path: root/advtrains/occupation.lua
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authororwell96 <orwell@bleipb.de>2018-04-23 15:51:50 +0200
committerorwell96 <orwell@bleipb.de>2018-06-14 17:39:42 +0200
commit30e98520e7e6fa17beaf3f1c328fd58e2b19cebc (patch)
tree623e3ae0a06b50423273cfdbbec261b76d0821f4 /advtrains/occupation.lua
parent064a454117e6f921926f808ad91829e4b73664c0 (diff)
Occupation System, new train steps, still incomplete
Diffstat (limited to 'advtrains/occupation.lua')
1 files changed, 279 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/advtrains/occupation.lua b/advtrains/occupation.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6fa6fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/advtrains/occupation.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+-- occupation.lua
+Collects and manages positions where trains occupy and/or reserve/require space
+Zone diagram of a train:
+ |___| |___| --> Direction of travel
+ oo oo+oo oo
+ |SafetyB|CpB| Train |CpF|SafetyF| Brake |Aware |
+[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
+ID|Name |Desc
+ 0 Free Zone that was occupied before, which has now been left
+ 1 Train Zone where the train actually is.
+ 2 SafetyB Safety zone behind the train. extends 4m
+ 3 SafetyF Safety zone in front of the train. extends 4m
+ If a train is about to enter this zone, immediately brake it down to 2
+ 4 CpB Backside coupling zone. If the coupling zones of 2 trains overlap, they can be coupled
+ 5 CpF Frontside coupling zone
+ 6 Brake Brake distance of the train. Extends to the point ~5 nodes in front
+ of the point where the train would stop if it would regularily brake now.
+ 7 Aware Awareness zone. Extends 10-20 nodes beyond the Brake zone
+ Whenever any of the non-aware zones of other trains are detected here, the train will start to brake.
+Table format:
+occ[y][x][z] = {
+ [1] = train 1 id
+ [2] = train 1 ZoneID
+// [3] = entry seqnum*
+ ...
+ [2n-1] = train n id
+ [2n ] = train n ZoneID
+// [3n-2] = train n id
+// [3n-1] = train n ZoneID
+// [3n ] = entry seqnum*
+occ_chg[n] = {
+ pos = vector,
+ train_id,
+ old_val, (0 when entry did not exist before)
+ new_val, (0 when entry was deleted)
+*Sequence number:
+Sequence number system reserved for possible future use, but unused.
+The train will (and has to) memorize it's zone path indexes ("windows"), and do all actions that in any way modify these zone lengths
+in the movement phase (after restore, but before reporting occupations)
+The sequence number is used to determine out-of-date entries to the occupation list
+The current sequence number (seqnum) is increased each step, until it rolls over MAX_SEQNUM, which is when a complete reset is triggered
+Inside a step, when a train updates an occupation, the sequence number is set to the currently active sequence number
+Whenever checking an entry for other occupations (e.g. in the aware zone), all entries that have a seqnum different from the current seqnum
+are considered not existant, and are cleared.
+Note that those outdated entries are only cleared on-demand, so there will be a large memory overhead over time. This is why in certain time intervals
+complete resets are required (however, this method should be much more performant than resetting the whole occ table each step, to spare continuous memory allocations)
+This complex behavior is required because there is no way to reliably determine which positions are _no longer_ occupied...
