path: root/src/utility.h
diff options
authorPerttu Ahola <>2011-10-12 13:53:38 +0300
committerPerttu Ahola <>2011-10-12 13:53:38 +0300
commit9e46cbf7ea512330f35d0f2ede0c7c0c085c7cf4 (patch)
treef937a97b67b5ecd0ee65ed9a845e6e4a640bb629 /src/utility.h
parentb60b58b627f078faba002401d300b522e0077efc (diff)
Header file tweaking; mainly for speed
Diffstat (limited to 'src/utility.h')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 551 deletions
diff --git a/src/utility.h b/src/utility.h
index 2fefd8667..f8cc34984 100644
--- a/src/utility.h
+++ b/src/utility.h
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#include <jthread.h>
#include <jmutex.h>
#include <jmutexautolock.h>
+#include <cstring>
#include "common_irrlicht.h"
#include "debug.h"
@@ -553,8 +554,10 @@ private:
u32 *m_result;
+#ifndef SERVER
// Sets the color of all vertices in the mesh
void setMeshVerticesColor(scene::IMesh* mesh, video::SColor& color);
// Calculates the borders of a "d-radius" cube
inline void getFacePositions(core::list<v3s16> &list, u16 d)
@@ -939,557 +942,6 @@ public:
- Config stuff
-enum ValueType
- VALUETYPE_FLAG // Doesn't take any arguments
-struct ValueSpec
- ValueSpec(ValueType a_type, const char *a_help=NULL)
- {
- type = a_type;
- help = a_help;
- }
- ValueType type;
- const char *help;
-class Settings
- Settings()
- {
- m_mutex.Init();
- }
- void writeLines(std::ostream &os)
- {
- JMutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex);
- for(core::map<std::string, std::string>::Iterator
- i = m_settings.getIterator();
- i.atEnd() == false; i++)
- {
- std::string name = i.getNode()->getKey();
- std::string value = i.getNode()->getValue();
- os<<name<<" = "<<value<<"\n";
- }
- }
- bool parseConfigLine(const std::string &line)
- {
- JMutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex);
- std::string trimmedline = trim(line);
- // Ignore comments
- if(trimmedline[0] == '#')
- return true;
- //dstream<<"trimmedline=\""<<trimmedline<<"\""<<std::endl;
- Strfnd sf(trim(line));
- std::string name ="=");
- name = trim(name);
- if(name == "")
- return true;
- std::string value ="\n");
- value = trim(value);
- /*dstream<<"Config name=\""<<name<<"\" value=\""
- <<value<<"\""<<std::endl;*/
- m_settings[name] = value;
- return true;
- }
- // Returns false on EOF
- bool parseConfigObject(std::istream &is)
- {
- if(is.eof())
- return false;
- /*
- NOTE: This function might be expanded to allow multi-line
- settings.
- */
- std::string line;
- std::getline(is, line);
- //dstream<<"got line: \""<<line<<"\""<<std::endl;
- return parseConfigLine(line);
- }
- /*
- Read configuration file
- Returns true on success
- */
- bool readConfigFile(const char *filename)
- {
- std::ifstream is(filename);
- if(is.good() == false)
- {
- dstream<<"Error opening configuration file \""
- <<filename<<"\""<<std::endl;
- return false;
- }
- dstream<<"Parsing configuration file: \""
- <<filename<<"\""<<std::endl;
- while(parseConfigObject(is));
- return true;
- }
- /*
- Reads a configuration object from stream (usually a single line)
- and adds it to dst.
- Preserves comments and empty lines.
- Settings that were added to dst are also added to updated.
- key of updated is setting name, value of updated is dummy.
