getButtonID(int eventID); /* check if a button has changed */ void handleChangedButton(const SEvent &event); /* initialize a button */ void initButton(touch_gui_button_id id, rect<s32> button_rect, std::wstring caption, bool immediate_release, float repeat_delay = BUTTON_REPEAT_DELAY); /* load texture */ void loadButtonTexture(button_info *btn, const char *path, rect<s32> button_rect); struct id_status { int id; int X; int Y; }; /* vector to store known ids and their initial touch positions*/ std::vector<id_status> m_known_ids; /* handle a button event */ void handleButtonEvent(touch_gui_button_id bID, int eventID, bool action); /* handle pressed hud buttons */ bool isHUDButton(const SEvent &event); /* handle released hud buttons */ bool isReleaseHUDButton(int eventID); /* handle double taps */ bool doubleTapDetection(); /* handle release event */ void handleReleaseEvent(int evt_id); /* get size of regular gui control button */ int getGuiButtonSize(); /* doubleclick detection variables */ struct key_event { unsigned int down_time; s32 x; s32 y; }; /* array for saving last known position of a pointer */ v2s32 m_pointerpos[MAX_TOUCH_COUNT]; /* array for doubletap detection */ key_event m_key_events[2]; /* settings bar */ AutoHideButtonBar m_settingsbar; /* rare controls bar */ AutoHideButtonBar m_rarecontrolsbar; }; extern TouchScreenGUI *g_touchscreengui; #endif