diff options
authorY. Wang <yw05@forksworld.de>2021-12-28 10:26:03 +0100
committerY. Wang <yw05@forksworld.de>2022-01-18 14:15:09 +0100
commitc6526091a90dd19cbf3904722aa37ec2d3f60759 (patch)
parent3aa0ae7a5f7be1a292254d93f18c704eca442dd5 (diff)
Add graph illustrating the "finish route" buttons
Based on https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?p=404223#p404223
1 files changed, 15 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/assets/manual/manual.tex b/assets/manual/manual.tex
index bf46e75..4abf1eb 100644
--- a/assets/manual/manual.tex
+++ b/assets/manual/manual.tex
@@ -3,12 +3,13 @@
\def\pgfsysdriver{pgfsys-dvisvgm4ht.def} % for HTML output
@@ -668,6 +669,19 @@ You can also click ``Finish route at the end of NEXT section'' at the starting T
If the TCB is not considered suitable for route continuation, please check that the side of the TCB from which the train passes the TCB is part of a track section and that the train can reach there without passing a point assigned to another TCB. If you see ``Advancing over next section is impossible at this place. End of interlocking.'', please check that the side of the TCB corresponding to the driving direction is part of a track section.
+ \draw [->] (-0.5,1) node [left] {Finish route HERE} -- (4.5,1);
+ \draw [->,blue,very thick] (0,1) -- (2,1);
+ \draw [->] (-0.5,0) node [left] {Finish route at the end of NEXT section}-- (4.5,0);
+ \draw [->,blue,very thick] (0,0) -- (4,0);
+ \foreach \y in {1,0} {
+ \draw (0,\y) pic [xscale=-1] {signal=red} node [below] {$P$};
+ \foreach \x/\l in {2/Q,4/R} {
+ \draw (\x,\y) pic {tcb} node [below] {$\l$};
+ }
+ }
After finishing the route, you are prompted for the name of the route. It is recommended to use a sensible name. You should then see the route formspec. If you don't, click on the name of the route you just created and click ``Edit route'', and proceed to the next section regarding ARS.
\subsection{Automatic routesetting}\label{s:ilars}