- Returns false on EOF
- */
- bool getUpdatedConfigObject(std::istream &is,
- core::list<std::string> &dst,
- core::map<std::string, bool> &updated)
- {
- JMutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex);
- if(is.eof())
- return false;
- // NOTE: This function will be expanded to allow multi-line settings
- std::string line;
- std::getline(is, line);
- std::string trimmedline = trim(line);
- std::string line_end = "";
- if(is.eof() == false)
- line_end = "\n";
- // Ignore comments
- if(trimmedline[0] == '#')
- {
- dst.push_back(line+line_end);
- return true;
- }
- Strfnd sf(trim(line));
- std::string name ="=");
- name = trim(name);
- if(name == "")
- {
- dst.push_back(line+line_end);
- return true;
- }
- std::string value ="\n");
- value = trim(value);
- if(m_settings.find(name))
- {
- std::string newvalue = m_settings[name];
- if(newvalue != value)
- {
- dstream<<"Changing value of \""<<name<<"\" = \""
- <<value<<"\" -> \""<<newvalue<<"\""
- <<std::endl;
- }
- dst.push_back(name + " = " + newvalue + line_end);
- updated[name] = true;
- }
- return true;
- }
- /*
- Updates configuration file
- Returns true on success
- */
- bool updateConfigFile(const char *filename)
- {
- dstream<<"Updating configuration file: \""
- <<filename<<"\""<<std::endl;
- core::list<std::string> objects;
- core::map<std::string, bool> updated;
- // Read and modify stuff
- {
- std::ifstream is(filename);
- if(is.good() == false)
- {
- dstream<<"INFO: updateConfigFile():"
- " Error opening configuration file"
- " for reading: \""
- <<filename<<"\""<<std::endl;
- }
- else
- {
- while(getUpdatedConfigObject(is, objects, updated));
- }
- }
- JMutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex);
- // Write stuff back
- {
- std::ofstream os(filename);
- if(os.good() == false)
- {
- dstream<<"Error opening configuration file"
- " for writing: \""
- <<filename<<"\""<<std::endl;
- return false;
- }
- /*
- Write updated stuff
- */
- for(core::list<std::string>::Iterator
- i = objects.begin();
- i != objects.end(); i++)
- {
- os<<(*i);
- }
- /*
- Write stuff that was not already in the file
- */
- for(core::map<std::string, std::string>::Iterator
- i = m_settings.getIterator();
- i.atEnd() == false; i++)
- {
- if(updated.find(i.getNode()->getKey()))
- continue;
- std::string name = i.getNode()->getKey();
- std::string value = i.getNode()->getValue();
- dstream<<"Adding \""<<name<<"\" = \""<<value<<"\""
- <<std::endl;
- os<<name<<" = "<<value<<"\n";
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- /*
- NOTE: Types of allowed_options are ignored
- returns true on success
- */
- bool parseCommandLine(int argc, char *argv[],
- core::map<std::string, ValueSpec> &allowed_options)
- {
- int i=1;
- for(;;)
- {
- if(i >= argc)
- break;
- std::string argname = argv[i];
- if(argname.substr(0, 2) != "--")
- {
- dstream<<"Invalid command-line parameter \""
- <<argname<<"\": --<option> expected."<<std::endl;
- return false;
- }
- i++;
- std::string name = argname.substr(2);
- core::map<std::string, ValueSpec>::Node *n;
- n = allowed_options.find(name);
- if(n == NULL)
- {
- dstream<<"Unknown command-line parameter \""
- <<argname<<"\""<<std::endl;
- return false;
- }
- ValueType type = n->getValue().type;
- std::string value = "";
- if(type == VALUETYPE_FLAG)
- {
- value = "true";
- }
- else
- {
- if(i >= argc)
- {
- dstream<<"Invalid command-line parameter \""
- <<name<<"\": missing value"<<std::endl;
- return false;
- }
- value = argv[i];
- i++;
- }
- dstream<<"Valid command-line parameter: \""
- <<name<<"\" = \""<<value<<"\""
- <<std::endl;
- set(name, value);
- }
- return true;
- }
- void set(std::string name, std::string value)
- {
- JMutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex);
- m_settings[name] = value;
- }
- void set(std::string name, const char *value)
- {
- JMutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex);
- m_settings[name] = value;
- }
- void setDefault(std::string name, std::string value)
