path: root/assets
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authorY. Wang <yw05@forksworld.de>2021-11-24 16:43:34 +0100
committerY. Wang <yw05@forksworld.de>2021-11-24 16:43:34 +0100
commit7968bfd11ebb39b0d89133af33a23c5d09ba8c49 (patch)
tree2a0a0a773f910b791a25e736af41f262c4cda922 /assets
parentc38a130718c1469b0abcd4e8b32b5d42e9bfc38e (diff)
Simplify TCB section graph
Diffstat (limited to 'assets')
1 files changed, 13 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/assets/manual2/manual.tex b/assets/manual2/manual.tex
index 070d02a..80dc3a0 100644
--- a/assets/manual2/manual.tex
+++ b/assets/manual2/manual.tex
@@ -61,7 +61,10 @@
@@ -504,27 +507,17 @@ The two sides of the TCB are assigned based on the orientation of the tracks. In
In terms of interlocking, track sections are segments of tracks that can be occupied by a train or reserved for a train to pass. The following graph shows TCBs and sections along a line segment. For simplicity, letters are used instead of actual coordinates and IDs.
- \draw[<->] (-2,0) -- (7,0);
+ \draw[<->] (-2,0) node [left] {W} -- (7,0) node [right] {E};
% first TCB
- \node at (-2.5,0) {W};
- \node at (7.5,0) {E};
- \draw (0,-0.5) -- (0,1.5);
- \node at (0,2) {TCB assigned to $P$};
- \draw[->,Red] (0,0.5) -- (-1.5,0.5);
- \node[text=Red] at (-2,0.5) {A};
- \node at (-1.25,1) {Section $a$};
- \draw[->,ForestGreen] (0,0.5) -- (1.5,0.5);
- \node[text=ForestGreen] at (2,0.5) {B};
- \node at (1.25,1) {Section $b$};
-p % second TCB
- \draw (5,-0.5) -- (5,1.5);
- \node at (5,2) {TCB assigned to $Q$};
- \draw[->,Red] (5,0.5) -- (3.5,0.5);
- \node[text=Red] at (3,0.5) {A};
- \node at (3.75,1) {Section $b$};
- \draw[->,ForestGreen] (5,0.5) -- (6.5,0.5);
- \node[text=ForestGreen] at (7,0.5) {B};
- \node at (6.25,1) {EOI};
+ \draw (0,-0.5) -- ++(0,2) node [above] {TCB assigned to $P$};
+ \draw (0,1) node [left] {Section $a$} node [right] {Section $b$};
+ \draw[->,Red] (0,0.5) -- +(-1.5,0) node [left] {A};
+ \draw[->,ForestGreen] (0,0.5) -- +(1.5,0) node [right] {B};
+ %second TCB
+ \draw (5,-0.5) -- ++(0,2) node [above] {TCB assigned to $Q$};
+ \draw (5,1) node [left] {Section $b$} node [right] {EOI};
+ \draw[->,Red] (5,0.5) -- +(-1.5,0) node [left] {A};
+ \draw[->,ForestGreen] (5,0.5) -- +(1.5,0) node [right] {B};
Section $a$ begins at the side A of $P$ (sometimes written as $P/\mathrm{A}$) and extends to the west beyond the graph. Section $b$ is limited by $P/\mathrm{B}$ and $Q/\mathrm{A}$, effectively spanning the line segment $\overline{PQ}$. $Q/\mathrm{B}$ is not part of any track section and is therefore known as \textit{end of interlocking} or \textit{EOI}, as the track beyond it is not part of the interlocking system.