path: root/hemiptera
diff options
authorGabriel Pérez-Cerezo <>2018-07-06 17:34:38 +0200
committerGabriel Pérez-Cerezo <>2018-07-06 17:34:38 +0200
commitc35389d77608fa78affe4eee331970897707bc97 (patch)
treec5edaedc030c5b5025e78aafd1ab22d0bba8b04a /hemiptera
first commit
Diffstat (limited to 'hemiptera')
1 files changed, 364 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hemiptera b/hemiptera
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7dc0bcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hemiptera
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+## Hemiptera:
+## Simple E-Mail-based Bugtracker
+# basedir
+# ├── bugcount <- File keeping track of the count of bugs
+# ├── bugs ← For direct access to bugs for fast reply indexing
+# │ ├── 388 ⇒ basedir/projects/foo-bar/388
+# │ └── 498 ⇒ basedir/projects/bar-baz/498
+# ├── inbox ← Emails arrive here
+# ├── lock ⇒ hemiptera:$PID ← Filesystem lock
+# ├── outbox
+# │ ├── 1529069051.7963576.bugreply
+# │ └── 1529069051.7971687.bugreply
+# ├── projects ← Directory containing bugs, sorted by directory
+# │ ├── foo-bar
+# │ │ ├── 388 ← Directory containing messages for bug 388
+# │ │ │ ├── 1528380502.4440382
+# │ │ │ ├── 1529069051.7901955
+# │ │ │ └── subscribers ← File containing subscribers of bug 388
+# │ │ └── devs.txt ← File containing addresses of developers of foo-bar
+# │ └── bar-baz
+# │ ├── [...]
+# └── unconfirmed
+# ├── 0f61caf5ff24b5871835801c008341e7347928ba
+# ├── 8751c708556bb583c19b6ed87a891c3f25b99e2b
+import email
+from email import policy
+from email.parser import BytesParser, Parser
+from email.utils import parseaddr
+import email.utils
+import sys
+import os
+import time
+from hemiptera_common import *
+import glob
+LOCKPATH =opj(basedir, "lock")
+class Bug :
+ def __init__(self, path) :
+ self.path = path
+ replies = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.path, "[0-9]*"))
+ def get_subs(self) :
+ if os.path.exists(opj(self.path, "subscribers")) :
+ with open(os.path.join(self.path, "subscribers"), "r+" ) as f :
+ return [line.strip() for line in f]
+ else :
+ return []
+ def set_subs(self, subs) :
+ with open(opj(self.path, "subscribers", "w" )) as f :
+ f.write("\n".join(subs))
+ f.close()
+ def get_message(self, i) :
+ # get i-th reply to the bug
+ f = open(replies[i], "rb")
+ m = BytesParser(policy=policy.default).parse(f)
+ f.close()
+ return m
+ def get_op(self) :
+ m = self.get_message(0)
+ return m["From"]
+ def get_subject(self) :
+ m = self.get_message(0)
+ return m["Subject"]
+def check_lock() :
+ if os.path.islink(LOCKPATH) :
+ sys.stderr.write("ERROR: Directory locked by "+os.readlink(LOCKPATH)+". Aborting\n")
+ sys.exit(255)
+def get_lock() :
+ """ Get a filesystem lock, as emacs does it (symlink to PID)"""
+ check_lock()
+ os.symlink("hemiptera:"+str(os.getpid()), LOCKPATH)
+def remove_lock() :
+ os.remove(LOCKPATH)
+def get_subs(bug) :
+ """ Get e-mail addresses of people who subscribed to bug """
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(bug, "subscribers")) :
+ with open(os.path.join(bug, "subscribers"), "r+" ) as f :
+ return [line.strip() for line in f]
+ else :
+ return None
+def write_subs(bug, subs) :
+ with open(os.path.join(bug, "subscribers"), "w") as f :
+ f.write("\n".join(subs))
+ f.close()
+def get_op(bug) :
+ r = glob.glob(os.path.join(bug, "[0-9]*"))
+ f = open(r[0], "rb")
+ m = BytesParser(policy=policy.default).parse(f)
+ f.close()
+ return m["From"]
+def write_message(path, m) :
+ """ Write message m to path """
+ f = open(path, "wb")
+ f.write(m.as_bytes())
+ f.close()
+def get_message_data(m) :
+ """ returns subject and content of message """
+ content = m.get_body("plain").get_content()
+ subject = m["Subject"]
+ return subject,content
+def get_from_addr(m) :
+ """ returns the from address of a message """
+ return parseaddr(m["From"])[1]
+def get_to_addr(m) :
+ """ returns the to address of a message """
+ return parseaddr(m["To"])[1]
+def generate_confirmation_id() :
+ """ Generates a confirmation ID for text """
+ return os.urandom(8).hex()
+def create_censored_message(msg, TrustedDate=False) :
+ """This transforms a mail message received by the script into a
+message which was stripped of any names and other personal information.
