diff options
authorY. Wang <yw05@forksworld.de>2022-07-03 21:54:30 +0200
committerY. Wang <yw05@forksworld.de>2022-10-15 01:18:35 +0200
commit2bef357930cc44fe7b467b55a34459ce56bcc987 (patch)
parenta475d77886e6c318a0ba51daaa2d569991c13ad3 (diff)
Add names of diamond crossings and turnouts
6 files changed, 35 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/.build.yml b/.build.yml
index 303348f..6c4d697 100644
--- a/.build.yml
+++ b/.build.yml
@@ -1,33 +1,12 @@
image: debian/stable
- git
-- curl
-- minetest-server
-- unzip
-- wget
- lua-busted
sources :
- https://git.sr.ht/~gpcf/advtrains
-- download_mt_server: |
- mkdir bin
- wget https://lifomaps.de/advtrains-test/builtin.tar.gz
- tar xf builtin.tar.gz
- curl https://lifomaps.de/advtrains-test/minetestserver -o ~/bin/minetestserver
- chmod +x ~/bin/minetestserver
-- install_mt_game : |
- curl -L https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/archive/master.zip -o master.zip
- mkdir -p .minetest/games/
- cd .minetest/games
- unzip ../../master.zip
- mv minetest_game-master minetest_game
-- install_test_world: |
- mkdir -p .minetest/worlds/
- curl https://lifomaps.de/advtrains-test/testworld.tar.gz -o ~/testworld.tar.gz
- cd .minetest/worlds/
- tar xf ../../testworld.tar.gz
- run_unit_tests : |
cd advtrains/advtrains
@@ -35,14 +14,3 @@ tasks:
cd ../serialize_lib
-- activate_test_env: |
- cd advtrains
- git merge --no-commit origin/luaatcdebug
-- install_advtrains : |
- mkdir .minetest/mods
- cp -r advtrains .minetest/mods
- cd .minetest/mods
- git clone https://git.bananach.space/basic_trains.git/
-- run_test_world: |
- echo "bind_address =" > minetest.conf
- ~/bin/minetestserver --port 31111 --gameid minetest_game --config ~/minetest.conf --world ~/.minetest/worlds/advtrains_testworld
diff --git a/advtrains/locale/advtrains.de.tr b/advtrains/locale/advtrains.de.tr
index 313c1b1..10d4a92 100644
--- a/advtrains/locale/advtrains.de.tr
+++ b/advtrains/locale/advtrains.de.tr
@@ -96,8 +96,11 @@ Track Worker Tool@n@nLeft-click: change rail type (straight/curve/switch)@nRight
Passive Component Naming Tool@n@nRight-click to name a passive component.=PC-Benennungswerkzeug@n@nRechtsklick zur Benennung der passiven Komponente
Train copy/paste tool@n@nLeft-click: copy train@nRight-click: paste train=Werkzeug zur Erstellung von Zugkopien@n@nLinksklick: Zug ins Clipboard kopieren@nRight-click: Kopierten Zug einfügen
-Perpendicular Diamond Crossing Track=Perpendicular Diamond Crossing Track
-45/90 Degree Diamond Crossing Track=45/90 Degree Diamond Crossing Track
+Perpendicular Diamond Crossing Track=Kreuzung mit zueinander orthogonalen Gleisen
+Diagonal Diamond Crossing Track=Diagonale Gleiskreuzung
+90+Angle Diamond Crossing Track=Kreuzung mit einem achsenparallelen Gleis
+3-way turnout=Dreiwegweiche
Unloading Track=Abladungsgleis
Loading Track=Beladungsgleis
diff --git a/advtrains/locale/advtrains.fr.tr b/advtrains/locale/advtrains.fr.tr
index f5f2fbb..cc966d4 100644
--- a/advtrains/locale/advtrains.fr.tr
+++ b/advtrains/locale/advtrains.fr.tr