- {
- JMutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex);
- m_defaults[name] = value;
- }
- bool exists(std::string name)
- {
- JMutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex);
- return (m_settings.find(name) || m_defaults.find(name));
- }
- std::string get(std::string name)
- {
- JMutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex);
- core::map<std::string, std::string>::Node *n;
- n = m_settings.find(name);
- if(n == NULL)
- {
- n = m_defaults.find(name);
- if(n == NULL)
- {
- dstream<<"INFO: Settings: Setting not found: \""
- <<name<<"\""<<std::endl;
- throw SettingNotFoundException("Setting not found");
- }
- }
- return n->getValue();
- }
- bool getBool(std::string name)
- {
- return is_yes(get(name));
- }
- bool getFlag(std::string name)
- {
- try
- {
- return getBool(name);
- }
- catch(SettingNotFoundException &e)
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- // Asks if empty
- bool getBoolAsk(std::string name, std::string question, bool def)
- {
- // If it is in settings
- if(exists(name))
- return getBool(name);
- std::string s;
- char templine[10];
- std::cout<<question<<" [y/N]: ";
- std::cin.getline(templine, 10);
- s = templine;
- if(s == "")
- return def;
- return is_yes(s);
- }
- float getFloat(std::string name)
- {
- return stof(get(name));
- }
- u16 getU16(std::string name)
- {
- return stoi(get(name), 0, 65535);
- }
- u16 getU16Ask(std::string name, std::string question, u16 def)
- {
- // If it is in settings
- if(exists(name))
- return getU16(name);
- std::string s;
- char templine[10];
- std::cout<<question<<" ["<<def<<"]: ";
- std::cin.getline(templine, 10);
- s = templine;
- if(s == "")
- return def;
- return stoi(s, 0, 65535);
- }
- s16 getS16(std::string name)
- {
- return stoi(get(name), -32768, 32767);
- }
- s32 getS32(std::string name)
- {
- return stoi(get(name));
- }
- v3f getV3F(std::string name)
- {
- v3f value;
- Strfnd f(get(name));
- value.X = stof(","));
- value.Y = stof(","));
- value.Z = stof(")"));
- return value;
- }
- u64 getU64(std::string name)
- {
- u64 value = 0;
- std::string s = get(name);
- std::istringstream ss(s);
- ss>>value;
- return value;
- }
- void setBool(std::string name, bool value)
- {
- if(value)
- set(name, "true");
- else
- set(name, "false");
- }
- void setS32(std::string name, s32 value)
- {
- set(name, itos(value));
- }
- void setFloat(std::string name, float value)
- {
- set(name, ftos(value));
- }
- void setV3F(std::string name, v3f value)
- {
- std::ostringstream os;
- os<<"("<<value.X<<","<<value.Y<<","<<value.Z<<")";
- set(name, os.str());
- }
- void setU64(std::string name, u64 value)
- {
- std::ostringstream os;
- os<<value;
- set(name, os.str());
- }
- void clear()
- {
- JMutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex);
- m_settings.clear();
- m_defaults.clear();
- }
- Settings & operator+=(Settings &other)
- {
- JMutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex);
- JMutexAutoLock lock2(other.m_mutex);
- if(&other == this)
- return *this;
- for(core::map<std::string, std::string>::Iterator
- i = other.m_settings.getIterator();
- i.atEnd() == false; i++)
- {
- m_settings.insert(i.getNode()->getKey(),
- i.getNode()->getValue());
- }
- for(core::map<std::string, std::string>::Iterator
- i = other.m_defaults.getIterator();
- i.atEnd() == false; i++)
- {
- m_defaults.insert(i.getNode()->getKey(),
- i.getNode()->getValue());
- }
- return *this;
- }
- Settings & operator=(Settings &other)
- {
- JMutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex);
- JMutexAutoLock lock2(other.m_mutex);
- if(&other == this)
- return *this;
- clear();
- (*this) += other;
- return *this;
- }
- core::map<std::string, std::string> m_settings;
- core::map<std::string, std::string> m_defaults;
- // All methods that access m_settings/m_defaults directly should lock this.
- JMutex m_mutex;
FIFO queue (well, actually a FILO also)
template<typename T>