+Saved stuff:
+ - Email address (No name)
+ - Date
+ - Subject
+ - Body
+ - references and In-Reply-To (if they exist)
+In a further step, when generating HTML, e-mail addresses will also get stripped.
+The TrustedDate Parameter indicates whether the date from the message
+ is to be trusted. Otherwise, it is replaced with the date at which
+ this function is run.
+ """
+ m = email.message.EmailMessage()
+ m.set_payload(msg.get_body("plain").get_content(), charset="utf-8")
+ m["From"] = get_from_addr(msg)
+ m["To"] = get_to_addr(msg)
+ m["Subject"] = msg["Subject"]
+ if not "Date" in msg or not TrustedDate :
+ del m["Date"]
+ m["Date"] = email.utils.formatdate()
+ else :
+ m["Date"] = msg["Date"]
+ if "In-Reply-To" in msg :
+ m["In-Reply-To"] = msg["In-Reply-To"]
+ if "References" in msg:
+ m["References"] = msg["References"]
+ m["Message-ID"] = email.utils.make_msgid(domain=DOMAIN)
+ return m
+def gen_message(body,subject, to, fr, headers=None) :
+ r = email.message.EmailMessage()
+ r["To"] = to
+ r["From"] = fr
+ r["Subject"] = subject
+ r.set_payload(body, charset="utf-8")
+ os.makedirs(outbox, exist_ok=True)
+ fname = opj(outbox, str(time.time())+".bugreply")
+ write_message(fname, r)
+def reply(body, subject, to, bugid) :
+ """ This function generates a reply message"""
+ fr = str(bugid) + "@" + DOMAIN
+ gen_message(body,subject,to,fr)
+def get_project(bug) :
+ """Get project name for bug path pointing into global bug directory"""
+ dest = os.readlink(bug)
+ return dest.split(os.sep)[-2]
+def create_unconfirmed_bug(msg) :
+ ## send back confirmation message
+ get_lock()
+ fromaddr = get_from_addr(msg)
+ confid = generate_confirmation_id()
+ print("ID: "+confid)
+ bugpath = os.path.join(basedir, "unconfirmed" , confid)
+ fr = "confirm-bug@" + DOMAIN
+ subject, _ = get_message_data(msg)
+ gen_message(confid,subject,fromaddr,fr)
+ os.makedirs(bugpath)
+ m = create_censored_message(msg)
+ write_message(os.path.join(bugpath, "message"), m)
+ remove_lock()
+ return
+def create_bug(prname, msg) :
+ get_lock()
+ bak = open(opj(basedir, "bugcount.bak"), "w")
+ try :
+ bg = open("bugcount", "r+")
+ bugcount = int(
+ bak.write(str(bugcount))
+ bak.close()
+ bg.close()
+ bg = open("bugcount", "w")
+ except FileNotFoundError :
+ bg = open("bugcount", "w")
+ bg.write("0")
+ bugcount = 0
+ bg.close()
+ bg = open("bugcount", "w")
+ bugcount += 1
+ bg.write(str(bugcount))
+ bugpath = os.path.join(basedir, "projects" , prname,str(bugcount))
+ os.makedirs(bugpath)
+ subs = get_devs(prname)
+ fromaddr = get_from_addr(msg)
+ if fromaddr not in subs :
+ subs.append(fromaddr)
+ os.symlink( bugpath, os.path.join(bugdir, str(bugcount)), target_is_directory=True)
+ m = create_censored_message(msg)
+ subject,content = get_message_data(m)
+ write_message(os.path.join(bugpath, str(time.time())), m)
+ write_subs(bugpath, subs)
+ print(
+ """
+You have sent a bug report to %s.
