diff options
authorDiego Martinez <kaeza@users.sf.net>2014-05-19 23:23:43 -0300
committerDiego Martinez <kaeza@users.sf.net>2014-05-19 23:23:43 -0300
commit8695476bebaea7469ea1aaf4c13ec8e020353d39 (patch)
First commit.
5 files changed, 421 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/API.md b/doc/API.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bee7c42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/API.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+## Extended Ban Mod API
+### ban_player
+`xban.ban_player(player_or_ip, source, expires, reason)`
+Ban a player and all of his/her alternative names and IPs.
+#### Arguments:
+* `player_or_ip` - Player to search for and ban. See note 1 below.
+* `source` - Source of the ban. See note 2 below.
+* `expires` - Time at which the ban expires. If nil, ban is permanent.
+* `reason` - Reason for ban.
+### unban_player
+`xban.unban_player(player_or_ip, source)`
+Unban a player and all of his/her alternative names and IPs.
+#### Arguments:
+* `player_or_ip` - Player to search for and unban.
+* `source` - Source of the ban. See note 2 below.
+### Notes
+* 1: If player is currently online, all his accounts are kicked.
+* 2: Mods using the xban API are advised to use the `"modname:source"`
+format for `source` (for example: `"anticheat:main"`).
diff --git a/doc/dbformat.txt b/doc/dbformat.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71b25a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/dbformat.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+Database is a regular Lua script that returns a table.
+Table has a single named field `timestamp' containing the time_t the
+DB was last saved. It's not used in the mod and is only meant for
+external use (I don't find filesystem timestamps too reliable).
+Next is a simple array (number indices) of entries.
+Each entry contains following fields:
+[1] = {
+ -- Names/IPs associated with this entry
+ names = {
+ ["foo"] = true,
+ ["bar"] = true,
+ [""] = true,
+ },
+ banned = true, -- Whether this user is banned
+ -- Other fields do not apply if false
+ time = 12341234, -- Time of last ban (*1)
+ expires = 43214321 -- Time at which ban expires (*2)
+ -- If nil, permanent ban
+ reason = "asdf", -- Reason for ban
+ source = "qwerty", -- Source of ban (*2)
+ record = {
+ [1] = {
+ source = "asdf",
+ reason = "qwerty",
+ time = 12341234,
+ expires = 43214321,
+ },
+ [1] = {
+ source = "asdf",
+ reason = "Unbanned", -- When unbanned
+ time = 12341234,
+ },
+ },
+(*1) All times are expressed in whatever unit `os.time()' uses
+ (`time_t' on most (all?) systems).
+(*2) Mods using the xban API are advised to use the "modname:source"
+ format for `source' (for example: "anticheat:main").
diff --git a/init.lua b/init.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef6143e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/init.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+xban = { }
+local MP = minetest.get_modpath(minetest.get_current_modname())
+local db = { }
+local tempbans = { }
+local DEF_SAVE_INTERVAL = 300 -- 5 minutes
+local DEF_DB_FILENAME = minetest.get_worldpath().."/xban.db"
+local DB_FILENAME = minetest.setting_get("xban.db_filename")
+local SAVE_INTERVAL = tonumber(
+ minetest.setting_get("xban.db_save_interval")) or DEF_SAVE_INTERVAL
+if (not DB_FILENAME) or (DB_FILENAME == "") then
+local function make_logger(level)
+ return function(text, ...)
+ minetest.log(level, "[xban] "..text:format(...))