@@ -97,7 +97,10 @@ Passive Component Naming Tool@n@nRight-click to name a passive component.=Outil
Train copy/paste tool@n@nLeft-click: copy train@nRight-click: paste train=Outil de copie/collage de train@n@nClic-Gauche : copie@n@nClic-Droit : collage
Perpendicular Diamond Crossing Track=Croisement de voie perpendiculaire en losange
-45/90 Degree Diamond Crossing Track=Croisement de voie à 45°/90° en losange
+Diagonal Diamond Crossing Track=Diagonal Diamond Crossing Track
+90+Angle Diamond Crossing Track=90+Angle Diamond Crossing Track
+3-way turnout=3-way turnout
Unloading Track=Voie de Déchargement
Loading Track=Voie de Chargement
diff --git a/advtrains/locale/advtrains.zh_CN.tr b/advtrains/locale/advtrains.zh_CN.tr
index cab874e..6203230 100644
--- a/advtrains/locale/advtrains.zh_CN.tr
+++ b/advtrains/locale/advtrains.zh_CN.tr
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# Advtrains Core (unorganized)
This wagon is owned by @1, you can't destroy it.=这是 @1 的车厢,您不能摧毁它。
-Warning: If you destroy this wagon, you only get some steel back! If you are sure, hold Sneak and left-click the wagon.=警告:如果您摧毁此车厢,您只能拿到一些钢方块。如果您确定要摧毁这个车厢,请按潜行键并左键单击此车厢。
+Warning: If you destroy this wagon, you only get some steel back! If you are sure, hold Sneak and left-click the wagon.=警告:如果您摧毁此车厢,您只能拿到一些钢方块。如果您确定要摧毁这节车厢,请按潜行键并左键单击此车厢。
This position is protected!=这里已被保护。
Can't place: not pointing at node=无法放置:您没有选择任何方块。
Can't place: space occupied!=无法放置:此区域已被占用。
@@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ ATC command parse error: Unknown command: @1=ATC 语法错误:未知命令:@
# Coupling
Lock couples=锁定连接处
-You need to own at least one neighboring wagon to destroy this couple.=您必须至少拥有其中一个车厢才能解耦这两个车厢。
+You need to own at least one neighboring wagon to destroy this couple.=您必须至少拥有其中一节车厢才能分开这两节车厢。
Buffer and Chain Coupler=链式车钩
Scharfenberg Coupler=Scharfenberg 式车钩
Japanese Train Inter-Wagon Connection=日本火车车钩
-Can not couple: The couplers of the trains do not match (@1 and @2).=您无法连接这两个车厢:这两个车厢使用不同的车钩 (@1和@2)。
+Can not couple: The couplers of the trains do not match (@1 and @2).=您无法连接这两节车厢:这两节车厢使用不同的车钩 (@1和@2)。
# Clipboard
The track you are trying to place the wagon on is not long enough!=轨道太短。
@@ -97,16 +97,19 @@ Passive Component Naming Tool@n@nRight-click to name a passive component.=被动
Train copy/paste tool@n@nLeft-click: copy train@nRight-click: paste train=火车复制工具@n@n左键单击:复制@n右键单击:粘帖
Perpendicular Diamond Crossing Track=垂直交叉轨道
-45/90 Degree Diamond Crossing Track=45度交叉轨道
+Diagonal Diamond Crossing Track=交叉轨道
+90+Angle Diamond Crossing Track=交叉轨道 (其中一条轨道与坐标轴平行)
+3-way turnout=三开道岔
Unloading Track=卸货轨道
Loading Track=装货轨道
Detector Rail=探测轨道
@1 Slope=@1斜坡
-@1 Platform (low)=50cm 高的@1站台
-@1 Platform (high)=1m 高的@1站台
-@1 Platform (low, 45 degree)=50cm 高的@1站台 (45°)
-@1 Platform (45 degree)=1m 高的@1站台 (45°)
+@1 Platform (low)=较低的@1站台
+@1 Platform (high)=较高的@1站台
+@1 Platform (low, 45 degree)=较低的@1站台 (45°)
+@1 Platform (45 degree)=较高的@1站台 (45°)
Lampless Signal=臂板信号机
Wallmounted Signal (l)=壁挂式信号灯 (左侧)
diff --git a/advtrains/locale/advtrains.zh_TW.tr b/advtrains/locale/advtrains.zh_TW.tr