+It has been processed under the id %d
+ """ % (prname, bugcount))
+ for sub in subs :
+ ### Send out an e-mail to each subscriber
+ reply(content, subject, sub, str(bugcount))
+ remove_lock()
+def reply_to_bug(bugname, msg) :
+ get_lock()
+ bug = os.path.join(bugdir, bugname)
+ fromaddr = get_from_addr(msg)
+ cm = create_censored_message(msg)
+ subject,content = get_message_data(cm)
+ write_message(os.path.join(bug, str(time.time())), cm)
+ print("""
+Your reply to bug ID %s has been processed
+ """%bugname)
+ subs = get_subs(bug)
+ if not fromaddr in subs :
+ subs.append(fromaddr)
+ write_subs(bug, subs)
+ for sub in subs :
+ reply(content, subject, sub, bugname)
+ remove_lock()
+def process_command(bugname, msg) :
+ bug = os.path.join(bugdir, bugname)
+ fromaddr = get_from_addr(msg)
+ cm = create_censored_message(msg)
+ subject,content = get_message_data(cm)
+ if "%close" in content :
+ f = open(opj(bug, "closed"), "w")
+ f.write(cm["Date"])
+ f.close()
+ subs = get_subs(bug)
+ for sub in subs :
+ reply("This bug was closed", "Bug #%s closed" % bugname, sub, bugname)
+def import_bugs() :
+ """ Imports bugs from Inbox """
+ os.makedirs(inbox, exist_ok=True)
+ for i in os.listdir(inbox) :
+ g = open(opj(inbox, i), "rb")
+ m = BytesParser(policy=policy.default).parse(g)
+ process_message(m)
+ os.remove(opj(inbox, i))
+def process_message(m) :
+ toaddr = get_to_addr(m)
+ os.makedirs(bugdir, exist_ok=True)
+ dest = toaddr.split("@")[0]
+ if dest in prlist :
+ create_unconfirmed_bug(m)
+ elif dest in os.listdir(bugdir) :
+ reply_to_bug(dest, m)
+ elif dest.split("-")[0] in os.listdir(bugdir) and dest.split("-")[1] == "command" :
+ ### Process command
+ print("Command spotted")
+ process_command(dest.split("-")[0],m)
+ elif dest.startswith("confirm-bug") :
+ unconf_dir = opj(basedir, "unconfirmed")
+ subject, content = get_message_data(m)
+ for i in os.listdir(unconf_dir) :
+ if i in content :
+ f = open(opj(unconf_dir, i, "message"), "rb")
+ m = BytesParser(policy=policy.default).parse(f)
+ f.close()
+ p = parseaddr(m["To"])[1].split("@")[0]
+ create_bug(p,m)
+ import shutil
+ shutil.rmtree(opj(unconf_dir, i))
+ exit(0)
+ print("Invalid activation id")
+ else :
+ print("Invalid message")
+# m = BytesParser(policy=policy.default).parse(g)
+# fromaddr = get_from_addr(m)
+# toaddr = get_to_addr(m)
+# subject,content = get_message_data(m)
+# bugdir = os.path.join(basedir, "bugs")
+# os.makedirs(bugdir, exist_ok=True)
+# prname = toaddr.split("@")[0]
+# print(prname)
+# if prname in prlist :
+# create_unconfirmed_bug(m)
+# elif prname in os.listdir(bugdir) :
+# reply_to_bug(prname, m)
+# elif prname.split("-")[0] in os.listdir(bugdir) and prname.split("-")[1] == "command" :
+# ### Process command
+# print("Command spotted")
+# process_command(prname.split("-")[0],m)
+# elif prname.startswith("confirm-bug") :
+# unconf_dir = opj(basedir, "unconfirmed")
+# for i in os.listdir(unconf_dir) :
+# if i in content :
+# f = open(opj(unconf_dir, i, "message"), "rb")
+# m = BytesParser(policy=policy.default).parse(f)
+# f.close()
+# p = parseaddr(m["To"])[1].split("@")[0]
+# create_bug(p,m)
+# import shutil
+# shutil.rmtree(opj(unconf_dir, i))
+# exit(0)
+# print("Invalid activation id")
+# else :
+# print("Invalid message")