path: root/main.lua
diff options
authororwell96 <>2018-12-19 17:16:13 +0100
committerorwell96 <>2018-12-19 17:16:13 +0100
commit2ff8f5fd4649cff554cc6afab3d92ac7efedb809 (patch)
tree71d983033c622695f4e8dc4ab959bef5cdce5549 /main.lua
Initial version
Diffstat (limited to 'main.lua')
1 files changed, 230 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/main.lua b/main.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..460c29d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+-- advtrains track map generator
+-- Usage:...
+-- Viewport maximum coordinate in all directions
+local maxc = 5000
+-- embed an image called "world.png"
+local wimg = false
+-- image file resolution (not world resolution!)
+local wimresx = 3000
+local wimresy = 3000
+-- one pixel is ... nodes
+local wimscale = 4
+--Constant for maximum connection value/division of the circle
+AT_CMAX = 16
+advtrains = {}
+minetest = {}
+core = minetest
+--table for track nodes/connections
+trackconns = {}
+-- math library seems to be missing this function
+math.hypot = function(a,b) return math.sqrt(a*a + b*b) end
+-- need to declare this for trackdefs
+function attrans(str) return str end
+-- pos to string
+local function pts(pos)
+ return pos.x .. "," .. pos.y .. "," .. pos.z
+--Advtrains dump (special treatment of pos and sigd)
+function atdump(t, intend)
+ local str
+ if type(t)=="table" then
+ if t.x and t.y and t.z then
+ str=minetest.pos_to_string(t)
+ elseif t.p and t.s then -- interlocking sigd
+ str="S["..minetest.pos_to_string(t.p).."/"..t.s.."]"
+ else
+ str="{"
+ local intd = (intend or "") .. " "
+ for k,v in pairs(t) do
+ if type(k)~="string" or not string.match(k, "^path[_]?") then
+ -- do not print anything path-related
+ str = str .. "\n" .. intd .. atdump(k, intd) .. " = " ..atdump(v, intd)
+ end
+ end
+ str = str .. "\n" .. (intend or "") .. "}"
+ end
+ elseif type(t)=="boolean" then
+ if t then
+ str="true"
+ else
+ str="false"
+ end
+ elseif type(t)=="function" then
+ str="<function>"
+ elseif type(t)=="userdata" then
+ str="<userdata>"
+ else
+ str=""..t
+ end
+ return str
+-- Load saves
+local file, err ="advtrains", "r")
+local tbl = minetest.deserialize(file:read("*a"))
+if type(tbl) ~= "table" then
+ error("not a table")
+if tbl.version then
+ advtrains.ndb.load_data(tbl.ndb)
+ error("Incompatible save format!")
+-- open svg file
+local svgfile ="out.svg", "w")
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 20010904//EN"
+ "">
+<svg width="1024" height="800" xmlns=""
+ xmlns:xlink="" ]])
+svgfile:write('viewBox="'..(-maxc)..' '..(-maxc)..' '..(2*maxc)..' '..(2*maxc)..'" >')
+<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="2" stroke="red" stroke-width="1" />
+if wimg then
+ local wimx = -(wimresx*wimscale/2)
+ local wimy = -(wimresy*wimscale/2)
+ local wimw = wimresx*wimscale
+ local wimh = wimresy*wimscale
+ svgfile:write('<image xlink:href="world.png" x="'..wimx..'" y="'..wimy..'" height="'..wimh..'px" width="'..wimw..'px"/>')
+local function writec(text)
+ print(text)
+ svgfile:write("<!-- " .. text .. " -->\n")
+-- everything set up. Start generating an SVG
+-- All nodes that have been fit into a polyline are removed from the NDB, in order to not draw them again.
+-- "Restart points" for the breadth-first traverser (set when more than 2 conns present)
+-- {pos = <position>, connid = <int>, conn = <conndef>}
+-- Note that the node at "pos" is already deleted from the NDB at the time of recall, therefore "conn" is specified
+local bfs_rsp = {}
+-- Points of the current polyline. Inserted as xyz vectors, maybe we'll use the y value one day
+local current_polyline = {}
+-- Traverser function from interlocking, highly modified
+local function gen_rsp_polyline(rsp)
+ -- trick a bit
+ local pos, connid, conns = rsp.pos, 1, {rsp.conn}
+ current_polyline[#current_polyline+1] = pos
+ while true do
+ local adj_pos, adj_connid, conn_idx, nextrail_y, next_conns = advtrains.get_adjacent_rail(pos, conns, connid)
+ if not adj_pos then
+ return
+ end
+ -- continue traversing
+ local conn_mainbranch
+ for nconnid, nconn in ipairs(next_conns) do
+ if adj_connid ~= nconnid then
+ if not conn_mainbranch then
+ --use the first one found to continue
+ conn_mainbranch = nconnid
+ --writec(nconnid.." nconn mainbranch")
+ else
+ -- insert bfs reminders for other conns
+ table.insert(bfs_rsp, {pos = adj_pos, connid = nconnid, conn = nconn})
+ --writec(nconnid.." nconn bfs")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- save in polyline and delete from ndb
+ --writec("Saved pos: "..pts(adj_pos).." mainbranch cont "..conn_mainbranch.." nextconns "..atdump(next_conns))
+ current_polyline[#current_polyline+1] = adj_pos
+ advtrains.ndb.clear(adj_pos)
+ pos, connid, conns = adj_pos, conn_mainbranch, next_conns
+ end
+local function polyline_write(pl)
+ local str = {'<polyline style="fill:none;stroke:black;stroke-width:1" points="'}
+ local i
+ local e
+ local lastldir = {x=0, y=0}
+ for i=1,#pl do
+ e = pl[i]
+ -- Note that we mirror y, so positive z is up
+ table.insert(str, e.x .. "," .. -(e.z) .. " ")
+ end
+ table.insert(str, '" />\n')
+ svgfile:write(table.concat(str))
+-- while there are entries in the nodedb
+-- 1. find a starting point
+ local stpos, conns = advtrains.ndb.mapper_find_starting_point()
+while stpos do
+ writec("Restart at position "..pts(stpos))
+ for connid, conn in ipairs(conns) do
+ table.insert(bfs_rsp, {pos = stpos, connid = connid, conn = conn})
+ end
+ advtrains.ndb.clear(stpos)
+ -- 2. while there are BFS entries
+ while #bfs_rsp > 0 do
+ -- make polylines
+ local current_rsp = bfs_rsp[#bfs_rsp]
+ bfs_rsp[#bfs_rsp] = nil
+ --print("Starting polyline at "..pts(current_rsp.pos).."/"..current_rsp.connid)
+ current_polyline = {}
+ gen_rsp_polyline(current_rsp)
+ polyline_write(current_polyline)
+ end
+ stpos, conns = advtrains.ndb.mapper_find_starting_point()