index dd22ca9..a483277 100644
--- a/advtrains/locale/advtrains.zh_TW.tr
+++ b/advtrains/locale/advtrains.zh_TW.tr
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# Advtrains Core (unorganized)
This wagon is owned by @1, you can't destroy it.=這是 @1 的車廂,您不能摧毀它。
-Warning: If you destroy this wagon, you only get some steel back! If you are sure, hold Sneak and left-click the wagon.=警告:如果您摧毀此車廂,您只能拿到一些鋼方塊。如果您確定要摧毀這個車廂,請按潛行鍵並左鍵單擊此車廂。
+Warning: If you destroy this wagon, you only get some steel back! If you are sure, hold Sneak and left-click the wagon.=警告:如果您摧毀此車廂,您只能拿到一些鋼方塊。如果您確定要摧毀這節車廂,請按潛行鍵並左鍵單擊此車廂。
This position is protected!=這裡已被保護。
Can't place: not pointing at node=無法放置:您沒有選擇任何方塊。
Can't place: space occupied!=無法放置:此區域已被佔用。
@@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ ATC command parse error: Unknown command: @1=ATC 語法錯誤:未知命令:@
# Coupling
Lock couples=鎖定連結處
-You need to own at least one neighboring wagon to destroy this couple.=您必須至少擁有其中一個車廂才能解耦這兩個車廂。
+You need to own at least one neighboring wagon to destroy this couple.=您必須至少擁有其中一節車廂才能分開這兩節車廂。
Buffer and Chain Coupler=鏈式連結器
Scharfenberg Coupler=Scharfenberg 式連結器
Japanese Train Inter-Wagon Connection=日本火車連結器
-Can not couple: The couplers of the trains do not match (@1 and @2).=您無法連結這兩個車廂:這兩個車廂使用不同的連結器 (@1和@2)。
+Can not couple: The couplers of the trains do not match (@1 and @2).=您無法連結這兩節車廂:這兩節車廂使用不同的連結器 (@1和@2)。
# Clipboard
The track you are trying to place the wagon on is not long enough!=軌道太短。
@@ -97,16 +97,19 @@ Passive Component Naming Tool@n@nRight-click to name a passive component.=被動
Train copy/paste tool@n@nLeft-click: copy train@nRight-click: paste train=火車複製工具@n@n左鍵單擊:複製@n右鍵單擊:粘帖
Perpendicular Diamond Crossing Track=垂直交叉軌道
-45/90 Degree Diamond Crossing Track=45/90度交叉軌道
+Diagonal Diamond Crossing Track=交叉軌道
+90+Angle Diamond Crossing Track=交叉軌道 (其中一條軌道與座標軸平行)
+3-way turnout=三開道岔
Unloading Track=卸貨軌道
Loading Track=裝貨軌道
Detector Rail=探測軌道
@1 Slope=@1斜坡
-@1 Platform (low)=50cm 高的@1月臺
-@1 Platform (high)=1m 高的@1月臺
-@1 Platform (low, 45 degree)=50cm 高的@1月臺 (45°)
-@1 Platform (45 degree)=1m 高的@1月臺 (45°)
+@1 Platform (low)=較低的@1月臺
+@1 Platform (high)=較高的@1月臺
+@1 Platform (low, 45 degree)=較低的@1月臺 (45°)
+@1 Platform (45 degree)=較高的@1月臺 (45°)
Lampless Signal=臂木式號誌機
Wallmounted Signal (l)=壁掛式色燈號誌機 (左側)
diff --git a/advtrains/locale/template.txt b/advtrains/locale/template.txt
index 5d10c15..f63aa5f 100644
--- a/advtrains/locale/template.txt
+++ b/advtrains/locale/template.txt
@@ -97,7 +97,10 @@ Passive Component Naming Tool@n@nRight-click to name a passive component.=Passiv
Train copy/paste tool@n@nLeft-click: copy train@nRight-click: paste train=Train copy/paste tool@n@nLeft-click: copy train@nRight-click: paste train
Perpendicular Diamond Crossing Track=Perpendicular Diamond Crossing Track
-45/90 Degree Diamond Crossing Track=45/90 Degree Diamond Crossing Track
+Diagonal Diamond Crossing Track=Diagonal Diamond Crossing Track
+90+Angle Diamond Crossing Track=90+Angle Diamond Crossing Track
+3-way turnout=3-way turnout
Unloading Track=Unloading Track
Loading Track=Loading Track