+ end
+local ACTION = make_logger("action")
+local INFO = make_logger("info")
+local WARNING = make_logger("warning")
+local ERROR = make_logger("error")
+local unit_to_secs = {
+ s = 1, m = 60, h = 3600,
+ D = 86400, W = 604800, M = 2592000, Y = 31104000,
+ [""] = 1,
+local function parse_time(t) --> secs
+ local secs = 0
+ for num, unit in t:gmatch("(%d+)([smhDWMY]?)") do
+ secs = secs + (tonumber(num) * (unit_to_secs[unit] or 1))
+ end
+ return secs
+function xban.find_entry(player, create) --> entry, index
+ for index, e in ipairs(db) do
+ for name in pairs(e.names) do
+ if name == player then
+ return e, index
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if create then
+ local e = {
+ names = { [player]=true },
+ banned = false,
+ record = { },
+ }
+ table.insert(db, e)
+ return e, #db
+ end
+ return nil
+function xban.get_info(player) --> ip_name_list, banned, last_record
+ local e = xban.find_entry(player)
+ if not e then
+ return nil, "No such entry"
+ end
+ return e.names, e.banned, e.record[#e.record]
+function xban.ban_player(player, source, expires, reason) --> bool, err
+ local e = xban.find_entry(player, true)
+ local rec = {
+ source = source,
+ time = os.time(),
+ expires = expires,
+ reason = reason,
+ }
+ table.insert(e.record, rec)
+ e.names[player] = true
+ local pl = minetest.get_player_by_name(player)
+ if pl then
+ local ip = minetest.get_player_ip(player)
+ if ip then
+ e.names[ip] = true
+ end
+ end
+ e.reason = reason
+ e.time = rec.time
+ e.expires = expires
+ e.banned = true
+ local msg
+ local date = (expires and os.date("%c", expires)
+ or "the end of time")
+ if expires then
+ table.insert(tempbans, e)
+ msg = ("Banned: Expires: %s, Reason: %s"):format(date, reason)
+ else
+ msg = ("Banned: Reason: %s"):format(reason)
+ end
+ for nm in pairs(e.names) do
+ minetest.kick_player(nm, msg)
+ end
+ ACTION("%s bans %s until %s for reason: %s", source, player,
+ date, reason)
+ ACTION("Banned Names/IPs: %s", table.concat(e.names, ", "))
+ return true
+function xban.unban_player(player, source) --> bool, err
+ local e = xban.find_entry(player)
+ if not e then
+ return nil, "No such entry"
+ end
+ local rec = {
+ source = source,
+ time = os.time(),
+ reason = "Unbanned",
+ }
+ table.insert(e.record, rec)
+ e.banned = false
+ e.reason = nil
+ e.expires = nil
+ e.time = nil
+ ACTION("%s unbans %s", source, player)
+ ACTION("Unbanned Names/IPs: %s", table.concat(e.names, ", "))
+ return true
+minetest.register_on_prejoinplayer(function(name, ip)
+ local e = xban.find_entry(name) or xban.find_entry(ip, true)
+ e.names[name] = true
+ e.names[ip] = true
+ if e.banned then
+ local date = (e.expires and os.date("%c", e.expires)
+ or "the end of time")
+ return ("Banned: Expires: %s, Reason: %s"):format(
+ date, e.reason)
+ end
+minetest.register_chatcommand("xban", {
+ description = "XBan a player",
+ params = "<player> <reason>",
+ privs = { ban=true },
+ func = function(name, params)
+ local plname, reason = params:match("(%S+)%s+(.+)")
+ if not (plname and reason) then
+ minetest.chat_send_player(name,
+ "Usage: /xban <player> <reason>")
+ return
+ end
+ xban.ban_player(plname, name, nil, reason)
+ minetest.chat_send_player(name,
+ ("Banned %s."):format(plname))
+ end,
+minetest.register_chatcommand("xtempban", {
+ description = "XBan a player temporarily",
+ params = "<player> <time> <reason>",
+ privs = { ban=true },
+ func = function(name, params)
+ local plname, time, reason = params:match("(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(.+)")
+ if not (plname and time and reason) then
+ minetest.chat_send_player(name,
+ "Usage: /xtempban <player> <time> <reason>")
+ return
+ end
+ time = parse_time(time)
+ if time < 60 then
+ minetest.chat_send_player(name,
+ "You must ban for at least 60 seconds.")