+Composition of a step:
+1. (only when needed) restore step - write all current occupations into the table
+2. trains move
+3. trains pass new occupations to here. We keep track of which entries have changed
+4. we iterate our change lists and determine what to do
+local o
+o.restore_required = true
+local MAX_SEQNUM = 65500
+local seqnum = 0
+local occ = {}
+local occ_chg = {}
+local function occget(p)
+ local t = occ[p.y]
+ if not t then
+ occ[p.y] = {}
+ t = occ[p.y]
+ end
+ t = t[p.x]
+ if not t then
+ t[p.x] = {}
+ t = t[p.x]
+ end
+ return t[p.z]
+local function occgetcreate(p)
+ local t = occ[p.y]
+ if not t then
+ occ[p.y] = {}
+ t = occ[p.y]
+ end
+ t = t[p.x]
+ if not t then
+ t[p.x] = {}
+ t = t[p.x]
+ end
+ t = t[p.z]
+ if not t then
+ t[p.z] = {}
+ t = t[p.z]
+ end
+ return t
+-- Resets the occupation memory, and sets the o.restore_required flag that instructs trains to report their occupations before moving
+function o.reset()
+ o.restore_required = true
+ occ = {}
+ occ_chg = {}
+ seqnum = 0
+-- set occupation inside the restore step
+function o.init_occupation(train_id, pos, oid)
+ local t = occgetcreate(pos)
+ local i = 1
+ while t[i]
+ if t[i]==train_id then
+ break
+ end
+ i = i + 2
+ end
+ t[i] = train_id
+ t[i+1] = oid
+function o.set_occupation(train_id, pos, oid)
+ local t = occgetcreate(pos)
+ local i = 1
+ while t[i]
+ if t[i]==train_id then
+ break
+ end
+ i = i + 2
+ end
+ local oldoid = t[i+1] or 0
+ if oldoid ~= oid then
+ addchg(pos, train_id, oldoid, oid)
+ end
+ t[i] = train_id
+ t[i+1] = oid
+function o.clear_occupation(train_id, pos)
+ local t = occget(pos)
+ if not t then return end
+ local i = 1
+ local moving = false
+ while t[i] do
+ if t[i]==train_id then
+ if moving then
+ -- if, for some occasion, there should be a duplicate entry, erase this one too
+ atwarn("Duplicate occupation entry at",pos,"for train",train_id,":",t)
+ i = i - 2
+ end
+ local oldoid = t[i+1] or 0
+ addchg(pos, train_id, oldoid, 0)
+ moving = true
+ end
+ if moving then
+ t[i] = t[i+2]
+ t[i+1] = t[i+3]
+ end
+ i = i + 2
+ end
+local function addchg(pos, train_id, old, new)
+ occ_chg[#occ_chg + 1] = {
+ pos = pos,
+ train_id = train_id,
+ old_val = old,
+ new_val = new,
+ }
+-- Called after all occupations have been fed in
+-- This function is doing the interesting work...
+function o.end_step()
+ count_chg = false
+ for _,chg in ipairs(occ_chg) do
+ local t = occget(chg.pos)
+ if not t then
+ atwarn("o.end_step() change entry but there's no entry in occ table!",chg)
+ end
+ handle_chg(t, chg.pos, chg.train_id, chg.old_val, chg.new_val)
+ end
+ seqnum = seqnum + 1
+local function handle_chg(t, pos, train_id, old, new)
+ -- Handling the actual "change" is only necessary on_train_enter (change to 1) and on_train_leave (change from 1)
+ if new==1 then
+ o.call_enter_callback(pos, train_id)
+ elseif old==1 then
+ o.call_leave_callback(pos, train_id)
+ end
+ --all other cases check the simultaneous presence of 2 or more occupations
+ if #t<=2 then
+ return
+ end
+ local blocking = {}
+ local aware = {}
+ local i = 1
+ while t[i] do
+ if t[i+1] ~= 7 then --anything not aware zone:
+ blocking[#blocking+1] = i
+ else
+ aware[#aware+1] = i
+ end
+ i = i + 2
+ end
+ if #blocking > 0 then
+ -- the aware trains should brake
+ for _, ix in ipairs(aware) do
+ atc.train_set_command(t[ix], "B2")
+ end
+ if #blocking > 1 then
+ -- not good, 2 trains interfered with their blocking zones
+ -- make them brake too
+ local txt = {}
+ for _, ix in ipairs(blocking) do
+ atc.train_set_command(t[ix], "B2")
+ txt[#txt+1] = t[ix]
+ end
+ atwarn("Trains",table.concat(txt, ","), "interfered with their blocking zones, braking...")
+ -- TODO: different behavior for automatic trains! they need to be notified of those brake events and handle them!
+ -- To drive in safety zone is ok when train is controlled by hand
+ end
+ end
+function o.call_enter_callback(pos, train_id)
+ --atprint("instructed to call enter calback")
+ local node = advtrains.ndb.get_node(pos) --this spares the check if node is nil, it has a name in any case
+ local mregnode=minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
+ if mregnode and mregnode.advtrains and mregnode.advtrains.on_train_enter then
+ mregnode.advtrains.on_train_enter(pos, train_id)
+ end
+function o.call_leave_callback(pos, train_id)
+ --atprint("instructed to call leave calback")
+ local node = advtrains.ndb.get_node(pos) --this spares the check if node is nil, it has a name in any case
+ local mregnode=minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
+ if mregnode and mregnode.advtrains and mregnode.advtrains.on_train_leave then
+ mregnode.advtrains.on_train_leave(pos, train_id)
+ end
+-- Checks whether some other train (apart from train_id) has it's 0 zone here
+function o.check_collision(pos, train_id)
+ local npos = advtrains.round_vector_floor_y(pos)
+ local t = occget(npos)
+ if not t then return end
+ local i = 1
+ while t[i] do
+ if t[i]~=train_id then
+ if t[i+1] ~= 7 then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ i = i + 2
+ end
+ return false
+advtrains.occ = o