+ return
+ end
+ local expires = os.time() + time
+ xban.ban_player(plname, name, expires, reason)
+ minetest.chat_send_player(name,
+ ("Banned %s until %s."):format(
+ plname, os.date("%c", expires)))
+ end,
+minetest.register_chatcommand("xunban", {
+ description = "XUnBan a player",
+ params = "<player_or_ip>",
+ privs = { ban=true },
+ func = function(name, params)
+ local plname = params:match("%S+")
+ if not plname then
+ minetest.chat_send_player(name,
+ "Usage: /xunban <player_or_ip>")
+ return
+ end
+ local ok, e = xban.unban_player(plname, name)
+ minetest.chat_send_player(name,
+ ("Unbanned %s."):format(plname))
+ end,
+local function check_temp_bans()
+ minetest.after(60, check_temp_bans)
+ local to_rm = { }
+ local now = os.time()
+ for i, e in ipairs(tempbans) do
+ if e.expires and (e.expires <= now) then
+ table.insert(to_rm, i)
+ e.banned = false
+ e.expires = nil
+ e.reason = nil
+ e.time = nil
+ end
+ end
+ for _, i in ipairs(to_rm) do
+ table.remove(tempbans, i)
+ end
+local function save_db()
+ minetest.after(SAVE_INTERVAL, save_db)
+ local ok
+ local f, e = io.open(DB_FILENAME, "wt")
+ db.timestamp = os.time()
+ if f then
+ ok, e = f:write(xban.serialize(db))
+ WARNING("Unable to save database: %s", e)
+ end
+ if f then f:close() end
+ return
+local function load_db()
+ local f, e = io.open(DB_FILENAME, "rt")
+ if not f then
+ WARNING("Unable to load database: %s", e)
+ return
+ end
+ local cont
+ cont, e = f:read("*a")
+ if not cont then
+ WARNING("Unable to load database: %s", e)
+ return
+ end
+ local t = minetest.deserialize(cont)
+ if not t then
+ WARNING("Unable to load database: %s",
+ "Deserialization failed")
+ return
+ end
+ db = t
+ tempbans = { }
+ for _, entry in ipairs(db) do
+ if entry.banned and entry.expires then
+ table.insert(tempbans, entry)
+ end
+ end
+-- Backup database
+ DB_FILENAME.."."..os.date("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"))
+minetest.after(SAVE_INTERVAL, save_db)
+xban.db = db
diff --git a/serialize.lua b/serialize.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9177d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/serialize.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+local function repr(x)
+ if type(x) == "string" then
+ return ("%q"):format(x)
+ else
+ return tostring(x)
+ end
+local function my_serialize_2(t, level)
+ level = level or 0
+ local lines = { }
+ local indent = (" "):rep(level)
+ for k, v in pairs(t) do
+ local typ = type(v)
+ if typ == "table" then
+ table.insert(lines,
+ indent..("[%s] = {\n"):format(repr(k))
+ ..my_serialize_2(v, level + 1).."\n"
+ ..indent.."},")
+ else
+ table.insert(lines,
+ indent..("[%s] = %s,"):format(repr(k), repr(v)))
+ end
+ end
+ return table.concat(lines, "\n")
+function xban.serialize(t)
+ return "return {\n"..my_serialize_2(t, 1).."\n}"
diff --git a/shutil.lua b/shutil.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8ca269
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shutil.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+shutil = { }
+function shutil.copy_file(src, dst)
+ local e, sf, df, cont, ok
+ sf, e = io.open(src, "rb")
+ if not sf then
+ return nil, "Error opening input: "..(e or "")
+ end
+ df, e = io.open(dst, "wb")
+ if not df then
+ sf:close()
+ return nil, "Error opening output: "..(e or "")
+ end
+ cont, e = sf:read("*a")
+ if not cont then
+ sf:close()
+ df:close()
+ return nil, "Error reading input: "..(e or "")
+ end
+ ok, e = df:write(cont)
+ if not ok then
+ sf:close()
+ df:close()
+ return nil, "Error writing output: "..(e or "")
+ end
+ sf:close()
+ df:close()
+ return true
+function shutil.move_file(src, dst)
+ local ok, e = shutil.copy_file(src, dst)
+ if not ok then
+ return nil, "Copy failed: "..(e or "")
+ end
+ ok, e = os.remove(src)
+ if not ok then
+ return nil, "Remove failed: "..(e or "")
+ end
+ return true